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Spurious milk products flood Diwali market

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namo narayana


Respected Radheji,


Thank you for your email. The issue of cow-abuse has a long tradition attached to it and hence it will require presistent efforts to stem it and save the cows from abuse.


Regarding offerings to God with devotion, Lord Sri Krishna has stated that we must worship in the mode of goodness or sattvic qualities only, the mode of worship which is not in ignorance and which is helpful to all concerned.


As an example, countless animals were sacrified in old times (even now by people from other religions), the sacrifiers killed these animals in "devotion" to their gods but is this violence justifiable? Can we justify the senseless religious extremism and violence carried by religious fundamentalists as "devotion"?


Most of us are blessed with sufficient intellegience, education and are in a favourable economic position to afford educating ourselves about how to truly worship our Lord who is the mother of not only us, but all creatures.


Will a mother be ever pleased if one of her children try to please her by giving offerings by torturing her other mute children?


I am sure the Lord can never be pleased with all the gallons of milk poured on Him and all the sweet milk preparations, if it is obtained by such horrific violent abuse of His beloved cows.


He is very easy to be pleased with just some tulasi leaves and some water with lots of affection and love not only for Him but especially for all His mute children.



Kamlesh--- On Sat, 10/17/09, Radhe <shaantih wrote:

Radhe <shaantihRe: [Guruvayur] Re: Spurious milk products flood Diwali marketguruvayur Date: Saturday, October 17, 2009, 10:18 AM

- Veryytteriumguruvayur@grou ps.comSaturday, October 17, 2009 12:17 AM[Guruvayur] Re: Spurious milk products flood Diwali market...Yes, it is very saddening to know such a poor response to such animportant topic in our group which is "supposedly devoted" toGuruvayoorappan. But we seem to satisfy our duties as devotees,only by talking tall-tales about highly emotional and philosphical topicsbut when the time comes to implement this in our practical lives, weseem to take an escapist attitude! But is there an escape? Even thoughwe may think we can ignore this abuse, can we escape from the punishmentwhich lies for us for our passive involvement? I absolutely have noexpectations from the

general Hindu (?) public for support on this issue,if we devotees of Sri Krishna ourselves are not interested.I humbly appeal to all the respected senior members of our community whohave mastered our scriptures, to use their position to raise awarenessamongst the youth and in our community about this widespread abuse.I will continue to do my service as a devotee of Kannan by trying to spreadawarness of this systematic abuse and hope that He gives us courage,intelligience and compassion to change our old-habits and addictions whichare responsible for so much sufferings.In the encouraging words of Sri Udayabhanu Panickarji "the fight must go on"While we celebrate Diwali, let us also remember our "mothers" who aresilently crying all their lives, as there is none to lighten theirdarkeness.Sincerely,Dr. Kamlesh------------ --------- --------- --------- --------- ---------

-Dear respected Dr. Kamleshji:Please do not assume this because people do not write about it on the list.You are attacking firmly entrenched traditions in the path you requestothers to follow. It may take some time before you see any positive changesaround you... the seed which is planted does not spring forth immediately asa flower...it lies seemingly dormant in the earth, until all of the neededcircumstances come to fruition to produce the seedling which bursts intothe beauty of the flower. So, too, with such things as a major change indiet and attitude, especially where it is also grounded in rituals such asabishekam and the tradition for all of the foods which are offered to theLord as prasadam.Yet He has chosen to place this issue squarely before this group! So wemust trust in His wisdom and serve Him as best we can, knowing that thefruits of such actions are not ours to long for

or enjoy, any more than thetaste for sweets or payasam. When I go to Temple, there are differentdevotees each week in addition to the regulars. They come with theirprasadam-milk in profusion, sweets and food laced with milk and ghee, lovefor the Lord in their hearts and ignorance of what they are doing. Will Hepunish them?I also thought that Swamiji was blind to the videos I sent him, since hesaid nothing and I have yet to see any notes to the devotees asking for achange in their offerings. Yet, just last week, as I was chatting with oneof the women, she mentioned that Swamiji had shown one of the videos toher husband. She also mentioned that she could not bear to look at suchthings. Years ago, when I ate meat, that was my attitude. I was raisedeating meat...I chose to continue to eat it, knowing an animal was killedin the process, but wiped my mind empty of this truth, so I could do sowithout

any guilt. Yet, look at me now...not only have I stopped eatingmeat, I have also stopped eating animal products and now even write aboutit! And to Whom does the credit for this change in me belong? Certainlynot to me...without His grace, I would still be where I was then. So,realize that what you are writing is indeed the seed, His seed, plantedwith love and devotion, watered with regularity, and trust that the Lightof the Sun will shine upon it at the right time to produce the beautifulflower according to His Supreme Will.Shri Krishna saranam mamah!!!Radhe--- On Fri, 10/16/09, Achuthan Nair <anair1101 > wrote:Achuthan Nair <anair1101 >[Guruvayur] Re: Fw: [asthikasamaj] Spurious milk products floodDiwali marketguruvayur@grou ps.comFriday, October 16, 2009, 7:58 PMHari-OmDear Gurudev,I am happy to read your persistant e-mails on this issue but it turns outexcept our own few members noone pays any attention to the cows' agony.The public is not concerned about health issues or the sufferings of thecows as long as they get their requirements, original milk, adulterated,artificial or for that matter donkey's milk .So long as there is demand there will be business irrrespective of thecouple of arrests the police make.What is required is public awareness. non-stop

