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Daily Routine

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QuestionHello,I'm writing to you to ask about the daily routine / spiritual thoughts of a devout practitioner of hinduism well-versed in the teachings of the Bhagavad Gita. This is for research for an assignment in a religious philosophy class ( this assignment is due , so if you can answer before then you needn't bother).Some questions I have are,How close are you paying attention to your karma?Do you know where you are in terms of reincarnation? Where have you been and how many more cycles are ahead of you?To achieve the satvic state, which form of yoga do you practice?How do you view your atman? How do you maintain your connection to it despite the daily distractions you encounter?What is your conception of Brahman?Any help you can provide on these topics or any that come to mind would be

exceedingly helpful. If you cannot answer these questions before tomorrow, I will understand. Thank you for your time,

AnswerYou have asked very nice questions. Let me attempt to answer them.(1) Gita says that all actions of the man are done automatically by his nature. So if you wish to do good karma, you have to change within. Good karmas will follow automatically in all your actions.(2)In the final stage of reincarnation, man looses all attachment and get salvation. So if you have lost all desire and passion for the worldly things, you are close to salvation. Hence on the final stage of salvation. The more worldly desire, the farther is you from salvation.(3)Yoga is thought. Thoughts are the most difficult to control. Remember that yoga means union. i.e.. union with all creations of the world. Hence the thoughts of the yogi must be one that he sees the whole world as his own. This is the satvik stage of yoga. However, to reach this stage, you have to first control your actions which means meditation and asansas

(postures). Only by control of body, can you really achieve the control of mind. However, once you achieve control of mind, body gets automatically controlled.(4)Atman means Self in Sanskrit. However, self are two. Once that is seen by the world i.e. the body of the person and the second is the self which only you know. The second self is called Higher Self or Atman. Both are interconnected naturally. Body can't survive without soul and the soul needs body for existence. Same is true for individual existence. If you have learned to enjoy yourself without the approval of the external world, you can never be distracted by the external world. (5) Brahma means Paramatman or Universal Soul. Let me explain by an analogy. If you consider God as a person, the Universe is the body of the God and we are all like the cells of the body. Just like a cell have the soul or intelligence of the Body (as by cloning you can convert any cell into the full

body) so you too have the intelligence of the God. Brahma, is therefore the Absolute God who is eternal, omnipotent and omniscient and all entities of the world are part of it. Don't we all know everything about our body and mind?With best wishes


Day in life "Practitioner"/hinduism can well versed better than this I hope.....

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