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Namasthe- Shritha paarijaathan

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Dear all,


Lord Rama is known as Shritha paarijaathan or He fulfills all the desires of a devotee who seeks shelter and surrender at His feet.  Lord Himself says:



Sakrudeva Prapannaya Tavaasmeeti cha Yachate Abhayam Sarva Bhutebhyo Dadaami Etat Vratam Mama.

" If a person once surrenders and takes refuge in me saying, I am yours (thavaasmi), I will protect him from all others. This is my vow. "

Now let us look at our life and how we trust people in all walks of life and go forward. We completely surrender our life to an airplane pilot and fly ten thousands miles or more with out worrying about the capability of the assigned pilot. In a train, people completely trust in the capability of the engine driver and sleep or play cards or have fun. Also we give the key of our life with full surrender to the surgeon in charge and go to sleep with complete confidence. We buy archana tickets from the temple and give to the priest believing that he would sincerely pray for our welfare through the  chanting of manthras and offering of flowers. We can see that even in small individual needs we depend and trust and surrender to human beings who are like ourselves. It is good to do that and we should positively do that to go on with our life.

Swami Vivekananda asks this question: If we can find so much comfort and peace in believing humans like ourselves, shouldn't we surrender, trust and believe in the " greatest power " or Paramaathma Chathanyam which is shining with in all of us, with whose energy sun rises and shines with out fail, with whose energy all the planets and Universe is maintained, to find eternal peace and happiness? Is n't it silly not to trust and surrender to Him when we are ready to surrender to the mortals like ourselves? Surrendering to Lord is neither slavery, nor inactivity but it opens  the path to salvation. Surrendering to Lord and trusting Him gives eternal comfort and happiness.

This question of Swami Vivekananda gives us good food for thought.


Regards and prayers




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namo narayana


Dear All,


I would like to add a few lines about our respected Savitriji's email about the Sri Rama's assurance to us about His protection.


The Lord has declared in three occassions, His vratham of saving His devotees under ANY and ALL cricumstances, they are stated in the following verses as


Sri Krishna Charama Shloka (BG 18.66)


sarva-dharman parityajya mam ekam saranam vrajaaham tvam sarva-papebhyo mokshayisyami ma sucah


Abandon all varieties of religion and just surrender unto Me. I shall deliver you from all sinful reactions. Do not fear.


Sri Rama Charama Shloka


Sakrudeva Prapannaya Tavaasmeeti cha Yachate Abhayam Sarva Bhutebhyo Dadaami Etat Vratam Mama.


"If a person once surrenders and takes refuge in me saying, I am yours (thavaasmi), I will protect him from all others. This is my vow."


Sri Varaha Charama Shlokam


sthithE manasi susvasthE sarIrE sathi yO nara:dhAthusAmyE sthithE smarthA visvarUpam cha maamajam (1)tathastham mriyamANam thu kAshtA paashaNa sannibham aham smarAmi madh bhaktham nayAmi paramAm gathim (2)Oh Bhumi Devi ! The entire universe is my body (sarIram ) . I do not have births or deaths .When my bhakthAs with mahA visvAsam surrender to me, while they are still in a state of tranquil mind and healthy body and reflect about Me as as SarvAdharan ( root causeof all) , NiyanthA ( one who commands from within ) sarva sEshi ( the ultimate ), aasrayaNeeyan ( one who is fit to be worshipped ) , Sarva VyApthan (all-pervasive ) and Nithya sannihithan ( One who is always near ) , THEN I think of them at their last moments, when they are totally unconscious like a log or a stoneand lead them by archirAdhi

maargam to My parama padham and bless them to have nithya kaimkarya bhAgyam to Me there . (By Dr. V. Sadagopan)http://www.ahobilavalli.org/varaha_puranam.pdf


The Sri Krishna Charam shlokam is perhaps the most famous and Sri Varaha Charama shlokam the least known, but in my opinion it is the most reassuring statement of our Lord's vatsalyam. It is declared by Sri Varahaswamy after rescuing Bhumi devi from Hiranyakshan, giving Her His assurance to save all His devotees, if they sincerely surrender to His feet during their life time.


