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Lord Subramanyan !!!

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Dear Devotees,


Hindu puranas are full of enchanting stories that reveal sublime vedic

fundamentals . We can see various Gods changing their status in

different puranas , according to the context . The Bhakta-reader needs

to be careful not to consider a particular God as inferior just because

of His pastime of getting " defeated " in a particular purana . Lord Sri

Krishna Himself enacted the pastime of running away from king Jarasanda

resulting in victory to that demonic king . This was done for a

particular purpose , viz, to encourage Jarasandha to return with

additional demonic army so that Krishna could annihilate those demons .


Lord Surbramanyan is a glorious God who killed the hitherto

incoquerable demons, when He was just an infant . He is in every

respect equivalent to father Lord Shiva . It was He who taught the

meaning of " Pranavam " to father Shiva . In Vaikom Lord Shiva temple ,

every year Vaikathappan ( Shiva) receives His victorious son

Udayanapurathappan ( Lord Muruka) ; and eulogizes Muruaka by offering

own seat to Him . This is a glorious pastime of Father Shiva and son

Subramanyan .


Lord Subramanya's defeat at the hands of elder brother Lord Ganapathy is

a similar pastime enacted by these divine brothers and their parents .

In reality, these two God-brothers Ganesha and Muruka are inseparable .

We can't find anywhere a Subramanya temple without Ganapathy's moorthy



Unlike the monopolic religious texts of Abrahamic religions, Hindu

Puranas are full of such very interesting pastimes .





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