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sundarakandam word by word translation SARGA2

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8. sa thasmin achale

thishTan vanaani upavanaani cha


sa nagaagre sThithaam lankaam dhadharSa



The son of Vayu standing

on the mountain saw forests and gardens and Lanka situated on the top of the



saH pavanaathmajaH- that son of Vayu


thishTan- standing


achale- on the mountain


dhadharSa- saw


vanaani- forests


upavanaani –gardens


lankaam cha –Lanka also


sThitham – situated


nagaagre- at the top of the mountain


9. saralaan

karnikaaraamScha kharjooraamScha



priyaalaan muchulindhaamScha kutajaan

kethakaan api





ganDhapoorNaamScha neepaan

sapthacChadhaan thaThaa


asanaan kovidhaaraan cha karaveeraan cha




nibadDhaan cha thaThaa mukulithaan api


paadhapaan vihagaakeerNaan







aakreedaan viviDhaan ramyaan viviDhaan cha




viviDhaih vrkshaiH sarvrthuphalapushpithaiH


udhyaanaani cha ramyaaNi dhadharsa



Standing on that mountain, the elephant among monkeys, Hanuman, saw ,pine trees, date-palms in full blossom, lemon

trees, , , wild jasmine trees, , mogra trees, long pepper

trees filled with sweet fragrance, Kadamba trees and seven leaved banana trees,

Asana trees, Kovidaras, Karaviras in full blossom, trees that were tied by the

weight of their flowers and flower buds, that were distressed by birds, with

their crests moved by wind, wells and various glorious pleasure-groves filled

by various trees that give fruits and flowers in all seasons and beautiful

gardens also, surrounded by various ponds consisting of swans and ducks.


kapi kunjaraH-The elephant among monkeys (Hanuman),


dhadharsha- saw,


saralaan- pine trees,


karNikaaraan cha- Karnikaras,


kharjooran cha- date-palms,


supushpithaan- in full blossom,


priyaalaan- Priyalas,


muchulindhaan- lemon trees,


kutajaan wild jasmine trees,


kethakaan api- mogra trees,


priyanggoon cha- long pepper trees,


gandhapoorNaan- filled with fragrance,


neepaan- Kadhamba trees,


thaThaa- likewise


sapthacChadaan- seven leaved banana trees,


asanaan- asanas,


kovidhaaraan cha- Kovidaras,


karaveeraan cha- Karaviras,


pushpithaan- in full blossom,


padhapaan- trees,


pushpabhaara nibaddhaan cha- bound by the weight of flowers,


thaThaa- likewise


mukulitaan api- with flower buds,


vihagaakeerNaan- strewn

with birds,


pavanaadhoothamasthakaan- with (their) crowns moved by wind,


vaapeeH- wells,


vividhaan- (and) various,


ramyaan- glorious,


aakreeDaan- pleasure-groves,


vividhaiH vrkshaiH- (filled) by various trees,


sarvarthuphalapushphithaiH- that give fruits and flowers of all seasons,


ramyaaNi- (and) beautiful,


udhyaanaani cha- gardens also,


santhathaan- surrounded by,




jalaaSayaan cha- ponds,


hamsakaaraNDavaakeerNaaH- strewn with

swans and ducks.


padhmothpalaayuthaaH- with lotuses and lilies


14. samaasaadhya cha

lakshmeevaan lankaam raavaNa



pareekhaabhiH sapadhmaabhih sothpalaabhiH




The glorious Hanuman,

reaching Lanka protected by Ravana decorated with moats with lotuses and



lakshmeevaan- the glorious



samaasaadhya – reaching




raavnapaalitham- protected by Ravana


alamkrtham- decorated


pareekhaabhaI – moats


sapadhmaabhiH- with lotuses


sothpalaabhiH cha - and lilies





15. seethaapraharaNaarThena

raavaNena surakshithaam


samanthaath vicharadhbhiScha raakshasaiH



protected well by Ravana

on account of the abduction of Seetha and by the rakshasis who could take any

form they liked and were moving around,


surakshithaam- protected well


raavaNena- by Ravana


seethapraharanaarThena- on account of the abduction of Seetha


raakshsaiH cha – and by the rakshasis


kamaroopibhiH- who could take any form they liked


vicharadhbhiH- who moved


samanthathah- around



16. kaanchanena

aavrthaam ramyaam praakaareNa



grhaiScha girisankaaSaiH Saaradhaambudha



the great beautiful city surrounded

by golden wall and with houses like mountains and resembling autumn clouds,


ramyaam- the beautiful


mahaapureem- great city




kaanchanena – by golden


praakaareNa- wall


grhaiH cha- also the



girisnkaaSaiH- like




sannibhaiH- like autumn clouds ,

meaning that they are white.


17. paandaraabhiH pratholibhiH






filled with whitened

streets high and decorated with hundreds

of golden flags,


abhisamvrtham- filled with


paandaraabhiH –whitened


pratholibhiH- streets


ucChaabhiH- high


attaalakaSathaakeerNam-with hundreds of golden


pathaakaadhvajamaalineem- series of flags


18. thoraNaiH

kaanchanaiH dheepthaam



dhadharSa hanumaan lankaam dhivi

dhevapureem iva.


