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FW: Be careful at the indian Airports...

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Dear Gurudevs,


I am forwarding a mail I received today. It is not Bhakthi related.

Since many of us are staying abroad, it may be informative.

I am not sure about the authenticity of the subject. But in India

anything like this is possible. Please read it, take care.


Praying to Guruvayoorappan to protect all of us from such atrocities.

Regards and Prayers





















Passport Alert at Indian Airport Read it Carefully ... BE ALERT!!!!!! Be careful at the Indian Airports, This is a well organized conspiracy by Indian Immigration, Police, Customs and Air India staff with networking at all the Indian International Airports. Be careful whenever you give your passport to Immigration/ Customs/Air India staff. The pass port can be easily tampered and can create trouble to you. They have found easy way of making money from NRIs. This is the way , how it works: Modus-operandi of such incidences. At the time of the passenger's departure, if the passenger is not looking at the officer while he is stamping the exit, the officer very cleverly tears away one of the page from the passport. When the passenger leaves the immigration counter, the case is reported on his computer terminal with full details. Now all over India they have got full details of the passenger with Red Flag flashing on the Passport number entered by the departure immigration officer. They have made their money by doing above. On arrival next time, he is interrogated. Subject to the passenger's period of stay abroad, his income and standing etc.., the price to get rid of the problem is settled by the Police and Immigration people. If someone argues, his future is spoiled because there are always some innocent fellows who think the honesty

is the basis of getting justice in India ............ ... Please advise every passenger to be careful at the airport. Wheneverthey hand over the passport to the counters of any one i.e. ; Air India , or immigration or the customs, they must be vigilant, should not remove eyes from the passport even if the officer in front tries to divert their attention.. Also, please pass this information to all friends, media men and important politicians. Every month 20-30 cases are happening all over India to rob the NRIs the minute he lands. Similar case has happened with Aramco's Arifuddin. He was traveling with his family.. They had six passports. They got the visa of America and decided to go

via Hyderabad from Jeddah. They reached Hyderabad . Stayed about a month and left for the States. When they reached The States, the page of the American visa on his wife's passport was missing. At the time of departure from Hyderabad it was there, the whole family had to return to were caught by the police and now it is over 2 months, they are running after the Police, Immigration officers and the Courts.. On going in to details with him, he found out the following: One cannot imagine, neither can believe, that the Indian Immigration dept can play such a nasty game to harass the innocent passengers. All the passengers traveling to & fro India via Bombay and Hyderabad must be aware of this conspiracy. Every month 15 to 20 cases are taking place, at each mentioned airport, of holding the passengers in the crime of tearing away the passport pages. On interviewing some of them, none of them was aware of what had happened. They don't know why, when and who tore away the page from the middle of the passport. One can imagine the sufferings of such people at the hands of the immigration, Police and the court procedures in India after that.. The number of cases is increasing in the last 2-3 years. People who are arriving at the immigration, they are questioned and their passports are being held and they have to go in interrogation. . Obviously, the conspiracy started about 2 to 3

years ago, now the results are coming. Some of the Air India counter staff too is involved in this conspiracy. KINDLY SEND THIS TO AS MANY AS YOUR FRIENDS ACROSS THE WORLD & ALSO REQUEST THEM TO CHECK THE PASSPORT AT THE CHECKING COUNTERS AND BEFORE LEAVING THE AIRPORT

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My experience of traveling back to India has only become better and better in

the last decade and a half. Prior to that the customs and immigration people

used to be rude and behaved as if NRIs are all criminals and their luggage is

full of contraband. But things have been improving steadily, I think, based on

my experience.


So, this piece of news about passport tampering is really disturbing.


I wonder if the original complainant has an ulterior motive: spreading fear

about Indian airports and thereby reducing toursim to India. We need to be



DKM Kartha


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Why not collect details of such cases and report to Ministry of External Affairs,New Delhi?Is there any harm if I report without mentioning any name?RegardsNarayanaV.V.SubramanianC2-97,Janak Puri,New Delhi-110058Tel: 011- 45523405 25552505 9313714631

--- On Tue, 27/10/09, Sajan Sukumaran <sajan_sukumaran wrote:Sajan Sukumaran <sajan_sukumaran[Guruvayur] FW: Be careful at the indian Airports..."Guruvayur Group" <guruvayur >Tuesday, 27 October, 2009, 12:58 PM



Dear Gurudevs,


I am forwarding a mail I received today. It is not Bhakthi related.

