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Deat Krishna Bhaktas, How do we perceive ourselves? At the lowest end of the scale, we see ourselves as weak,sense-bound and helpless whereas, at the highest end we are the divine incarnation radiating love,compassion and fearlessness. God,who dwells in the heart of all beings as their very self(Isvarah Sarvabhutanaam Hridese Thishtathi Arjuna(verse 61 of chapter 18 of Gita) and ( Mamaivaamso Jivaloke Jivabhootah Sanatanah(verse 7 of chapter 15 of Gita), incarnates Himself as man to redeem man from finitude and fear. Ramakrishna Paramahimsa says God and His name,nami and nama are non-different. By taking shelter in His name, we take shelter in God Himself. When we ,absorbed in our worldly pursuits,pleasures,worries etc. become aware of the existence of God as an ocean of love,and His manifestation in an incarnation, we cease

to be a wordly man,a samsari, and become a

bhakta,a devotee and begin a life of spirituality. This is upasana,worship,by which we commences a new chapter in our life as an upasaka,worshipper.


Srimad Bhagavatam says:-

"Fallen in the terrible (ocean of ) of worldliness and feeling helpless, if man takes recourse to His name ,which is the fear of fear itself,he shall immediately be redeemed."(Apannah samsritim ghoram yannaama vivaso grnan Tatah sadyo vimuchyeta yadbibheti svayam bhayam Skandam1 chapter 1 sloka 14).

Loving devotion to a personal God who is the ocean of Love and compassion and enjoying the stories of His Lila, as an incornation, constant remembrance of Him and taking His holy Name, dedicating all actions as His worship, and serving all beings in a spirit of worshipping Him---all these constitute the forms of upasana, after we take the first step from a life of worldiness to a life of spirituality. To such a spiritual seeker God acts as a powerful magnet,the attraction of which is in direct proportion to the overcoming of the impurities of his /her heart. By the term'heart' we should not understand the physical instrument which pumps blood to all parts of the physical body. Heart refers to the Antahkarana and it consists of all postive and noble stendencies like Love of all beings ,Compassion,Sympathy,Helping tendency, Willingness to sacrifice etc. etc.


Srimad Bhagavatam stresses the importance of the remembrance of God and repetition of His Name for effecting the purification referred to above.

(to be continued)G.Balasubramanian







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