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Sankaracharya of Kanchi meets Amma

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 (20 Jan '10)



19 January 2009 — Amritapuri

His Holines Sri Jayendra Saraswati Swami–the 69th Sankaracharya1

of Kanchi Kamakoti Peetham, located in Kanchipuram, Tamil Nadu–visited

Amritapuri Ashram today. The Kanchi Acharya met with Amma privately for

45 minutes before addressing the Amritapuri Ashram residents in the

Main Hall for another 45 minutes. Upon his arrival in Amritapuri, he

was welcomed with purna kumbham by Mata Amritanandamayi Math senior

disciples Swami Ramakrishnananda Puri, Swami Turiyamritananda Puri and

Swami Amritatmananda Puri, as well as the brahmacharis. There was also

panchavadyam and talapoli in accordance with Kerala traditions.

In their private meeting, the Kanchi Acharya and Amma discussed

Advaita and it practical application in society and day-to-day life.

Amma gave him a rudraksha mala, which he immediately put around his


Sitting aside Amma and addressing the ashram residents, he said,

“Kerala is a holy land. It was in this land that pious Adi

Shankaracharya took birth. Likewise many mahatmas have incarnated in

this land. Sri Narayana Guru and Chattambi Swamigal incarnated in this

land of Kerala. In this Kali Yuga, Mata Amritanandamayi is amongst us….

She is graciously guiding her devotees in the path of bhajans, devotion

and service.”

The Kanchi Acharya said that he had been waiting a long time to meet

Amma. “For many years now, I have been eagerly waiting to visit this

sacred place,” he said. “Today I got the chance.”

Addressing the ashram residents, the Kanchi Acharya said, “All of

you are indeed blessed and virtuous.” He went on to stress the

importance of devotion to God and selfless service to society, saying

that they were essential aspects of the spiritual path, purifying the

mind. “[God] resides in the hearts of all the beings and governs them,”

he said. “Yet, his true nature remains a mystery to all beings. In

order to realize his true nature we need the attitude of service. The

sutra: manava seva madhava seva–Service to man is service to

God–becomes very relevant at that point. Doing service in a temple is

important. Along with that, we need to love our fellow beings and serve

them without any anger, hatred or jealousy. Service doesn’t merely

indicate distributing money or food. Considering others with the

attitude of love by itself is a great service. As this love develops,

most of the problems that our society and humanity faces will vanish

and people can live in peace and happiness.”


he said, “It is true that we need to serve the needy. The affluent

sections don’t need our service, per se, but they love and care. If we

develop noble virtues such as love, compassion, devotion towards God,

our life becomes complete. And the people around us will benefit as


The Kanchi Acharya briefly stressed the importance of maintaining

symbolic customs such as the application of sandal paste, kumkum and

vibhuti upon the forehead. He said that these markings help man

remember God  during their application and help others remember God

when they see them. “So, along with our inner devotion, we also need to

apply vibhuti or sandal paste to our forehead,” he said. “If we look at

Amma, we see she is never without this.”

The  Kanchi Acharya concluded by saying, “The Lord has incarnated

many times, and he has come down in the form of many mahatmas. The Lord

functions through them and serves society. Thus, God blesses us to

evolve in our lives.”

When he finished his talk, Amma asked the ashram residents to sing

the Adi Sankaracharya hymn “Mahishasura Mardini Stotram” and to chant

“Purusha Suktam.”

Before leaving, he offered his full support to Amma and expressed

his willingness to cooperate with the Mata Amritanandamayi Math in the


–SakshiMore pictures at: http://www.amritapuri.org/7969/kanchi-visit/?show=gallery

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Dear Devotees ,

Kanchi Shankaracharya Swamy Jayendra Saraswathy Swamigal's wise words about Sri AMMA , is a strong message to all Hindus . Rishis are the pillars of Hinduism . Whenever Hinduism comes under threat , Mahatmas appear in the sacred land of BhAratham to save Hinduism .

In the present age, Maharishis like Sri Sai Baba, AMMA and Sri Sri Ravishankar are protecting Hinduism. They are repelling the onslaught by anti-Hindu Abrahamic religions and Atheists . Devout Hindus must be grateful to these Mahatmas for their selfless contribution to Hinduism .

