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Om Namo NarayanayaDear Devotees (Especially elderly members)I am carrying a big doubt in my mind. I believe that Srimad Bhagavad Gita is the greatest Handbook of Procedures for the mankind, and if it is strictly observed and followed, one would certainly get salvation in this birth itself.My doubt is that, why such a greatest philosophy is respected and advised to be practised in India only, and why such a divine talk about the most secret knowledge is limited to Indians only (even though now it has started to be taught in other parts of the world. Now only!!!). And why it has not reached the entire humankind around the globe?. Indians are only a certain percentage of the earth's human population. In other parts of the world, they

are not only living according to the Vedas / Upanishads or stipulated acharams for mukthi, but they are deadly against and indifferent to these procedures. At the same time, they are many times advanced than us with respect to each and every aspect materialistically.I believe, as

per our Sanathana Dharma, the ultimate aim of a life is to get the

VAIKUNTHA PRAPTHI. Since the whole population except in India is

indifferent and ignorant to these greatest knowledge, which is the only

way to go back to the LORD, need they really take a birth in India to

get Mukthi?. Otherwise not????Is this why Shrimad Bhagavatham says that "A Mumukshu will take birth in a suitable place and in a suitable circumstance in order to get

Mukthi? (Like Naradamuni's story)Shrimad Bhagavatham and Chandogya Upanishad say that, "the Virat Purushan's body is made up of all the fourteen worlds", which means "eesaavaayamidam sarvam", there is nothing but the LORD. And all such big truths about the universe are known to only Indians?.Lord

created the whole world impartially and alike. But, HE is known,

accepted, respected and worshipped by only one civilizacivilisation.

Whenever and wherever I met a scholarly person, I used to ask this quistion. I put this doubt before the most learned gurus of Sanadana Dharmam. But, I never got a clear description in return or I was not able to understand them.I do share it with our group members to invite their views on this. SURESH KURUPOm Namo Narayanaya

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namo narayana


Respected Sir,


A very pertenient subject to speak on, considering the fact that yesterday was Sri Vaikuntha Ekadasi, one which the doors of Sri Vaikuntham are opened for all devotees of Lord Narayana, so that they attain His feet forever.


Here are my thoughts on this-


I wholly agree that the final destination of ALL the jeevatmas is in Sri Vaikuntham, doing what we all are meant to do, which is to serve Lord Narayana non-stop forever and rejoice in this service.


But how many in the world want to attain this goal. The common man (who is not a devotee) is only hankering for some material benedictions or to escape from his vast number of miseries. And hence for every such demand/fear he has to constantly run pillar-to-post for pleasing different demi-gods.


If you ask any one in a temple what are you praying for, it will be rare to find a person praying to attain paramapadam for serving the Lord!


And then there are others who dont want to serve anyone, but want to experience the para-brahman in themselves and rejoice in Kaivalyam (which the concept in Advaita).


Whereas the devotees of Sriman Narayana, do not want anything else but to serve the Lord under any and all circumstances.


I personally believe that such diiferences are due to the will of the Lord Himself and due to the correct use or mis-use of the limited independence given to all jeevatmas.


Once a jeevatma misuses his limited independence and wants material sense-gratification and does not want the association of the Lord , then why will the Lord force Him onto that jeevatma?


Such a soul then attracts those conditions in which he can try to fulfill his own desires, however being locked in the samsara chakra,he has to face the karmic heat as well.


After having gone through millions of births as humans, and animals finally by the grace of the Lord and the jeevatmas own purification, he comes in contact with devotees/scriptures in which he is exposed to the ultimate truth, which is the eternal relationship between Sriman Narayana and the jeevatma, as eternal companions, one master and other servant.


One then becomes a mumukshu when he wants to experience the permanent state of moksham in Sri Vaikuntham, he understands that he is trapped in this vicious cycle of life and death, only due to his ego, his desires to enjoy through his senses. When such a mumukshu undergoes "sharangathi" to the lotus-feet of the Lord, the Lord Himself delivers his sharangathaa.


Hence the mumukshu who desires liberation in Sri Vaikuntham must know that he by himself cannot reach Sri Vaikuntham, but only by surrendering his ego and expressing his sincere helplessness to the Lord is granted moksham by His mercy.

So on this auspicious day of Mukkoti Dwadashi,the day after Sri Vaikuntha Ekadasi, let us try to enlighten ourselves of the concept of Sharangathi which is the easiest way to attain His feet and enjoy our true position serving Him in Sri Vaikuntham forever.




Kamlesh--- On Tue, 12/29/09, SURESH C KURUP <sureshckurup wrote:

SURESH C KURUP <sureshckurup[Guruvayur] Hindu Scripturesguruvayur Date: Tuesday, December 29, 2009, 7:00 AM





Om Namo NarayanayaDear Devotees (Especially elderly members)I am carrying a big doubt in my mind. I believe that Srimad Bhagavad Gita is the greatest Handbook of Procedures for the mankind, and if it is strictly observed and followed, one would certainly get salvation in this birth itself.My doubt is that, why such a greatest philosophy is respected and advised to be practised in India only, and why such a divine talk about the most secret knowledge is limited to Indians only (even though now it has started to be taught in other parts of the world. Now only!!!). And why it has not reached the entire humankind around the globe?. Indians are only a certain percentage of the earth's human population. In other parts of the world, they are not only living according to the Vedas / Upanishads or stipulated acharams for

mukthi, but they are deadly against and indifferent to these procedures. At the same time, they are many times advanced than us with respect to each and every aspect materialistically.I believe, as per our Sanathana Dharma, the ultimate aim of a life is to get the VAIKUNTHA PRAPTHI. Since the whole population except in India is indifferent and ignorant to these greatest knowledge, which is the only way to go back to the LORD, need they really take a birth in India to get Mukthi?. Otherwise not????Is this why Shrimad Bhagavatham says that "A Mumukshu will take birth in a suitable place and in a suitable circumstance in order to get Mukthi? (Like Naradamuni's story)Shrimad Bhagavatham and Chandogya Upanishad say that, "the Virat Purushan's

body is made up of all the fourteen worlds", which means "eesaavaayamidam sarvam", there is nothing but the LORD. And all such big truths about the universe are known to only Indians?.Lord created the whole world impartially and alike. But, HE is known, accepted, respected and worshipped by only one civilizacivilisatio n.

Whenever and wherever I met a scholarly person, I used to ask this quistion. I put this doubt before the most learned gurus of Sanadana Dharmam. But, I never got a clear description in return or I was not able to understand them.

I do share it with our group members to invite their views on this.




