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840. aNuH


One who is smaller than

the smallest we could imagine like atom.HE exists indide the smallest space in

the heart called dhaharakasa in all beings. This denotes His immanence.


The ashtaaisvaryas, the

eight powers, aNimaa, mahimaa etc. which one acquires through yoga is natural

to the Lord and the following slokas describe them. The siddhis also come to

His devotees such as Hanuman who had the power to make himself small, big,

kight, heavy etc. This sloka refers to the power called aNima , to make oneself

smaller than the smallest.


841. brhath


The next siddhi is mahima,

to make oneself larger that the largest. Uopanishats refer to Brahman as aNoraNeeyaan mahatho maheeyaan, smaller

than the smallest and the larger than the largest. This refers to the

transcendence of the Lord, allpervading, as the word brhath means big.Hence the

nam Brahman to the allpervading supreme self. In purushasuktha it is said sa

bhoomim viSvatho vrthvaa aDhyathishTath dhasaangulam. The Lord pervaded the

whole universe and exceeded it dhasa angula , meaning immeasurable.


842. krSaH


This refers to the siddhi

called laghimaa, to make one lighter than the lightest. The Lord could be with

form or formless and this denotes His antharyaamithvam, the capacity of being

the innerself of all.


843.. sThoolaH


This is the siddhi called

garimaa, to make oneself heavier than the heaviest. The Lord has the whole

universe as His Sareera and hence He is the heaviest.


844. guNabhrth


The Lord has anantha

kalyanagunas infinitely auspicious qualities. Also He is the controller of the

three gunas , sathva rajas and thamas and bears the universe , bhrth, composed

of threegunas. This refers to the siddhi called eeSithvam , ruling over all



845. nirguNaH


He is without gunas,

meaning that He is not under the spell of the three gunas and therefore though

the whole universe idsHis sareera Heis not tainted by the impurites that exist

in the universe due to the gunas. He has gunas under His contro and thi nama

refers to vaSithvam, or mastery , one of the siddhis.


846. mahaan


He is Supreme beyond comprehension.

This refers to His sathya sankalpa , iirrefutable will, and the siddhi called

praakaamyathvam, the power of achieving wht one desires.


847. aDhrthaH


Not controlled by anyone

or anything. Unconstrained to achieve

anything. This refers to the last siddhi, namely praapthi, attaining what one



848. svaDhrthaH


He is supported by His own



849. svaasyaH


He who has supreme status.

Sobhanam aasya yasya saH . aasya

means status.


850. praagvamSaH


He is the origin of

all vamsa means clan such as Soorya

vamsa, etc. and The Lord is the first fromwhom all creation came about and

hence He is praagvamsa.


851. vamSavarDhanaH


He who cause the growth of

the three knids of jeeva, namely, nithya, muktha and baddha. Nithya s are the

Nithyasooris who are always with the Lord. Mukthas are those who have been bound

by karma but freed from it and have attained the Lord. Baddhas are the rest who

are still under the spell of karma but are His devotees.iT is mentioned in

Dayasathakam by Vedanta desika that the Lord is, like a farmer , interested in

producing a rich harvest of devotees.


852. bhaarhbhrth


He takes on as His burden,

protecting and sustaining his devotees as He had said in the Gita


chinthayatho mam ye janaaH paryupaasathe;

theshaam nithyaabhiyukthaanaam yogaj kshemam


For those people, who think of me without any other

thought and persistent in my devotion always , I take care of their welfare.

853. kaThitho


He whose greatness is

extolled by Vedas and puranas.


854. yogee


Yujyathe ithi yogaH. The Lord is called yogi because He brings together

that which are impossible to unite.The whole world is made of conflicting gunas assembled together by Him.

The aghatithaghatanaa saamarThyam.


Yogena labhyathe ithi

yogee. He could be attained thtough jnana, bhakthi and karma yogas.




Yogeenaam eesaH. yogeSvaraH sarveSvaraH vaa. Sanjaya calls Him yogesvara in the last sloka of

the Gita . Yathra yogeSvaraH krishNaH. The

Lord of all yogis.


856. sarvakaamadhaH


One who gives all that is





Sarveshaam viSraamapadhasThaanam. He s the place of rest for those who have been

fatigued after roaming around the forest of samsara. He who serves as an abode

of rest for the seekers. Who have strted

on their path towards the supreme goal. parapadhpraapthaye

prsThithsya viSraamasThaanam ekam


858. SramaNaH


SramaNa means thapasvee.

Refers to the Nara

narayana aavatara. He makes it possible for those who have not completed their

yoga to continue it in the next birth while causing those who are avivekis to experience the

result of their karma, in order to give them discrimination




One who gives strength for

those who have swerved from yoga to continue in next life.


860. suparNaH


One who has beautiful

wings, which refers to the incarnation as Hamsa to teach the sanakaadhi. The

word parna meaning wing, su means good He is called suparna also because He

makes the seekers to cross the ocean of samsara.paarayathi samyak ithi


861. vaayuvaahanaH


Vayu may mean Garuda

because of his swiftness and the Lord is vaayvaahana, having garuda as His

vehicle, or vayu taken to mean the wind.god, the Lord is vaayuvaahana, in the

sense that He activates everything through the wind, vayu. Vaahayathi ith vaahanaH.




























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