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He is beyond expression by

words. The Upanishad says,


Yatho vaacho nivarthanthe apraapya mansaa saha. From whom

the speech returns with the mind wo iy thout reaching HIm


913. Sabdha sahaH


He listens to the sound of

even the beings not endowed with speech as He did in the case of Gajendhra.


914. SisiraH



saSathi, athithvarayaa gathaH ithi. Goes with

great speed. In protecting Gajendhra the Lord rushed to help dragging Garuda

behind Him.SaSa means a rabbit which gets the name from SaSathi , moves fast.


915. SarvareekaraH


Sr means himsaa and Sarvaree means the weapons of destruction The Lord came to protect

Gajendhra with all His five weapons on hand.


916. akrooraH


The Lord is not cruel. Even

to the wrongdoers he is kind till the last moment givng them a chanceto reform.

Even to Rvana Rama gave him a reprieve when e stood weaponless and told him to

go and come the next day. In gajendhra episode He pulled both the elephant and

the crocodile to the shore and when the crocodile did l not let go of the

elephant then only He killed it swiftly with the disc. Moreover His retribution is for redemption as the

crocodile was a gandharva who was released from his curse.


917. peSalaH


Sambhramath ayathaayatha

srag-bhooshaambara ramaNeeyaH - peSalaH.


On coming to

save Gajendhra He was wearing His ornaments and dress in a chaotic manner due

to His hurry and it was beautiful to look at.Pesala means beautiful.


918. dhakshaH


Swift . He came swiftly to

save Gajendhra


919. dhakshiNaH


Skilled in protecting the



920. kshamiNaam varaH


One who has forbearance.

Rama is described as kshamayaa prthvee

samaH, equal to earth in patience.




Most knowledgeable being



922. veethabhayaH


veethaH bhayaH yena. One who dispelled the fear of gajendhra.


923. puNyaH SravaNa keerthanaH


Hearing His exploits

removes sins. The story of Gajendhra is punya which by listening removes sins.




One who lifted both gajendhra

and the crocodile


925. dhushkrthihaa


Destroyer of evil doers.




One who purifies those who

listent to His stories.


927. dhussvapnanaasanaH


Hearing the Gajendhra

episode is supposed to remove bad dreams.




He removed the ties of Gajendhra

and have him moksha.




The protector of His



930. santhaH


Santhanothi ithi santhaH. He spreads the fame ofHis devotees.




Jeevayathi praaNyathi ithi. He gives life.



932. paryavasThithaH


One who exists everywhere

, all around.


933. anantharoopaH


One who has infinite



934. anantha SreeH


His glory is also infinite

as asid in the Gita naantho asthi mama

dhivayaanaam vibhootheenaam, there is no end of His manifestations.


935. jithamanyuH


One who has conquered

anger, being hrsheekesa, the master of the senses.


936. bhayaapahaH


He removes the fear of His



937. chathuraSrah


One who is skilled in



938. gabheeraathmaa


He is unfathomable.


939. vidhiSaH


One who gives various

fruits of karma to all.


940. vyaadhiSaH


He confers the posts to



941. dhiSaH


Dhisathi ithi.


He points out the various

fruits of karma through the Vedas.























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