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Guru is Required

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 Sometimes people wonder why a guru is required when they can directly approach the Supreme Personality of Godhead. But when we directly study the words of Krishna what does He say? He says that we should become the devotee of His devotee. He says that we should submissively inquire from and serve the bona fide spiritual master. Therefore if we want to be devotees of Krishna, we must obey His order to become the devotee of His devotee by surrendering ourselves at the lotus feet of His representative, the bona fide spiritual master.  If we do not agree to become the devotee of Krishna's devotee, Krishna does not accept that we are His devotees. Therefore if we sincerely desire to become Krishna's devotees we must seek out and take shelter of a bona fide spiritual master, one who is coming in disciplic succession from Sri Krishna.


Sankarshan Das AdhikariSrila Prabhupada with His DisciplesBrooklyn, New York in the Early 70's

-- LET US NOT MAKE OUR STOMACH A GRAVEYARD. LET US NOT EAT FLESH. LET US BE VEGETARIANS AND STAY HEALTHY. Animals are to be loved, not eaten. Eating flesh is good neither for the mind nor for the intellect, not even for the body. It distorts the basic character of human. Think Soul is Soul and it came from the Supreme Soul...God Head Krishna

Chant:Hare Krishna, Hare Krishna, Krishna Krishna Hare HareHare Rama, Hare Rama, Rama Rama Hare Hare

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Hare Krishna!!!


Can someone enlighten me as to where the words of Lord Krishna can be found which say what is written below? I believe

there is one verse in the Gita where He tells Arjuna to

approach a guru to learn understanding of the vedas:


Tadviddhi pranipaatena pariprashnena sevayaa;Upadekshyanti te jnaanam jnaaninas tattwadarshinah.34. Know that by long prostration, by question and by service,

the wise who have realised the Truth will instruct thee in (that) knowledge.


This is the only one I am aware of, compared to the entire remainder of the Gita which relates to one's direct relationship with Him. How do we reconcile this with the innumerable places in the Gita where He says surrender to Him? Love Him? Serve Him? Worship Him? The list is endless and almost the entire Gita specifically relates to one's direct relationship with the Lord.


Hoping someone can assist me with this request for sources...


In HIs Service,








post ; koottala

Friday, December 25, 2009 1:03 AM

[Guruvayur] Guru is Required


















Sometimes people wonder why a guru is required when they can directly approach the Supreme Personality of Godhead. But when we directly study the words of Krishna what does He say? He says that we should become the devotee of His devotee. He says that we should submissively inquire from and serve the bona fide spiritual master. Therefore if we want to be devotees of Krishna, we must obey His order to become the devotee of His devotee by surrendering ourselves at the lotus feet of His representative, the bona fide spiritual master. If we do not agree to become the devotee of Krishna's devotee, Krishna does not accept that we are His devotees. Therefore if we sincerely desire to become Krishna's devotees we must seek out and take shelter of a bona fide spiritual master, one who is coming in disciplic succession from Sri Krishna. Sankarshan Das Adhikari


Srila Prabhupada with His DisciplesBrooklyn, New York in the Early 70's-- LET US NOT MAKE OUR STOMACH A GRAVEYARD. LET US NOT EAT FLESH. LET US BE VEGETARIANS AND STAY HEALTHY. Animals are to be loved, not eaten. Eating flesh is good neither for the mind nor for the intellect, not even for the body. It distorts the basic character of human. Think Soul is Soul and it came from the Supreme Soul...God Head KrishnaChant:Hare Krishna, Hare Krishna, Krishna Krishna Hare HareHare Rama, Hare Rama, Rama Rama Hare Hare




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Dear Radheji,

The verse you have quoted is verse 34 of chapter 4 of the Gita.

In this verse Lord Krishna says that the guru will impart the knowledge about

the Self. But realization has to be attained by the efforts of the disciple. He

should follow the instructions of the guru and put in effort. Any human effort

will be succesful only with God's grace. So the disciple is asked to worship God

and surrender to Him in order to get His grace. Both bhakti and jnana are

necessary. There is therefore no contradiction between Krishna's asking the

aspirant to approach a guru and to surrender to Krishna. Moreover, the guru has

to be looked upon as God Himaself and so they are one.Surrender to the guru is

itself surrender to God.

The Mund. up also says that a person who has acquired detachment should approach

a Guru for instruction about the means of attaining knowledge of the Self. In

his Bhashya on this Shri Sankara says that even a person who has acquired

intellectual knowledge of the sastras should not embark upon an enwuiry into

Brahman without the help of a teacher.

Best wishes,



guruvayur , " Radhe " <shaantih wrote:


> Hare Krishna!!!


> Can someone enlighten me as to where the words of Lord Krishna can be

> found which say what is written below? I believe

> there is one verse in the Gita where He tells Arjuna to

> approach a guru to learn understanding of the vedas:


> Tadviddhi pranipaatena pariprashnena sevayaa;

> Upadekshyanti te jnaanam jnaaninas tattwadarshinah.

> 34. Know that by long prostration, by question and by service,

> the wise who have realised the Truth will instruct thee in (that) knowledge.


> This is the only one I am aware of, compared to the entire remainder of the


> which relates to one's direct relationship with Him. How do we reconcile this

> with the innumerable places in the Gita where He says surrender to Him?

> Love Him? Serve Him? Worship Him? The list is endless and almost the

> entire Gita specifically relates to one's direct relationship with the Lord.


> Hoping someone can assist me with this request for sources...


> In HIs Service,


> Radhe

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Hare Krishna, Jayanthji!


Thank you for your thoughts.


Our first, last, and only Guru is the Lord Himself, in whatever form He appears!!!


In His Service,







jayanth m


Friday, December 25, 2009 1:53 PM

Re: [Guruvayur] Guru is Required








we have a great philosophy

























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Dear Shri Sastriji:


Thank you for your elucidation of this question. It is often said that when the student is ready the teacher will appear. While effort is certainly needed, all is in the hands of the Lord. So it is is best to be patient, to study as best as one can, while offering all to the Lord, confident that He will indeed accept both the honest and pure devotion and the effort, for there would be no devotion, or effort, or surrender but for His Grace. When the moment is right, He will surely provide the form of the Guru for instruction upon inquiry into Brahman. Shri Krishna saranam mamah!!!


