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For your attn. pl Proposal of Name for our website and e-group.

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Dear Friends,Any one want to turn vegetarian or seriously thinking of turning vegetarian and/or vegan here are few sources of information.



The information is mostly based on and back ground and things available in USA. It may not completely applicable and practical out side USA. But of course it can help every one. SincerelyUdhayabhanu Panickaraum namaHShivaaya LET US NOT MAKE OUR STOMACH A GRAVEYARD. LET US NOT EAT FLESH.LET US BE VEGETARIANS AND STAY HEALTHY. Animals are to be loved, not eaten. Eating flesh is good neither for the mind nor for the intellect, not even for the body. It distorts the basic character of human. --- On Tue, 11/24/09, Chandra Menon <chandrasmenon2002 wrote:Chandra Menon <chandrasmenon2002Re: [Guruvayur] Re: For your attn. pl Proposal

of Name for our website and e-group.guruvayur Date: Tuesday, November 24, 2009, 1:56 PM





Om Namo Narayanaya

Dear Shri Panickarji

Thank you and I totally agree with you when you said


"I am of the opinion that we should keep the discussion out of the present group. Form another group and discuss it there and go from there."

and in that group we all know who we are whom we are supporting at-least.


I too echo these words of Kamlesh :-

"In my humble opinion, we need to reform ourselves first before even thinking of reforming the other community." Shall I say "others"?

We are all different, physically and mentally, with different thinking, different level of grasping power and understanding, from different parts of the world, but fortunately are under one umbrella of Guruvayoor group, thanks to Sunil for his effort and maintaining this forum. In the past we were annoyed over the Devaswom minister for his "views" about temples and its management. We prayed Lord Guruvayoorappan, and Mr. G.Sudhakaran is no more Devaswom minister. I am sure all members are aware of this. Our prayers were answered. There are many members in our group who have personally experienced that prayers are always answered and I have no hesitancy in saying fortunately I am the one.

I felt a world of relief when I read that zoo authorities decided to release all the elephants from the Zoos due to atrocities meted out to them. Was it due to the result of any particular group or individual's action? I think definitely our prayers were answered here also. Now where they will be dispatched is a problem not only for the Zoo authorities but also for the general public and all lovers of Elephants.

About cows. I certainly do not want to harm the cows that are considered "sacred" by many. Instead of mass scale of "save the cows" can we at-least protect "one" cow? Consider it as a "saha praaNi" if not as ones own mother? In olden days back at home we had 3 cows and calves,well taken care of, but due to the "changes" in the "society" in due course of "time" everything changed and to maintain a cow now is next to impossible due to space limitations. The Government had taken the lands away from the erstwhile landlords and distributed to landless thus the value of the society has completely changed.

These are again from Panickarji's mail (in USA)

"Now, there are stores where you can get milk and milk products made the old way that is with out the torture of the cow and calf."

marked appropriately. Again, some may not able to digest milk, but preparing curd at home will surely supply necessary "elements" for growth from this type of milk, which we use at home.

In Bhagavatham chapter 5 King Bharatha, whose name is associated with our Bhaaratham, was a pious and righteous Ruler, but towards the end of his life was attached to a deer and in his next birth was re-born as a deer. So too much attachment with anything in this world is not adviseable.


About vegetables. Can we definitely say that plants and vegetables do not have life? Most vegetables are normally amiable except "onions" that will make one cry when cut (killed). Can we also say that all vegetables are definitely safe for everyone? The "apples" that are displayed "shining" in super markets are coated with wax and I am not sure what the wax will do when we consume it? The green vegetables in cans with preservatives, "fresh" vegetables sprayed with insecticides and disinfectants are really poisonous in the long run for our health. In spite of all these hazards, life expectancy has only increased but along with that the diseases also. Each one should control "desires" and eat moderately for sustenance of life. What else can we do? Can we do anything without HIS blessings? I am sure our prayers and prayers alone is the answer that will bring

the results beneficial to all.


A word of caution. Some of the supportive websites are "wolves clad in sheep-skin". Helping them in any form will bring our own destruction. Its one's choice.


Om namo Narayanaya

Chandrasekharan "liive and let live"

"They alone live who live for others, rest are more dead than alive"



Udayabhanu Panickar <udhayabhanupanickar @>NBhaskaran Nair <nbnair2000 >; Savitri Puram <savitriopuram@ gmail.com>; Guruvayur <guruvayur@grou ps.com>Cc: Achuthan Nair <anair1101 >; Gopala Krishnan <gopalkrishna25@ .co. in>; Indu <sowparnika999@ gmail.com>; K.V Gopalakrishna <gopalakrishna. kv (AT) gmail (DOT) com>; Kamlesh <veryytterium@ >; marath Gopalakrishnan Nair <mgk2007.nair@ gmail.com>; Nair GG <ggnair51 (AT) (DOT) co.in>; Sukumaran Thampi <nsukruti (AT) gmail (DOT) com>; Sukumaran Thampi <TRSThampi (AT) hotmail (DOT) com>; Bhaskaran Nair <nbnair (AT) gmail (DOT) com>Mon, November 23, 2009 10:25:29 PM[Guruvayur] Re: For your attn. pl Proposal of Name for our website and e-group.