Since many of us are staying abroad, it may be informative.

I am not sure about the authenticity of the subject. But in India

anything like this is possible. Please read it, take care.


Praying to Guruvayoorappan to protect all of us from such atrocities.

Regards and Prayers





















Passport Alert at Indian Airport Read it Carefully ... BE ALERT!!!!!! Be careful at the Indian Airports, This is a well organized conspiracy by Indian Immigration, Police, Customs and Air India staff with networking at all the Indian International Airports. Be careful whenever you give your passport to Immigration/ Customs/Air India staff. The pass port can be easily tampered and can create trouble to you. They have found easy way of making money from NRIs. This is the way , how it works: Modus-operandi of such incidences. At the time of the passenger's departure, if the passenger is not looking at the officer while he is stamping the exit, the officer very cleverly tears away one of the page from the passport. When the passenger leaves the immigration counter, the case is reported on his computer terminal with full details. Now all over India they have got full details of the passenger with Red Flag flashing on the Passport number entered by the departure immigration officer. They have made their money by doing above. On arrival next time, he is interrogated. Subject to the passenger's period of stay abroad, his income and standing etc.., the price to get rid of the problem is settled by the Police and Immigration people. If someone argues, his future is spoiled because there are always some innocent fellows who think the honesty

is the basis of getting justice in India ............ ... Please advise every passenger to be careful at the airport. Wheneverthey hand over the passport to the counters of any one i.e. ; Air India , or immigration or the customs, they must be vigilant, should not remove eyes from the passport even if the officer in front tries to divert their attention.. Also, please pass this information to all friends, media men and important politicians. Every month 20-30 cases are happening all over India to rob the NRIs the minute he lands. Similar case has happened with Aramco's Arifuddin. He was traveling with his family.. They had six passports. They got the visa of America and

decided to go

via Hyderabad from Jeddah. They reached Hyderabad . Stayed about a month and left for the States. When they reached The States, the page of the American visa on his wife's passport was missing. At the time of departure from Hyderabad it was there, the whole family had to return to were caught by the police and now it is over 2 months, they are running after the Police, Immigration officers and the Courts.. On going in to details with him, he found out the following: One cannot imagine, neither can believe, that the Indian Immigration dept can play such a nasty game to harass the innocent passengers. All the passengers traveling to & fro India via Bombay and Hyderabad must be aware of this conspiracy. Every month 15 to 20 cases are taking place, at each mentioned airport, of holding the passengers in the crime of tearing away the passport pages. On interviewing some of them, none of them was aware of what had happened. They don't know why, when and who tore away the page from the middle of the passport. One can imagine the sufferings of such people at the hands of the immigration, Police and the court procedures in India after that.. The number of cases is increasing in the last 2-3 years. People who are arriving at the immigration, they are questioned and their passports are being held and they have to go in interrogation. . Obviously,

the conspiracy started about 2 to 3

years ago, now the results are coming. Some of the Air India counter staff too is involved in this conspiracy. KINDLY SEND THIS TO AS MANY AS YOUR FRIENDS ACROSS THE WORLD & ALSO REQUEST THEM TO CHECK THE PASSPORT AT THE CHECKING COUNTERS AND BEFORE LEAVING THE AIRPORT



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Dear Sajan and others,Few months back even may more than a year back, a similar paper was almost the same letter was in circulation. Does any one has the knowledge of any real incident? Is this true? Did any one experience any such event?Thanks Sincerely,Udayabhanu Panickar aum namaH ShivAya OUR BODY IS THE ABODE OF THE JEEVATMAN, WHICH IS IN FACT THE PARABRAHMAN. LET US NOT MAKE IT A GRAVEYARD. LET US NOT EAT FLESH, LET US BE VEGETARIANS AND STAY HEALTHY. --- On Tue, 10/27/09, Sajan Sukumaran <sajan_sukumaran wrote:Sajan Sukumaran <sajan_sukumaran[Guruvayur] FW: Be careful at the indian Airports..."Guruvayur Group" <guruvayur >Tuesday, October 27, 2009, 3:28 AM



Dear Gurudevs,


I am forwarding a mail I received today. It is not Bhakthi related.

Since many of us are staying abroad, it may be informative.

I am not sure about the authenticity of the subject. But in India

anything like this is possible. Please read it, take care.


Praying to Guruvayoorappan to protect all of us from such atrocities.