In His Service,









Saturday, December 26, 2009 2:14 AM

[Guruvayur] Re: Guru is Required

Dear Radheji,The verse you have quoted is verse 34 of chapter 4 of the Gita.In this verse Lord Krishna says that the guru will impart the knowledge about the Self. But realization has to be attained by the efforts of the disciple. He should follow the instructions of the guru and put in effort. Any human effort will be succesful only with God's grace. So the disciple is asked to worship God and surrender to Him in order to get His grace. Both bhakti and jnana are necessary. There is therefore no contradiction between Krishna's asking the aspirant to approach a guru and to surrender to Krishna. Moreover, the guru has to be looked upon as God Himaself and so they are one.Surrender to the guru is itself surrender to God. The Mund. up also says that a person who has acquired detachment should approach a Guru for instruction about the means of attaining knowledge of the Self. In his Bhashya on this Shri Sankara says that even a person who has acquired intellectual knowledge of the sastras should not embark upon an enwuiry into Brahman without the help of a teacher. Best wishes,S.N.Sastriguruvayur , "Radhe" <shaantih wrote:>> Hare Krishna!!!> > Can someone enlighten me as to where the words of Lord Krishna can be > found which say what is written below? I believe > there is one verse in the Gita where He tells Arjuna to> approach a guru to learn understanding of the vedas: > > Tadviddhi pranipaatena pariprashnena sevayaa;> Upadekshyanti te jnaanam jnaaninas tattwadarshinah.> 34. Know that by long prostration, by question and by service, > the wise who have realised the Truth will instruct thee in (that) knowledge.> > This is the only one I am aware of, compared to the entire remainder of the Gita > which relates to one's direct relationship with Him. How do we reconcile this > with the innumerable places in the Gita where He says surrender to Him? > Love Him? Serve Him? Worship Him? The list is endless and almost the > entire Gita specifically relates to one's direct relationship with the Lord.> > Hoping someone can assist me with this request for sources...> > In HIs Service,> > Radhe



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Namaste Radheji.Swami Sivananda has a very instructive piece on Guru, Guru-bhakti http://www.dlshq.org/download/gurubhaktiyoga.htm#_VPID_91“Na hi jnaanena sadrisham pavitramiha vidyate,†said Lord Krishna; there

is nothing here so grand, ennobling and purifying as Knowledge. How can

we attain that Knowledge?


There are two statements that answer this great question. “Shraddhaavaan

labhate jnaanamâ€â€”†a person who has Shraddha attains Jnanaâ€. This word Shraddha

is indeed very difficult to define; it is a perfect blending of love, faith,

devotion, total egolessness and absolute surrender. The other statement is “Tadviddhi pranipaatena pari-prasnena sevayaa; Upadekshyanti te jnaanam

jnaaninah tattvadarsinahâ€; “Know that by prostrating yourself to, by questioning

and by serving those Great Ones who have had a direct perception of the

Self; they will impart that Knowledge to you.†This Knowledge is impossible

for one to acquire by one’s own unaided self-effort.


This truth is clearly brought out in the Visvarupa-Darshana Yoga. After

revealing Himself to Arjuna and after once again assuming the lovely human

form of Krishna, the Lord declares: “The Wondrous Form that you beheld

just now, even the gods are ever desirous of witnessing.†The Lord had

already said: “The Devas and the Maharshis know Me not; for I am their very Source.†“But, by Ananya-Bhakti I am capable of being known,†says the Lord. When a person has Ananya Bhakti the Lord reveals Himself to the

devotee, even as He revealed Himself to Arjuna. This is a point worth remembering;

even then it is He who reveals Himself. It is only after the Lord gave

Arjuna the Divya-Chakshu or the Divine Eye was Arjuna able to behold Him. Similarly, “Dadaami buddhi-yogam tam yena maamupayaantiteâ€, when the aspirant

is ripe for Wisdom, “I give the Buddhi-Yoga to him and he attains Me.â€

Even in the crowning declaration of the Gita: “Sarvadharmaan parityajya

maamekam sharanam vrajaâ€, the Lord has made it abundantly clear “Aham tvaa

sarva paapebhyo mokshayishyaami maa shuchah.†“Surrender yourself wholeheartedly, unreservedly and totally to Me; that is all that you can do; I will free

you from sins. You cannot do this yourself. But I will do it, fear not.â€


“You can only develop Shraddha; I will give you Jnana. You can only surrender

yourself; I will give you Liberation.†That is the final declaration of

the Lord.


A beautiful truth emerges from these passages in the Gita. At one place the Lord says: “I give the aspirant Buddhi-Yoga and he reaches Me.†At another place he says: “Go to the Great Ones; (they are your spiritual preceptors); prostrate to them; serve them; and ask of them; they will impart the Knowledge to you.†Reading the two together we get a glimpse of the grand truth that Guru is God-incarnate upon earth. You can get at the Truth, you can attain Self-realisation either by cultivating Ananya-Bhakti

to the Lord in His Transcendental Formless aspect or in His Immanent aspect

as your own Guru with a Name you can repeat, a Form on which you can meditate,

a distinct personality which you can see, touch and hear, and which can

guide you, inspire you, and lead you to the realisation of your Immortal



Thus has the Lord established His complete identification with the Spiritual Preceptor, the Guru. And the aspirant can direct his Shraddha and Bhakti

either to Him in His Formless aspect or to His Immanent Form upon earth,

the Guru, and the latter is certainly more practicable for the vast majority

of the aspirants.


Guru-Bhakti and Guru-Seva terminate (if it can at all be called a termination)

in Self-realisation. You will have to go on serving the Guru. The Guru

will reveal the Truth to you when your self-surrender is complete, when

the time is ripe. But that is not your concern. Even as Arjuna prayed for

the Visvarupa-Darshana and waited for the Lord to bestow the Divya-Chakshu

on him, you will have to serve, serve, and serve, and the Guru will bestow

the Knowledge on you when you are ripe for It. Some deluded aspirants serve

their Guru for some years and then give it up foolishly imagining that

they have attained Chitta-Shuddhi. They do not gain the Supreme Knowledge;

they do not reach their Goal. They, no doubt, gain some merit (Punya),

but Self-realisation is not attained: this is indeed a great loss, a great



Guru-Bhakti and Guru-Seva are like the two oars to the boat of Sadhana

that takes you across the torrential stream of Samsara. You cannot do without

them until you reach the other shore, until you attain Immortality and

Eternal Bliss, until you become a Jivanmukta. Then Guru-Bhakti itself manifests

in you as Self-realisation; and Guru-Seva becomes Lokasangraha in which

you automatically engage yourself.


One who has such a Guru-Bhakti, one who has totally surrendered himself to the Guru, one who serves the Guru wholeheartedly, knows no grief, no sorrow, no fear, no pain, no misery, no ignorance and he instantly attains Godrealisation: for, Guru and God are one. He attains instantaneous Knowledge and Self-Illumination. Therefore have the Upanishads also declared: “Yasya

deve para bhaktiryathaa deve tathaa gurau; Tasyaite kathitaahyarthaah prakaashante

mahaatmanah.†“One who has Supreme Devotion to God and equal devotion to

his Guru, to such a great Mahatma will the truths of the Upanishads be

clear as crystal.â€


Aum Namo Narayanaya.--- On Sat, 12/26/09, Radhe <shaantih wrote:Radhe <shaantihRe: [Guruvayur] Guru is Requiredguruvayur Date: Saturday, December 26, 2009, 9:44 AM




Hare Krishna, Jayanthji!


