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srimadbhagavatham -skandha 7

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Chapter10 continued


Narada then told Yudhishtira about the Thripura samhara and its significance. When devas conquered asuras, the latter went to Maya who was the guru for all those who are skilled in maaya. Maya constructed three cities made of gold, silver and iron respectively. The mode of their transport, the way they were constructed and the security measures of the three cities are undetected by anyone. The three cities could fly in the air invisible and the leaders of the asuras traveling in them started destroying the worlds and the residents of these lokas resorted to Siva for protection.


Siva destroyed the three cities and Maya took the residents of the city and dropped them in the well containing nectar. Siva became worried that the asuras may become immortal by drinking the nectar from the well, The Lord took the form of a cow and Brahma as the calf went to the well and drank the nectar. The asuras though witnessing the event could not stop Him being enchanted by His maya.


The Lord gave new weapons to Siva and created chariot, charioteer, flag, horse, bow arrows armour etc. from dharma, jnana, vairagya, aisvarya, thapas, vidhya, kriya. Siva went to fight the thripura asuras during the abhijith muhurtha and burnt them.


The significance of Thripura is as follows.

The three cities represent sthoola sukshma and kaarana sareera. That is, gross body, subtle body and causal body. In ordinary language, gross body means the physical body and sense organs, subtle body is the mind and intellect and the causal body is ego. When the three are destroyed mukthi will result. The koopa amrtha, well of nectar denotes the power of body, mind and intellect and this should be made as offering to the Lord to prevent the asuras, evil impulses from drinking them. To fight the evil impulses the chariot is dharma, jnana is the charioteer, Vairagya is the bow, thapas is the horses, vidhyaa is the flag and kriya the arrows.


This means that one should be carried by dharma, allowing it to be our chariot, driven by jnana the spiritual knowledge, detachment , vairagya is the bow always strung without allowing it to lax, thapas or inner and outer control are the horses that steer the chariot in the right path, controlled by the jnana, vidhya, which here means the right knowledge about dharma is the mark of spiritual progress , like a flag. Kriya is the right action which serve as the arrow to hit the mark.


Narada then started instructing Yudhishtira about varnasramadharma.

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