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Bhisma Pancak Vrata

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Bhisma Pancaka Fasting


The fasting starts on Ekadasi Day which is 29th tomorrow and will continue

until the 2nd, Rasa purnima Day. The fasting is broken at sunset (or at moon

rise) on Rasa Purnima day. Generally it is recommended to do full fast on

Ekadasi and then the following four days fruits and roots fasting. Or one

can do five day fruits and roots fasting.


Levels of fasting:



Devotees can choose whichever level of fasting as is convenient to them. It

should not disturb their normal devotional service(s) and daily sadhana.


Level 1:


One can consume products of the cow (pancha-gavya) each for each day:


First day: Cow dung (Gomaya)

Second day: Cow urine (Go-muutra)

Third day: Cow milk (Kshiira)

Fourth day: Cow yoghurt (Dadhi)

Fifth day: All products of  the ccow mixed (Pancha-gavya)


Level 2 (this is what Guru Maharaja has been following):


If one can't follow level 1, one can take fruits and roots

fruits with many seeds should be avoided like guava, pomegranate, papaya,

cucumber etc. Boiled potatoes, raw banana and sweet potato can be taken

boiled or baked. We can use sea salt for taste. Cashewnuts, raisins, dates

can be taken. We shouldn't take milk and milk products in this level of

fasting. Coconut water and grated coconut can be taken.


Level 3:


If one can't follow level 2, one can take " Havishya. "


References: Padma Puraana, Brahma-khanda, Chapter 23; Skanda Puraana, Vishnu

Khanda, Kaartika Maahaatmya section, Chapter 32; Garuda Puraana, Puurva

Khanda, Chapter 123.


Ingredients for Havishya as mentioned in Sri Hari-bhakti-vilasa (13.10-13)



The following are ingredients that can be used in making Havishya, which is

like a khichari made with these items.


* Aatap rice

* Ghee from cow

* 'Saindhava' salt (salt from ocean)

* Milk from cow

* Milk with cream

* Ripe banana

* Kaala-shaaka

* Wheat

* Fruits (Skanda Puraana, Naagara Khanda says they must be with a small seed

or with few seeds only)

* Mango

* Jackfruit

* Labali fruit

* Roots except 'keaa' (a type of grass or root)

* Pippalii

* Haritakii

* Naagaranga

* Ikshu-dravya or sugarcane derivatives (other than gur or mollasses)

* No oil


The following ingredients are normally part of Havishya but have to be

avoided in the month of Kaartika:


* Mung dal

* Til oil

* Beta-shaaka

* Shashtikaa-shaaka

* Radish

* Jeeraa

* Tamarind


One should take bath in Ganges or a holy river every day and should offer

tarpana 3 times for Bhismadeva by saying the following mantra:




om vaiyaghra padya gotraya

samkrti pravaraya ca

aputraya dadamyetat

salilam bhismavarmane





santanoratmajaya ca

arghyam dadami bhismaya

ajanma brahmacarine




om bhismah santanavo birah

satyavadi jitendriyah


putrapautrocitam kriyam


Offerings to the Lord:



Devotees may offer the following flowers to the Deity:


On the first day, one must offer padma (lotus) flowers to the feet of the


On the second day, one must offer bilva (wood-apple) leaves of the thigh of

the Lord

On the third day, one must offer gandha (scents) to the navel of the Lord

On the fourth day, one must offer java flower to the shoulders of the Lord

On the fifth day, one must offer malati flower to the head (siro-desa) of

the Lord


When there is a overlap of days then the flowers for both days can be

offered in the same day.


Reference: Garuda Puraana (op cit.)


Your humble servant,


Ratnavali dd

-- At the present moment our minds are polluted with the dirt accumulated over millions and millions of lifetimes of sense gratification. Even though our original pure nature is eternal, full of knowledge, and full of bliss, due to our mental contamination we are presently suffering in the realm of temporality, ignorance, and misery. By the purificatory process of chanting the holy names of God we can revive our original, pure nature and thus relish the sweetest happiness at every minute.

Chant:Hare Krishna, Hare Krishna, Krishna Krishna Hare HareHare Rama, Hare Rama, Rama Rama Hare Hare

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