advertising about the hazardsof using milk and milk products. Will the mediabe prepared to spearhead thiscompaign ? very doubtful. Afterall they too are in business, aren't they ?To start with Hindu temples should stop making and offering milk products tothe deities and even stop milk abhishekam. Swamis and sadhus should avoiddrinking milk .Is it feasible ? Not in hundred years. Not when such tempting goodies suchas ice cream, milk shake, peda and so on are there for the asking.A very sweet Depvli.jai shree krishnaAchuthan Nair !

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Om Namo Narayana


Respected Dr. Kamleshji:


You are, of course, correct in all of what you say. As to this




"Most of us are blessed with sufficient intellegience, education and are in a favourable economic position to afford educating ourselves about how to truly worship our Lord who is the mother of not only us, but all creatures."


....perhaps even ignorance of the fact that the cows were abused to

produce the milk offered is no excuse. This is His province,not mine, and I will not venture to guess how He would

rule on such a matter. In the US, we have criminal laws, which

by the very logic of the rule is such that "ignorance of the law

is no excuse." This means that just because you are not

aware of the law, it is no excuse to use that as an excuse

for violating it since usually it is one founded in logic of

what is appropriate behavior. As to the actions of others,

I will defer from making judgment, as I do not see it as my place.

All I can do is my best to inform myself and others to the extent

that I can of what information I receive and with the resources

which are available to me.



I am very grateful to you for the information you provide and will

continue to share it to the extent I can. The rest is in His hands, dear Kamleshji.


I am His servant, nothing more.











Monday, October 19, 2009 10:46 AM

[Guruvayur] Spurious milk products flood Diwali market






namo narayana


Respected Radheji,


Thank you for your email. The issue of cow-abuse has a long tradition attached to it and hence it will require presistent efforts to stem it and save the cows from abuse.


Regarding offerings to God with devotion, Lord Sri Krishna has stated that we must worship in the mode of goodness or sattvic qualities only, the mode of worship which is not in ignorance and which is helpful to all concerned.


As an example, countless animals were sacrified in old times (even now by people from other religions), the sacrifiers killed these animals in "devotion" to their gods but is this violence justifiable? Can we justify the senseless religious extremism and violence carried by religious fundamentalists as "devotion"?


Most of us are blessed with sufficient intellegience, education and are in a favourable economic position to afford educating ourselves about how to truly worship our Lord who is the mother of not only us, but all creatures.


Will a mother be ever pleased if one of her children try to please her by giving offerings by torturing her other mute children?


I am sure the Lord can never be pleased with all the gallons of milk poured on Him and all the sweet milk preparations, if it is obtained by such horrific violent abuse of His beloved cows.


He is very easy to be pleased with just some tulasi leaves and some water with lots of affection and love not only for Him but especially for all His mute children.



Kamlesh--- On Sat, 10/17/09, Radhe <shaantih (AT) comcast (DOT) net> wrote:

Radhe <shaantih (AT) comcast (DOT) net>Re: [Guruvayur] Re: Spurious milk products flood Diwali marketguruvayur Date: Saturday, October 17, 2009, 10:18 AM

