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{viprasamhitha} Ekadasi Vratam

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Dear Pankaja,Thanks for your treatise on Ekadasi Vrata. You have stated that if Shraddham occurs on Ekadasi day it should be performed on Dwadasi. On this very issue, some 2,3 months back learned Vipras of this Group admonished me for making a statement that Sraddha can not be performed on Ekadasi day. Pl. quote scriptural authorty for your statements so that learned Vipras can accept your statements.G.BalasubramanianPankaja

<pankaja_nadgirviprasamhitha (AT) googl (DOT) comSent: Tue, October 13, 2009 11:33:20 PM{viprasamhitha} Re: Ekadasi Vratam

Dear Geetha,


Below are details --




EkAdhashi Vratha begins with the sankalpa on the Dasami day, fasting on the Ekadhasi day & pArane on Dvadashi day. The evening meals on the Dasami & Dvadashi days along with abstaining from both the meals on the Ekadhashi day will make a total of four meals forbidden on these 3 days.


Shri Vishnu Sahasra nAma stothram calls HIM Ekasmai Namaha meaning salutations to the ONE. So in the very name of Ekadhasi Shri Hari is present & so it is a very auspicious day. Since Shri Hari is the presiding deity for Ekaadashi, it is also called 'Haridina' meaning a day to be dedicated entirely for worshipping Him, meditating upon Him, listening to His glory & studying the scriptures. Sri Purandara Dasaru says vrathagalellavu hardina vrathadahinde. This is a unique concept of the followers of Dvaita philosophy.

Observance of Ekadashi by fasting & meditating on the Divinity with implicit faith, is an excellent reflection of sathva guna. The Lord mentions in the Gita that none born of prakruthi is free from the influence of three gunas, viz, Sathva, Rajas & Thamas. Of the three gunas, sathva is given the highest place because the jeeva in whom sathva guna dominates moves towards the Nivruthi marga i.e., Jnana-Bhakthi-Vairagya-Moksha. To such souls, God reveals Himself. Ekadashi observance cleanses the mind & paves the way for Jnana. It is an established fact that when one does not take food even though there is a desire for it, there will be increase in self-control & it develops a strong will power. One who controls hunger will be away from sin because hunger is the root cause of many a sins. Srimad Acharya says in krishNAmrutha mahArNava

that the fire of merit that accrues from observing an Ekadhasi reduces to ashes the sins of hundreds of births.


The moon is not in its full glory during Ekadashi due to its movement. The food that is, therefore, consumed on these days remain undigested. Moon is the solicitation deity for food. UpavAsa does not mean mere fasting, it means sAmEpya vAsa (dwelling in proximity to the Lord) with archana, japa, katha shravana, nirAhara & jAgarna. So, after setting apart sometime to basic necessities the whole day & night is to be spent in thinking about His glories. Even if Shraadha falls on this day, it is to be performed on the Dwadasi day only. VarAha purana says the pregnant woman, mothers of young children & those who are very weak can partake fruits like dates, banana, grapes, coconut milk, milk, curds & grains which are not cooked. All sins indulged in by the body & mind are wiped out by UpavAsa


It has been discussed before in the list (KrishnAmrutha Maharnava).

There is another occasion for two days of fasting when Dvadashi has a contactof the Shravana star & reigns during the afternoon. Such a Dvadashi is called Shravana Dvadashi. So along with a fast on Ekadhashi, it is compulsory to fast on Shravana Dvadashi day. Shravana is the Lord's star & the day associated with the Lord is Haridhina. It is sacred. Shastras permit some relaxation for the aged & the sick in fasting on the first day but not on Shravana Dvadashi. During a year, Shravana Dvadashi fasting generally comes thrice, Bhaadrapada Shukla Dvadashi, Maagha Bahula dvadashi & Phaalguna Bahula dvadashi.


Ekadhashi is a fasting day to atone for our sins of indulging in undesirable acts through Dashendriyas. It is a Vaishnava Vratha which is greater than all Yaagas & its power to destroy sins is unmatched if we follow the dos & don'ts of it strictly.


Worship, meditate & think about Him.

Keep awake during the night of Ekadhashi.

Make a sankalpa for three day vow.

Break the fast on the Dwadasi day as per rules.

On Ekaadashi, take theertha only once no thulasi to be eaten & have only angaara mark(Black mark) on the forehead.

Tell the greatness of Ekaadashi to others.

Perform Ekaadashi shraadha on Dvadashi day.

If shraadha falls on sadhana dwadaashi day, serve food to the brahmins before Dvadashi passes off.

Even on vridhi, suthaka days, ekadhashi is to be observed.

Even while in their periods, women have to observe Ekadashi.









Do nots

No food, water or sleep.