Dear Nairji, Savitriji and others,

Abstain from eating the flesh of dead creatures. Living organisms are to be loved, not eaten. Vegetarians are perhaps not totally non-violent. But they are certainly a few notches above the flesh-eaters in the ladder of non-violence. Non-vegetarianism is good neither for the mind nor for the intellect, nor even for the body. Saints and spiritual masters have invariably advocated vegetarianism. Non-vegetarianism distorts the basic character of man. This universe is the manifestation of but one mind. Alienation between one mind and another mind is unnatural. The mind of man is in no way different from the mind of any other creature. Love an insect, and it can be seen that it reciprocates. Salvation is the ultimate outcome of non-violence.


The above are not my words. This was said by Shree Vidyaadhiraaja Chattampi Swamikal. Consuming pure Vegetarian food is very good in every sense. But even vegetarian food can also be harm full if we don’t make the proper selection. Recently I read that the silver colored thin lining using to cover the sweets we get in Indian stores all over the world is animal products which lot of us doesn’t know.


I have seen some of you are thinking of becoming vegan also. That can also be little tricky if we don’t make the proper selection of food. For processed food, look at the labels. See if contains harmful chemical. Also find out how vegetables are grown. If you can grow them yourself, do so. Majority of people who are thinking of turning vegan is probably considering it because of the cruelty to the animals in obtaining milk and milk products. Now, there are stores where you can get milk and milk products made the old way that is with out the torture of the cow and calf. Another point considered is after the production stage is passed; the cows are killed and eaten. New let us think what happen if we don’t use Milk products, will it stop that killing. I don’t think so. What is then we can do?


In my opinion also, the best thing to do is to educate people at the grassroots level about the good and bad of eating habits. That can be done in many ways. And as Nairji said, that is what I do. I had lot of critics for doing this. Some even sent me very nasty emails in response to my email signatures. Some argued with me saying that Hindus are meat eaters. The funniest thing was that it was all the so-called Hindus who did this. But I just kept it on and varied between flesh, alcohol, drugs and soda. I am happy that it worked and I had few communications from Guruvayur group members also saying that my messages did encourage them to change over. Even some people who opposed me have come around and turned vegetarians now. I strongly believe that every thing we do, we say and we write do produce energy and it travels and do make changes. Even talking when none is listening can


effects. So keep writing about it, talking about it. It will bring results.


As Nairji said I don’t think we can stop the killing by taking any drastic step. So the best thing is to do is turn vegetarian and encourage people to do so. If you want to be vegan, make sure the substitutes you use are made with out animal products and chemicals. And if you use milk products get the products made in a humane way and take action to educate people on the good and bad of it all.


The same way if elephants or any other animal is used to any purpose, Temples or in labor force, it must be with compassion and with out hurting them. For all these we can educate people. If some people feel that there should be a separate organization go ahead and do so. Also keep the work on a person to person level. Any opportunities you get to express and educate people about it do so.


I am of the opinion that we should keep the discussion out of the present group. Form another group and discuss it there and go from there. Mean while do what ever you can. Email signatures, bumper stickers on your car, small labels on the mail you send by post office. If you use printed stationary, print some slogan on it. Use your own wording and quotes from Spiritual Masters and famous people like Gandhi and Heroes like BheeshmAchArya. These all are good tools to educate people.


Also there are organizations doing similar work already and if any one wants they can join them. For that last several years I am a member of PETA. PETA is in India also now. And remember, some times they can get little too aggressive. That may not do much good and may even turn counter productive.


Wish you all healthy eating and successful educating.




Udhayabhanu Panickar

aum namaHShivaaya

LET US NOT MAKE OUR STOMACH A GRAVEYARD. LET US NOT EAT FLESH.LET US BE VEGETARIANS AND STAY HEALTHY. Animals are to be loved, not eaten. Eating flesh is good neither for the mind nor for the intellect, not even for the body. It distorts the basic character of human.








