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Spurious milk products flood Diwali market [1 Attachment]

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*Om Namo Narayanaya*


I am a new member to the group, so let me introduce first.

I am Sreekandakumar Pillai, living in Chenkottukonam, Thiruvananthapuram,

working as a software professional in Kazhakkoottam.


Coming to the topic, I am a vegetarian by choice for 19 years. I used to

take milk as part of daily tea. But recently I am trying to avoid

that habit too. The reason being, my stomach is not accepting milk tea,

giving me gas trouble.


I have published what Sree Narayana Guru wrote about Ahimsa in Jeeva

Kaarunya Panchakam (ജീവകാരàµà´£àµà´¯à´ªà´žàµà´šà´•à´‚) here.



Kannan also used to take milk and milk products. The cows are cared and

loved so much, and the milk is taken for homely use only after giving enough

to the calves. This way, I don't think using 'home made' milk is a sin. At

my home, we make sure to buy milk from our neighbors who care their cows

very well.


As seniors in the group pointed out, in modern dairies where the milking is

performed by machine, it is cruelty to the cows, and should be avoided.



Sree Pillai




On Mon, Oct 19, 2009 at 4:55 AM, Chandra Menon



> [Attachment(s) <#12469f7e8df64bb4_TopText> from Chandra Menon included

> below]


> Om Namo Narayanaya

> I totally agree with Udayabhanu Panicker, since we all know " little

> drops " make an ocean. A wall is made with bricks one by one only.

> But I have my own doubt about Vegetables. Are all vegetables safe? At-least

> I know there are people allergic to vegetables. In my younger days I have

> seen a friend of mine who cannot eat " Drumsticks " or use any curry in which

> drumstick is one of the ingredients. Now we have a grandson who is allergic

> to Peanut. He is only 7yrs old and we all pray for his long life in-spite of

> this drawback. Tolerance is the one we all need. If we cannot tolerate the

> " natural " food, we must watch out. Each one of our body is made with

> different proportions of Fire, Air, Water and Earth, and similarly each

> vegetable also contain different proportions of these " elements " and *they

> will be working for or against our body*. We have to be observant and

> " realize " which is good and which is bad for us and learn it by " our-self'.

> Parents should observe and watch for their kids until the children can look

> after themselves.

> With regards to the " milk " I do agree spurious milk and milk products are

> bad, but I still maintain that milk by itself is not *(NOT)* bad. I must

> mention that I *do not use milk* but use curd produced at home which is

> 2nd generation of milk. I agree that the way generally milk is produced and

> extracted by Big corporations is CRUEL. We should organize against such

> " Cruelty " to these poor animals that " help " " humans " in many ways. There are

> " organizations " who in the name of " service " do business with eyes only on

> personal " profits " . A business if conducted seeking only " selfish " profit,

> God will " see " it is doomed. Any business or " service " for the sake of

> " others " will always flourish. That is what I have seen so far in my life. I

> may be wrong in my analysis.


> I had sent a e-mail to cow protection organization sometime back in

> September, and it took almost a month to get a reply from them. I am

> attaching in word format those 2 mails with this post. Any further

> developments I will certainly bring to the attention of this group.

> What ever we do, let it be for " others " benefit and not for " self benefit " .

> Om Namo Narayanaya

> Chandrasekharan



> " live and let live "


> " They alone live who live for others, rest are more dead than alive "



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Dear all,

Radhe Krishna!


When talking about  cruelty to animals, I think our Shri. N.B.Nairji

had started a special group for this, and I hope he will be able to

attract more public opinion curbing this cruelty.   In fact, he

requested me to be a moderator for the group, which, I regret, I could

not accept and perform, due to my time limitations.


This practice of selling/killing the male calf has been in practice in

Tamil Nadu for quite a long time.  I have seen milkmen used to come

with the cow, with a calf made of hay tucked under his arm-pit, show

it to the cow and make it release the milk

(à´šàµà´°à´¤àµà´¤àµà´¨àµà´¨à´¤à´¿à´¨àµ മാതàµà´°à´‚

വേണàµà´Ÿà´¿) and subject itself to hormone injection and milking, with

tears in its eyes!  After all, animals too have sentiments equal to

those of ours.  If we ask the milkman what happened to the calf, he

would answer, " ചെതàµà´¤àµ പോചàµà´šàµ സാരàµâ€. " So far

as there is no

legislation, or unless the Animal Welfare Board steps in and does

something tangible, nothing can be done.


Now in the cities, nobody is permitted to keep cows. But the same

story must be repeating in villages, and in milk production

cooperatives like " AMUL " etc.


I request Shri. N.B. Nairji to take it up with the Animal Welfare Board.






On Mon, Oct 19, 2009 at 4:55 AM, Chandra Menon

<chandrasmenon2002 wrote:



> [Attachment(s) from Chandra Menon included below]


> Om Namo Narayanaya

> I totally agree with Udayabhanu Panicker, since we all know " little

drops "  make an ocean. A wall is made with bricks one by one only.

