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srimadbhagavatham -skandha7-Preamble for Narasimhavatara

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Chapter 1.preamble to



Parikshith now asked a

ten-dollar question.


samaH priyaH suhrth brahman

bhoothaanaam bhagavaan svayam

indhrasyaarThe kaTham dhaithyaan

avaDheeth vishmo yaThaa



Oh Master, if the Lord is an equally dear friend to all beings how could He

kill the asuras for the sake of Indra as though He is partial?"



said as though patting him on the back, saaDhu

prshtam mahaaraaja, "well said , oh great king." Like a guru who welcomes

the question from his sishya which enables him to elaborate on an important

topic, Suka was delighted with the question so that he could


about the infinite mercy of the Lord whose retribution is for redemption. Suka

narrated the question of Yudhishtira to Narada on seeing that the soul of

Sisupala merging with the Lord. (dasamaskandha of Srimadbhagavatham)



was surprised that a sworn enemy of Krishna

attaining saayujyam as compared with Vena who did bhagavnnindhaa was sent to

hell. Narada said that one who always thinks of the Lord even with enmity

attains moksha. Thus Kamsa and Sisupala who were all the time engaged their

minds on Krishna due to jealousy and fear

respectively attained His feet. In fact continuous hatred towards Bhagavan

makes one attain His feet easily, than by devotion, said Narada, when He

Himself destroys the body which is the seat of dhvesha and freed from it the

soul becomes pure. That was why the gatekeepers of Vaikunta chose three lives

as enemies of the Lord than more lives as devotees.



further said that the gopis attined the Lord through love, Kamsa through fear,

Sisupala through hatered, the yadhavas through their relationship , the

pandavas through friendship and the sages like himself through bhakthi.


gopyaH kaamaath bhayaath kamsaH

dhveshaath Chaidhyaadhayo nrpaaH

sambanDhaath vrshnayaHsnehaath

yooyam bhakthyaa vayam prabho



belonged to none of these categories and hence was sent to hell by the rshis.



Yudhishtira asked the sage why did Hiranyakasipu develop hatred towards his son

who was a great soul and was beloved to his father. Narada started relating the

story of Prahlada.



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