Om Namo Narayanaya


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Hi Suresh,


Hare Krishna.


It is true that the constitutional position or sanatana dharma of every living

entity is the same - to go back to his original home, the spiritual kingdom of

God. Yet we see that each living entity is differently situated in the material

world. The scriptures, notably Srimad Bhagavad Gita and Srimad Bhagavatam, tell

us that this is because of the variegated conditioning of living entities, with

the millions of combinations of material modes - goodness, passion and ignorance

- influencing our every action. As the Lord says in Srimad Bhagavad Gita,

prakrteh kriyamaanaani gunaih karmaani sarvashah, all our activities in the

material world are completely under the control of the modes of nature.


A good analogy can be given as to the different conditioned states of living

entities and the need to address their needs differently. When Mathematics is

introduced at the Kindergarten or Primary school level, it is very simply

identification of numbers and simple arithmetics - addition, subtraction.

However as the children graduate to higher sections, more difficult topics like

geometry, trigonometry, calculus etc are introduced. Surely, a KG or Primary

student can never understand these things, unless one is a rare child prodigy

(which in itself happens on the basis of his/her past good karmas). In the same

way, due to their different conditioned states, living entities need different

spiritual doses to re-awaken their constitutional position, that is currently

lying dormant within them in their conditioned states. Lord Krishna gives a

wonderful analogy in Srimad Bhagavad Gita that this conditioning which is

actually covering the true nature of the soul can be analysed in three different

degrees - as fire covered with smoke (it requires only a small fanning to remove

the smoke from the fire); as a mirror covered with dust (that requires some

dusting so that one's image can be clearly seen); as a child inside the womb (no

matter what, the child cannot come out on his own unless helped by nature and

ofcourse by God's mercy). Similarly the conditioning can take any of these three

degrees or different combinations of these. So this is what we see in the world.

Those fortunate to have taken their birth in the tract of land called India are

gifted with the Vedic culture (one that is dwindling fast with the progress of

Kali Yuga) whereas those born in other parts of the world are not so fortunate.

So those exposed to the Vedic culture, either by practice or by theoretical

knowledge, can with the mercy of Lord, can easily take up spirituality (like hte

fire covered by smoke). Whereas those not so fortunate will have to take many

births before getting a chance to get associated with the Vedic culture. There

is another possibility that irrespective of where one has taken birth, if

somehow or the other, they come into contact with pure devotess of Lord Krishna

or Narayana, then they can be very easily relived from their conditional

existence. A very good example is that of Mrigari in Srimad Bhagavatam. By the

mercy of Narada muni, a pure devotee of the Lord, he gave up his abominable acts

and took to the path of bhakti and got easily liberated.


The teachings in all scriptures, Vedas, Bible or Quran are essentially the same

- how to know God, how to love Him and how to go back to Him, just that the

teachings are presented in a matter that is suited to time, place, people and

circumstances, like in the example of Mathematics topics introduced at different

levels depending on the capacity of the students. And if one simply follows the

instructions in any of these scriptures, according to the faith they follow,

they can be released from this conditioning. The important thing is, TO FOLLOW




I hope this helps to address your doubts to some extent.


Hare Krishna,



guruvayur , SURESH C KURUP <sureshckurup wrote:


> Om Namo Narayanaya


> Dear Devotees (Especially elderly members)


> I am carrying a big doubt in my mind.  I believe that Srimad Bhagavad Gita is

the greatest Handbook of Procedures for the mankind, and if it is strictly

observed and followed, one would certainly get salvation in this birth itself.


> My doubt is that, why such a greatest philosophy is respected and advised to

be practised in India only, and why such a divine talk about the most secret

knowledge is limited to Indians only (even though now it has started to be

taught in other parts of the world.  Now only!!!).  And why it has not reached

the entire humankind around the globe?.  Indians are only a certain percentage

of the earth's human population.  In other parts of the world, they are not only

living according to the Vedas / Upanishads or stipulated acharams for mukthi,

but they are deadly against and indifferent to these procedures.  At the same

time, they are many times advanced than us with respect to each and every aspect



> I believe, as

> per our Sanathana Dharma, the ultimate aim of a life is to get the

> VAIKUNTHA PRAPTHI. Since the whole population except in India is

> indifferent and ignorant to these greatest knowledge, which is the only

> way to go back to the LORD, need they really take a birth in India to

> get Mukthi?.  Otherwise not????


> Is this why Shrimad Bhagavatham says that " A Mumukshu will take birth in a

suitable place and in a suitable circumstance in order to get

> Mukthi? (Like Naradamuni's story)


> Shrimad Bhagavatham and Chandogya Upanishad say that, " the Virat Purushan's

body is made up of all the fourteen worlds " , which means " eesaavaayamidam

sarvam " , there is nothing but the LORD.  And all such big truths about the

universe are known to only Indians?.


> Lord

> created the whole world impartially and alike.  But, HE is known,

> accepted, respected and worshipped by only one civilizacivilisation.




> Whenever and wherever I met a scholarly person, I used to ask this quistion. I

put this doubt before the most learned gurus of Sanadana Dharmam. But, I never

got a clear description in return or I was not able to understand them.

> I do share it with our group members to invite their views on this.




> Om Namo Narayanaya




> The INTERNET now has a personality. YOURS! See your Homepage.



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Dear suresh,You have put forward a beautiful question that needs introspection... Its appreciable on your part to have come forward with a sincere earnest to make the shastras and puranas to all of humanity. I will try to clarify your doubt to the extent i have understood. People who know better are welcome to give their views and suggestions too...Well, coming to the first point of yours that poses the question as to why people belonging to other countries are not aware of the Gita and other dharmic ways of life... It is stated in Bagavatham that our Country ( Bharatavarsha) alone is a karma bhoomi and other countries are all bhoga bhoomi. This has led to the fact that all types of karmas (material and spiritual) have had their origin in India. It

is also worth noting that all of God's incarnations are believed to have taken place in India and so the greatness of Him and His stories have had a wider reach than all other countries. Coming to the way of life of other countries, they are of a different faith that do not believe re-birth. Consequently, they are not intended to accept our philosophy which is completely based on re-birth due to karma. When this primary point is being rejected, it results in leading a life in such a way that they do not bother about dharma and other purusha arthas. They have all been engaged in sense gratification for so many generations that they are blind towards our concept of life and death. The most unfortunate thing is that they feel they can live life merrily without any care for the future. While considering the point of great sages in our country, we can show many examples like Sri Ramakrishna, Sri

