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Wrongly quoting Bhagavad Gita to explain the mass destruction caused by US and its allies People around the world misuse hindu scriptures to justify their actions. We should not allow other religions to take hindus and hinduism for a ride.

The word Hinduism ,Aryan itself is a misnomer.Hindu name is given by invaders.Aryan race was coined by Max Muller.unfortunately The priceless, timeless and ulimate truth as illuminated by the Sanathana Dharma had not been appreciated even in India till recently. It is the most liberal and democratic way of life and quest for truth. The world is now slowly but steadily realising this fact. This is the only solution to the world torn apart under the weight of conflicts and destructions that various barbazic and violent civilisations have brought upon the universe.




here it is.....



An article appearing in FPIF on the mass destruction caused by United States and its allies quotes Bhagavad Gita to explain the nature of destruction. The article written by Conn Hallinan is titled “The Vishnu Strategy†(no idea what that strategy is) and quotes from the Bhagavad Gita.


The Supreme Lord said: I am death, the mighty destroyer of the world, out to destroy.†According to the great Hindu text Bhagavad-Gita, Vishnu delivered that speech to Prince Arjuna before a great battle almost eight millennia ago.



The author seems to be influenced by Robert Oppenheimer who quoted from Gita to describe the explosion of the atomic bomb. Firstly, it was not Vishnu who delivered Bhagavad Gita but Lord Krishna. Since Krishna being the incarnation of Lord Vishnu for argument sake the statement can be accepted.


The above said quote is from the eleventh chapter of Bhagavad Gita (verse 32). And Conn Halliman has not taken the entire quote but mutilated it to suit his article.


I am death,The mighty destroyer of the world, out to destroy.Even without your participation all the warriorsStanding arrayed in the opposing armiesShall cease to exist.


Kalo’smi lokaksayakrt-pravrddhoLokan smahartum-iha pravrttah|


rte’pi twam na bhavisyanti sarveye’vasthitah pratyanikesu yodhah||


The term used for death in the verse is ‘Kal’ which also means ‘Time’ so the verse also means


Time am I, that comes to destroy worlds, grown mature, engaged here in subduing the world. Even without thee, all the warriors stationed in the opposite ranks shall not be. (Translated by Shakuntala Rao Shastri)


Krishna is here removing the ignorance of Arjuna by pointing out that ‘Time’ or ‘death’ will anyway consume all those that you are worrying for. When Krishna says ‘Time am I’ he is saying that he is Brahman or the ultimate truth.


So what is the article dealing with?


An Israeli commander recently expressed regret on the recent war against Lebanon by Israel.

From the article



The latest channeling of the Hindu god can be found in an Israeli commander's evaluation of last summer's war with Lebanon: “What we did was insane and monstrous, we covered entire towns in cluster bombs.â€


The commander was decrying the way Israel, the United States, and Great Britain wage war these days, which has increasingly become an exercise in mass destruction. In the last five years, Vishnu has visited Afghanistan, Iraq, and Lebanon. The result has been death and ruin on a biblical—or more aptly, a Bhagavad-Gita—scale.



The writer concludes that US and its allies are employing Vishnu Strategy.


What does this mean? What has Bhagavad Gita and Lord Vishnu to do with the mass destruction carried out by fascist governments?

Krishna did not ask Arjuna to kill innocent people but asked to fight for his existence. Shying away from defending one's existence is against the law of nature. Every living being has the right to live in nature until nature consumes it. Often human beings out of his/her ignorance do not perform the required duty. Krishna was only removing the ignorance of Arjuna which was acting as an impediment from him performing his duty.

If United States and its allies are creating mass destruction it is out of the ignorance of the ruling class.

The INTERNET now has a personality. YOURS! See your Homepage.

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Anuradha Iyer,


It is not the first time misquoting of Geetha is done. Even our own people,

supposed to be the practitioners of Sanatana DhaRMam are the people who do it.


