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Sun - Kindly Note a Caution too

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HARI AUMIt was interesting to read ChandraMenonji's observations. It appears to be very Natural and Simple on the face of it. But it actually unfolds the secret of this Universe! The Sun is the ultimate source of every thing; even the Earth itself would have got formed from the very Sun. All the higher elements were formed (are being formed) in the Sun (and other stars) from the simplest of elements, Hydrogen. Apart from the spirituality involved I would like to present a humble warnig/ caution here.I have observed many people concentrating on the rising Sun with naked eyes, especially after Suryanamaskars.Suryanamaskaram is very, very good in many ways - I don't have to qualify it. However, observing the Sun with naked eyes is very dangerous, evern in the very morning hours when the rays are not that powerful.When you observe the Sun very early mornings but for an initial tickling you don't feel any problem. Then the rays become more and more powerful slowly and your eyes get adjusted to it and you will not find much problem. But actually the retina of the eyes gets partially burned in microscopically small areas. You will not feel any pain as the retina is not pain sensitive - but for an initial tickling. The damage is cumulative and does not get rectified very easily.Hence please don't try to observe the Sun with naked eyes at any time. Some people had a notion that by regular practice one can get their eyes trained for observing the Sun. This is totally absurd. With Regards to all fellow Devotees,urs affly nb nair.guruvayur , Chandra Menon <chandrasmenon2002 wrote:>> Om Namo Narayanaya> To my Gurus and Gurudevs> > Today morning while watching Sun with my naked eye, this thought suddenly propped in my mind.> Sun is all powerful and give us light and heat. Sun cannot give rain for that HE needs the help of Water. With these two together cannot provide rain without the help of Air and "space". These four need the help of "earth" who accumulates and hold water so that the process of "rain" could take place. Earth by itself cannot produce "food" without the help of all these "elements". Thus we see the inter-connections between and/or among all these elements in achieving the best results. These all are HIS "creations" and act in accordance to the "law" that is set by HIM and we see a rhythm and they repeat exactly every day/year throughout. While we "ordinary" humans are also created by HIM by a combination of all these elements inside our body, we cannot survive without the active outside help of these elements. But we do not "act" in unison like these elements because of our wandering and jealous "mind".> > Extending the same theory to a "family" the head of the family cannot do all by himself without active support from the rest of the family. Man and woman complements each other to raise a family. If husband considers himself as "Lord Vishnu" then he must consider his wife as "Lakshmi Devi" and treat her accordingly and vice versa. Parents/elders should be careful with their talks and actions as children usually pick up these "qualities" from parents/elders. Leading a "karma yogi's" role in life is as strenuous as any other path to "moksham". There is no easy way to achieve this. Every action should be without expecting any "results" in return and should be performed as a "yajnyam" or "offer". Begetting children is our "karma phalam" and bringing them up is our "duty" or "Dharma" . We perform "kanya dhaanam" in daughter's marriage and accept "kanya" as "lakshmi" to our home for a son. There should be no consideration of "wealth" or dowry in> this dealings at all, or else, this will be a "business" deal involving "profit and loss". > If same "law" of universe is applied to our family life, disowning or discarding our wandering and jelous mind, then the "life" will also follow in line and this world itself will be "Heaven".> Om Namo Narayanaya> Chandrasekharan> > "live and let live"> "They alone live who live for others, rest are more dead than alive"> > (Indebted to Shri MPRNair for his selfless contribution)>

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Hari Om!


At this juncture, I would like to have a clarification.  One of my gurus (known himself as Surya Swamiji) guides his followers how to pray and practice to maintain a good health where Sun has a prominent role.  He takes his followers early in the morning,  to the open terrace or to an open place where he asks to keep a copper coin (old one paise or so) on the forehead (in between the eye brows) and to watch the sun, when one will experience of seeing the sun like you see sun on an eclipse day.  Can I have the result of seeing sun like this?



On 28 January 2010 19:38, nbn <nbnair2000 wrote:





HARI AUMIt was interesting to read ChandraMenonji's observations.  It appears to be very Natural and Simple on the face of it.  But it actually unfolds the secret of this Universe!  The Sun is the ultimate source of every thing; even the Earth itself would have got formed from the very Sun.  All the higher elements were formed (are being formed) in the Sun (and other stars) from the simplest of elements, Hydrogen.