According to this shlokam, we need not wait till we get old and are on our death bed to call out and surrender to God to attain moksham. We neither know if we will be able to do that in our final moments as life/death are highly unpredictable. So in His vast compassion, the Lord says that even when we are young, healthy and full of life, if we sincerely surrender to Him and try to live like a Sharanagathaa, He will definitely rescue us at the end of our lives.(Now what more assurance do we need form God??)


These shlokams are very important in the Sharangathi margam for all Vaishnavas. The sharangathi margam as opposed to the Bhakti margam, directly puts the burden of us attaining Bhagavan on Bhagavan Himself, thus making it the most easiest, pratical way for all the badhha jivas trapped in this Kali Yugam where the rigors of Bhakti margam cannot be performed by all.


It is a wonderful to recite all these three charam shlokas in the morning daily before the Lord, to always assure us that He is waiting for us at Sri Vaikuntham, all He requires is that we sincerely let of our ego, pride and perform sharangathi to Him.











--- On Wed, 11/18/09, Savitri Puram <savitriopuram wrote:

Savitri Puram <savitriopuram[Guruvayur] Namasthe- Shritha paarijaathanWednesday, November 18, 2009, 6:53 AM


Dear all,


Lord Rama is known as Shritha paarijaathan or He fulfills all the desires of a devotee who seeks shelter and surrender at His feet. Lord Himself says:



Sakrudeva Prapannaya Tavaasmeeti cha Yachate Abhayam Sarva Bhutebhyo Dadaami Etat Vratam Mama.

"If a person once surrenders and takes refuge in me saying, I am yours (thavaasmi), I will protect him from all others. This is my vow."

Now let us look at our life and how we trust people in all walks of life and go forward. We completely surrender our life to an airplane pilot and fly ten thousands miles or more with out worrying about the capability of the assigned pilot. In a train, people completely trust in the capability of the engine driver and sleep or play cards or have fun. Also we give the key of our life with full surrender to the surgeon in charge and go to sleep with complete confidence. We buy archana tickets from the temple and give to the priest believing that he would sincerely pray for our welfare through the chanting of manthras and offering of flowers. We can see that even in small individual needs we depend and trust and surrender to human beings who are like ourselves. It is good to do that and we should positively do that to go on with our life.

Swami Vivekananda asks this question: If we can find so much comfort and peace in believing humans like ourselves, shouldn't we surrender, trust and believe in the "greatest power" or Paramaathma Chathanyam which is shining with in all of us, with whose energy sun rises and shines with out fail, with whose energy all the planets and Universe is maintained, to find eternal peace and happiness? Is n't it silly not to trust and surrender to Him when we are ready to surrender to the mortals like ourselves? Surrendering to Lord is neither slavery, nor inactivity but it opens the path to salvation. Surrendering to Lord and trusting Him gives eternal comfort and happiness.

This question of Swami Vivekananda gives us good food for thought.


Regards and prayers




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Hari Om!


Dear Kamaleshji


It is too good to go through your clarifications, particularly early in the morning imagining that we are sitting in the pooja room in front of the Lord!


Thank you very much.......



2009/11/18 Veryytterium <veryytterium










namo narayana


Dear All,


I would like to add a few lines about our respected Savitriji's email about the Sri Rama's assurance to us about His protection.


The Lord has declared in three occassions, His vratham of saving His devotees under ANY and ALL cricumstances, they are stated in the following verses as


Sri Krishna Charama Shloka (BG 18.66)


sarva-dharman parityajya   mam ekam saranam vrajaaham tvam sarva-papebhyo  mokshayisyami ma sucah   Abandon all varieties of religion and just surrender unto Me. I shall deliver you from all sinful reactions. Do not fear.


Sri Rama Charama Shloka



Sakrudeva Prapannaya Tavaasmeeti cha Yachate Abhayam Sarva Bhutebhyo Dadaami Etat Vratam Mama.