The names such as ‘Hindu’ and ‘India’

are the mistakes made by or inability to pronounce our language by foreigners

and we just accepted them. ‘Hindu’ by Persians and ‘India’ by Greeks and we accept what

ever the foreigners give us. They said Aryan means the people who came from out

side to rule over us, we accepted that also. That was the mistake we did. We

are still doing it.


You are correct when you say that Lord Krishnan was talking to Arjunan as parabrahMam.

But a lot of our people don't accept that.


Yes there is a sign of change, but I don't think it is good enough. The change

is very negligible and our people following the west are also increasing on a

much faster pace. It may be done in the name of globalization or some thing

else, we are at the receiving end. What

is increasing is mainly the fall of our culture and Spirituality. The younger

generation is not even able to converse in our own languages. Without our

language how can we sustain our culture? It is impossible and imposable. People

want to send there children only to English medium schools where even

conversing in our languages are a crime. How can we sustain the little progress

you mentioned and how can that help us in keeping and transferring our

traditions and practices to the coming generations?


I thank you for bringing up this topic into focus.

SincerelyUdhayabhanu Panickaraum namaHShivaaya LET US NOT MAKE OUR STOMACH A GRAVEYARD. LET US NOT EAT FLESH.LET US BE VEGETARIANS AND STAY HEALTHY. Animals are to be loved, not eaten. Eating flesh is good neither for the mind nor for the intellect, not even for the body. It distorts the basic character of human. --- On Tue, 12/1/09, anuradha iyer <anuiyer1973 wrote:anuradha iyer <anuiyer1973[Guruvayur] blog..To:

guruvayur Date: Tuesday, December 1, 2009, 12:15 AM



Wrongly quoting Bhagavad Gita to explain the mass destruction caused by US and its allies People around the world misuse hindu scriptures to justify their actions. We should not allow other religions to take hindus and hinduism for a ride.

The word Hinduism ,Aryan itself is a misnomer.Hindu name is given by invaders.Aryan race was coined by Max Muller.unfortunatel y The priceless, timeless and ulimate truth as illuminated by the Sanathana Dharma had not been appreciated even in India till recently. It is the most liberal and democratic way of life and quest for truth. The world is now slowly but steadily realising this fact. This is the only solution to the world torn apart under the weight of conflicts and destructions that various barbazic and violent civilisations have brought upon the universe.




here it is.....



An article appearing in FPIF on the mass destruction caused by United States and its allies quotes Bhagavad Gita to explain the nature of destruction. The article written by Conn Hallinan is titled “The Vishnu Strategy†(no idea what that strategy is) and quotes from the Bhagavad Gita.

The Supreme Lord said: I am death, the mighty destroyer of the world, out to destroy.†According to the great Hindu text Bhagavad-Gita, Vishnu delivered that speech to Prince Arjuna before a great battle almost eight millennia ago.

The author seems to be influenced by Robert Oppenheimer who quoted from Gita to describe the explosion of the atomic bomb. Firstly, it was not Vishnu who delivered Bhagavad Gita but Lord Krishna. Since Krishna being the incarnation of Lord Vishnu for argument sake the statement can be accepted.

The above said quote is from the eleventh chapter of Bhagavad Gita (verse 32). And Conn Halliman has not taken the entire quote but mutilated it to suit his article.

I am death,The mighty destroyer of the world, out to destroy.Even without your participation all the warriorsStanding arrayed in the opposing armiesShall cease to exist.

Kalo’smi lokaksayakrt- pravrddhoLokan smahartum-iha pravrttah|

rte’pi twam na bhavisyanti sarveye’vasthitah pratyanikesu yodhah||

The term used for death in the verse is ‘Kal’ which also means ‘Time’ so the verse also means

Time am I, that comes to destroy worlds, grown mature, engaged here in subduing the world. Even without thee, all the warriors stationed in the opposite ranks shall not be. (Translated by Shakuntala Rao Shastri)

Krishna is here removing the ignorance of Arjuna by pointing out that ‘Time’ or ‘death’ will anyway consume all those that you are worrying for. When Krishna says ‘Time am I’ he is saying that he is Brahman or the ultimate truth.