Apart from the spirituality involved I would like to present a humble warnig/ caution here.I have observed many people concentrating on the rising Sun with naked eyes, especially after Suryanamaskars.Suryanamaskaram is very, very good in many ways - I don't have to qualify it.  However, observing the Sun with naked eyes is very dangerous, evern in the very morning hours when the rays are not that powerful.

When you observe the Sun very early mornings but for an initial tickling you don't feel any problem.  Then the rays become more and more powerful slowly and your eyes get adjusted to it and you will not find much problem.  But actually the retina of the eyes gets partially burned in microscopically small areas.  You will not feel any pain as the retina is not pain sensitive - but for an initial tickling.  The damage is cumulative and does not get rectified very easily.

Hence please don't try to observe the Sun with naked eyes at any time. Some people had a notion that by regular practice one can get their eyes trained for observing the Sun.  This is totally absurd.

With Regards to all fellow Devotees,urs affly nb nair.guruvayur , Chandra Menon <chandrasmenon2002 wrote:

>> Om Namo Narayanaya> To my Gurus and Gurudevs>  > Today morning while watching Sun with my naked eye, this thought suddenly propped in my mind.> Sun is all powerful and give us light and heat. Sun cannot give rain for that HE needs the help of Water. With these two together cannot provide rain without the help of Air and " space " . These four need the help of " earth " who accumulates and hold water so that the process of " rain " could take place. Earth by itself cannot produce " food " without the help of all these " elements " . Thus we see the inter-connections between and/or among all these elements in achieving the best results. These all are  HIS " creations " and act in accordance to the " law " that is set by HIM and we see a rhythm and they repeat exactly every day/year throughout. While we " ordinary " humans are also created by HIM by a combination of all these elements inside our body, we cannot survive without the active outside help of these elements. But we do not " act " in unison like these elements because of our wandering and jealous " mind " .

>  > Extending the same theory to a " family "  the head of the family cannot do all by himself without active support from the rest of the family. Man and woman complements each other to raise a family. If husband considers himself as " Lord Vishnu " then he must consider his wife as " Lakshmi Devi " and treat her accordingly and vice versa. Parents/elders should be careful with their talks and actions as children usually pick up these " qualities " from parents/elders. Leading a " karma yogi's " role in life is as strenuous as any other path to " moksham " . There is no easy way to achieve this. Every action should be without expecting any " results " in return and should be performed as a " yajnyam " or " offer " . Begetting children is our " karma phalam " and bringing them up is our " duty " or " Dharma " . We perform " kanya dhaanam " in daughter's marriage and accept " kanya " as " lakshmi " to our home for a son. There should be no consideration of " wealth " or dowry in

> this dealings at all, or else, this will be a " business " deal involving " profit and loss " . > If same " law " of universe is applied to our family life, disowning or discarding our wandering and jelous mind,  then the " life " will also follow in line and this world itself will be " Heaven " .

> Om Namo Narayanaya> Chandrasekharan>  > " live and let live " > " They alone live who live for others, rest are more dead than alive " > > (Indebted to Shri MPRNair for his selfless contribution)


-- Best regardsJayasree MenonBangaloreMy Website url: http://higherstudy.hpage.com

-------my blog link: http://www.pythrukam.blogspot.com/--A well-thought out plan, execution excellence, market timing, personal leadership are drivers of the growth   trajectory.

