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Thus spake Sai - 6.

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Thus spake Sai - 6

All, that one sees in the entire universe is a manifestation of Brahman (Godhead). Some people ask: "How can we petty human beings be equal to the all encompassing Brahman?" This is not correct. You are that omnipotent, all-pervading Brahman. Due to your worldly attitude, you are not recognising the Reality. You are separating yourself from the Divine. All that you see is Brahman. To search for God as something different from you is a mistake. But this truth is not easily recognised by man. When you look at the ocean, its endless series of waves and the frothing foam on the waves, they all appear separate from each other. But the truth is they are all one. The water in the waves and in the foam comes from the same ocean and has the same qualities as the ocean.

Vedanta (Vedic philosophy) declares: "Brahman is Sathya (Truth); the Cosmos is Mithya (illusory)". Your primary concern must be to understand whether you are real or unreal or what in you is real and what is unreal. It is only when you have recognised the truth of your own being that you can recognise the world as illusory and your own self as the only reality. The realized person asserts: "I am Brahman". Wherefrom has this statement emanated? What does it mean? It is a spontaneous expression and not the result of a thought or feeling. The "I" is boundless Infinite. When the finite individual merges in the infinite "I", the "I" alone remains.

Self-realization should be the goal of human existence. It has to be reached through three stages: Self-confidence, self-satisfaction and self-sacrifice. Man should regard himself as the master of the body, the senses and the mind. He has to use the intellect to experience his oneness with the divine, the cosmic all-pervading consciousness. The flame of Prajnana (constant integrated awareness) which is in everyone is covered by the ash of worldly desires. When the ash is blown off, the fire of Brahman (Absolute Divinity) reveals itself in all its glory.



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