Ramana Maharishi, Kanchi Maha periyava who were all great jnaanis. On the other side, we have a meager few people from other countries who have come to India to visit these sages and get a lot of good instructions. They are the people who are responsible for taking our philosophy to the western world.As you mentioned, God created all worlds alike and he is certainly impartial to anything. But the tendency of each person differs according to his karma. Similarly, God has created some worlds to enjoy the riches of material to our full satisfaction as well as some worlds to experience the bliss of bhakthi and jnana. People who had done great pious deeds in their previous births have been arranged by God to take birth in those countries which are materially advanced. But when a person turns his search towards his self and God, God shows his mercy on such a soul and gives him a birth in a family that suits such a living and

ultimately takes tat soul with Him. This is what we call as Mukthi. We would have noted in the Bagavad Gita in which the Lord assures that even if a person dies half way through his quest for god-realisation he/she will be given a chance to take a birth in a good family and continue from where he left in his previous birth. Therefore, we can conclude that each one of us are being directed by our own destiny and previous karma. The western world will come to agree with our views only when they agree with our philosophy of karma and re-birth. Hope this clarified your doubt to some extent... Opinions from senior members are welcome... Regards,RajeshSURESH C KURUP <sureshckurupguruvayur Sent: Tue, 29 December, 2009 5:30:02 PM[Guruvayur] Hindu Scriptures



Om Namo NarayanayaDear Devotees (Especially elderly members)I am carrying a big doubt in my mind. I believe that Srimad Bhagavad Gita is the greatest Handbook of Procedures for the mankind, and if it is strictly observed and followed, one would certainly get salvation in this birth itself.My doubt is that, why such a greatest philosophy is respected and advised to be practised in India only, and why such a divine talk about the most secret knowledge is limited to Indians only (even though now it has started to be taught in other parts of the world. Now only!!!). And why it has not reached the entire humankind around the globe?. Indians are only a certain percentage of the earth's human population. In other parts of the

world, they

are not only living according to the Vedas / Upanishads or stipulated acharams for mukthi, but they are deadly against and indifferent to these procedures. At the same time, they are many times advanced than us with respect to each and every aspect materialistically.I believe, as

per our Sanathana Dharma, the ultimate aim of a life is to get the

VAIKUNTHA PRAPTHI. Since the whole population except in India is

indifferent and ignorant to these greatest knowledge, which is the only

way to go back to the LORD, need they really take a birth in India to

get Mukthi?. Otherwise not????Is this why Shrimad Bhagavatham says that "A Mumukshu will take birth in a suitable place and in a suitable circumstance in order to get

Mukthi? (Like Naradamuni's story)Shrimad Bhagavatham and Chandogya Upanishad say that, "the Virat Purushan's body is made up of all the fourteen worlds", which means "eesaavaayamidam sarvam", there is nothing but the LORD. And all such big truths about the universe are known to only Indians?.Lord

created the whole world impartially and alike. But, HE is known,

accepted, respected and worshipped by only one civilizacivilisatio n.

Whenever and wherever I met a scholarly person, I used to ask this quistion. I put this doubt before the most learned gurus of Sanadana Dharmam. But, I never got a clear description in return or I was not able to understand them.I do share it with our group members to invite their views on this. SURESH KURUPOm Namo Narayanaya

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The INTERNET now has a personality. YOURS! See your Homepage.

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My thoughts are below...All great gurujis (like Ramakrishna paramahamsa,Ramana maharshi,...) have said that all religions lead to the same supreme soul. They have had the same experience of Para Bhraman or Supreme Soul or God, or whatever each religion calls,when they followed the practices of Christianity,Islam, Buddhism or Hinduism.The above was also mentioned in one of the Bhagawatam sessions by Swami Udit Chaitanyaji last week on Asianet, wherein he said even Gandhiji felt the same which is conveyed in the bhajanRaghupati Raghav raja Ram, patit pavan Sita RamIshwar Allah tero naam, Saab ko Sanmti de Bhagavan ***Lord Rama, Chief of the house of

RaghuUplifters of those who have fallen, (O divine couple) Sita and RamaBeloved, praise Sita and RamaGod or Allah is your nameLord, bless everyone with wisdomOn Christmas Day, we attended a church event at my daughter's school, and the messages they conveyed from the Bible were also similar to what I had found in Bhagawat Gita, Bhagawatam or Ramayanam. They had a pastor who was an ex-convict (with pictures from his childhood to present day) and also a group of convicts from the Singapore prison, with each of them at different levels of transformation - and the experiences which they had - drug pushers, gang members, murderers... and it was amazing that the

church did activities to bring them to mainstream as pastors and brothers. I hope our temples also did try to uplift these people (like the life term awarded convicts - who said they wanted the death sentence, when they wanted nothing more in life - having broken families, no respect from anyone expect killing,make money,drink and be on drugs). A transformation of Ratnakaran to Valmiki I saw in each one of them.In short, all paths lead to the same supreme. Let each one of us follow the best practices which suit to oneself,respect the other's faith & belief, and the world would be a better place to live in.As Bhagawan Krishna/Vishnu devotees, understanding atleast the Bhagawat Gita, listening to Bhagawatam Sapthaham in 7 to 10 days should be like guidelines for each Hindu.Special thanks to JayShankar Vattekat for providing the links to Sreyas (for Udit Chaitnayaji's Bhagawatam session) and Girish Kumarji's Shivpuram site (for Devi Mahatmyam). In one of the speeches by Girish Kumarji (www.shripuram.org), he asks the gathering to imagine

ourselves to be God for one day and do each and every action.The next day, when we analyse ourselves (or even after each act),we find what a difference there is (As God, we cant cheat, and have to do each activity to the best of our ability, with happiness and joy)! Let's see God in ourselves and actions would be better, with lesser frustrations.Happy New Year 2010 to all of you.Have

a Good Day,AnilRe: [Guruvayur] Hindu ScripturesDear suresh,You have put forward a beautiful question that needs introspection... Its appreciable on your part to have come forward with a sincere earnest

to make the shastras and puranas to all of humanity. I will try to clarify your doubt to the extent i have understood. People who know better are welcome to give their views and suggestions too...Well, coming to the first point of yours that poses the question as to why people belonging to other countries are not aware of the Gita and other dharmic ways of life... It is stated in Bagavatham that our Country ( Bharatavarsha) alone is a karma bhoomi and other countries are all bhoga bhoomi. This has led to the fact that all types of karmas (material and spiritual) have had their origin in India. It is also worth noting that all of God's incarnations are believed to have taken place in India and so the greatness of Him and His stories have had a wider reach than all other countries. Coming to the way of life of

