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Sacrifice is the quality of real love …………………………Nectarean Mellows

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“G u r u     m u k h a    p a d m a     v a k y a "   Sacrifice is the quality of real love …………………………Nectarean Mellows   The absolute truth is for himself and that by himself and for himself. Kåñëa tells in Gétä what is real peace, bhoktäraà yajïa-tapasäà sarva-loka-maheçvaram/suhådaà sarva-bhütänäà jïätvä mäà çäntim åcchati . Real peace is to understand that I am meant for the enjoyment of God. My constitutional nature is to serve. Sacrifice is the quality of real love. Not to take, not to accumulate, not to possess, but to give, to serve, that is spiritual quality, that is our nature, and that is where we find real happiness. Actually, death means transformation. On the gross physical level, when somebody’s body dies, really what has happened is just transformation of material elements. It is not that the elements of the body cease to exist. They may be turned into ashes if put into fire, they may be turned into dust if they are put into earth. They are just transformed, so similarly death of the ego means transformation of our consciousness, and in that transformation, there is real life.

H H Radhanath Swami Maharaj -- LET US NOT MAKE OUR STOMACH A GRAVEYARD. LET US NOT EAT FLESH. LET US BE VEGETARIANS AND STAY HEALTHY. Animals are to be loved, not eaten. Eating flesh is good neither for the mind nor for the intellect, not even for the body. It distorts the basic character of human. Think Soul is Soul and it came from the Supreme Soul...God Head Krishna

Chant:Hare Krishna, Hare Krishna, Krishna Krishna Hare HareHare Rama, Hare Rama, Rama Rama Hare Hare

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