Thank you for your thoughts.


Our first, last, and only Guru is the Lord Himself, in whatever form He appears!!!


In His Service,







jayanth m

guruvayur@grou ps.com

Friday, December 25, 2009 1:53 PM

Re: [Guruvayur] Guru is Required








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Namaste Veenaji:


Thank you for sending this article. I agree that it is very instructive...

and inspirational. A good way to approach a new year...

with shraddha and saranagathi!





Veena Nair


Saturday, December 26, 2009 12:44 PM

Re: [Guruvayur] Guru is Required






Namaste Radheji.

Swami Sivananda has a very instructive piece on Guru, Guru-bhakti




“Na hi jnaanena sadrisham pavitramiha vidyate,†said Lord Krishna; there is nothing here so grand, ennobling and purifying as Knowledge. How can we attain that Knowledge?

There are two statements that answer this great question. “Shraddhaavaan labhate jnaanamâ€â€”†a person who has Shraddha attains Jnanaâ€. This word Shraddha is indeed very difficult to define; it is a perfect blending of love, faith, devotion, total egolessness and absolute surrender. The other statement is “Tadviddhi pranipaatena pari-prasnena sevayaa; Upadekshyanti te jnaanam jnaaninah tattvadarsinahâ€; “Know that by prostrating yourself to, by questioning and by serving those Great Ones who have had a direct perception of the Self; they will impart that Knowledge to you.†This Knowledge is impossible for one to acquire by one’s own unaided self-effort.

This truth is clearly brought out in the Visvarupa-Darshana Yoga. After revealing Himself to Arjuna and after once again assuming the lovely human form of Krishna, the Lord declares: “The Wondrous Form that you beheld just now, even the gods are ever desirous of witnessing.†The Lord had already said: “The Devas and the Maharshis know Me not; for I am their very Source.†“But, by Ananya-Bhakti I am capable of being known,†says the Lord. When a person has Ananya Bhakti the Lord reveals Himself to the devotee, even as He revealed Himself to Arjuna. This is a point worth remembering; even then it is He who reveals Himself. It is only after the Lord gave Arjuna the Divya-Chakshu or the Divine Eye was Arjuna able to behold Him. Similarly, “Dadaami buddhi-yogam tam yena maamupayaantiteâ€, when the aspirant is ripe for Wisdom, “I give the Buddhi-Yoga to him and he attains Me.†Even in the crowning declaration of the Gita: “Sarvadharmaan parityajya maamekam sharanam vrajaâ€, the Lord has made it abundantly clear “Aham tvaa sarva paapebhyo mokshayishyaami maa shuchah.†“Surrender yourself wholeheartedly, unreservedly and totally to Me; that is all that you can do; I will free you from sins. You cannot do this yourself. But I will do it, fear not.â€

“You can only develop Shraddha; I will give you Jnana. You can only surrender yourself; I will give you Liberation.†That is the final declaration of the Lord.

A beautiful truth emerges from these passages in the Gita. At one place the Lord says: “I give the aspirant Buddhi-Yoga and he reaches Me.†At another place he says: “Go to the Great Ones; (they are your spiritual preceptors); prostrate to them; serve them; and ask of them; they will impart the Knowledge to you.†Reading the two together we get a glimpse of the grand truth that Guru is God-incarnate upon earth. You can get at the Truth, you can attain Self-realisation either by cultivating Ananya-Bhakti to the Lord in His Transcendental Formless aspect or in His Immanent aspect as your own Guru with a Name you can repeat, a Form on which you can meditate, a distinct personality which you can see, touch and hear, and which can guide you, inspire you, and lead you to the realisation of your Immortal Self.

Thus has the Lord established His complete identification with the Spiritual Preceptor, the Guru. And the aspirant can direct his Shraddha and Bhakti either to Him in His Formless aspect or to His Immanent Form upon earth, the Guru, and the latter is certainly more practicable for the vast majority of the aspirants.

Guru-Bhakti and Guru-Seva terminate (if it can at all be called a termination) in Self-realisation. You will have to go on serving the Guru. The Guru will reveal the Truth to you when your self-surrender is complete, when the time is ripe. But that is not your concern. Even as Arjuna prayed for the Visvarupa-Darshana and waited for the Lord to bestow the Divya-Chakshu on him, you will have to serve, serve, and serve, and the Guru will bestow the Knowledge on you when you are ripe for It. Some deluded aspirants serve their Guru for some years and then give it up foolishly imagining that they have attained Chitta-Shuddhi. They do not gain the Supreme Knowledge; they do not reach their Goal. They, no doubt, gain some merit (Punya), but Self-realisation is not attained: this is indeed a great loss, a great blunder.

Guru-Bhakti and Guru-Seva are like the two oars to the boat of Sadhana that takes you across the torrential stream of Samsara. You cannot do without them until you reach the other shore, until you attain Immortality and Eternal Bliss, until you become a Jivanmukta. Then Guru-Bhakti itself manifests in you as Self-realisation; and Guru-Seva becomes Lokasangraha in which you automatically engage yourself.

One who has such a Guru-Bhakti, one who has totally surrendered himself to the Guru, one who serves the Guru wholeheartedly, knows no grief, no sorrow, no fear, no pain, no misery, no ignorance and he instantly attains Godrealisation: for, Guru and God are one. He attains instantaneous Knowledge and Self-Illumination. Therefore have the Upanishads also declared: “Yasya deve para bhaktiryathaa deve tathaa gurau; Tasyaite kathitaahyarthaah prakaashante mahaatmanah.†“One who has Supreme Devotion to God and equal devotion to his Guru, to such a great Mahatma will the truths of the Upanishads be clear as crystal.†-------------------Aum Namo Narayanaya.--- On Sat, 12/26/09, Radhe <shaantih (AT) comcast (DOT) net> wrote:

Radhe <shaantih (AT) comcast (DOT) net>Re: [Guruvayur] Guru is Requiredguruvayur Date: Saturday, December 26, 2009, 9:44 AM


Hare Krishna, Jayanthji!


Thank you for your thoughts.


Our first, last, and only Guru is the Lord Himself, in whatever form He appears!!!


In His Service,







jayanth m

guruvayur@grou ps.com

Friday, December 25, 2009 1:53 PM

Re: [Guruvayur] Guru is Required








we have a great philosophy

























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I also heard about Mata,Pita,Guru,Daivam.

I understands this truth is works as –“ through mata or amma only we can identify our Pita or Father ( that means, Mother only can tell the final word about father to convince her child , this is your father).Pita can guide us to show Guru or he will lead us to a way for Guru. Guru can give knowledge or Vijnanam to see the unseen power through his experience.That unseen power is GOD.

