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Who is Greater

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My Dear Friends,I am reproducing the contents of an email I received in another group who discuss our spirituality. This is from the book "Saings of Ramakrishana". Quote in red.


Parmahamsa (1836-1886 CE) says:

461. Once a dispute arose among the learned men at the

court of the Maharajah of Burdwan as to who was

the greater of the two Deities, Siva and Vishnu. Some of

the courtiers said that Siva was the greater, while the others gave the

preference to Vishnu. When the dispute grew hot, a wise Pandit remarked,

"Sir, I have seen neither Siva nor Vishnu. How can I say who is the

greater of the two?" Do not try to compare one Deity

with another. When you see one of the Deities, you will come to know that they

are all the manifestations of the same Brahman.


Panickaraum namaH Shivaaya OUR BODY IS THE ABODE OF THE JEEVATMAN, WHICH IS IN FACT THE PARABRAHMAN. LET US NOT MAKE IT A GRAVEYARD. LET US NOT EAT FLESH. LET US BE VEGETARIANS AND STAY HEALTHY. Animals are to be loved, not eaten. Eating flesh is good neither for the mind nor for the intellect, not even for

the body. It distorts the basic character of human.

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