other countries, they are of a different faith that do not believe re-birth. Consequently, they are not intended to accept our philosophy which is completely based on re-birth due to karma. When this primary point is being rejected, it results in leading a life in such a way that they do not bother about dharma and other purusha arthas. They have all been engaged in sense gratification for so many generations that they are blind towards our concept of life and death. The most unfortunate thing is that they feel they can live life merrily without any care for the future. While considering the point of great sages in our country, we can show many examples like Sri Ramakrishna, Sri Ramana Maharishi, Kanchi Maha periyava who were all great jnaanis. On the other side, we have a meager few people from other countries who have come to India to visit these sages and get a lot of good

instructions. They are the people who are responsible for taking our philosophy to the western world.As you mentioned, God created all worlds alike and he is certainly impartial to anything. But the tendency of each person differs according to his karma. Similarly, God has created some worlds to enjoy the riches of material to our full satisfaction as well as some worlds to experience the bliss of bhakthi and jnana. People who had done great pious deeds in their previous births have been arranged by God to take birth in those countries which are materially advanced. But when a person turns his search towards his self and God, God shows his mercy on such a soul and gives him a birth in a family that suits such a living and ultimately takes tat soul with Him. This is what we call as Mukthi. We would have noted in the Bagavad Gita in which the Lord assures that even if a person dies half

way through his quest for god-realisation he/she will be given a chance to take a birth in a good family and continue from where he left in his previous birth. Therefore, we can conclude that each one of us are being directed by our own destiny and previous karma. The western world will come to agree with our views only when they agree with our philosophy of karma and re-birth. Hope this clarified your doubt to some extent... Opinions from senior members are welcome... Regards,RajeshSURESH C KURUP <sureshckurupguruvayur Tue, 29 December, 2009 5:30:02 PM[Guruvayur] Hindu Scriptures Om Namo NarayanayaDear Devotees (Especially elderly

members)I am carrying a big doubt in my mind. I believe that Srimad Bhagavad Gita is the greatest Handbook of Procedures for the mankind, and if it is strictly observed and followed, one would certainly get salvation in this birth itself.My doubt is that, why such a greatest philosophy is respected and advised to be practised in India only, and why such a divine talk about the most secret knowledge is limited to Indians only (even though now it has started to be taught in other parts of the world. Now only!!!). And why it has not reached the entire humankind around the globe?. Indians are only a certain percentage of the earth's human population. In other parts of the world, they are not only living according to the Vedas / Upanishads or stipulated acharams for mukthi, but they are deadly against and indifferent to these procedures. At the same time, they are many times advanced than us with respect to

each and every aspect materialistically.I believe, as per our Sanathana Dharma, the ultimate aim of a life is to get the VAIKUNTHA PRAPTHI. Since the whole population except in India is indifferent and ignorant to these greatest knowledge, which is the only way to go back to the LORD, need they really take a birth in India to get Mukthi?. Otherwise not????Is this why Shrimad Bhagavatham says that "A Mumukshu will take birth in a suitable place and in a suitable circumstance in order to get Mukthi? (Like Naradamuni's story)Shrimad Bhagavatham and Chandogya Upanishad say that, "the Virat Purushan's body is made up of all the fourteen worlds", which means "eesaavaayamidam sarvam", there is nothing but the LORD. And all such big truths about the universe are known to only Indians?.Lord created the whole world impartially and alike. But, HE is known, accepted, respected and worshipped by only one civilizacivilisatio n.Whenever and wherever I met a scholarly person, I used to ask this quistion. I put this doubt before the most learned gurus of Sanadana Dharmam. But, I never got a clear description in return or I was not able to understand them.I do share it with our group members to invite their views on this. SURESH KURUPOm Namo Narayanaya

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Om Namo NarayanaDear Devotees, Wishing you and your family a very happy and prosperous NEW YEAR 2010!!!.Thanks to all of you who have thrown more light on my doubt.Earth does it duty alike, because earth is only one.Sky does its duty alike, because sky is omnipresent.A creature takes birth alike. A creature dies alike.It rains alike.Everything performs its function as it is told to it by the nature (God)The entire universe is functioning on its own for itself and at the same time for everything. Bacause, what all is there is the universe only, and the universe includes everything.But, human being act according to their own will, relevantly or irrelevantly to the nature's rule. Because, they have a certain more degree of

consciousness than all other creatures in this world. So, they have got freedom to think. We had great Rishis, who though internally. I quote below certain portion of what Poojaneeya Swami Sandeep Chaitanyaji wrote to me when I put before my doubt."Their great wisdom was transferred from Guru to Shishya.This Guru Shishya Parampara is the back bone of our great culture.You can not see this in any other part of the world!The Sacred Truth was sought by the true seekers only!Knowledge was to be sought after! There was no mass teaching methods.Please understand that, when we observed and focussed WITHIN or internally,other civilizations observed and focussed

WITHOUT or externally.Whatever you focus on, will grow or expand! So, we grew spiritually and they grew materialistically. What we need is a balance of both!"This means, in India, from the time immemorial, our ancestors had within THEM the strong quest of enquiring about the ultimate truth (GOD), and as and when THEY become one with the GOD, THEY each had left behind the result of THEIR efforts. Thus we have the same with us in the form of SCRIPTURES. Great Souls, Great Efforts and Great Deeds!!!But, still it is unclear as to why it had happened like this?????Others were unable to think internally?, or GOD Himself did not want them to do it?Poonthanam's Jnanappaana

says,karmmabeejam varattikkaLanjuTan,janma naasham varuththeNamenkilum,bhaarathamaaya khaNTamozhinjuLLapaarilengumeLuthalla nirNNayam.Here also it is not clear that, why it is not possible.Anyway, coming down from the level of universe to myself, I am happy that, I could take birth in India. I pray to the almighty to put me in India only even as grass, if I have another birth. like Poonthaanam Namboothiri sang:Kalikaalaththe bhaaratha khantaththekalithaatharam kaivaNangeetunnu.Regards,Suresh C. KurupOm Namo Narayanaya- On Thu, 31/12/09, Anil NN <anilnn wrote:Anil NN <anilnnRe: [Guruvayur] Hindu Scripturesguruvayur Date: Thursday, 31 December, 2009, 2:32 AM

