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It is Useless to be Afraid of Death (Jan 28, 2010)

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A message that I received from another group, worth reading.


If there is no desire what-so-ever within, then on attainment of worldly things there would not be any pleasure, and on not acquiring these or losing these there would not be any cause for pain and sorrow. It is only due to desires that one experiences both pleasure (happiness) and pain (unhappiness) . These are pairs of opposites, which lead to bondage in this world. In reality, both pleasure and pain are one and the same. Pleasure is as such another name for pain, because the reason for pleasure and pain are - "ye hi sansparshjaa bhogaa dukhayonay eva te."

(Gita 5/22). "All pleasures born of contact with worldly objects, are the cause of unhappiness." If a person has no desire whatsoever, then he rises above both pain and pleasure and attains bliss (anand). Just as the Sun, has neither day nor night in it, rather it is only constant illumination (light all the time), similarly in Bliss, there is neither pleasure, nor pain, rather it is bliss at all times. On experiencing this bliss (anand) just once, there is no feeling of deficiency ever with regards to the

bliss, because that bliss is axiomatic, eternal and immutable (without any modifications) . If it were possible to fulfill all desires, then we would strive to fulfill the desire to live, and if it were possible to save oneself from death, then we would endeavor to be saved from (to escape) death. But it is everyone's experience that all desires can never be fulfilled, and every being that is born, cannot be saved from death, then what is the gain in having a desire to live or fearing death? On having desire to live, birth and death cycle will continue, and the desire to live will also subsist ! Therefore to become immortal while living, it is essential to renounce desires. I am not the body, because this body is changing every moment, but I (Swayam, Self) is constant there. If we were not constant there, then who would have the knowledge of this changing body? Knowledge of the changing is only possible by one who is not changing. This body is not mine,

because I have no control over it, and I cannot keep it according to my wishes, nor can I make changes in it as I please, nor can I keep it with me forever. In this manner, when we do not accept the body as "I" or "mine" then the desire to keep it alive will also not remain. When there is no desire to keep it alive, then before departing from this body, one will realize immortality which is self-evident. "The unreal has no existence and the real never ceases to be" - "Naasato Vidhyate Bhaavo, Naabhaavo vidhyate satah" (Gita 2/16). Truth is truth and untruth is untruth. Therefore there is no fear of the truth or the untruth. If we are afraid of death, then too the

body shall die, and without fear also it shall die. Only the mortal dies. So what is the new loss? Therefore it is useless to be afraid of death. From "All is God" in English pg 67 by Swami Ramsukhdasji

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