So what is the article dealing with?

An Israeli commander recently expressed regret on the recent war against Lebanon by Israel . From the article


The latest channeling of the Hindu god can be found in an Israeli commander's evaluation of last summer's war with Lebanon: “What we did was insane and monstrous, we covered entire towns in cluster bombs.†The commander was decrying the way Israel , the United States , and Great Britain wage war these days, which has increasingly become an exercise in mass destruction. In the last five years, Vishnu has visited Afghanistan, Iraq, and Lebanon. The result has been death and ruin on a biblical—or more aptly, a Bhagavad-Gita—scale.


The writer concludes that US and its allies are employing Vishnu Strategy.

What does this mean? What has Bhagavad Gita and Lord Vishnu to do with the mass destruction carried out by fascist governments? Krishna did not ask Arjuna to kill innocent people but asked to fight for his existence. Shying away from defending one's existence is against the law of nature. Every living being has the right to live in nature until nature consumes it. Often human beings out of his/her ignorance do not perform the required duty. Krishna was only removing the ignorance of Arjuna which was acting as an impediment from him performing his duty.

If United States and its allies are creating mass destruction it is out of the ignorance of the ruling class.

The INTERNET now has a personality. YOURS! See your Homepage.

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Dear Gurudevas


To quote from the Geeta is easy. Just open the book and copy whatever fancies

the reader. That does not mean the reader grasps the meaning of what he/she

reads. It needs knowledge to understand the scriptures.

About the Isreli Major who quoted gita- what does he know about Gita and

Hindduism . Vishnu coes not come to destroy; He is the preserver and not


The solder said that because he is totally ignorant.

these are the same type of people who believe Jesus Christ is a Christian !

WE cannot respond each time such people utter some nonsense.

THere i a saying : NEVER ARGUE WITH A FOOL, because the third party hearing it,

will not know the difference.

As Panickarji says, We believe the westerners are superior to us.

Be the leaders and not followers of some nomadic culture.

Western civilization is only few hundreds years old whereas ours goes back

thousnds of years :


jai shree krishna !

Achuthan Nair


guruvayur , Udayabhanu Panickar <udhayabhanupanickar







> Dear

> Anuradha Iyer,




> It is not the first time misquoting of Geetha is done. Even our own people,

> supposed to be the practitioners of Sanatana DhaRMam are the people who do it.




> The names such as ‘Hindu’ and ‘India’

> are the mistakes made by or inability to pronounce our language by foreigners

> and we just accepted them. ‘Hindu’ by Persians and ‘India’ by Greeks

and we accept what

> ever the foreigners give us. They said Aryan means the people who came from


> side to rule over us, we accepted that also. That was the mistake we did. We

> are still doing it.




> You are correct when you say that Lord Krishnan was talking to Arjunan as


> But a lot of our people don't accept that.




> Yes there is a sign of change, but I don't think it is good enough. The change

> is very negligible and our people following the west are also increasing on a

> much faster pace. It may be done in the name of globalization or some thing

> else, we are at the receiving end.  What

> is increasing is mainly the fall of our culture and Spirituality. The younger

> generation is not even able to converse in our own languages. Without our

> language how can we sustain our culture? It is impossible and imposable.


> want to send there children only to English medium schools where even

> conversing in our languages are a crime. How can we sustain the little


> you mentioned and how can that help us in keeping and transferring our

> traditions and practices to the coming generations?   




> I thank you for bringing up this topic into focus.




> Sincerely

> Udhayabhanu Panickar



eaten. Eating flesh is good neither for the mind nor for the intellect, not even

for the body. It distorts the basic character of human.


> --- On Tue, 12/1/09, anuradha iyer <anuiyer1973 wrote:


> anuradha iyer <anuiyer1973

> [Guruvayur] blog..