My thoughts are below...All great gurujis (like Ramakrishna paramahamsa, Ramana maharshi,... ) have said that all religions lead to the same supreme soul. They have had the same experience of Para Bhraman or Supreme Soul or God, or whatever each religion calls,when they followed the practices of Christianity, Islam, Buddhism or Hinduism.The above was also mentioned in one of the Bhagawatam sessions by Swami Udit Chaitanyaji last week on Asianet, wherein he said even Gandhiji felt the same which is conveyed in the bhajanRaghupati Raghav raja Ram, patit pavan Sita RamIshwar Allah tero naam, Saab ko Sanmti de Bhagavan ***Lord Rama, Chief of the house of RaghuUplifters of those who have fallen, (O divine couple) Sita and RamaBeloved, praise Sita and RamaGod or Allah is your nameLord, bless everyone with wisdomOn Christmas Day, we attended a church event at my daughter's

school, and the messages they conveyed from the Bible were also similar to what I had found in Bhagawat Gita, Bhagawatam or Ramayanam. They had a pastor who was an ex-convict (with pictures from his childhood to present day) and also a group of convicts from the Singapore prison, with each of them at different levels of transformation - and the experiences which they had - drug pushers, gang members, murderers... and it was amazing that the church did activities to bring them to mainstream as pastors and brothers. I hope our temples also did try to uplift these people (like the life term awarded convicts - who said they wanted the death sentence, when they wanted nothing more in life - having broken families, no respect from anyone expect killing,make money,drink and be on drugs). A transformation of Ratnakaran to Valmiki I saw in each one of them.In short, all paths lead to the same supreme. Let each one of us follow the best practices which

suit to oneself,respect the other's faith & belief, and the world would be a better place to live in.As Bhagawan Krishna/Vishnu devotees, understanding atleast the Bhagawat Gita, listening to Bhagawatam Sapthaham in 7 to 10 days should be like guidelines for each Hindu.Special thanks to JayShankar Vattekat for providing the links to Sreyas (for Udit Chaitnayaji' s Bhagawatam session) and Girish Kumarji's Shivpuram site (for Devi Mahatmyam). In one of the speeches by Girish Kumarji (www.shripuram. org), he asks the gathering to imagine ourselves to be God for one day and do each and every action.The next day, when we analyse ourselves (or even after each act),we find what a difference there is (As God, we cant cheat, and have to do each activity to the best of our ability, with happiness and joy)! Let's see God in ourselves and actions would be better, with lesser frustrations.Happy New Year 2010 to all of you.Have a Good

Day,AnilRe: [Guruvayur] Hindu ScripturesDear suresh,You have put forward a beautiful question that needs introspection. .. Its appreciable on your part to have come forward with a sincere earnest to make the shastras and puranas to all of humanity. I will try to clarify your doubt to the extent i have understood. People who know better are welcome to give their views and suggestions too...Well, coming to the first point of yours that poses the question as to why people belonging to other countries are not aware of the Gita and other dharmic ways of life... It is stated in Bagavatham that our Country ( Bharatavarsha) alone is a karma bhoomi and other countries are all bhoga bhoomi. This has led to the fact that all types of karmas (material and spiritual) have had their origin in India. It is also worth noting that all of God's incarnations are believed to have taken place in India and so the greatness of Him and His stories have had

a wider reach than all other countries. Coming to the way of life of other countries, they are of a different faith that do not believe re-birth. Consequently, they are not intended to accept our philosophy which is completely based on re-birth due to karma. When this primary point is being rejected, it results in leading a life in such a way that they do not bother about dharma and other purusha arthas. They have all been engaged in sense gratification for so many generations that they are blind towards our concept of life and death. The most unfortunate thing is that they feel they can live life merrily without any care for the future. While considering the point of great sages in our country, we can show many examples like Sri Ramakrishna, Sri Ramana Maharishi, Kanchi Maha periyava who were all great jnaanis. On the other side, we have a meager few people from other countries who have come to India to visit these sages and get a lot of

good instructions. They are the people who are responsible for taking our philosophy to the western world.As you mentioned, God created all worlds alike and he is certainly impartial to anything. But the tendency of each person differs according to his karma. Similarly, God has created some worlds to enjoy the riches of material to our full satisfaction as well as some worlds to experience the bliss of bhakthi and jnana. People who had done great pious deeds in their previous births have been arranged by God to take birth in those countries which are materially advanced. But when a person turns his search towards his self and God, God shows his mercy on such a soul and gives him a birth in a family that suits such a living and ultimately takes tat soul with Him. This is what we call as Mukthi. We would have noted in the Bagavad Gita in which the Lord assures that even if a person dies half way through his quest for god-realisation he/she

will be given a chance to take a birth in a good family and continue from where he left in his previous birth. Therefore, we can conclude that each one of us are being directed by our own destiny and previous karma. The western world will come to agree with our views only when they agree with our philosophy of karma and re-birth. Hope this clarified your doubt to some extent... Opinions from senior members are welcome... Regards,RajeshSURESH C KURUP <sureshckurup@ ...>guruvayur@grou ps.comTue, 29 December, 2009 5:30:02 PM[Guruvayur] Hindu Scriptures Om Namo NarayanayaDear Devotees (Especially elderly members)I am carrying a big doubt in my mind. I believe that Srimad Bhagavad Gita is the greatest Handbook of Procedures for the mankind, and if it is strictly observed and followed, one would certainly get salvation in this birth itself.My doubt is that, why

such a greatest philosophy is respected and advised to be practised in India only, and why such a divine talk about the most secret knowledge is limited to Indians only (even though now it has started to be taught in other parts of the world. Now only!!!). And why it has not reached the entire humankind around the globe?. Indians are only a certain percentage of the earth's human population. In other parts of the world, they are not only living according to the Vedas / Upanishads or stipulated acharams for mukthi, but they are deadly against and indifferent to these procedures. At the same time, they are many times advanced than us with respect to each and every aspect materialistically.I believe, as per our Sanathana Dharma, the ultimate aim of a life is to get the VAIKUNTHA PRAPTHI. Since the whole population except in India is indifferent and ignorant to these greatest knowledge, which is the only way to go back to the LORD, need

they really take a birth in India to get Mukthi?. Otherwise not????Is this why Shrimad Bhagavatham says that "A Mumukshu will take birth in a suitable place and in a suitable circumstance in order to get Mukthi? (Like Naradamuni's story)Shrimad Bhagavatham and Chandogya Upanishad say that, "the Virat Purushan's body is made up of all the fourteen worlds", which means "eesaavaayamidam sarvam", there is nothing but the LORD. And all such big truths about the universe are known to only Indians?.Lord created the whole world impartially and alike. But, HE is known, accepted, respected and worshipped by only one civilizacivilisatio n.Whenever and wherever I met a scholarly person, I used to ask this quistion. I put this doubt before the most learned gurus of Sanadana Dharmam. But, I never got a clear description in return or I was not able to understand them.I do share it with our group members to invite their views on

this. SURESH KURUPOm Namo Narayanaya

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Dear all,Radhe Krishna!I fully agree with what Rajeshji has put down firmly.  Unless the persons concerned are interested in it, why, when they have been showing even apathy and contempt to our religion and our values, how can they have any interest in it?  One can take the horse to water, or even the water to the horse, but cannot make it drink!

