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Cleansing An Overcast Heart!

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Cleansing An Overcast Heart!











" The sky may be overcast, but as the sunlight rises above the clouds, the clouds are driven away. So similarly when the dirt that clouds our heart is cleansed away, then our pure love for Krishna is manifest.


Everyone in the world is already Krishna conscious. In the context of this understanding, we don't convert anyone . It is just a question of removing the covering.


Krishna says in the Bhagavad-Gita that everyone is Krishna conscious, but that there are different stages of ignorance.- Some are covered like the Embryo in the Womb,

- Some are like Smoke covering a Fire and,- Some like Dust on a Mirror.


- Living beings like Animals in the gross mode of ignorance are like the child in the womb --completely covered.


- Those who are in the mode of passion are like the smoke covering the fire . The fire is there, but because of the smoke we cannot see it clearly.

- And others, who are only slightly covered, are like the dusty mirror. By wiping off the dust you can see things as they are.


So everyone is already a member of this movement. Everyone is already internally related to Krishna. It is only a question of purifying the mind of all materialistic contamination. "


HH Jayapataka Swami



From the book: Vaisnava KeVerse 7 - Purport





 LET US NOT MAKE OUR STOMACH A GRAVEYARD. LET US NOT EAT FLESH. LET US BE VEGETARIANS AND STAY HEALTHY. Animals are to be loved, not eaten. Eating flesh is good neither for the mind nor for the intellect, not even for the body. It distorts the basic character of human. Think Soul is Soul and it came from the Supreme Soul...God Head Krishna

Chant:Hare Krishna, Hare Krishna, Krishna Krishna Hare HareHare Rama, Hare Rama, Rama Rama Hare Hare

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