--- On Mon, 11/23/09, Savitri Puram <savitriopuram@ gmail.com> wrote:

Savitri Puram <savitriopuram@ gmail.com>Re: For your attn. pl Proposal of Name for our website and e-group."NBhaskaran Nair" <nbnair2000 >Cc: "Achuthan Nair" <anair1101 >, "Gopala Krishnan" <gopalkrishna25@ .co. in>, "Indu" <sowparnika999@ gmail.com>, "K.V Gopalakrishna" <gopalakrishna. kv (AT) gmail (DOT) com>, "Kamlesh" <veryytterium@ >, "marath Gopalakrishnan Nair" <mgk2007.nair@ gmail.com>, "Nair GG" <ggnair51 (AT) (DOT) co.in>, "Sukumaran Thampi" <nsukruti (AT) gmail (DOT) com>, "Sukumaran Thampi" <TRSThampi (AT) hotmail (DOT) com>, "Udayabhanu Panickar" <udhayabhanupanickar @>, "Bhaskaran Nair" <nbnair (AT) gmail (DOT) com>Monday, November 23, 2009, 2:42 PM


Dear Nairji,


I perfectly agree with you and I also think that it should start at the grass root level. As you mentioned, we have to clean up ourselves before worrying about how dirty others are.



As Nairji said, in one of my earlier mails I said that Guruvayurappan or any other God or Goddess will not be happy to see an elephant being treated like this and we should introduce a look alike, life -size elephant made of wood or any other material with movable ears and trunk etc so that with nettippattom, beautiful rope ,melanki and other ornaments, it will almost look like a real elephant and we are not hurting any living being. Aren't we using "aal roopam" and different parts of our body made of silver, like eyes, ears etc to offer at His feet? Isn't a symbolic offering of our parts of the body or ourselves to Bhagavaan? In the modern day Yaagams, they are using cows made of rice dough or "arimaavu" instead of a live cow. Also for Pashuddaanam" I have seen people giving money, a dhothi etc and with sincere sankalppam of giving a cow , give it to the deserving person.


In the past, when I shared my loud thinking, reaction was negative and forceful.So to avoid this unpleasant feelings in our Bhakthi group, I did not want to continue the discussion. This is my humble outlook about this. I believe in Sankalppam and Shankaracharyar has said: "I made these maanasa Poojaas because power of sankalppam brings sankalppa siddhi."


There is no end to the cruelty towards other animals like cows, whales, seals etc. and especially cows. Also the circus animals are victims of harsh and unkind treatment, I am not sure how we can decrease the abuse except by creating awareness in people in our own family, our friends and those who come in contact with us.



Regards and prayers




On Mon, Nov 23, 2009 at 11:13 AM, NBhaskaran Nair <nbnair2000 > wrote:



Hi,This is for your special attn and comments if any pl.urs affly nb nair.


NB Nair, Scientific Officer(Retired) , Bhabha Atomic Research Centre, Bombay.Phone # 09869030507.


The Golden Conduct-Rule applicable to almost all religions:Do Unto Others As You Would Have Them Do Unto YouRef. Religion for Dummies. ISBN: 07645-5264-3, page: 34.



----- Forwarded Message ----nbn <nbnair2000 >guruvayur@grou ps.comMon, 23 November, 2009 9:55:52 AM[Guruvayur] Re: Proposal of Name for our website and e-group.




HARI AUMIt is heartening to learn that people, individually and in groups are out tofeed hapless animals, give them shelter, etc. But I sincerely appeal toall concerned: don't waste your much valuable time and energy "to stopkilling by others". Once we believe vegetarianism is good we can always plead for it, advise othersto change over, etc., like what our Panickerji does through his appeals alwaysgiven under his signature in all mails. But who are we to stopkilling by "others"? At least, as far as we continue the practice ofHIMSA, very nakedly, in the name of "Devotion to GOD", we don't haveany genuine right to impose AHIMSA on "others" - it will be HYPOCRISYin its naked form - "My way and the Wrong Way" policy.On our own Guruvayur Group Forum many of our members had described how we treatour "Cow Matas" in the so-called modern farms. By hormonetreatments we enlarge their

stomachs and udders out of proportion, byartificial insemination we make them give birth without intervals, take awaythe young ones from their mothers, male progenies for immediate butchering andthe females for artificial feeds and hormone treatments to continue the cycleof torture. After all these life-longtorture at the end they are also butchered: instead it would have been morehumane if they are butchered right away so that they don't have to undergo allthose sufferings. Hence the cow milkthat we get these days are more a product of SIN than meat! Like cows our temple elephants are alsodoomed for their lives, once in our custody. They never get a day's normal life. So before embarking on cleaning the neighbourhood let us try to cleanour own house to the extent possible – let us use our time and energy for thatwith utmost priority.

Before accusing "OTHERS" look into a mirror, look within,and make that image worth worshipping, heed Gurudeva's Advice.

WithDue Respects for all,

ursaffly nb nair.

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