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Namasthe- Hanuman and Garuda 9

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Dear Lakshmiji,


Thank you. Hanuman stories are always filled with Bhakthi. As you said even the greatest Bhakthaas sometimes deviate from their path and always Bhagavaan brings them back. In our own life often these messages are sent to us by Bhagavaan. If we are lucky we see Bhgavaan's hands and otherwise we look at them materialistically and miss His message.


Regards an dprayers



On Thu, Oct 29, 2009 at 9:38 AM, Lakshmy Prakash <lakshmygprakash wrote:





Dear Savitriji,Hari Om.Thanks so much for the beautiful stories that you sent us every day. They not only teachus more about the scriptures but also point out so many values. Even a person such as Garuda who is well into the spiritual path and has close association

with the Lord all the time can be affected by ego. It is only the Lord who recognizeswhen the Devotee is going in reverse direction. We are blinded by the ego and haveno idea when it creeps up on us. The compassionate Lord protects us from our own

downfall.With Love & Pranams,Lakshmy



On Thu, Oct 29, 2009 at 3:49 AM, Savitri Puram <savitriopuram wrote:






Dear all,


As we all know, Bhagavaan does not want to see his devotee taking a reverse direction in the spiritual path. He takes the responsibility to turn them around by giving them different experiences or in other words he would never let His devotees perish even if the devotee complaints or seemingly suffers. He sticks on to His promise- " Na mae Bhaktha: pranashyathy " or my devotees will never perish. Often ego or pride makes all of us walk in the reverse direction knowingly or unknowingly, away from Bhagavaan. Garuda, Bhagavaan's dear vehicle also was deviating from the divine path due to his pride about his swiftness and strength.


Let us see how Bhagavaan purifies Garuda's mind. One day Bhagavaan told Garuda to invite Hanuman who was doing penance in Gandhamaadana Parvatha or mountain. Garuda was happy to follow Bhagavaan's order because he always wanted to meet Hanuman, the great devotee of Lord Rama. He had heard several stories about his greatness. Garuda flew straight to Gandhamaadana parvatham and saw Hanuman sitting turning towards the setting sun. Garuda approached and stood behind him. First he made some noises and then slowly touched him with his wings. Hanuman did not turn his head or acknowledge his touching either by any body movements or by making any noise. Garuda waited for a few minutes and touched him again and there was absolutely no response. Garuda was a little impatient and touched him again and this time it was a harder touch. Hanuman remained still and actually Garuda hurt his wings by touching with a little force. Now he was actually angry and in that anger he spread his wings and lashed at Hanuman's back. 


Garuda did not know what happened, He was thrown at least 50 yards to the back and fell with his wings striking on the hard rock. He was very badly hurt and was wriggling with pain. This made him more angry and with all his strength he jumped on Hanuman again and this time he was bounced back like a ball and fell again on the hard rock. Hanuman was sitting as if nothing had happened. Garuda was not only physically hurt, but his ego was hurt far more than his body. He was not bold enough to try to draw Hanuman's attention  one more time. So he went to Bhagavaan and explained him what happened and how he hurt his strong wings etc. Bhagavaan smiled and said:


" Garuda, go again and please tell him that Lord Rama and Sita Devi want to see him and I am sure he would immediately come with you. Forget about what happened and please be very nice to him. "


 Garuda could not disobey his Master's words. So he went again with his vanished ego about his unparalleled physical strength and stood in front of Hanuman with folded hands. He told Hanuman that Lord Rama and Sita Devi wanted to see him. The moment Hanuman heard Lord Rama he jumped in ecstasy and asked Garuda " Where is my Lord? Where is my Lord and Mother Sita? I want to see them now " .


Garuda said they were in Vaikundham waiting for him and he would carry Hanuman on his back. He said he was the fastest bird in the universe and it was better to go with him. He told that Vaikundha is far and Hanuman would take for ever to reach there. But Hanuman told Garuda to go first and he said he would come by himself. Garuda did not want to say anything more and flew back to Vaukundham as fast as his wings could take him. Then he reached the gate and told the guards (not Jaya and Viyaya because they were still doing their janmaas as Shishupaala and Dandavakthra!) that Hanumanji would be coming soon and they should let him in with out antagonizing him. Garuda warned them of the potential danger of rubbing Hanumanjit on the wrong side. Then the guards said:


" Garudaji, Hanumanji is already here. He came long back and is with Bhagavaan inside. Actually Hanumanji tod us that you would be coming behind him and you would be very tired. He left all these fresh fruits to be given to you and told you to eat these and get some rest. "


Garuda now knew tha there are people stronger than him and there are people who can travel more swiftly than him. His ego completed melted and dissolved in the pure devotion towards his Master who is the Lord of the Universe and who is Bhakthavathsala!


He fell prostrate at Bhgavaan's feet and then at Hanumanji's feet and disappeared in to his quarters.



VaayusoonO Namaamyaham.


Regards an dprayers



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