Regards and Prayers





















Passport Alert at Indian Airport Read it Carefully ... BE ALERT!!!!!! Be careful at the Indian Airports, This is a well organized conspiracy by Indian Immigration, Police, Customs and Air India staff with networking at all the Indian International Airports. Be careful whenever you give your passport to Immigration/ Customs/Air India staff. The pass port can be easily tampered and can create trouble to you. They have found easy way of making money from NRIs. This is the way , how it works: Modus-operandi of such incidences. At the time of the passenger's departure, if the passenger is not looking at the officer while he is stamping the exit, the officer very cleverly tears away one of the page from the passport. When the passenger leaves the immigration counter, the case is reported on his computer terminal with full details. Now all over India they have got full details of the passenger with Red Flag flashing on the Passport number entered by the departure immigration officer. They have made their money by doing above. On arrival next time, he is interrogated.. Subject to the passenger's period of stay abroad, his income and standing etc.., the price to get rid of the problem is settled by the Police and Immigration people. If someone argues, his future is spoiled because there are always some innocent fellows who think the honesty

is the basis of getting justice in India ............ ... Please advise every passenger to be careful at the airport. Wheneverthey hand over the passport to the counters of any one i.e. ; Air India , or immigration or the customs, they must be vigilant, should not remove eyes from the passport even if the officer in front tries to divert their attention.. Also, please pass this information to all friends, media men and important politicians. Every month 20-30 cases are happening all over India to rob the NRIs the minute he lands. Similar case has happened with Aramco's Arifuddin. He was traveling with his family.. They had six passports. They got the visa of America and

decided to go

via Hyderabad from Jeddah. They reached Hyderabad . Stayed about a month and left for the States. When they reached The States, the page of the American visa on his wife's passport was missing. At the time of departure from Hyderabad it was there, the whole family had to return to were caught by the police and now it is over 2 months, they are running after the Police, Immigration officers and the Courts.. On going in to details with him, he found out the following: One cannot imagine, neither can believe, that the Indian Immigration dept can play such a nasty game to harass the innocent passengers. All the passengers traveling to & fro India via Bombay and Hyderabad must be aware of this conspiracy. Every month 15 to 20 cases are taking place, at each mentioned airport, of holding the passengers in the crime of tearing away the passport pages. On interviewing some of them, none of them was aware of what had happened. They don't know why, when and who tore away the page from the middle of the passport. One can imagine the sufferings of such people at the hands of the immigration, Police and the court procedures in India after that.. The number of cases is increasing in the last 2-3 years. People who are arriving at the immigration, they are questioned and their passports are being held and they have to go in interrogation. . Obviously,

the conspiracy started about 2 to 3

years ago, now the results are coming. Some of the Air India counter staff too is involved in this conspiracy. KINDLY SEND THIS TO AS MANY AS YOUR FRIENDS ACROSS THE WORLD & ALSO REQUEST THEM TO CHECK THE PASSPORT AT THE CHECKING COUNTERS AND BEFORE LEAVING THE AIRPORT

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Dear Udayabhanuji, Subrahmanianji and others


So far I do not know any real incidents in this regard. The mail was so

disturbing, so I felt better to share with everybody. As Mohanachandraji

mentioned, this may be a wrong information. After globalisation the customs

do not have any chance to rob NRIs. So they may find newer methods.

Anyway let us be careful.


Regards and Prayers



--- On Wed, 10/28/09, Udayabhanu Panickar <udayabhanupanickar wrote:

Udayabhanu Panickar <udayabhanupanickarRe: [Guruvayur] FW: Be careful at the indian Airports...guruvayur Date: Wednesday, October 28, 2009, 2:09 AM





Dear Sajan and others,Few months back even may more than a year back, a similar paper was almost the same letter was in circulation. Does any one has the knowledge of any real incident? Is this true? Did any one experience any such event?ThanksSincerely,Udayabhanu Panickar aum namaH ShivAya


Sajan Sukumaran <sajan_sukumaran@ >[Guruvayur] FW: Be careful at the indian Airports..."Guruvayur Group" <guruvayur@grou ps.com>Tuesday, October 27, 2009, 3:28 AM






Dear Gurudevs,


I am forwarding a mail I received today. It is not Bhakthi related.

Since many of us are staying abroad, it may be informative.

I am not sure about the authenticity of the subject. But in India

anything like this is possible. Please read it, take care.


