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An Important Appeal to Save the Sanctity of Vrindavan

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Dear Friends,


By now, we may have a passing familiarity with the word

" Vrindavan " . Vrindavan is a a sacred place, the holiest of

pilgrimages. Not only is it like other holy places, it is also

direct and simultaneous manifestation of the spiritual world in

the material world. Many saints extol the virtues of the name of

the place, explain how Vrindavan is non-different from Krishna,

and describe how one little speck of dust from Vrindavan is worth

more than all the wealth of the material universe.


Vrindavan cannot be entered by buying a ticket to transport us to

the place. It is entered by blessings of a pure devotee, who

admits us into the wonders of this sacred treasure. Vrindavan,

being beyond the modes of material nature, cannot be impacted by

any material force, regardless of how we may see it with material

eyes. However, there is still an etiquette to be followed when

entering or staying in a holy place, even though any acts of

desecration are incapable of impacting on the sacred qualities of



Recently, in the name of development, the local government is

building a highway across Vrindavan, a feature of which is a

bridge across a sacred site called Keshi (also sometimes spelt

Kesi) ghat, on the banks of the sacred river Yamuna.


Keshi Ghat is a very special place. As we have heard, Krishna

comes to the world to annihilate the demons and rescue the

devotees. The demons who are annihilated are in reality blessed

with unimaginable benediction. They are liberated and reach lofty

destinations unreachable even by the most pious do-gooders.

Whatever Krishna does is for the benefit of the living entities.


Since Krishna is absolute, the name, fame, and pastimes of Krishna

are also absolute. Hearing of them purifies the heart and

annihilates the demoniac nature inside us, brings us closer to the

Supreme Absolute Truth, Krishna.


Keshi Ghat is that place on the banks of the river Yamuna, where,

after liberating the Keshi demon, Krishna took bath in the

soothing waters of the Yamuna. Anyone who takes a bath at this

spot gets the benefit of having taken bath in the sacred waters of

all the holy places of pilgrimage. This ghat is also the location

for a daily Arati (respectful worship with lamps and other

paraphernalia of an exalted personality) offered to the deity

Yamuna devi. Not only is the Arati spectacular, it bestows great

benefit upon the participants.


So far, Keshi ghat was visited only by pilgrims and those who have

some idea of the sacred nature of the place. Now, imagine the

Keshi ghat with a bridge across it, designed for high-speed

traffic just passing through, lights, exhaust fumes from the cars

and trucks, noise, hooters, lined with hawkers selling all kinds

of junk foods and trinkets, passersby spitting over the bridge and

throwing garbage over into the water, disturbing the pilgrims.


Of course, those pilgrims who themselves transcend the modes of

material nature will never be affected. And the bridge will never

affect the transcendental Vrindavana. But all the others who are

on the ladder of Bhakti, in whose hearts the creepers of devotion

to Krishna and His devotees is still a small seedling or sapling,

what would be their experience at this holy place of pilgrimage?

Would they be able to meditate in peace? Would they be able to

reflect on the amazing pastimes of Krishna and His associates?


Vrindavan is a place to obtain spiritual prosperity of pure

unadulterated Love of God, not for chasing mundane material

prosperity. The bridge is all about chasing after material



If you agree that this bridge is a bad idea, please support this

protest against it. Please write your message and indicate where

you saw this appeal, optionally leave your email address, and help

try to preserve the spiritual heritage of Vrindavan for future

generations of seekers.


Milind Joshi


http://www.petitiononline.com/NObridge/petition-sign.htmlLET US NOT MAKE OUR STOMACH A GRAVEYARD. LET US NOT EAT FLESH. LET US BE VEGETARIANS AND STAY HEALTHY. Animals are to be loved, not eaten. Eating flesh is good neither for the mind nor for the intellect, not even for the body. It distorts the basic character of human. Think Soul is Soul and it came from the Supreme Soul...God Head Krishna

Chant:Hare Krishna, Hare Krishna, Krishna Krishna Hare HareHare Rama, Hare Rama, Rama Rama Hare Hare

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