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Thiruppavai 15-elle iLam kiLiye

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Pasuram-15-ellE iLamkiLiyE


elE iLmkiLiyE innam urangudhiyO


nangaimeer pOdharginrEn


un katturaigaL pandE unvayaridhum

valleergal neengalE nanE than


Ollai nee pOdhai unakkenna vErug


ellArum pOndhAro pOndhAr


vallAnaikkonrAnai mAttrAni


vallANai mAyanai pAdelorempAvai



you young one are you still sleeping?


be harsh.I will come presently.


course we know your eloquence and clever words.


you people are so. Ok let me be so if you insist.


don't you come now? Where is the necessity to change your dress?


everyone arrived?


course they have. Come and see for yourself.


and sing about the one who killed the wild elephant and valiant enough to

vanquish all His enemies and is enchanting.





pasuram is in the form of playful banter between the callers and the girl

sleeping inside. This one is younger than the others but very clever in




superficial meaning of the verse is

clear enough. The Lord is referred to as vallAnAikkonrAnai mAttrAnai mAttrazikka.vallan. This

has been explained as follows:

vallAnai is KuvalayApeetam, the wild elephant arranged by Kamsa to kill Krishna and

Balarama which Krishna killed (vallAnaikkonrAn)

the word mAttrAnai means the

other elephant Gajendhra whose enemy (mAttru),

the crocodile was destroyed by the Lord (azikka




pasuram has been extolled by the devotees as being the one meant to awaken us who are imprisoned

in the cage of sarirathmabhava, identifying ourselves with the body and bound

by the sensual pleasures like a parrot which is inside a cage with its wings

clipped. We are asleep overpowered with the ignorance of our real nature and

the word 'innam urangudhiyo'

denotes the long duration of the ignorance of several lives.



reply 'chillenrazaiyEnmin nangaimeer

pOdharginrEn' is the state of a worldly being who does not want to get

disturbed in enjoying the sense objects. Such an individual keeps on postponing

his spiritual awakening giving excuses

nangaimeer pOdharginrEn-he says I will come later when I become

detached from the worldly desires.


vallai-----vAyaridhum- A clever person can talk convincingly as to

why he cannot do what should be done as

in the case of Arjuna who Krishna said 'prajnAvAdhAmscha

bhAshasE,' talked very cleverly defending his view.


valleergal neengalE nanEdhAn

Ayiduga-This indicates the

humility of the one who surrenders to the Lord. All the saints without an

exception have beseeched the mercy of the Lord disparaging themselves as being

unworthy of His grace. The suffering is not ordained by the Lord but only due

to one's own doing and the redemption comes out of His infinite mercy.


ollai ----vErudaiyai- Here vErudayai is the thought other than that of

the Lord. When one thinks of postponing his entry into the path of devotion waiting for his attachments to cease

will never be able to do so as the one waiting to enter the sea once the waves



ellarum-----eNNikkoL- these words emphasise the value of

sathsangam and persuades the aspirant to

come and join them.


mAttraaAnai mAttrazikka - He

will destroy only the mAttru

, the bhedhabuddhi of the mAttrAn

the one who does not think of the Lord and engages himself in worldly




pasuram refers to Thirumangai azvar who calls himself a parrot in one of his

pasurams and also because he followed the argumentative method to establish the

path of devotion.
































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