> guruvayur

> Tuesday, December 1, 2009, 12:15 AM






Wrongly quoting Bhagavad Gita to explain the mass destruction caused by

US and its allies

> People around the world misuse hindu scriptures to justify their actions. We

should not allow other religions to take hindus and hinduism for a ride.

> The word Hinduism ,Aryan itself is a misnomer.Hindu name is given by

invaders.Aryan race was coined by Max Muller.unfortunatel y The priceless,

timeless and ulimate truth as illuminated by the Sanathana Dharma had not been

appreciated even in India till recently. It is the most liberal and democratic

way of life and quest for truth. The world is now slowly but steadily realising

this fact. This is the only solution to the world torn apart under the weight of

conflicts and destructions that various barbazic and violent civilisations have

brought upon the universe.




> here it is.....



> An article appearing in FPIF on the mass destruction caused by United States

and its allies quotes Bhagavad Gita to explain the nature of destruction. The

article written by Conn Hallinan is titled “The Vishnu Strategy†(no idea

what that strategy is) and quotes from the Bhagavad Gita.



> The Supreme Lord said: I am death, the mighty destroyer of the world, out to

destroy.†According to the great Hindu text Bhagavad-Gita, Vishnu delivered

that speech to Prince Arjuna before a great battle almost eight millennia ago.



> The author seems to be influenced by Robert Oppenheimer who quoted from Gita

to describe the explosion of the atomic bomb. Firstly, it was not Vishnu who

delivered Bhagavad Gita but Lord Krishna. Since Krishna being the incarnation of

Lord Vishnu for argument sake the statement can be accepted.


> The above said quote is from the eleventh chapter of Bhagavad Gita (verse 32).

And Conn Halliman has not taken the entire quote but mutilated it to suit his



> I am death,

> The mighty destroyer of the world, out to destroy.

> Even without your participation all the warriors

> Standing arrayed in the opposing armies

> Shall cease to exist.


> Kalo’smi lokaksayakrt- pravrddho

> Lokan smahartum-iha pravrttah|


> rte’pi twam na bhavisyanti sarve

> ye’vasthitah pratyanikesu yodhah||


> The term used for death in the verse is ‘Kal’ which also means ‘Time’

so the verse also means


> Time am I, that comes to destroy worlds, grown mature, engaged here in

subduing the world. Even without thee, all the warriors stationed in the

opposite ranks shall not be. (Translated by Shakuntala Rao Shastri)


> Krishna is here removing the ignorance of Arjuna by pointing out that

‘Time’ or ‘death’ will anyway consume all those that you are worrying

for. When Krishna says ‘Time am I’ he is saying that he is Brahman or the

ultimate truth.


> So what is the article dealing with?


> An Israeli commander recently expressed regret on the recent war against

Lebanon by Israel .


> From the article



> The latest channeling of the Hindu god can be found in an Israeli commander's

evaluation of last summer's war with Lebanon: “What we did was insane and

monstrous, we covered entire towns in cluster bombs.â€


> The commander was decrying the way Israel , the United States , and Great

Britain wage war these days, which has increasingly become an exercise in mass

destruction. In the last five years, Vishnu has visited Afghanistan, Iraq, and

Lebanon. The result has been death and ruin on a biblical†" or more aptly, a

Bhagavad-Gita†" scale.



> The writer concludes that US and its allies are employing Vishnu Strategy.


> What does this mean? What has Bhagavad Gita and Lord Vishnu to do with the

mass destruction carried out by fascist governments?


> Krishna did not ask Arjuna to kill innocent people but asked to fight for his

existence. Shying away from defending one's existence is against the law of

nature. Every living being has the right to live in nature until nature consumes

it. Often human beings out of his/her ignorance do not perform the required

duty. Krishna was only removing the ignorance of Arjuna which was acting as an

impediment from him performing his duty.

> If United States and its allies are creating mass destruction it is out of the

ignorance of the ruling class.






> The INTERNET now has a personality. YOURS! See your Homepage.


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