But I think, now, the thought is slowly changing.  The west has slowly started taking a liking to our culture, our way of life.RegardsKVG.On Thu, Dec 31, 2009 at 8:02 AM, Anil NN <anilnn wrote:








My thoughts are below...All great gurujis (like Ramakrishna paramahamsa,Ramana maharshi,...) have said that all religions lead to the same supreme soul. They have had the same experience of Para Bhraman or Supreme Soul or God, or whatever each religion calls,when they followed the practices of Christianity,Islam, Buddhism or Hinduism.

The above was also mentioned in one of the Bhagawatam sessions by Swami Udit Chaitanyaji last week on Asianet, wherein he said even Gandhiji felt the same which is conveyed in the bhajan

Raghupati Raghav raja Ram, patit pavan Sita RamIshwar Allah tero naam, Saab ko Sanmti de Bhagavan ***Lord Rama, Chief of the house of

RaghuUplifters of those who have fallen, (O divine couple) Sita and RamaBeloved, praise Sita and RamaGod or Allah is your nameLord, bless everyone with wisdom

On Christmas Day, we attended a church event at my daughter's school, and the messages they conveyed from the Bible were also similar to what I had found in Bhagawat Gita, Bhagawatam or Ramayanam. They had a pastor who was an ex-convict (with pictures from his childhood to present day) and also a group of convicts from the Singapore prison, with each of them at different levels of transformation - and the experiences which they had - drug pushers, gang members, murderers... and it was amazing that the

church did activities to bring them to mainstream as pastors and brothers. I hope our temples also did try to uplift these people (like the life term awarded convicts - who said they wanted the death sentence, when they wanted nothing more in life - having broken families, no respect from anyone expect killing,make money,drink and be on drugs). A transformation of Ratnakaran to Valmiki I saw in each one of them.

In short, all paths lead to the same supreme. Let each one of us follow the best practices which suit to oneself,respect the other's faith & belief, and the world would be a better place to live in.

As Bhagawan Krishna/Vishnu devotees, understanding atleast the Bhagawat Gita, listening to  Bhagawatam Sapthaham in 7 to 10 days should be like guidelines for each Hindu.Special thanks to JayShankar Vattekat for providing the links to Sreyas (for Udit Chaitnayaji's Bhagawatam session) and Girish Kumarji's Shivpuram site (for Devi Mahatmyam). 

In one of the speeches by Girish Kumarji (www.shripuram.org), he asks the gathering to imagine

ourselves to be God for one day and do each and every action.The next day, when we analyse ourselves (or even after each act),we find what a difference there is (As God, we cant cheat, and have to do each activity to the best of our ability, with happiness and joy)! Let's see God in ourselves and actions would be better, with lesser frustrations.

Happy New Year 2010 to all of you.


a Good Day,AnilRe: [Guruvayur] Hindu Scriptures

Dear suresh,You have put forward a beautiful question that needs introspection... Its appreciable on your part to have come forward with a sincere earnest

to make the shastras and puranas to all of humanity. I will try to clarify your doubt to the extent i have understood. People who know better are welcome to give their views and suggestions too...

Well, coming to the first point of yours that poses the question as to why people belonging to other countries are not aware of the Gita and other dharmic ways of life... It is stated in Bagavatham that our Country ( Bharatavarsha) alone is a karma bhoomi and other countries are all bhoga bhoomi. This has led to the fact that all types of karmas (material and spiritual) have had their origin in India. It is also worth noting that all of God's incarnations are believed to have taken place in India and so the greatness of Him and His stories have had a wider reach than all other countries. 

Coming to the way of life of

other countries, they are of a different faith that do not believe re-birth. Consequently, they are not intended to accept our philosophy which is completely based on re-birth due to karma. When this primary point is being rejected, it results in leading a life in such a way that they do not bother about dharma and other purusha arthas. They have all been engaged in sense gratification for so many generations that they are blind towards our concept of life and death. The most unfortunate thing is that they feel they can live life merrily without any care for the future. 

While considering the point of great sages in our country, we can show many examples like Sri Ramakrishna, Sri Ramana Maharishi, Kanchi Maha periyava who were all great jnaanis. On the other side, we have a meager few people from other countries who have come to India to visit these sages and get a lot of good

instructions. They are the people who are responsible for taking our philosophy to the western world.As you mentioned, God created all worlds alike and he is certainly impartial to anything. But the tendency of each person differs according to his karma. Similarly, God has created some worlds to enjoy the riches of material to our full satisfaction as well as some worlds to experience the bliss of bhakthi and jnana. People who had done great pious deeds in their previous births have been arranged by God to take birth in those countries which are materially advanced. But when a person turns his search towards his self and God, God shows his mercy on such a soul and gives him a birth in a family that suits such a living and ultimately takes tat soul with Him. This is what we call as Mukthi. We would have noted in the Bagavad Gita in which the Lord assures that even if a person dies half

way through his quest for god-realisation he/she will be given a chance to take a birth in a good family and continue from where he left in his previous birth. Therefore, we can conclude that each one of us are being directed by our own destiny and previous karma. 

The western world will come to agree with our views only when they agree with our philosophy of karma and re-birth. Hope this clarified your doubt to some extent... Opinions from senior members are welcome... 


 SURESH C KURUP <sureshckurupTo: guruvayur

Sent: Tue, 29 December, 2009 5:30:02 PMSubject: [Guruvayur] Hindu Scriptures 


Om Namo NarayanayaDear Devotees (Especially elderly

members)I am carrying a big doubt in my mind.  I believe that Srimad Bhagavad Gita is the greatest Handbook of Procedures for the mankind, and if it is strictly observed and followed, one would certainly get salvation in this birth itself.

My doubt is that, why such a greatest philosophy is respected and advised to be practised in India only, and why such a divine talk about the most secret knowledge is limited to Indians only (even though now it has started to be taught in other parts of the world.  Now only!!!).  And why it has not reached the entire humankind around the globe?.  Indians are only a certain percentage of the earth's human population.  In other parts of the world, they are not only living according to the Vedas / Upanishads or stipulated acharams for mukthi, but they are deadly against and indifferent to these procedures.  At the same time, they are many times advanced than us with respect to

each and every aspect materialistically.I believe, as per our Sanathana Dharma, the ultimate aim of a life is to get the VAIKUNTHA PRAPTHI. Since the whole population except in India is indifferent and ignorant to these greatest knowledge, which is the only way to go back to the LORD, need they really take a birth in India to get Mukthi?.  Otherwise not????

