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Dear friends and devotees,

Bhakti is eternal.

The New Year is the season of renewal and a time of commitment, a time to colour our own lives with shades of harmony and hope. If the Creator had one message for us it would be. “All this I have created for you, take pause and reflect and do not corrupt or make desolate your world. If you do, there is no one to set it right after youâ€. The message is simple. We are all responsible, not only for natural ecology but also for the intricate web of humanity.

In the New Year, we could pray with a heart filled with infinite gratitude and ask “Dear Creator receive our prayers and grant us both perception and knowledge of the things we ought to do and also the grace and energy to accomplish themâ€.

Bless our centres of learning. May knowledge and sound learning flourish and abound in them, inspire all who teach and all who learn to seek wisdom to consolidate the web of humanity.

Direct holders of religious leaders invite those in their fold not to embrace themselves while excluding others. Help them to see those of other faiths not as different but the same in the gift of humanness that you so lovingly have bestowed on every soul that breathes.

Evoke in every heart true love of peace, and guide those who occupy places of power that free from limited perception, in quietness and equanimity they may make decisions that fill the earth with justice, prosperity and harmony, service and sustainability.

Let us see in the coming year on our TV screens, and in all news papers, news of the end of terrorism, strikes and agitations, linguistic jealousy and economical crisis. Let us expect progress in all fields everywhere in this Universe.

Nothing prevents us from dreaming that we shall succeed through imagining a world where all beings live in harmony, free from fear and may all share in the blessings springing from the good that will be done.

Let us remember that inner peace is a necessary condition to make peace with those around us. From there it spreads to the family, to the neighbour, to the nation and to the world.

Let us recollect the great scholar Jiddu Krishnamurti’s words, “If we know how to look at violence, not only outwardly in society, the wars, the riots, the national antagonism and class conflicts but also in ourselves, then perhaps we shall be able to go beyond itâ€.

May all be peaceful and happy. May all be free from ignorance. May all be free from conflicts. May all be filled with infinite compassion and composure.

Let us pray the Supreme Jagadguru Lord Krishna to give us more knowledge to understand the essence of Gita and to elate our minds to follow Sanatana Dharma in the days to come.

Let us all remember forever the preaching of Adi Sankara in Bajagovindam:

bhagavad giitaa kijncidadhiitaa,

gangaa jalalava kanikaapiitaa,

sakridapi yEna muraari samarcaa,

kriyatE tasya yamena na carcaa.

Let a man read but a little from the Bhagavad-Gita, drink just a drop of water from the Ganga, worship Murari (Krishna) just once. He then will have no altercation with Yama (the lord of death).

Wishing you all a happy and prosperous NEW YEAR 2010,

With love and regards,















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