> But I have my own doubt about Vegetables. Are all vegetables safe? At-least I

know there are people allergic to vegetables. In my younger days I have seen a

friend of mine who cannot eat " Drumsticks " or use any curry in which drumstick

is one of the ingredients. Now we have a grandson who is allergic to

Peanut. He is only 7yrs old and we all pray for his long life in-spite of this

drawback. Tolerance is the one we all need. If we cannot tolerate the " natural "

food, we must watch out. Each one of our body is made with different

proportions of Fire, Air, Water and Earth, and similarly each vegetable also

contain different proportions of these " elements " and they will be working for

or against our body. We have to be observant and " realize " which is good and

which is bad for us and learn it by " our-self'. Parents should observe and

watch for their kids until the children can look after themselves.

> With regards to the " milk " I do agree spurious milk and milk products are bad,

but I still maintain that milk by itself is not (NOT) bad. I must mention

that  I do not use milk but use curd produced at home which is 2nd generation

of milk. I agree that the way generally milk is produced and extracted by Big

corporations is CRUEL.  We should organize against such " Cruelty "  to these

poor animals that " help "   " humans " in many ways. There are " organizations " who

in the name of " service " do business with eyes only on personal " profits " . A

business if conducted seeking only " selfish "  profit, God will " see " it is 

doomed. Any business or  " service " for the sake of " others "  will always

flourish. That is what I have seen so far in my life. I may be wrong in my



> I had sent a e-mail to cow protection organization sometime back in September,

and it took almost a month to get a reply from them. I am attaching in word

format those 2 mails with this post. Any further developments I will certainly

bring to the attention of this group.

> What ever we do, let it be for " others " benefit and not for " self benefit " .

> Om Namo Narayanaya

> Chandrasekharan



> " live and let live "


> " They alone live who live for others, rest are more dead than alive "


> ________________________________

> Udayabhanu Panickar <udhayabhanupanickar

> guruvayur

> Sat, October 17, 2009 11:47:39 PM

> Re: [Guruvayur] Re: Spurious milk products flood Diwali market




> Dear Friends,


> Don’ get disappointed if you don’t see results of your efforts

immediately. Just keep doing our part. Results will come.




> When I started writing about our spiritual Science, which was and is

considered by our own people as a dry subject, one of my friends asked me one

day how many people read what I write. His question basically arose as he knew

only very limited number of people, even our people are interested to read

about it. I told him that if one person reads what I write, the time I spent on

it is worth it, because I consider it as 100% success. So I kept on writing and

talking where ever I got an opportunity. The response was nil in the beginning

and very slowly only it increased.




> I buy “Geeta for children†written by Chinmayananda Swamiji (I think this

is the best one for beginners to study) and give as gift to people. After giving

I used to request them to call me if they have any questions. This was also a

way to see if any one does read it. Again the response was very poor in the

beginning and slowly it started to increase and now, I know at least few people

who have gone on to study it and then got the full version to study.




> Same way, when I started propagation of vegetarianism not only it did not get

a good reception but also I got very discouraging and even threatening

responses, all from so-called Hindus. But I did not back off and it started

paying off. I am really happy to say that I was able to inspire a good number of

people on this subject. Especially with the email signature I use. Of course I

still get occasional unpleasant and arrogant responses, but I just take it in

the stride and go on. I just change the message at the email signature very few

weeks or so. But the subject is vegetarianism as I feel it is more important as

it also has a very vide ranging effect for the humanity as a whole.




> If the circumstances changes the offerings has to be changed. So if the milk

is obtained in a cruel way, Guruvayurappan will never mind if we stopped

offering HIM milk and milk products. On the contrary HE may not like it if we

keep on offering HIM that kind of milk. In my childhood, my Mother used to milk

the cow only after the baby had enough milk and she never fed the cow anything

other than natural food. But the circumstances changed and now we get only

artificial milk and that too only after giving much suffering to the baby and

the Mother cow. But now at least some milk producers announce that they do it in

the old natural way. But again they may be lying.




> I am confident that things will change. Keep your hope up and let the fight go

on. Just make sure that you give out the message at every opportunity you have.

People may oppose you; they may even insult you, but never get discouraged, but

keep doing your part. As per Guruvayurappan our job is to oppose any thing

against our dharmam.




> On vegetarianism, one person had even a long on-going feud with me on the

subject for few months. Then the person stopped communication with me altogether

for few weeks. Then suddenly I get a one sentence email from him saying that he

is turning vegetarian, and later he admitted that I was the reason for that

change. So let us keep the work going, just keep doing our part. The results

will come.


> Sincerely,

> Udayabhanu Panickar

> aum namaH Shivaaya




HEALTHY. Animals are to be loved, not eaten. Eating flesh is good neither for

the mind nor for the intellect, not even for the body. It distorts the basic

character of human.