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HARI AUMRegarding Jayasree Menonji's question, I have no idea. Short time exposure to sun is supposed to be good - it is recommended as a treatment procedure to over come vitamin D deficiency, even for infants in some specific cases. My respects for 'your regards for this person' does not prevent me from advising you strongly against looking at the sun with naked eyes, even for short durations. Science has its own limitations. Many things we can not understand by the present day knowledge of Science. At the same time whatever is already proved by science we should not ignore on advices from these so-called gurujis. In general I am very cautious in following these self proclaimed swamijis and their gimmicks - please note that your presence in such groups may also contribute in misleading other gullible persons. With Regards to all fellow devotees,urs affly nb nair. guruvayur , Jayasree Menon <euroanuster wrote:>> Hari Om!> > At this juncture, I would like to have a clarification. One of my gurus> (known himself as Surya Swamiji) guides his followers how to pray and> practice to maintain a good health where Sun has a prominent role. He takes> his followers early in the morning, to the open terrace or to an open place> where he asks to keep a copper coin (old one paise or so) on the forehead> (in between the eye brows) and to watch the sun, when one will experience of> seeing the sun like you see sun on an eclipse day. Can I have the result of> seeing sun like this?> > OM SURYAYA NAMAH!> > On 28 January 2010 19:38, nbn nbnair2000 wrote:> > >> >> > *HARI AUM> > It was interesting to read ChandraMenonji's observations. It appears to be> > very Natural and Simple on the face of it. But it actually unfolds the> > secret of this Universe! The Sun is the ultimate source of every thing;> > even the Earth itself would have got formed from the very Sun. All the> > higher elements were formed (are being formed) in the Sun (and other stars)> > from the simplest of elements, Hydrogen.> > Apart from the spirituality involved I would like to present a humble> > warnig/ caution here.> > I have observed many people concentrating on the rising Sun with naked> > eyes, especially after Suryanamaskars.> > Suryanamaskaram is very, very good in many ways - I don't have to qualify> > it. However, observing the Sun with naked eyes is very dangerous, evern> > in the very morning hours when the rays are not that powerful.> > When you observe the Sun very early mornings but for an initial tickling> > you don't feel any problem. Then the rays become more and more powerful> > slowly and your eyes get adjusted to it and you will not find much problem.> > But actually the retina of the eyes gets partially burned in microscopically> > small areas. You will not feel any pain as the retina is not pain> > sensitive - but for an initial tickling. The damage is cumulative and does> > not get rectified very easily.> > Hence please don't try to observe the Sun with naked eyes at any time.> > Some people had a notion that by regular practice one can get their eyes> > trained for observing the Sun. This is totally absurd.> > With Regards to all fellow Devotees,> > urs affly nb nair.*> >> > guruvayur , Chandra Menon chandrasmenon2002@> > wrote:> > >> > > Om Namo Narayanaya> > > To my Gurus and Gurudevs> > >> > > Today morning while watching Sun with my naked eye, this thought suddenly> > propped in my mind.> > > Sun is all powerful and give us light and heat. Sun cannot give rain for> > that HE needs the help of Water. With these two together cannot provide rain> > without the help of Air and "space". These four need the help of "earth" who> > accumulates and hold water so that the process of "rain" could take> > place. Earth by itself cannot produce "food" without the help of all these> > "elements". Thus we see the inter-connections between and/or among all these> > elements in achieving the best results. These all are HIS "creations" and> > act in accordance to the "law" that is set by HIM and we see a rhythm and> > they repeat exactly every day/year throughout. While we "ordinary" humans> > are also created by HIM by a combination of all these elements inside our> > body, we cannot survive without the active outside help of> > these elements. But we do not "act" in unison like these elements because of> > our wandering and jealous "mind".> > >> > > Extending the same theory to a "family" the head of the family cannot do> > all by himself without active support from the rest of the family. Man and> > woman complements each other to raise a family. If husband considers himself> > as "Lord Vishnu" then he must consider his wife as "Lakshmi Devi" and treat> > her accordingly and vice versa. Parents/elders should be careful with their> > talks and actions as children usually pick up these "qualities" from> > parents/elders. Leading a "karma yogi's" role in life is as strenuous as any> > other path to "moksham". There is no easy way to achieve this. Every action> > should be without expecting any "results" in return and should be performed> > as a "yajnyam" or "offer". Begetting children is our "karma phalam" and> > bringing them up is our "duty" or "Dharma" . We perform "kanya dhaanam" in> > daughter's marriage and accept "kanya" as "lakshmi" to our home for a son.> > There should be no consideration of "wealth" or dowry in> > > this dealings at all, or else, this will be a "business" deal involving> > "profit and loss".> > > If same "law" of universe is applied to our family life, disowning or> > discarding our wandering and jelous mind, then the "life" will also follow> > in line and this world itself will be "Heaven".> > > Om Namo Narayanaya> > > Chandrasekharan> > >> > > "live and let live"> > > "They alone live who live for others, rest are more dead than alive"> > >> > > (Indebted to Shri MPRNair for his selfless contribution)> > >> > > >> > > > -- > Best regards> > Jayasree Menon> Bangalore> > My Website url: http://higherstudy.hpage.com> -------> my blog link: http://www.pythrukam.blogspot.com/> --> A well-thought out plan, execution excellence, market timing, personal> leadership are drivers of the growth trajectory.>

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This is a beautiful Bhajan of lord Rama sung by the legendary singer Jagjit Singh. A little girl is told by her grandma that his brother Rama lives in jungle.Bolle Ram Aaja Ram Mann Mein Ram Basale Jagit Singh Jagjit Singh Ghazal Ram basaale ram Bhajan Bole ram Aja ram jagjit singh ram




namp narayana

raman narasimhan


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