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881. vihaayasagathiH


The devotees reach the

paramapadham supreme state through Him.vihaaysam

gamyathe asmaath.


Vihayasam gathiH asya ithi, meaning that His abode is paramapadham


882. jyothiH


In the Gita the Lord says



agni jyotir-ahah Suklah shaNmaasaa uttaraayaNam

tatra prayaataa gacchanti brahma brahmavido janaah


The light of fire, day,

the bright fortnight and the six months of the northern course of the Sun, the

knowers f Brahman leaving by this path attain Brahmapadha.


Jyothi is the first step

towards paramapadham known as archis. As the patha s aella s the goal is the

Lord He is mentioned as the different steps towards paramapadham.


The alternate meaning is ,

the one who shines of His own accord.




This denotes ahaH , day mentioned in the sloka

quoted above. The second step tpwards paramapadha.


Alteanat meaning is , His

effulgence is beautiful, auspicious and attaractive.


884. huthabhuk vibhuH


Huthabhuk means the moon

who imbibes nectar , that is Moon. vibhuH means fully grown . So the two

together means full moon or waxing moon signifying the bright fortnight, SuklaH in the sloka.Thethird step



Taken as two namas huthbhi


means the one who takes the offering in the sacrifices and vibhu means





The fourth step namely the uttharaayana, Sun in

summer solistice.


The alternate meaning is ,

su rooyathe, well praised by sthothras.




dvaabhyAm ayana-gatibhyaam samvatsaro

rathena virocayati iti virocanaH


The Sun moving in his

chariot through the two ayanas, that is a year. The fifth step in the archoradhi



The alternate meaning, is,

viviDham rochtha ithi virochanaH He

osf many splendours


887. sooryaH


vaayuH sadhaa sarathi yasmaath ithi sooryaH. The wind moves from Him.The Lord says in the Gita, pavanaH pavathaam asmi, I am the wind

of all that moves. The sixth step in the archradhimarga.


Alternate meaning, is,

soothe sarvam ithi sooryaH. One from

whom everything comes about.


888. savithaa


Sooryadhvaraa vrshti sasyaadhikam soothe ithi


One who produces rain and crops through the

Sun. This is the seventh step of archiradhimarga.


Or sarvasaya prasavithaa, He who creates the universe.


889. ravilochanaH


The Moon , Indra and

Varuna are illuminated by the Sun's rays and hence this denotes the 8th,9th

and tenth steps of the archiradhi marga.


The general meaning is, raviHchakshuH asya ithi, meaning the

Sun is His eye.




huthabhuk denotes

Indra and bhoktha means Brahma. Indra partakes the offering in the

sacrifices. Brahma is denoted as bhoktha as he is the creator and enjoys his

creations like the father does with his offsprings. The Lord is the anatha

huthabhuk bholtha as He is the infinite source of all Indtras and Brahmas in

different kalpas. This nama refers to the last two steps of archiradhi marga

when Indra and Brham are said to lead the soul to paramapadha.


The nam is taken as three

, anantha, meaning the infinite, huthbhuk , meaning the enjoyer of the

offerings in the sacrifices and bhokth, the enjoyer of the all the offerings,

sacric fices or otherwise.



One who gives bliss for

those who have reached paramapadha




Na ekadhaH paranthu aneakdhaH. His boons are numerous


893. agrajaH


He manifests Himself

before the muj kthas who reach the paramapadha with Sree




He is never despondent regarding

the progress of His devotees.


895. sadhaamarshee


Sadhaa mrshyatghe, kshamathe. He is always patient.


896. lokaaDhishTaanam


He is the substratum of the universe


897. adhbhuthaH


Due to all these qualities

and powers He is wonderful


898. sanaath


Sanaathi ithi. Gives His darsanam to His devotees.



sambajnaath He gives oerfect

enjoyment to the mukthas who have reached the paramapadham


899. sanaathanathamaH


Most ancient


900. kapilaH


Effulgent of radiant forms.


901. kapiravyayaH


He also enjoys the

everlasting bliss. Kam means bliss. Kam paathi thi kapiH


902,903,904- svasthidhaH, svasthikrth, svasthiH


Su asthi ithi svasthi, denotes auspiciousness.svasthidhaH one who provides auspiciousness. Svasthikrth one who does

auspicious acts.svasthiH one who is

of auspicious form.


905. svasthibhuk


Protector of



906. svasthidhakshiNaH


Svasthi dhaathum samarThaH. One who is adept in bestowing auspicious things.


907. aroudhraH


Not fierce in act or will

or anger. Always saathvik. He assumes anger when o punishing the offenders of

His devotees. Ha e has no enmity towards anyone, as he says in the Gita samo aham sarvabhootehshu na me dhveshyo

asthi na priyaH. "I m equal towards all . There is no enemy or friend for



908. kundalee


Wears kundala


909. chakree


Holds discus in His arm.


910. vikaremee


viSesham padhavikshepam asya ithi. He has a special mode of step. Refers to His

thrivikram avatara.


911. oorjitha SaasanaH


Of infallible valour




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