Shining with gold festoons

with sculpted creepers, hanuman saw Lanka like the city of devas in the heaven.


dheepthaam – shining




thoranaiH- destoons


lathaapankthivichithrithaih- sculpted with series of creepers


hanumaan –Hanuman


dhadharsa- saw


lankaam –Lanka


iva- like


dhevapureem – the cityo fdevas


dhivi- in heaven




19. girimoorDhni sThithaam lankaam paandaraiH





dhadharSa kapiH Sreemaan puram aakaasam yaThaa


Hanuman, the glorious

monkey, saw the city situated at the top of the mountain with good white

mansions, as if a city in the sky.


Sa kapiH – that Hanuman


Sreemaan- the glorious


dhadharsa- saw


lankaam – Lanka


sThitham- situated


girimoorDhni- at the top of the mountain, moorDhni means atr

the head,


paandaraiH- with white


bhavanaiH- houses


SubhaiH- which are good




puram- city


aakaasam – in the sky






20. paalithaam

raakshasendhreNa nirmithaam viSvakarmaNaa


plavamanaam iva aakaaSe dhadharsa hanumaan



Hanuman saw the city

protected by Ravana and built by Visvakarma as though floating in the sky.


hanumaan – Hanuman


dhadharSa- saw


pureem – the city


paalithaam- protected by


raakshasendhreNa- by the king of the rakshasas


nirmithaam – built


viSvakarmaNaa- by Visvakarma, the architect of the devas.





sathaghnee Soola kesaanthaam



(like a lady) having the

rampart and the wall as her hip, the wide moats filled with water as her

garments, the weapons sathghni and Soola as her locks, mansions as her



vaprapraakaarajaghnaam- Having the rampart, vapra, and the walls,praakaara,as

her hips, jaghanaa ( the city of Lanka

is portrayed as a lady in this sloka)



wide moats filled with water, vipulaambu, as her garment, navaambara.


keSaanthaam- with locks of hair


Sathghnee Soola- the weapons like Soola and Sathghnee . Implies

the an bundance of the weapons


attaalakavathamsakaam- having the

mansions as her earrings



22. manaseva krthaam

lankaam nirmithaam viSvakarmaNaa


dhvaaram uttharam aasaadhya

chinthayaamaasa vaanaraH


built by visvakarma as

though did by mindin his mind,(seeing it) Hanuman reached the north entrance

and thought,


aasaadhya- reaching


uttharam dhvaram- eastern gate


lankaam- Lanka


nirmithaam- built


viSvakarmaNaa- by Visvakarma


krtham manasaa iva- as though did by mind


vanaraH- Hanuman


chinthayaamaasa- thought ( about it)




aalikhantham iva ambaram


deeyamaanam iva aakaaSam ucChrithaih




Like the peak of kailasa, as

if touching the sky, with the tall buildings that looked like flying to the



kailaasanilayaprakhyaam—(looking) like the peaks of mount Kailas


aalikhantham iva- as though touching


ambaram-the sky- The word ambaram means the sky as well as



deeymaanam iva- as though flying


akaasam- in the sky


bhavanotthamaiH- with the mansions


uchrithaih- which are tall




rakshasiaH ghoraiH nagairbhogavatheemiva


achinthyaam sukrthaam spashtaam




Filled with fierce

rakshasas like nagas in the city of Bhogavathi,

the city of nagas, inconceivable, well planned and inhabited by Kubera earlier.


sampoorNam -full with


raakshasaih ghoraiH- terrible rakshasas


iva – like


bhogavatheem- Bhogavathi the capital of nagas,


nagaiH- (full of ) snakes


achnthyaa- (lanka ) was inconceivable


sukthaa- well made




puraa- formerly


kuberaushithaa – inhabited by Kubera ( confiscated by Ravana)



25. dhamshtribhih

bahubhih SooraiH Soolapattisa paaNibhiH


rakshithaam raakshasiH ghoraiH guhaam



Well protected by terrible

rakshasas armed with Soola and pattiSa, like the cave of vicious serpents.


rakshithaam- well protected


bahubhiH rakshasaiH- by any tere



dhamshtribhiH-who had fangs,


SooraiH – valiant


SoolapattiSa paaNibhiH- armed with spikes and spears


iva –like


guhaam- the cave


aaSeevishaiH – of vicious serpents




mahatheem gupthim saagaram cha

sameekshya saH


raavanam cha ripum ghoram

chinthayaamaasa vaanaraH


That Hanuman , seeing the

great protection of the city and also the sea and about Ravana

the terrible foe, thought thus:


vaanaraH- Hanuman


sameekshya – seeing


thasyaaH –of that Lanka


mahatheeem gopthim cha - the great protection


saagaram cha- and the sea


raavaNam cha- and Ravana


ripum ghoram- the enemy terrible


thinthayaamaasa- thought thus:




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