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Namasthe- Hanuman and Arjuna 7

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Dear all,


We stopped yesterday in suspense and now let us see what this Brahmana is up to. 


The Brahmana who appeared as if he came out of the blue ocean, slowly walked towards Nara-Vaanara scene. He saw the  Nara, a great devotee of Krishna depressed beyond words and the Vaanara, a great devotee of Rama elated beyond words. He enquired the reason and understood that Nara was sad of his defeat and Vaanaraa's victory and on the other hand Vaanaraa's elation was in his victory and Nara's defeat. Brahmana felt a bit uneasy because he thought that one could feel sorrow at one's defeat, but not at the other person's victory and similarly one could celebrate one's victory, but not the other person's defeat. He saw a veil of ego around each of them


Anyway he spoke these words of wisdom to them: " Respected Vanara and Nara, you had a contest and only the contestants were present to judge who was the winner. According to Dharma Shastra, a third person should judge a contest. So, if you agree, you can contest again and I will be the judge. "


 Both of them thought for a while and prayed their Ishtadevathaas, Lord Rama and Lord Krishna and agreed. Arjuna again built a beautiful strong bridge and Hanuman jumped on it. He walked three steps, four steps, five, six and so  on. Nothing happened . He put the 20th step. He jumped, did somersault, made his body bigger with his siddhi, jumped again, nothing happened. He was sweating, nervous and now the emotions of the contestants were reversed! Hanuman sat down, closed his eyes with his palms and prayed in distress to his own Lord Rama and Arjuna closed his  eyes with joy and prayed his own Lord Krishna. Both of them opened their eyes and Hanuman saw Lord Rama in the place of Brahmana and Arjuna saw Lord Krishna in the place of Brahmana. They understood who the the Brahmana was. He was Mahavishnu Himself!


Then Lord said: " Both of you did not know with whom you were contesting and I played this drama to purify your mind by erasing your ego. Bhaktha Hanuman,  I request you to help Arjuna in his war against the unjust Kauravaas. Please stay on the flag of Arjuna's chariot and guard him and Pandavaas from all attacks coming from all directions. Both of you are my devotees and I bless you with all that you wish for. "


Both Hanuman and Arjuna prostrated at His feet and the pious Brahmana disappeared. They embraced each other with tears of affection flowing from their eyes and Hanuman promised Arjuna of his help in winning the war against Kauravaas. They departed to see again in the battle field of Kurukshethra.


VaayusoonO namaamyaham


Regards an dprayers



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