Praying to Guruvayoorappan to protect all of us from such atrocities.

Regards and Prayers





















Passport Alert at Indian Airport Read it Carefully ... BE ALERT!!!!!! Be careful at the Indian Airports, This is a well organized conspiracy by Indian Immigration, Police, Customs and Air India staff with networking at all the Indian International Airports. Be careful whenever you give your passport to Immigration/ Customs/Air India staff. The pass port can be easily tampered and can create trouble to you. They have found easy way of making money from NRIs. This is the way , how it works: Modus-operandi of such incidences. At the time of the passenger's departure, if the passenger is not looking at the officer while he is stamping the exit, the officer very cleverly tears away one of the page from the passport. When the passenger leaves the immigration counter, the case is reported on his computer terminal with full details. Now all over India they have got full details of the passenger with Red Flag flashing on the Passport number entered by the departure immigration officer. They have made their money by doing above. On arrival next time, he is interrogated. . Subject to the passenger's period of stay abroad, his income and standing etc.., the price to get rid of the problem is settled by the Police and Immigration people. If someone argues, his future is spoiled because there are always some innocent

fellows who think the honesty is the basis of getting justice in India ............ ... Please advise every passenger to be careful at the airport. Wheneverthey hand over the passport to the counters of any one i.e. ; Air India , or immigration or the customs, they must be vigilant, should not remove eyes from the passport even if the officer in front tries to divert their attention.. Also, please pass this information to all friends, media men and important politicians. Every month 20-30 cases are happening all over India to rob the NRIs the minute he lands. Similar case has happened with Aramco's Arifuddin. He was traveling with his family.. They had six passports. They got the visa

of America and decided to go via Hyderabad from Jeddah. They reached Hyderabad . Stayed about a month and left for the States. When they reached The States, the page of the American visa on his wife's passport was missing. At the time of departure from Hyderabad it was there, the whole family had to return to were caught by the police and now it is over 2 months, they are running after the Police, Immigration officers and the Courts.. On going in to details with him, he found out the following: One cannot imagine, neither can believe, that the Indian Immigration dept can play such a nasty game to harass the innocent passengers. All the passengers traveling to & fro India via Bombay and Hyderabad must be aware of this conspiracy. Every month 15 to 20 cases are taking place, at each mentioned airport, of holding the passengers in the crime of tearing away the passport pages. On interviewing some of them, none of them was aware of what had happened. They don't know why, when and who tore away the page from the middle of the passport. One can imagine the sufferings of such people at the hands of the immigration, Police and the court procedures in India after that.. The number of cases is increasing in the last 2-3 years. People who are arriving at the immigration, they are questioned and their passports are being held and they have to go in interrogation. . Obviously, the

conspiracy started about 2 to 3 years ago, now the results are coming. Some of the Air India counter staff too is involved in this conspiracy. KINDLY SEND THIS TO AS MANY AS YOUR FRIENDS ACROSS THE WORLD & ALSO REQUEST THEM TO CHECK THE PASSPORT AT THE CHECKING COUNTERS AND BEFORE LEAVING THE AIRPORT

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Dear Sajan and others,In the circulated email I mentioned in my earlier message has one difference from the one you forwarded. That one mentioned Malyasia as the country where this was happening. So I think some is just trying to fool us. But recently a person known to me had a very bad experience at Kolkkatta Airport. He had this new card for people of Indian origin who are not Indian citizens, which is almost like a dual citzonship. The rules say that any one holding that card don't need a visa. He had the card but he was given a very misserable treatment at the Airport by immigration officials. So may be any one traveling with that card may also take the visa to avoid the inconvenience.Sincerely,Udayabhanu Panickaraum namaH

Shivaaya OUR BODY IS THE ABODE OF THE JEEVATMAN, WHICH IS IN FACT THE PARABRAHMAN. LET US NOT MAKE IT A GRAVEYARD. LET US NOT EAT FLESH. LET US BE VEGETARIANS AND STAY HEALTHY. Animals are to be loved, not eaten. Eating flesh is good neither for the mind nor for the intellect, not even for the body. It distorts the basic character of human. --- On Wed, 10/28/09, Sajan Sukumaran <sajan_sukumaran wrote:Sajan Sukumaran <sajan_sukumaranRe: [Guruvayur] FW: Be careful at the indian Airports...guruvayur Date: Wednesday, October 28, 2009, 9:54 AM



Dear Udayabhanuji, Subrahmanianji and others


So far I do not know any real incidents in this regard. The mail was so

disturbing, so I felt better to share with everybody. As Mohanachandraji

mentioned, this may be a wrong information. After globalisation the customs

do not have any chance to rob NRIs. So they may find newer methods.