This MATA, PITA ,GURU, DAIVAM sankalpam, is opening the way to search GOD. we are strarting from root-MATA ,then PITA, then GURU, then finally reaches to GOD.This is the route map for find out god.

Also one more narration we can give, That is, while worshiping this series, we have to strat from AMMA,ACHAN,GURU,DAIVAM. That means if one is ignoring or deny his / her mother , father and guru and going to temple to worshiping god is worthless and pure foolishness.

I suggest this to everybody and to think like this way then our society will change and will get Shanthi & Samadhanam.

So every one can think this statement as per our buddhee and yukthi.


With prayers


--- On Sat, 26/12/09, Veena Nair <veeus18 wrote:

Veena Nair <veeus18Re: [Guruvayur] Guru is Requiredguruvayur Date: Saturday, 26 December, 2009, 11:14 PM






Namaste Radheji.

Swami Sivananda has a very instructive piece on Guru, Guru-bhakti

http://www.dlshq. org/download/ gurubhaktiyoga. htm#_VPID_ 91



“Na hi jnaanena sadrisham pavitramiha vidyate,†said Lord Krishna; there is nothing here so grand, ennobling and purifying as Knowledge. How can we attain that Knowledge?

There are two statements that answer this great question. “Shraddhaavaan labhate jnaanamâ€â€”†a person who has Shraddha attains Jnanaâ€. This word Shraddha is indeed very difficult to define; it is a perfect blending of love, faith, devotion, total egolessness and absolute surrender. The other statement is “Tadviddhi pranipaatena pari-prasnena sevayaa; Upadekshyanti te jnaanam jnaaninah tattvadarsinahâ€; “Know that by prostrating yourself to, by questioning and by serving those Great Ones who have had a direct perception of the Self; they will impart that Knowledge to you.†This Knowledge is impossible for one to acquire by one’s own unaided self-effort.

This truth is clearly brought out in the Visvarupa-Darshana Yoga. After revealing Himself to Arjuna and after once again assuming the lovely human form of Krishna, the Lord declares: “The Wondrous Form that you beheld just now, even the gods are ever desirous of witnessing.†The Lord had already said: “The Devas and the Maharshis know Me not; for I am their very Source.†“But, by Ananya-Bhakti I am capable of being known,†says the Lord. When a person has Ananya Bhakti the Lord reveals Himself to the devotee, even as He revealed Himself to Arjuna. This is a point worth remembering; even then it is He who reveals Himself. It is only after the Lord gave Arjuna the Divya-Chakshu or the Divine Eye was Arjuna able to behold Him. Similarly, “Dadaami buddhi-yogam tam yena maamupayaantiteâ€, when the aspirant is ripe for Wisdom, “I give the Buddhi-Yoga to him and he attains Me.†Even in the crowning

declaration of the Gita: “Sarvadharmaan parityajya maamekam sharanam vrajaâ€, the Lord has made it abundantly clear “Aham tvaa sarva paapebhyo mokshayishyaami maa shuchah.†“Surrender yourself wholeheartedly, unreservedly and totally to Me; that is all that you can do; I will free you from sins. You cannot do this yourself. But I will do it, fear not.â€

“You can only develop Shraddha; I will give you Jnana. You can only surrender yourself; I will give you Liberation.†That is the final declaration of the Lord.

A beautiful truth emerges from these passages in the Gita. At one place the Lord says: “I give the aspirant Buddhi-Yoga and he reaches Me.†At another place he says: “Go to the Great Ones; (they are your spiritual preceptors); prostrate to them; serve them; and ask of them; they will impart the Knowledge to you.†Reading the two together we get a glimpse of the grand truth that Guru is God-incarnate upon earth. You can get at the Truth, you can attain Self-realisation either by cultivating Ananya-Bhakti to the Lord in His Transcendental Formless aspect or in His Immanent aspect as your own Guru with a Name you can repeat, a Form on which you can meditate, a distinct personality which you can see, touch and hear, and which can guide you, inspire you, and lead you to the realisation of your Immortal Self.

Thus has the Lord established His complete identification with the Spiritual Preceptor, the Guru. And the aspirant can direct his Shraddha and Bhakti either to Him in His Formless aspect or to His Immanent Form upon earth, the Guru, and the latter is certainly more practicable for the vast majority of the aspirants.

Guru-Bhakti and Guru-Seva terminate (if it can at all be called a termination) in Self-realisation. You will have to go on serving the Guru. The Guru will reveal the Truth to you when your self-surrender is complete, when the time is ripe. But that is not your concern. Even as Arjuna prayed for the Visvarupa-Darshana and waited for the Lord to bestow the Divya-Chakshu on him, you will have to serve, serve, and serve, and the Guru will bestow the Knowledge on you when you are ripe for It. Some deluded aspirants serve their Guru for some years and then give it up foolishly imagining that they have attained Chitta-Shuddhi. They do not gain the Supreme Knowledge; they do not reach their Goal. They, no doubt, gain some merit (Punya), but Self-realisation is not attained: this is indeed a great loss, a great blunder.

Guru-Bhakti and Guru-Seva are like the two oars to the boat of Sadhana that takes you across the torrential stream of Samsara. You cannot do without them until you reach the other shore, until you attain Immortality and Eternal Bliss, until you become a Jivanmukta. Then Guru-Bhakti itself manifests in you as Self-realisation; and Guru-Seva becomes Lokasangraha in which you automatically engage yourself.

One who has such a Guru-Bhakti, one who has totally surrendered himself to the Guru, one who serves the Guru wholeheartedly, knows no grief, no sorrow, no fear, no pain, no misery, no ignorance and he instantly attains Godrealisation: for, Guru and God are one. He attains instantaneous Knowledge and Self-Illumination. Therefore have the Upanishads also declared: “Yasya deve para bhaktiryathaa deve tathaa gurau; Tasyaite kathitaahyarthaah prakaashante mahaatmanah.†“One who has Supreme Devotion to God and equal devotion to his Guru, to such a great Mahatma will the truths of the Upanishads be clear as crystal.†------------ -------Aum Namo Narayanaya.--- On Sat, 12/26/09, Radhe <shaantih (AT) comcast (DOT) net> wrote:

Radhe <shaantih (AT) comcast (DOT) net>Re: [Guruvayur] Guru is Requiredguruvayur@grou ps.comSaturday, December 26, 2009, 9:44 AM


Hare Krishna, Jayanthji!


Thank you for your thoughts.


Our first, last, and only Guru is the Lord Himself, in whatever form He appears!!!


In His Service,







jayanth m

guruvayur@grou ps.com

Friday, December 25, 2009 1:53 PM

Re: [Guruvayur] Guru is Required








we have a great philosophy

























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Bhagavaan Shee RaadhaKrshna Smaranam!