> --- On Sat, 10/17/09, Radhe <shaantih (AT) comcast (DOT) net> wrote:


> Radhe <shaantih (AT) comcast (DOT) net>

> Re: [Guruvayur] Re: Spurious milk products flood Diwali market

> guruvayur@grou ps.com

> Saturday, October 17, 2009, 10:18 AM




> -

> Veryytterium

> guruvayur@grou ps.com

> Saturday, October 17, 2009 12:17 AM

> [Guruvayur] Re: Spurious milk products flood Diwali market


> ...Yes, it is very saddening to know such a poor response to such an

> important topic in our group which is " supposedly devoted " to

> Guruvayoorappan. But we seem to satisfy our duties as devotees,

> only by talking tall-tales about highly emotional and philosphical topics

> but when the time comes to implement this in our practical lives, we

> seem to take an escapist attitude! But is there an escape? Even though

> we may think we can ignore this abuse, can we escape from the punishment

> which lies for us for our passive involvement? I absolutely have no

> expectations from the general Hindu (?) public for support on this issue,

> if we devotees of Sri Krishna ourselves are not interested.


> I humbly appeal to all the respected senior members of our community who

> have mastered our scriptures, to use their position to raise awareness

> amongst the youth and in our community about this widespread abuse.


> I will continue to do my service as a devotee of Kannan by trying to spread

> awarness of this systematic abuse and hope that He gives us courage,

> intelligience and compassion to change our old-habits and addictions which

> are responsible for so much sufferings.


> In the encouraging words of Sri Udayabhanu Panickarji " the fight must go on "


> While we celebrate Diwali, let us also remember our " mothers " who are

> silently crying all their lives, as there is none to lighten their

> darkeness.


> Sincerely,


> Dr. Kamlesh

> ------------ --------- --------- --------- --------- --------- -


> Dear respected Dr. Kamleshji:


> Please do not assume this because people do not write about it on the list.

> You are attacking firmly entrenched traditions in the path you request

> others to follow. It may take some time before you see any positive changes

> around you... the seed which is planted does not spring forth immediately as

> a flower...it lies seemingly dormant in the earth, until all of the needed

> circumstances come to fruition to produce the seedling which bursts into

> the beauty of the flower. So, too, with such things as a major change in

> diet and attitude, especially where it is also grounded in rituals such as

> abishekam and the tradition for all of the foods which are offered to the

> Lord as prasadam.


> Yet He has chosen to place this issue squarely before this group! So we

> must trust in His wisdom and serve Him as best we can, knowing that the

> fruits of such actions are not ours to long for or enjoy, any more than the

> taste for sweets or payasam. When I go to Temple, there are different

> devotees each week in addition to the regulars. They come with their

> prasadam-milk in profusion, sweets and food laced with milk and ghee, love

> for the Lord in their hearts and ignorance of what they are doing. Will He

> punish them?


> I also thought that Swamiji was blind to the videos I sent him, since he

> said nothing and I have yet to see any notes to the devotees asking for a

> change in their offerings. Yet, just last week, as I was chatting with one

> of the women, she mentioned that Swamiji had shown one of the videos to

> her husband. She also mentioned that she could not bear to look at such

> things. Years ago, when I ate meat, that was my attitude. I was raised

> eating meat...I chose to continue to eat it, knowing an animal was killed

> in the process, but wiped my mind empty of this truth, so I could do so

> without any guilt. Yet, look at me now...not only have I stopped eating

> meat, I have also stopped eating animal products and now even write about

> it! And to Whom does the credit for this change in me belong? Certainly

> not to me...without His grace, I would still be where I was then. So,

> realize that what you are writing is indeed the seed, His seed, planted

> with love and devotion, watered with regularity, and trust that the Light

> of the Sun will shine upon it at the right time to produce the beautiful

> flower according to His Supreme Will.


> Shri Krishna saranam mamah!!!


> Radhe


> --- On Fri, 10/16/09, Achuthan Nair <anair1101 > wrote:


> Achuthan Nair <anair1101 >

> [Guruvayur] Re: Fw: [asthikasamaj] Spurious milk products flood

> Diwali market

> guruvayur@grou ps.com

> Friday, October 16, 2009, 7:58 PM


> Hari-Om


> Dear Gurudev,


> I am happy to read your persistant e-mails on this issue but it turns out

> except our own few members noone pays any attention to the cows' agony.

> The public is not concerned about health issues or the sufferings of the

> cows as long as they get their requirements, original milk, adulterated,

> artificial or for that matter donkey's milk .

> So long as there is demand there will be business irrrespective of the

> couple of arrests the police make.

> What is required is public awareness. non-stop advertising about the hazards

> of using milk and milk products. Will the mediabe prepared to spearhead this

> compaign ? very doubtful. Afterall they too are in business, aren't they ?

> To start with Hindu temples should stop making and offering milk products to

> the deities and even stop milk abhishekam. Swamis and sadhus should avoid

> drinking milk .

> Is it feasible ? Not in hundred years. Not when such tempting goodies such

> as ice cream, milk shake, peda and so on are there for the asking.


> A very sweet Depvli.


> jai shree krishna


> Achuthan Nair !






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