No sleep during day time on Dasami, Ekadashi & Dvadashi.

The first part of Dvadashi thithi is called Harivaasara & no food to be taken during that period.

No cooked food to be offered as Naivedya on Ekadashi. No Ramaa (Lakshmi) naivedhya.

No shraadha or homa on Ekaadashi day.




The last part of Dasami Viddha Ekadashi viddha Ekadashi & the first part of Dwadashi are known as Harivaasara. These are also ausipicious & merit fasting. On Dasami harivaaSara day, food is to be taken before the time mentioned in the panchaanga since ekaadashi will encroach on Dasami after that time. On Dwaadhashi harivaasara day, food should be taken after the time limit mentioned since dwaadhashi may not have come before that time. During harivaasara, no homa, no tharpana, no Ramaa naivedhya to be performed. Shrimad Acharya in his KrishnAmrutha Maharnava says"A thousand solar eclipses, ten thousand Vyateepaataas & a lakh of amaavaasyas do not have one sixteeth merit of the auspiciousness of Dwaadhashi. Hence the supremacy of the Dwadaashi has the greatest punya




dashamee divase parapte vrathastoham janaardana thridinam devadevesha nirvigham kuru keshava (Brahmavaivartha puraanam)

Janaardhana! Today being Dasami, I am ready for the three day vow. Oh, Lord! Deva Deva! Keshava! ss that no obstacles come in the way of my vow.


ekaadashyam niraharaha sthithvahani parehyaham bhookshyaami pundareekaaksha saranam me bhavaachyutha (Brihannaaradeeya puraanama XXI-15)

After fasting on Ekadhashi, I will eat on Dwadaashi, Please be my refuge, Oh, Achyutha!


adhyashvasheha niraahaaro bhoothvaaham dwaadashee dine vidhaasye paaranam dheva preetho bhava ma maanisham (Varaaha puraanam)

I will be on a fast tonight & tomorrow & break the fast on Dwaadashi. Lord! may you be pleased.


ajnaana thimiraandhasya vratenaanena keshava Praseeda sumukho natha jnaanadristi prado bhava (Brihannaradeeya puraanam, XXI- 20)

Oh Lord! Keshava! I am blinded by the darkness of ignorance. By my undertaking this fast on Ekadashi, may it please you to bless me with the light of knowledge.


ekaadasyupavaasena dwaadashee paaranenacha yadaarijitham mayaa punyam thena preenathu keshavah (Brahmavaivartha Puraanam)

May Lord Keshava be pleased with the merit that accrued to me by fasting on Ekaadashi & breaking the fast on Dwaadashi.


na kAshi na gaya ganga na rewa cha gowthamI na chApi kauravam kshathram, thulyambhoopa haredrinaath (Padma purAnam)

That sacred rivers like Ganga, Narmada, Godavari etc & holy places like Kashi, Gaya, Kurushetra etc., cannot equal the merit of Ekaadhashi vratha.


bhAgavatharodagodi upavAsa jAgara ondhina mAdalillA rAgadhi shukamuni pELdha harikaThesuyOgavembodhilla nIguvamThe bhava bhayava bhakuthi vairAgyavembodhilla yOgivamdhe gOpAlavitTala thalebhAgi ninnane bedikombe

HyAmge mAdalayya kRuShNa pOguthidhe Ayushya | mangaLAnga bhava bhamga bidisi ninna dingarigana mAdo anangajanakA ||

--- On Tue, 10/13/09, Geetha Ramana <geethaa.tvm wrote:

Geetha Ramana <geethaa.tvm{viprasamhitha} Ekadasi Vratamviprasamhitha (AT) googl (DOT) comDate: Tuesday, October 13, 2009, 10:42 PM

Dear Learned elderly members,


I request your guidance on my observance of Ekadasi Vrata today.



I read some material from Padma purana where in,the lord grants the

Papa purusha a place in the food grains/food stuff to live in, on the

Sri Ekadasi day. Therefore one is not supposed to take food grains on this day.



Kindly guide me whether one may take non-grain food on that day.

Some of my elders are suggesting that we might take pistaahaara

and others say that one might take milk and curds and not butter milk.

Some say that buttermilk alone is allowed. Some are categorical that

buttermilk is definitely not allowed, though, strangely curds may be taken.

Some say only nirjala vrata is valid.

Some say that nirjala vrata is prescribed only for Ekadasi in the



As of now, I have not taken anything.

Can somebody guide me on this matter?

I am looking forward to a practical guidance from

those who have been following Ekadasi vrata traditionally,

so that I may observe the vrata every possible Ekadasi day

from today.




Sarvam Sri arunAchalaramanArpanamasthuRegards,Geetha ramana



|| Nahi Jnanena Sadhrsham Pavitram Iha Vidyate ||

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