Anyway let us be careful.


Regards and Prayers



--- On Wed, 10/28/09, Udayabhanu Panickar <udayabhanupanickar@ > wrote:

Udayabhanu Panickar <udayabhanupanickar@ >Re: [Guruvayur] FW: Be careful at the indian Airports...guruvayur@grou ps.comWednesday, October 28, 2009, 2:09 AM





Dear Sajan and others,Few months back even may more than a year back, a similar paper was almost the same letter was in circulation. Does any one has the knowledge of any real incident? Is this true? Did any one experience any such event?ThanksSincerely,Udayabhanu Panickar aum namaH ShivAya


Sajan Sukumaran <sajan_sukumaran@ >[Guruvayur] FW: Be careful at the indian Airports..."Guruvayur Group" <guruvayur@grou ps.com>Tuesday, October 27, 2009, 3:28 AM






Dear Gurudevs,


I am forwarding a mail I received today. It is not Bhakthi related.

Since many of us are staying abroad, it may be informative.

I am not sure about the authenticity of the subject. But in India

anything like this is possible. Please read it, take care.


Praying to Guruvayoorappan to protect all of us from such atrocities.

Regards and Prayers





















Passport Alert at Indian Airport Read it Carefully ... BE ALERT!!!!!! Be careful at the Indian Airports, This is a well organized conspiracy by Indian Immigration, Police, Customs and Air India staff with networking at all the Indian International Airports. Be careful whenever you give your passport to Immigration/ Customs/Air India staff. The pass port can be easily tampered and can create trouble to you. They have found easy way of making money from NRIs. This is the way , how it works: Modus-operandi of such incidences. At the time of the passenger's departure, if the passenger is not looking at the officer while he is stamping the exit, the officer very cleverly tears away one of the page from the passport. When the passenger leaves the immigration counter, the case is reported on his computer terminal with full details. Now all over India they have got full details of the passenger with Red Flag flashing on the Passport number entered by the departure immigration officer. They have made their money by doing above. On arrival next time, he is interrogated. . Subject to the passenger's period of stay abroad, his income and standing etc.., the price to get rid of the problem is settled by the Police and Immigration people. If someone argues, his future is spoiled because there are always some innocent

fellows who think the honesty is the basis of getting justice in India ............ ... Please advise every passenger to be careful at the airport. Wheneverthey hand over the passport to the counters of any one i.e. ; Air India , or immigration or the customs, they must be vigilant, should not remove eyes from the passport even if the officer in front tries to divert their attention.. Also, please pass this information to all friends, media men and important politicians. Every month 20-30 cases are happening all over India to rob the NRIs the minute he lands. Similar case has happened with Aramco's Arifuddin. He was traveling with his family.. They had six passports. They

got the visa

of America and decided to go via Hyderabad from Jeddah. They reached Hyderabad . Stayed about a month and left for the States. When they reached The States, the page of the American visa on his wife's passport was missing. At the time of departure from Hyderabad it was there, the whole family had to return to were caught by the police and now it is over 2 months, they are running after the Police, Immigration officers and the Courts.. On going in to details with him, he found out the following: One cannot imagine, neither can believe, that the Indian Immigration dept can play such a nasty game to harass the innocent passengers. All the passengers traveling to & fro India via Bombay and Hyderabad must be aware of this conspiracy. Every month 15 to 20 cases are taking place, at each mentioned airport, of holding the passengers in the crime of tearing away the passport pages. On interviewing some of them, none of them was aware of what had happened. They don't know why, when and who tore away the page from the middle of the passport. One can imagine the sufferings of such people at the hands of the immigration, Police and the court procedures in India after that.. The number of cases is increasing in the last 2-3 years. People who are arriving at the immigration, they are questioned and their passports are being held and they have to go in interrogation. . Obviously,


conspiracy started about 2 to 3 years ago, now the results are coming. Some of the Air India counter staff too is involved in this conspiracy. KINDLY SEND THIS TO AS MANY AS YOUR FRIENDS ACROSS THE WORLD & ALSO REQUEST THEM TO CHECK THE PASSPORT AT THE CHECKING COUNTERS AND BEFORE LEAVING THE AIRPORT

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