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Divine guidance of Sai - 6.

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Divine guidance of Sai – 6

Why does one suffer in this world caught up within narrow boundaries? What can we do to earn Prasanthi?

Prasanthi is the legitimate right of every single aspirant. One must learn the path to earn it. The world today is suffering from selfish politics, nihilistic religion and heartless competition. In such times, the most urgent need to peace. It is the fuel of Prema (love) which yields the divine flame of Santhi (peace). Love brings about unity of all mankind and this unity combined with spiritual knowledge brings about world peace. Without peace, there can be no happiness. Peace is never associated with a greedy heart, full of desires. Peace does not depend upon external conditions. It flees away from the sensual and selfish, and dislikes the company of such persons. Peace co-exists only with a pure heart. It is the natural accompaniment of bliss and is won only by the control of


What is the four step plan to help accomplish World Peace? What can we do to earn Prasanthi?

Cultivate Love, Peace, Right Action and Fortitude. Practice them systemically. You should be content with what you have, refuse to be worried by the absence of things that you have not got and try as far as possible to reduce and eliminate the desires and tendencies, passions and hatreds. That is your real duty, the real purpose of human birth. If these four qualities are cultivated and practiced by each one, then there will be no envy between one person and another. Selfish grabbing will cease, the interests of others will be respected and world peace can be established. Those enthusiastic about world peace must first learn how to experience and enjoy that peace themselves. Then they can spread it later to the world outside them and promote it.

What are the attributes of world peace? How can it help us accomplish genuine Prasanthi?

Peace cannot be spread or promoted by anyone. The best that can be done is to show the way to others, to inform others of its sweetness. How can another's hunger be appeased by your eating food? The diner alone derives satisfaction from the dinner. Peace too is of such a nature. Love and fortitude are enough to confer peace. Let these virtues saturate your thought, word and deed. That is the way to establish world peace. Through world peace, individual peace can also be established.

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