- Veryytteriumguruvayur@grou ps.comSaturday, October 17, 2009 12:17 AM[Guruvayur] Re: Spurious milk products flood Diwali market...Yes, it is very saddening to know such a poor response to such animportant topic in our group which is "supposedly devoted" toGuruvayoorappan. But we seem to satisfy our duties as devotees,only by talking tall-tales about highly emotional and philosphical topicsbut when the time comes to implement this in our practical lives, weseem to take an escapist attitude! But is there an escape? Even thoughwe may think we can ignore this abuse, can we escape from the punishmentwhich lies for us for our passive involvement? I absolutely have noexpectations from the general Hindu (?) public for support on this issue,if we devotees of Sri Krishna ourselves are not interested.I humbly appeal to all the respected senior members of our community whohave mastered our scriptures, to use their position to raise awarenessamongst the youth and in our community about this widespread abuse.I will continue to do my service as a devotee of Kannan by trying to spreadawarness of this systematic abuse and hope that He gives us courage,intelligience and compassion to change our old-habits and addictions whichare responsible for so much sufferings.In the encouraging words of Sri Udayabhanu Panickarji "the fight must go on"While we celebrate Diwali, let us also remember our "mothers" who aresilently crying all their lives, as there is none to lighten theirdarkeness.Sincerely,Dr. Kamlesh------------ --------- --------- --------- --------- --------- -Dear respected Dr. Kamleshji:Please do not assume this because people do not write about it on the list.You are attacking firmly entrenched traditions in the path you requestothers to follow. It may take some time before you see any positive changesaround you... the seed which is planted does not spring forth immediately asa flower...it lies seemingly dormant in the earth, until all of the neededcircumstances come to fruition to produce the seedling which bursts intothe beauty of the flower. So, too, with such things as a major change indiet and attitude, especially where it is also grounded in rituals such asabishekam and the tradition for all of the foods which are offered to theLord as prasadam.Yet He has chosen to place this issue squarely before this group! So wemust trust in His wisdom and serve Him as best we can, knowing that thefruits of such actions are not ours to long for or enjoy, any more than thetaste for sweets or payasam. When I go to Temple, there are differentdevotees each week in addition to the regulars. They come with theirprasadam-milk in profusion, sweets and food laced with milk and ghee, lovefor the Lord in their hearts and ignorance of what they are doing. Will Hepunish them?I also thought that Swamiji was blind to the videos I sent him, since hesaid nothing and I have yet to see any notes to the devotees asking for achange in their offerings. Yet, just last week, as I was chatting with oneof the women, she mentioned that Swamiji had shown one of the videos toher husband. She also mentioned that she could not bear to look at suchthings. Years ago, when I ate meat, that was my attitude. I was raisedeating meat...I chose to continue to eat it, knowing an animal was killedin the process, but wiped my mind empty of this truth, so I could do sowithout any guilt. Yet, look at me now...not only have I stopped eatingmeat, I have also stopped eating animal products and now even write aboutit! And to Whom does the credit for this change in me belong? Certainlynot to me...without His grace, I would still be where I was then. So,realize that what you are writing is indeed the seed, His seed, plantedwith love and devotion, watered with regularity, and trust that the Lightof the Sun will shine upon it at the right time to produce the beautifulflower according to His Supreme Will.Shri Krishna saranam mamah!!!Radhe--- On Fri, 10/16/09, Achuthan Nair <anair1101 > wrote:Achuthan Nair <anair1101 >[Guruvayur] Re: Fw: [asthikasamaj] Spurious milk products floodDiwali marketguruvayur@grou ps.comFriday, October 16, 2009, 7:58 PMHari-OmDear Gurudev,I am happy to read your persistant e-mails on this issue but it turns outexcept our own few members noone pays any attention to the cows' agony.The public is not concerned about health issues or the sufferings of thecows as long as they get their requirements, original milk, adulterated,artificial or for that matter donkey's milk .So long as there is demand there will be business irrrespective of thecouple of arrests the police make.What is required is public awareness. non-stop advertising about the hazardsof using milk and milk products. Will the mediabe prepared to spearhead thiscompaign ? very doubtful. Afterall they too are in business, aren't they ?To start with Hindu temples should stop making and offering milk products tothe deities and even stop milk abhishekam. Swamis and sadhus should avoiddrinking milk .Is it feasible ? Not in hundred years. Not when such tempting goodies suchas ice cream, milk shake, peda and so on are there for the asking.A very sweet Depvli.jai shree krishnaAchuthan Nair !



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K.V Gopalakrishna


Monday, October 19, 2009 6:46 AM

Re: [Guruvayur] Re: Spurious milk products flood Diwali market



Dear all,

Radhe Krishna!


I have seen milkmen used to come

with the cow, with a calf made of hay tucked under his arm-pit, show

it to the cow and make it release the milk

(à´šàµà´°à´¤àµà´¤àµà´¨àµà´¨à´¤à´¿à´¨àµ മാതàµà´°à´‚

വേണàµà´Ÿà´¿) and subject itself to hormone injection and milking, with

tears in its eyes!



Dear KVGji:


Radhe Krishna!


Thank you for sharing this experience with us...it is heart breaking.

I do not remember which one but in one of the videos I linked

to in Call of the Conch, the cow had tears in her eyes also, running

down her face. We must each search our own hearts to do what is

right. In the next few parts I will address the health issues to humans

and the alternative products which can easily be substituted for cow's

milk. And although I am not covering it yet, some people resort to goat's

milk and I am quite sure the same issues arise there. There are



And He will help if we are willing to try. A few weeks ago I was shopping

and having made the decision that I was no longer going to buy even

organic milk, I scanned the shelves again, my mind feeling helpless as to

how to take one more thing from my son's diet, and what to give him in

return, when my eyes fell upon almond milk in the super market. Although

son is still resisting it, I tried it and had cereal with milk for the first

time in

years. It tastes really good, for those who do not like soy milk. And I


presevere with him in trying to get him to try it. There are substitutes!!!


Thank you for joining into this thread with your thoughts and your moral

support...it is priceless.





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