Is this why Shrimad Bhagavatham says that  " A Mumukshu will take birth in a suitable place and in a suitable circumstance in order to get Mukthi? (Like Naradamuni's story)

Shrimad Bhagavatham and Chandogya Upanishad say that,  " the Virat Purushan's body is made up of all the fourteen worlds " , which means  " eesaavaayamidam sarvam " , there is nothing but the LORD.  And all such big truths about the universe are known to only Indians?.

Lord created the whole world impartially and alike.  But, HE is known, accepted, respected and worshipped by only one civilizacivilisatio n.Whenever and wherever I met a scholarly person, I used to ask this quistion. I put this doubt before the most learned gurus of Sanadana Dharmam. But, I never got a clear description in return or I was not able to understand them.

I do share it with our group members to invite their views on this. SURESH KURUP

Om Namo Narayanaya





-- कृषà¥à¤£à¥‡à¤¤à¤¿ मंगलमॠनाम यसà¥à¤¯ वाचि पà¥à¤°à¤µà¤°à¥à¤¤à¤¤à¥‡ |भसà¥à¤®à¥€à¤­à¤µà¤¨à¥à¤¤à¤¿ तसà¥à¤¯à¤¾à¤¶à¥ महापातककोटयः ||  കൃഷàµà´¨àµà´¨àµ†à´¤à´¿  മംഗളം  നാമ  യസàµà´¯  വാചി  പàµà´°à´µà´°àµâ€à´¤àµà´¤à´¤àµ‡              ഭാസàµà´®àµ€à´­à´µà´¨àµà´¤à´¿  തസàµà´¯à´¾à´¶àµ  മഹാപാതകകൊടയ:    .

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Dear All,


I have been a dormant admirer of this group for a long long time now.Thanks to

Sunilji and other seniors who encourage such discussions.

My views on this (which may or may not be right) are as under:-


As rightly pointed out,Man is the only known creature in the whole universe who

can think and act using his intelligence.He can do an act in the proper way,do

an act in an improper way and also has the capacity to be silent.The law of

Karma is the broad framework within which Man is supposed to act.

The Almighty , to my understanding wants progress of all beings irespective of

whether it is an internal or external progress.To progress externally one needs

to have an external view of things and to progress internally we need to peep

into our internal self - which only man is capable of.While the Western

civilization was more into external progress of mankind , ours was more looking

at the internal progress.Thus like in any other case the Almighty was doing a

balancing act.

If you look at Universe every thing is balanced.If the balance is upset anywhere

it is set right to ensure that all are back on track.

Hence when the Universe is functioning with these objectives in mind , the

question that will arise is how should man discharge his duties.For this we turn

to the principle in Bhagawad Geeta ie. to hold on to the Almighty and to

discharge our duties ( ie. towards internal and external development of every

creature) religiously.All religions preach the same thing and the goal of all is

the same.We all come from the same source and end up in the same source.So where

is the difference? If Man does not understand this who else will?


Warm Regards,




guruvayur , " K.V Gopalakrishna " <gopalakrishna.kv



> Dear all,

> Radhe Krishna!

> I fully agree with what Rajeshji has put down firmly.


> Unless the persons concerned are interested in it, why, when they have been

> showing even apathy and contempt to our religion and our values, how can

> they have any interest in it? One can take the horse to water, or even the

> water to the horse, but cannot make it drink!


> But I think, now, the thought is slowly changing. The west has slowly

> started taking a liking to our culture, our way of life.

> Regards

> KVG.




> On Thu, Dec 31, 2009 at 8:02 AM, Anil NN <anilnn wrote:


> >

> >

> > My thoughts are below...

> >

> > All great gurujis (like Ramakrishna paramahamsa,Ramana maharshi,...) have

> > said that all religions lead to the same supreme soul. They have had the

> > same experience of Para Bhraman or Supreme Soul or God, or whatever each

> > religion calls,when they followed the practices of Christianity,Islam,

> > Buddhism or Hinduism.

> >

> > The above was also mentioned in one of the Bhagawatam sessions by Swami

> > Udit Chaitanyaji last week on Asianet, wherein he said even Gandhiji felt

> > the same which is conveyed in the bhajan

> >

> > Raghupati Raghav raja Ram, patit pavan Sita Ram

> > Ishwar Allah tero naam, Saab ko Sanmti de Bhagavan

> > ***

> > Lord Rama, Chief of the house of Raghu

> > Uplifters of those who have fallen, (O divine couple) Sita and Rama

> > Beloved, praise Sita and Rama

> > God or Allah is your name

> > Lord, bless everyone with wisdom

> >

> > On Christmas Day, we attended a church event at my daughter's school, and

> > the messages they conveyed from the Bible were also similar to what I had

> > found in Bhagawat Gita, Bhagawatam or Ramayanam. They had a pastor who was

> > an ex-convict (with pictures from his childhood to present day) and also a

> > group of convicts from the Singapore prison, with each of them at different

> > levels of transformation - and the experiences which they had - drug

> > pushers, gang members, murderers... and it was amazing that the church did

> > activities to bring them to mainstream as pastors and brothers. I hope our

> > temples also did try to uplift these people (like the life term awarded

> > convicts - who said they wanted the death sentence, when they wanted nothing

> > more in life - having broken families, no respect from anyone expect

> > killing,make money,drink and be on drugs). A transformation of Ratnakaran to

> > Valmiki I saw in each one of them.

> >

> > In short, all paths lead to the same supreme. Let each one of us follow the

> > best practices which suit to oneself,respect the other's faith & belief, and

> > the world would be a better place to live in.

> >

> > As Bhagawan Krishna/Vishnu devotees, understanding atleast the Bhagawat

> > Gita, listening to Bhagawatam Sapthaham in 7 to 10 days should be like

> > guidelines for each Hindu.Special thanks to JayShankar Vattekat for

> > providing the links to Sreyas (for Udit Chaitnayaji's Bhagawatam session)

> > and Girish Kumarji's Shivpuram site (for Devi Mahatmyam).

> >

> > In one of the speeches by Girish Kumarji (www.shripuram.org), he asks the

> > gathering to imagine ourselves to be God for one day and do each and every

> > action.The next day, when we analyse ourselves (or even after each act),we

> > find what a difference there is (As God, we cant cheat, and have to do each

> > activity to the best of our ability, with happiness and joy)! Let's see God

> > in ourselves and actions would be better, with lesser frustrations.