" If a person once surrenders and takes refuge in me saying, I am yours (thavaasmi), I will protect him from all others. This is my vow. "


Sri Varaha Charama Shlokam


sthithE manasi susvasthE sarIrE sathi yO nara:dhAthusAmyE sthithE smarthA visvarUpam cha maamajam (1)tathastham mriyamANam thu kAshtA paashaNa sannibham aham smarAmi madh bhaktham nayAmi paramAm gathim (2)

Oh Bhumi Devi !  The entire universe is  my body (sarIram ) . I do not have births or deaths .When my bhakthAs with mahA visvAsam surrender to me,  while they are still in a state of tranquil mind and healthy  body and reflect about Me as as SarvAdharan ( root cause

of all) , NiyanthA ( one who commands from within )   sarva sEshi ( the ultimate ), aasrayaNeeyan ( one who  is fit to be worshipped )  , Sarva VyApthan (all-pervasive )  and Nithya sannihithan ( One who is always near ) , THEN I think of them at their last moments, when they are totally unconscious like a log or  a stone

and lead them by archirAdhi maargam to My parama padham and bless them to have nithya kaimkarya bhAgyam to Me there . (By Dr. V. Sadagopan)http://www.ahobilavalli.org/varaha_puranam.pdf


The Sri Krishna Charam shlokam is perhaps the most famous and Sri Varaha Charama shlokam the least known, but in my opinion it is the most reassuring statement of our Lord's vatsalyam. It is declared by Sri Varahaswamy after rescuing Bhumi devi from Hiranyakshan, giving  Her His assurance to save all His devotees, if they sincerely surrender to His feet during their life time.


According to this shlokam, we need not wait till we get old and are on our death bed to call out and surrender to God to attain moksham. We neither know if we will be able to do that in our final moments as life/death are highly unpredictable. So in His vast compassion, the Lord says that even when we are young, healthy and full of life, if we sincerely surrender to Him and try to live like a Sharanagathaa, He will definitely rescue us at the end of our lives.

(Now  what more assurance do we need form God??)


These shlokams are very important in the Sharangathi margam for all Vaishnavas. The sharangathi margam as opposed to the Bhakti margam, directly puts the burden of us attaining Bhagavan on Bhagavan Himself, thus making it the most easiest, pratical way for all the badhha jivas trapped in this Kali Yugam where the rigors of Bhakti margam cannot be performed by all.


It is a wonderful to recite all these three charam shlokas in the morning daily  before the Lord, to always assure us that He is waiting for us at Sri Vaikuntham, all He requires is that we sincerely let of our ego, pride and perform sharangathi to Him.











--- On Wed, 11/18/09, Savitri Puram <savitriopuram wrote:

Savitri Puram <savitriopuram[Guruvayur] Namasthe- Shritha paarijaathan

Wednesday, November 18, 2009, 6:53 AM



Dear all,


Lord Rama is known as Shritha paarijaathan or He fulfills all the desires of a devotee who seeks shelter and surrender at His feet.  Lord Himself says:



Sakrudeva Prapannaya Tavaasmeeti cha Yachate Abhayam Sarva Bhutebhyo Dadaami Etat Vratam Mama.

" If a person once surrenders and takes refuge in me saying, I am yours (thavaasmi), I will protect him from all others. This is my vow. "

Now let us look at our life and how we trust people in all walks of life and go forward. We completely surrender our life to an airplane pilot and fly ten thousands miles or more with out worrying about the capability of the assigned pilot. In a train, people completely trust in the capability of the engine driver and sleep or play cards or have fun. Also we give the key of our life with full surrender to the surgeon in charge and go to sleep with complete confidence. We buy archana tickets from the temple and give to the priest believing that he would sincerely pray for our welfare through the  chanting of manthras and offering of flowers. We can see that even in small individual needs we depend and trust and surrender to human beings who are like ourselves. It is good to do that and we should positively do that to go on with our life.

Swami Vivekananda asks this question: If we can find so much comfort and peace in believing humans like ourselves, shouldn't we surrender, trust and believe in the " greatest power " or Paramaathma Chathanyam which is shining with in all of us, with whose energy sun rises and shines with out fail, with whose energy all the planets and Universe is maintained, to find eternal peace and happiness? Is n't it silly not to trust and surrender to Him when we are ready to surrender to the mortals like ourselves? Surrendering to Lord is neither slavery, nor inactivity but it opens  the path to salvation. Surrendering to Lord and trusting Him gives eternal comfort and happiness.

This question of Swami Vivekananda gives us good food for thought.


Regards and prayers






-- Best regardsJayasree MenonBangalore+9900149461my blog link: http://www.pythrukam.blogspot.com/

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