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Dear Guruvayurappan Devotees,

In the Bhagavad Gita, Lord Krishna, who is none other than the Supreme Being, has given several assurances and also made a number of revelations and declarations for the benefit of human beings. Either on account of ignorance or indifference to scriptures that we turn a blind ey to these declarations. Let us focus our attention on one such assurance. Says the Lord-----


Antakale cha maameva

smaran muktva kalevaram

Yah prayati sa madbhavam

Yaati naastyatra sandehaha(chapter 8 Verse5)

What does this sloka mean? Very simple. The LORD assures that whoever remembers Him at the time of death, merges in Him. He declares that there is no doubt about this. Let me add a word of caution here. The expression,"at the time of death" should not be taken in its literal sense. In the first place none on this earth knows what is his time of death. Secondly, at the time of death, are we sure that our physical instruments and faculties like the throat, toungue,lips and our memory and capability to take the name of the Lord will be functioning effectively? In the Mukundamala,the sage KULASEKHARA ALWAR says-----

.........Prana prayana samaye kapha vata pithaih Kantavarodhana vidhau smaranam kutaste

It means "when the soul is ready to depart,when the bile,air and phlegm choke my throat,how will I ever remember your holy name?"

Well, If we are not accustomed to taking the name of the Lord when all our faculties are functioning effeiciently, how can we take the Holy name of the Lord only at the moment of death? The message of the Gita to us through the above-mentioned sloka is that we should keep repeating the name of the Lord during every second of our existence. Most of us have a tendency to procrastinate or postpone undertaking of any type of Sadhana. Namasmaranam and Namasankeertanam are not to be postponed for a future date.' Do it today and in this very birth itself', say the scriptures.

In the 6th Skandam chapter2 slokas 17 to 19 of Srimad Bhagavatam it has been said as follows:-

Those who utter the name of the Lord in a spirit of helpless supplication during the last moments of their lives on this earth,quickly get cleared of the sins accumulated during many births and reach HIM without fail.....The name of the Lord,uttered with or without awareness of its power and sanctity,destroys completely the sins of human beings,just as Agni totally consumes the fuel."

(to be continued)



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