Since I am a Guruvayoorappa-devotee, I am not a member of the above organizations . However, after living about 3 weeks at AMMA's cochin Hospital , I am deeply impressed by Her charity activities . So many needy patients are getting top class treatment here at reasonable cost . Poor patients are getting free or discounted treatment .

Hindus should not be misled by the politically motivated allegations against these Mahatmas . Swamy Jayendra Saraswathy's organization is operating many "Veda-patashalas" ( veda teaching institutions) free of cost all over India , which is a great service to Hinduism .

Loka Samasta Sukhino Bhavanthu !!!!



---------------------------guruvayur , Lakshmy Prakash <lakshmygprakash wrote:>> <http://www.amritapuri.org/>> > (20 Jan '10)> > 19 January 2009 — Amritapuri> > His Holines Sri Jayendra Saraswati Swami–the 69th> Sankaracharya<http://www.amritapuri.org/7950/adi-sankaracarya/>> 1 of Kanchi Kamakoti Peetham, located in Kanchipuram, Tamil Nadu–visited> Amritapuri Ashram today. The Kanchi Acharya met with Amma privately for 45> minutes before addressing the Amritapuri Ashram residents in the Main Hall> for another 45 minutes. Upon his arrival in Amritapuri, he was welcomed with> purna kumbham by Mata Amritanandamayi Math senior disciples Swami> Ramakrishnananda Puri, Swami Turiyamritananda Puri and Swami Amritatmananda> Puri, as well as the brahmacharis. There was also panchavadyam and talapoli> in accordance with Kerala traditions.> > In their private meeting, the Kanchi Acharya and Amma discussed Advaita and> it practical application in society and day-to-day life. Amma gave him a> rudraksha mala, which he immediately put around his neck.> > Sitting aside Amma and addressing the ashram residents, he said, "Kerala is> a holy land. It was in this land that pious Adi Shankaracharya took birth.> Likewise many mahatmas have incarnated in this land. Sri Narayana Guru and> Chattambi Swamigal incarnated in this land of Kerala. In this Kali Yuga,> Mata Amritanandamayi is amongst us…. She is graciously guiding her devotees> in the path of bhajans, devotion and service."> > The Kanchi Acharya said that he had been waiting a long time to meet Amma.> "For many years now, I have been eagerly waiting to visit this sacred> place," he said. "Today I got the chance."> > Addressing the ashram residents, the Kanchi Acharya said, "All of you are> indeed blessed and virtuous." He went on to stress the importance of> devotion to God and selfless service to society, saying that they were> essential aspects of the spiritual path, purifying the mind. "[God] resides> in the hearts of all the beings and governs them," he said. "Yet, his true> nature remains a mystery to all beings. In order to realize his true nature> we need the attitude of service. The sutra: manava seva madhava seva–Service> to man is service to God–becomes very relevant at that point. Doing service> in a temple is important. Along with that, we need to love our fellow beings> and serve them without any anger, hatred or jealousy. Service doesn't merely> indicate distributing money or food. Considering others with the attitude of> love by itself is a great service. As this love develops, most of the> problems that our society and humanity faces will vanish and people can live> in peace and happiness."> > Continuing, he said, "It is true that we need to serve the needy. The> affluent sections don't need our service, per se, but they love and care. If> we develop noble virtues such as love, compassion, devotion towards God, our> life becomes complete. And the people around us will benefit as well."> > The Kanchi Acharya briefly stressed the importance of maintaining symbolic> customs such as the application of sandal paste, kumkum and vibhuti upon the> forehead. He said that these markings help man remember God during their> application and help others remember God when they see them. "So, along with> our inner devotion, we also need to apply vibhuti or sandal paste to our> forehead," he said. "If we look at Amma, we see she is never without this."> > The Kanchi Acharya concluded by saying, "The Lord has incarnated many> times, and he has come down in the form of many mahatmas. The Lord functions> through them and serves society. Thus, God blesses us to evolve in our> lives."> > When he finished his talk, Amma asked the ashram residents to sing the Adi> Sankaracharya hymn "Mahishasura Mardini Stotram" and to chant "Purusha> Suktam."> > Before leaving, he offered his full support to Amma and expressed his> willingness to cooperate with the Mata Amritanandamayi Math in the future.> > –Sakshi> > > More pictures at: http://www.amritapuri.org/7969/kanchi-visit/?show=gallery>

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