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Important instruction from Srila Bhakti Vinod Thakura in Bhaktyaloka

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Srila Bhakti Vinod Thakura is explaining about the prayasa for prathistha in"Bhaktivinod Thakur Bhaktyaloka". In that context he is explaining theprocess of sadana(Bhakti) which should be followed by House holders andrenounciates.A practicing devotee should pass his life in a natural occupation that isfavorable to devotion service, and he should chant and remember the holynames with knowledge of his relationship with the Lord. This process ofworship without prayasa again has two different kinds of applicatios-forhouseholders and for renunciates. Making varnasrama favorable to devotionalservice, the householder should pass his life engaged in devotionalservice freefrom prayasa. They should earn and save only to easily maintain the familymembers. If they always remember that worshiping Hari is the only purpose oflife, then they will never fall into illusion. In happiness and

distress, ingood fortune and bad, in waking and sleep in every condition-worshiping Hariwill quickly be perfected. And the renunciate should not save at all. Heshould maintain his body by daily begging alms and thus engage in devotionservice. They should not stay in any enterprise. By entering intoenterprise, he is at fault. The more he worships the lord with humility andsimplicity, the more he will understand Krishna, by His mercy.The important points are:Natural occupation : We need to accept natural duties according to our gunaand karma ( B.G 4.13)Holy names: Chanting holy names of Supreme God is the prescribed sacrificefor Krishna in Kali yuga. That is sankirtan yagna.Varnasrama: Varnasrma system is conducive to progress in devotionallife. Varnasram means performing each and every activity for satisfaction ofLord Krishna. So by following varnasram

system, our each activityin our daily life will be transformed in to devotional service.Easily maintain: We should not put great endeavour to earn lively hood. Socalled Modern technological life is filled with prayasa . So we need tofollow the principle of simple living high thinking to progress indevotional life.------------------------------www.krishna.com www.harekrishna.com www.iskcon.com www.asitis.com


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