In the classic called Tantraalokam, the great spiritual master Abhinavagupta

talks about several kinds of Shaktipaatam, which is another way of saying

" Divine Blessing that helps us move forward on a spiritual/devotional path. " In

the Pratyabhijna path of Abhinava, Jnaana and Bhakti are integrated.


The first two, Teevra Teevra Shaktipaatam, the Paramaatman directly teaches the

Jeevaatman the way to the goal: Pratyabhijna = the deep awareness that the

Jeevatman and the Paramaatman are one and the same.


In the second kind of Shaktipaatam (Teevra Madhya Shaktipaatam) which also is

Paarameshvara Anugraham, the Saadhaka's Pratibha itself becomes the Guru, and

teaches all that is necessary for Pratyabhijna = relization about the oneness of

the Jeeva and the Parama Tatvam.


All the other kinds of Saadhaka-s (the majority of us) will need a Guru for

everything--guidance, removal of inner impurities, Mantra Deeksha, etc. And

every Jeevaatman will be in its own appropriate time will be led to a proper

Guru or a fitting Guru will seek out the disciple. It is a very optimistic



I have read also that Bhagavad-bhakta Tulasee Dasa himself got the Deeksha from

the Guru only at age 67!


This is all too complex for me and personally I follow the line suggested by

some in our Guruvaayoorappa Bhakta group in this discussion--follow the

teachings of my own grandmother, father, and mother as the Guru. And then I

treat every other being in the world as a potential Guru and take whatever

spiritual truth they offer with humility.


The Samskrta aphorism says it so succinctly: " Gurureva Jagat Sarvam " which

means both " Guru is the whole world " and " The whole world is the Guru. "


Om Shree Gurubhyo Namaha!



DKM Kartha


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Om Namo Narayanaya Dear Devotees,I had read somewhere a story in my childhood, which connects me with the subject of this mail.Once, a businessman was in hurry to capture the entire world in his hand. This ambitious man has acquired a number of business units and still he was in the act of setting up more business units.As a usual practise, he visited his Guru to have blessings for the success of the new venture and submitted at HIS feet a lot of orange. This man was a darling disciple of the Guru and therefore the Guru thought that something has to be done against his disciple's limitless ambition.When the man entered the ashram, a small boy was also standing in front of the Guru. In the presence of the man, the Guru offered an orange to the boy. Immediately the boy's face has become bright

and he started enjoying the fruit. Within no time, the Guru again offered an another orange. The boy stopped eating the fruit and received it by the other hand. Again the Guru gave a third orange to the boy. He received that also with the support of his chest. Again the Guru offered the fourth orange. But immediately the boy's face has become dark and sad and he started crying.The Guru told the businessman that, "this is what is happening with you also. See the boy. He was enjoying the fruit when I gave him the first-one. When I offered the second-one, he not only could enjoy it, but has become busy holding it. When I offered the third-one, he had to have a support to hold them intact. And when I offered the fourth-one, he just started crying. Because, it was beyond his capacity to keep all those oranges. His hands and the

entire body was not in a position to move, and even if he try to breath well, he may loose the fruits. He was totally struck with useless weight. Even though it is not useful to him, he was afraid of loosing any of them. As he got more and more oranges, he started loosing his happiness gradually. At the same time, he was happy and enjoying the first orange."By this story, it is emphasised that a Guru can make a lot of difference in one, and so, like the subject of this mail says "Guru is required"Om Namo NarayanayaSuresh C. Kurup--- On Sun, 27/12/09, sree kumar <sreeku_75 wrote:sree kumar <sreeku_75Re: [Guruvayur] Guru is RequiredTo:

guruvayur Date: Sunday, 27 December, 2009, 2:11 PM




I also heard about Mata,Pita,Guru, Daivam.

I understands this truth is works as –“ through mata or amma only we can identify our Pita or Father ( that means, Mother only can tell the final word about father to convince her child , this is your father).Pita can guide us to show Guru or he will lead us to a way for Guru. Guru can give knowledge or Vijnanam to see the unseen power through his experience.That unseen power is GOD.

This MATA, PITA ,GURU, DAIVAM sankalpam, is opening the way to search GOD. we are strarting from root-MATA ,then PITA, then GURU, then finally reaches to GOD.This is the route map for find out god.

Also one more narration we can give, That is, while worshiping this series, we have to strat from AMMA,ACHAN,GURU, DAIVAM. That means if one is ignoring or deny his / her mother , father and guru and going to temple to worshiping god is worthless and pure foolishness.

I suggest this to everybody and to think like this way then our society will change and will get Shanthi & Samadhanam.

So every one can think this statement as per our buddhee and yukthi.


With prayers


--- On Sat, 26/12/09, Veena Nair <veeus18 > wrote:

Veena Nair <veeus18 >Re: [Guruvayur] Guru is Requiredguruvayur@grou ps.comSaturday, 26 December, 2009, 11:14 PM






Namaste Radheji.

Swami Sivananda has a very instructive piece on Guru, Guru-bhakti

http://www.dlshq. org/download/ gurubhaktiyoga. htm#_VPID_ 91



“Na hi jnaanena sadrisham pavitramiha vidyate,†said Lord Krishna; there is nothing here so grand, ennobling and purifying as Knowledge. How can we attain that Knowledge?

There are two statements that answer this great question. “Shraddhaavaan labhate jnaanamâ€â€”†a person who has Shraddha attains Jnanaâ€. This word Shraddha is indeed very difficult to define; it is a perfect blending of love, faith, devotion, total egolessness and absolute surrender. The other statement is “Tadviddhi pranipaatena pari-prasnena sevayaa; Upadekshyanti te jnaanam jnaaninah tattvadarsinahâ€; “Know that by prostrating yourself to, by questioning and by serving those Great Ones who have had a direct perception of the Self; they will impart that Knowledge to you.†This Knowledge is impossible for one to acquire by one’s own unaided self-effort.

This truth is clearly brought out in the Visvarupa-Darshana Yoga. After revealing Himself to Arjuna and after once again assuming the lovely human form of Krishna, the Lord declares: “The Wondrous Form that you beheld just now, even the gods are ever desirous of witnessing.†The Lord had already said: “The Devas and the Maharshis know Me not; for I am their very Source.†“But, by Ananya-Bhakti I am capable of being known,†says the Lord. When a person has Ananya Bhakti the Lord reveals Himself to the devotee, even as He revealed Himself to Arjuna. This is a point worth remembering; even then it is He who reveals Himself. It is only after the Lord gave Arjuna the Divya-Chakshu or the Divine Eye was Arjuna able to behold Him. Similarly, “Dadaami buddhi-yogam tam yena maamupayaantiteâ€, when the aspirant is ripe for Wisdom, “I give the Buddhi-Yoga to him and he attains Me.†Even in the crowning

declaration of the Gita: “Sarvadharmaan parityajya maamekam sharanam vrajaâ€, the Lord has made it abundantly clear “Aham tvaa sarva paapebhyo mokshayishyaami maa shuchah.†“Surrender yourself wholeheartedly, unreservedly and totally to Me; that is all that you can do; I will free you from sins. You cannot do this yourself. But I will do it, fear not.â€

“You can only develop Shraddha; I will give you Jnana. You can only surrender yourself; I will give you Liberation.†That is the final declaration of the Lord.