> >

> > Happy New Year 2010 to all of you.

> >

> > Have a Good Day,

> > Anil

> >

> > Re: [Guruvayur] Hindu Scriptures

> >

> > Dear suresh,

> >

> > You have put forward a beautiful question that needs introspection... Its

> > appreciable on your part to have come forward with a sincere earnest to make

> > the shastras and puranas to all of humanity. I will try to clarify your

> > doubt to the extent i have understood. People who know better are welcome to

> > give their views and suggestions too...

> >

> > Well, coming to the first point of yours that poses the question as to why

> > people belonging to other countries are not aware of the Gita and other

> > dharmic ways of life... It is stated in Bagavatham that our Country (

> > Bharatavarsha) alone is a karma bhoomi and other countries are all bhoga

> > bhoomi. This has led to the fact that all types of karmas (material and

> > spiritual) have had their origin in India. It is also worth noting that all

> > of God's incarnations are believed to have taken place in India and so the

> > greatness of Him and His stories have had a wider reach than all other

> > countries.

> >

> > Coming to the way of life of other countries, they are of a different faith

> > that do not believe re-birth. Consequently, they are not intended to accept

> > our philosophy which is completely based on re-birth due to karma. When this

> > primary point is being rejected, it results in leading a life in such a way

> > that they do not bother about dharma and other purusha arthas. They have all

> > been engaged in sense gratification for so many generations that they are

> > blind towards our concept of life and death. The most unfortunate thing is

> > that they feel they can live life merrily without any care for the future.

> >

> > While considering the point of great sages in our country, we can show many

> > examples like Sri Ramakrishna, Sri Ramana Maharishi, Kanchi Maha periyava

> > who were all great jnaanis. On the other side, we have a meager few people

> > from other countries who have come to India to visit these sages and get a

> > lot of good instructions. They are the people who are responsible for taking

> > our philosophy to the western world.

> >

> > As you mentioned, God created all worlds alike and he is certainly

> > impartial to anything. But the tendency of each person differs according to

> > his karma. Similarly, God has created some worlds to enjoy the riches of

> > material to our full satisfaction as well as some worlds to experience the

> > bliss of bhakthi and jnana. People who had done great pious deeds in their

> > previous births have been arranged by God to take birth in those countries

> > which are materially advanced. But when a person turns his search towards

> > his self and God, God shows his mercy on such a soul and gives him a birth

> > in a family that suits such a living and ultimately takes tat soul with Him.

> > This is what we call as Mukthi. We would have noted in the Bagavad Gita in

> > which the Lord assures that even if a person dies half way through his quest

> > for god-realisation he/she will be given a chance to take a birth in a good

> > family and continue from where he left in his previous birth. Therefore, we

> > can conclude that each one of us are being directed by our own destiny and

> > previous karma.

> >

> > The western world will come to agree with our views only when they agree

> > with our philosophy of karma and re-birth. Hope this clarified your doubt to

> > some extent... Opinions from senior members are welcome...

> >

> > Regards,

> > Rajesh

> >

> > ------------------------------

> > ** SURESH C KURUP <sureshckurup@>

> >

> > *To:* guruvayur

> > *Sent:* Tue, 29 December, 2009 5:30:02 PM

> > *Subject:* [Guruvayur] Hindu Scriptures

> >

> >

> >

> > Om Namo Narayanaya

> >

> > Dear Devotees (Especially elderly members)

> >

> > I am carrying a big doubt in my mind. I believe that Srimad Bhagavad Gita

> > is the greatest Handbook of Procedures for the mankind, and if it is

> > strictly observed and followed, one would certainly get salvation in this

> > birth itself.

> >

> > My doubt is that, why such a greatest philosophy is respected and advised

> > to be practised in India only, and why such a divine talk about the most

> > secret knowledge is limited to Indians only (even though now it has started

> > to be taught in other parts of the world. Now only!!!). And why it has not

> > reached the entire humankind around the globe?. Indians are only a certain

> > percentage of the earth's human population. In other parts of the world,

> > they are not only living according to the Vedas / Upanishads or stipulated

> > acharams for mukthi, but they are deadly against and indifferent to these

> > procedures. At the same time, they are many times advanced than us with

> > respect to each and every aspect materialistically.

> >

> > I believe, as per our Sanathana Dharma, the ultimate aim of a life is to

> > get the VAIKUNTHA PRAPTHI. Since the whole population except in India is

> > indifferent and ignorant to these greatest knowledge, which is the only way

> > to go back to the LORD, need they really take a birth in India to get

> > Mukthi?. Otherwise not????

> >

> > Is this why Shrimad Bhagavatham says that " A Mumukshu will take birth in a

> > suitable place and in a suitable circumstance in order to get Mukthi? (Like

> > Naradamuni's story)

> >

> > Shrimad Bhagavatham and Chandogya Upanishad say that, " the Virat

> > Purushan's body is made up of all the fourteen worlds " , which means

" eesaavaayamidam

> > sarvam " , there is nothing but the LORD. And all such big truths about the

> > universe are known to only Indians?.

> >

> > Lord created the whole world impartially and alike. But, HE is known,

> > accepted, respected and worshipped by only one civilizacivilisatio n.

> >

> > Whenever and wherever I met a scholarly person, I used to ask this

> > quistion. I put this doubt before the most learned gurus of Sanadana

> > Dharmam. But, I never got a clear description in return or I was not able to

> > understand them.

> >

> > I do share it with our group members to invite their views on this.

> >

> >

> >


> > **

> >

> > *

> > *

> >

> > *Om Namo Narayanaya*

> >

> >

> >




> --

> कृषà¥à¤£à¥‡à¤¤à¤¿ मंगलमॠनाम यसà¥à¤¯

वाचि पà¥à¤°à¤µà¤°à¥à¤¤à¤¤à¥‡ |

> भसà¥à¤®à¥€à¤­à¤µà¤¨à¥à¤¤à¤¿ तसà¥à¤¯à¤¾à¤¶à¥

महापातककोटयः ||

> കൃഷàµà´¨àµà´¨àµ†à´¤à´¿ മംഗളം നാമ യസàµà´¯

വാചി à´ªàµà´°à´µà´°àµâ€à´¤àµà´¤à´¤àµ‡

> ഭാസàµà´®àµ€à´­à´µà´¨àµà´¤à´¿ തസàµà´¯à´¾à´¶àµ

മഹാപാതകകൊടയ: .


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