A beautiful truth emerges from these passages in the Gita. At one place the Lord says: “I give the aspirant Buddhi-Yoga and he reaches Me.†At another place he says: “Go to the Great Ones; (they are your spiritual preceptors); prostrate to them; serve them; and ask of them; they will impart the Knowledge to you.†Reading the two together we get a glimpse of the grand truth that Guru is God-incarnate upon earth. You can get at the Truth, you can attain Self-realisation either by cultivating Ananya-Bhakti to the Lord in His Transcendental Formless aspect or in His Immanent aspect as your own Guru with a Name you can repeat, a Form on which you can meditate, a distinct personality which you can see, touch and hear, and which can guide you, inspire you, and lead you to the realisation of your Immortal Self.

Thus has the Lord established His complete identification with the Spiritual Preceptor, the Guru. And the aspirant can direct his Shraddha and Bhakti either to Him in His Formless aspect or to His Immanent Form upon earth, the Guru, and the latter is certainly more practicable for the vast majority of the aspirants.

Guru-Bhakti and Guru-Seva terminate (if it can at all be called a termination) in Self-realisation. You will have to go on serving the Guru. The Guru will reveal the Truth to you when your self-surrender is complete, when the time is ripe. But that is not your concern. Even as Arjuna prayed for the Visvarupa-Darshana and waited for the Lord to bestow the Divya-Chakshu on him, you will have to serve, serve, and serve, and the Guru will bestow the Knowledge on you when you are ripe for It. Some deluded aspirants serve their Guru for some years and then give it up foolishly imagining that they have attained Chitta-Shuddhi. They do not gain the Supreme Knowledge; they do not reach their Goal. They, no doubt, gain some merit (Punya), but Self-realisation is not attained: this is indeed a great loss, a great blunder.

Guru-Bhakti and Guru-Seva are like the two oars to the boat of Sadhana that takes you across the torrential stream of Samsara. You cannot do without them until you reach the other shore, until you attain Immortality and Eternal Bliss, until you become a Jivanmukta. Then Guru-Bhakti itself manifests in you as Self-realisation; and Guru-Seva becomes Lokasangraha in which you automatically engage yourself.

One who has such a Guru-Bhakti, one who has totally surrendered himself to the Guru, one who serves the Guru wholeheartedly, knows no grief, no sorrow, no fear, no pain, no misery, no ignorance and he instantly attains Godrealisation: for, Guru and God are one. He attains instantaneous Knowledge and Self-Illumination. Therefore have the Upanishads also declared: “Yasya deve para bhaktiryathaa deve tathaa gurau; Tasyaite kathitaahyarthaah prakaashante mahaatmanah.†“One who has Supreme Devotion to God and equal devotion to his Guru, to such a great Mahatma will the truths of the Upanishads be clear as crystal.†------------ -------Aum Namo Narayanaya.--- On Sat, 12/26/09, Radhe <shaantih (AT) comcast (DOT) net> wrote:

Radhe <shaantih (AT) comcast (DOT) net>Re: [Guruvayur] Guru is Requiredguruvayur@grou ps.comSaturday, December 26, 2009, 9:44 AM


Hare Krishna, Jayanthji!


Thank you for your thoughts.


Our first, last, and only Guru is the Lord Himself, in whatever form He appears!!!


In His Service,







jayanth m

guruvayur@grou ps.com

Friday, December 25, 2009 1:53 PM

Re: [Guruvayur] Guru is Required








we have a great philosophy

























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Om Namo NarayanayaDear Devotees,There is a verse in the last chapter of Sreemad Bhagavat Geetha "ithi theE njAnamAkhyAtamguhyAt guhyataram mayAvimrusyaitat asesheNayathecchati thathaa kuru" (Bh. Gi. 18-63)"Now, I have imparted you the most secret knowledge. After completely & critically analysing them, do as you like"The Lord himself means that, A Guru can only impart the knowledge and it is the duty of Arjuna (us) to attain the liberation. At the same time, it also means that, we have to critically think about and

analyse the things, which have been taught to us, and do not follow anything blindly.If there is a mistake in what I said above, please forgive me and also correct me. I wrote it because, I witnessed what a Guru said to the audience in a Bhagavatha Sapthaaha Yajnam that: "tomorrow all of you bring a note book wherein I will write some manthras and return to you. And after that I will be your Guru forever" Suresh C. KurupOm Namo Narayanaya

guruvayur@grou ps.com, "Radhe" <shaantih@.. .> wrote:


> Hare Krishna!!!


> Can someone enlighten me as to where the words of Lord Krishna can be

> found which say what is written below? I believe

> there is one verse in the Gita where He tells Arjuna to

> approach a guru to learn understanding of the vedas:


> Tadviddhi pranipaatena pariprashnena sevayaa;

> Upadekshyanti te jnaanam jnaaninas tattwadarshinah.

> 34. Know that by long prostration, by question and by service,

> the wise who have realised the Truth will instruct thee in (that) knowledge.


> This is the only one I am aware of, compared to the entire remainder of the Gita

> which relates to one's direct relationship with Him. How do we reconcile this

> with the innumerable places in the Gita where He says surrender to Him?

> Love Him? Serve Him? Worship Him? The list is endless and almost the

> entire Gita specifically relates to one's direct relationship with the Lord.


> Hoping someone can assist me with this request for sources...


> In HIs Service,


> Radhe





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Dear Suresh Ji,


It is Wonderfull moral, an eye opener…… for all of us









guruvayur [guruvayur ] On Behalf Of SURESH C KURUP

Monday, December 28, 2009

4:23 PM


Re: [Guruvayur] Guru is










Om Namo Narayanaya


Dear Devotees,


I had read somewhere a story in my childhood, which connects me with the

subject of this mail.


Once, a businessman was in hurry to capture the entire world in his

hand. This ambitious man has acquired a number of business units and

still he was in the act of setting up more business units.


As a usual practise, he visited his Guru to have blessings for the success of

the new venture and submitted at HIS feet a lot of orange. This man was

a darling disciple of the Guru and therefore the Guru thought that something

has to be done against his disciple's limitless ambition.


When the man entered the ashram, a small boy was also standing in front of

the Guru. In the presence of the man, the Guru offered an orange to the

boy. Immediately the boy's face has become bright and he started

enjoying the fruit. Within no time, the Guru again offered an another

orange. The boy stopped eating the fruit and received it by the other

hand. Again the Guru gave a third orange to the boy. He received that

also with the support of his chest. Again the Guru offered the

fourth orange. But immediately the boy's face has become dark and sad

and he started crying.



The Guru told the businessman that, " this is what is happening with you

also. See the boy. He was enjoying the fruit when I gave him the

first-one. When I offered the second-one, he not only could enjoy it,

but has become busy holding it. When I offered the third-one, he had to

have a support to hold them intact. And when I offered the fourth-one,

he just started crying. Because, it was beyond his capacity to keep all

those oranges. His hands and the entire body was not in a position to

move, and even if he try to breath well, he may loose the fruits. He

was totally struck with useless weight. Even though it is not useful to

him, he was afraid of loosing any of them. As he got more and more

oranges, he started loosing his happiness gradually. At the same time,

he was happy and enjoying the first orange. "


By this story, it is emphasised that a Guru can make a lot of difference in

one, and so, like the subject of this mail says " Guru is required "


Om Namo Narayanaya


Suresh C. Kurup




--- On Sun, 27/12/09, sree kumar <sreeku_75 (AT) (DOT) co.in>



sree kumar <sreeku_75 (AT) (DOT) co.in>

Re: [Guruvayur] Guru is Required


Sunday, 27 December, 2009, 2:11 PM







I also heard about Mata,Pita,Guru,


I understands this truth is

works as –“ through mata or amma only we can identify our Pita or

Father ( that means, Mother only can tell the final word about

father to convince her child , this is your father).Pita can guide us to

show Guru or he will lead us to a way for Guru. Guru can give knowledge or

Vijnanam to see the unseen power through his experience.That unseen

power is GOD.


sankalpam, is opening the way to search GOD. we are

strarting from root-MATA ,then PITA, then GURU, then finally reaches to

GOD.This is the route map for find out god.

Also one more narration we can give, That

is, while worshiping this series, we have to strat from AMMA,ACHAN,GURU,

DAIVAM. That means if one is ignoring or deny his / her

mother , father and guru and going to temple to worshiping god

is worthless and pure foolishness.

I suggest this to everybody and

to think like this way then our society will change and will get Shanthi &


So every one can think this

statement as per our buddhee and yukthi.


With prayers



--- On Sat, 26/12/09, Veena Nair <veeus18 >




Veena Nair <veeus18 >

Re: [Guruvayur] Guru is Required

guruvayur@grou ps.com

Saturday, 26 December, 2009, 11:14 PM








Namaste Radheji.



Swami Sivananda has a very instructive piece on

Guru, Guru-bhakti



http://www.dlshq. org/download/ gurubhaktiyoga.

htm#_VPID_ 91









“Na hi jnaanena sadrisham

pavitramiha vidyate,” said Lord Krishna; there is

nothing here so grand, ennobling and purifying as Knowledge. How can we

attain that Knowledge?



There are two statements that answer this great

question. “Shraddhaavaan labhate

jnaanam”—” a person who has Shraddha

attains Jnana”. This word Shraddha

is indeed very difficult to define; it is a perfect blending of love,

faith, devotion, total egolessness and absolute surrender. The other

statement is “Tadviddhi pranipaatena

pari-prasnena sevayaa; Upadekshyanti te jnaanam jnaaninah tattvadarsinah”;

“Know that by prostrating yourself to, by questioning and by serving

those Great Ones who have had a direct perception of the Self; they will

impart that Knowledge to you.” This Knowledge is impossible for one to

acquire by one’s own unaided self-effort.



This truth is clearly brought out in the Visvarupa-Darshana Yoga. After

revealing Himself to Arjuna and after once again assuming the lovely

human form of Krishna, the Lord

declares: “The Wondrous Form that you beheld just now, even the gods are

ever desirous of witnessing.” The Lord had already said: “The Devas and

the Maharshis know Me not; for I am their very Source.” “But, by Ananya-Bhakti I am capable of being

known,” says the Lord. When a person has Ananya

Bhakti the Lord reveals Himself to the devotee, even as He

revealed Himself to Arjuna. This is a point worth remembering; even then

it is He who reveals Himself. It is only after the Lord gave Arjuna the

Divya-Chakshu or the Divine Eye was Arjuna able to behold Him. Similarly,

“Dadaami buddhi-yogam tam yena

maamupayaantite”, when the aspirant is ripe for Wisdom, “I

give the Buddhi-Yoga to him and he attains Me.” Even in the crowning

declaration of the Gita: “Sarvadharmaan

parityajya maamekam sharanam vraja”, the Lord has made it abundantly

clear “Aham tvaa sarva paapebhyo

mokshayishyaami maa shuchah.” “Surrender yourself

wholeheartedly, unreservedly and totally to Me; that is all that you can

do; I will free you from sins.

You cannot do this yourself. But I will do it, fear not.”



“You can only develop Shraddha; I will give you

Jnana. You can only surrender yourself; I will give you Liberation.” That

is the final declaration of the Lord.



A beautiful truth emerges from these passages in

the Gita. At one place the Lord says: “I give the aspirant Buddhi-Yoga

and he reaches Me.” At another place he says: “Go to the Great Ones;

(they are your spiritual preceptors); prostrate to them; serve them; and

ask of them; they will impart the Knowledge to you.” Reading the two

together we get a glimpse of the grand truth that Guru is God-incarnate

upon earth. You can get at the Truth, you can attain Self-realisation

either by cultivating Ananya-Bhakti

to the Lord in His Transcendental Formless aspect or in His Immanent

aspect as your own Guru with a Name you can repeat, a Form on which you

can meditate, a distinct personality which you can see, touch and hear,

and which can guide you, inspire you, and lead you to the realisation of

your Immortal Self.



Thus has the Lord established His complete identification

with the Spiritual Preceptor, the Guru. And the aspirant can direct his Shraddha and Bhakti either to Him in His Formless

aspect or to His Immanent Form upon earth, the Guru, and the latter is

certainly more practicable for the vast majority of the aspirants.



Guru-Bhakti and Guru-Seva terminate (if it can

at all be called a termination) in Self-realisation. You will have to go

on serving the Guru. The Guru will reveal the Truth to you when your

self-surrender is complete, when the time is ripe. But that is not your

concern. Even as Arjuna prayed for the Visvarupa-Darshana and waited for

the Lord to bestow the Divya-Chakshu on him, you will have to serve,

serve, and serve, and the Guru will bestow the Knowledge on you when you

are ripe for It. Some deluded aspirants serve their Guru for some years

and then give it up foolishly imagining that they have attained

Chitta-Shuddhi. They do not gain the Supreme Knowledge; they do not reach

their Goal. They, no doubt, gain some merit (Punya), but Self-realisation

is not attained: this is indeed a great loss, a great blunder.



Guru-Bhakti and Guru-Seva are like the two oars

to the boat of Sadhana that takes you across the torrential stream of

Samsara. You cannot do without them until you reach the other shore,

until you attain Immortality and Eternal Bliss, until you become a

Jivanmukta. Then Guru-Bhakti itself manifests in you as Self-realisation;

and Guru-Seva becomes Lokasangraha in which you automatically engage




One who has such a Guru-Bhakti, one who has

totally surrendered himself to the Guru, one who serves the Guru

wholeheartedly, knows no grief, no sorrow, no fear, no pain, no misery,

no ignorance and he instantly attains Godrealisation: for, Guru and God

are one. He attains instantaneous Knowledge and Self-Illumination.

Therefore have the Upanishads also declared: “Yasya deve para bhaktiryathaa deve tathaa gurau; Tasyaite

kathitaahyarthaah prakaashante mahaatmanah.” “One who has

Supreme Devotion to God and equal devotion to his Guru, to such a great

Mahatma will the truths of the Upanishads be clear as crystal.”




------------ -------

Aum Namo Narayanaya.


--- On Sat, 12/26/09, Radhe <shaantih (AT) comcast (DOT) net>



Radhe <shaantih (AT) comcast (DOT) net>

Re: [Guruvayur] Guru is Required

guruvayur@grou ps.com

Saturday, December 26, 2009, 9:44 AM




Hare Krishna, Jayanthji!






Thank you for your thoughts.






Our first, last, and only Guru is the Lord Himself, in

whatever form He appears!!!






In His Service,




















jayanth m




guruvayur@grou ps.com




Friday, December 25, 2009 1:53 PM




[Guruvayur] Guru is Required

















we have a great philosophy
















































































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Hare Krishna! Many ordinary Bhaktas are scared that they do not have any initiation from a Guru ;  and therefore they may not be able to progress in Bhakti-yoga .  It is true that a genuine Guru facilitates a spiritual aspirant to have express enlightenment .  In this era of globalization and fast track life all around, such dedicated Vaishnava Gurus are not easily available to every Bhakta . Therefore, it is necessary to make best use of  the available Satsang opportunities which are Bhagavan Sri Krishna's gift   .

Bhagavan Krishna says in Srimad Bhagavad Gita ,  10.9-11 ,  " Those whose minds are fixed on Me and whose lives are surrendered to Me, derive great satisfaction  from enlightening one another about My greatness and speaking about  Me . Those whose minds are devoted to Me worship Me  with  great joy. I Myself give to them the Yoga of wisdom,  by which they can come to Me. Only out of compassion for these devotees, I dwelling in their hearts, destroy with the shining lamp of knowledge, the darkness born of ignorance. "

From the above instruction of Bhagavan Krishna, it is clear that the Devotees should enlighten each other about Bhagavan .  And it is Bhagavan's responsibility to bestow knowledge to His Bhaktas .

What matters to Sri Krishna is the Devotee's Bhakti and nothing else . Bhagavan Sri Krishna  has personally stated at Guruvayoor temple , " Bhakti is dearer to Me than Vibhakti (knowledge)  . I am not only *Amaraprabhu* ( Eternal Lord)  but  *Maraprabhu* ( Lord of trees)  as well  " .

Therefore , let us give a free hand to all Bhaktas to express themselves . Their innocent responses are nectar to Bhagavan 

On Mon, Dec 28, 2009 at 3:47 PM, SURESH C KURUP <sureshckurup wrote:







Om Namo NarayanayaDear Devotees,There is a verse in the last chapter of  Sreemad Bhagavat Geetha " ithi theE  njAnamAkhyAtamguhyAt guhyataram mayAvimrusyaitat asesheNayathecchati thathaa kuru "     (Bh. Gi. 18-63)

" Now, I have imparted you the most secret knowledge.  After completely & critically analysing them, do as you like " The Lord himself means that, A Guru can only impart the knowledge and it is the duty of Arjuna (us) to attain the liberation.  At the same time, it also means that, we have to critically think about and

analyse the things, which have been taught to us, and do not follow anything blindly.If there is a mistake in what I said above, please forgive me and also correct me.  I wrote it because, I witnessed what a Guru said to the audience in a Bhagavatha Sapthaaha Yajnam that:  " tomorrow all of you bring a note book wherein I will write some manthras and return to you.  And after that I will be your Guru forever "

Suresh C. KurupOm Namo Narayanaya

guruvayur@grou ps.com, " Radhe " <shaantih@.. .> wrote:


> Hare Krishna!!!


> Can someone enlighten me as to where the words of Lord Krishna can be

> found which say what is written below? I believe

> there is one verse in the Gita where He tells Arjuna to

> approach a guru to learn understanding of the vedas:


> Tadviddhi pranipaatena pariprashnena sevayaa;

> Upadekshyanti te jnaanam jnaaninas tattwadarshinah.

> 34. Know that by long prostration, by question and by service,

> the wise who have realised the Truth will instruct thee in (that) knowledge.


> This is the only one I am aware of, compared to the entire remainder of the Gita

> which relates to one's direct relationship with Him. How do we reconcile this

> with the innumerable places in the Gita where He says surrender to Him?

> Love Him? Serve Him? Worship Him? The list is endless and almost the

> entire Gita specifically relates to one's direct relationship with the Lord.


> Hoping someone can assist me with this request for sources...


> In HIs Service,


> Radhe





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-- LET US NOT MAKE OUR STOMACH A GRAVEYARD. LET US NOT EAT FLESH. LET US BE VEGETARIANS AND STAY HEALTHY. Animals are to be loved, not eaten. Eating flesh is good neither for the mind nor for the intellect, not even for the body. It distorts the basic character of human. Think Soul is Soul and it came from the Supreme Soul...God Head Krishna

Chant:Hare Krishna, Hare Krishna, Krishna Krishna Hare HareHare Rama, Hare Rama, Rama Rama Hare Hare

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dear all,

thank you very much.


satsanga is very important.


thank you very much for the comments i got.

and the guidance toooo

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Hariom."Easwro gururatmethi moorthi bheda vibhagine, vyomavat vyapta dehaya Dakshinamurthaye namaha:"ie.Pranams to Dakshinamurthy,who is all pervading like sky and who alone appears as Easwra,Guru and Atma, the self."Guroranugrahenaiva puman poornaprasanthayeth"Lord KRISHNA to Kuchela.(Sreemad Bhagavatham) prabhakarji, C/0 GUruvayurappan,gvr.Radhe <shaantihguruvayur Sent: Sat, December 26, 2009 9:14:46 PMRe: [Guruvayur] Guru is Required




Hare Krishna, Jayanthji!


Thank you for your thoughts.


Our first, last, and only Guru is the Lord Himself, in whatever form He appears!!!


In His Service,







jayanth m

guruvayur@grou ps.com

Friday, December 25, 2009 1:53 PM

Re: [Guruvayur] Guru is Required








we have a great philosophy

























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