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The Hare Krishna maha-mantra, or " the great chant for deliverance, " is

considered by scripture to be the most powerful of incantations, for it

includes the potency of all other mantras.


The maha-mantra can be expressed in two distinct ways. The most

significant and well known version is: Hare Krishna, Hare Krishna,

Krishna Krishna, Hare Hare / Hare Rama, Hare Rama, Rama Rama, Hare Hare.


It is the chanting of the Hare Krishna maha-mantra that the Vedic

literature particularly recommends for the current age. Breaking down

the sacred mantra into ts component parts: The word " Hare " refers to

Lord Hari - a name of Krishna that indicates the ability to remove

obstacles from His devotees' path. In a higher sense the word " Hare " is

a vocative form of " Hara " , which refers to Mother Hara, or Srimati

Radharani, the divine feminine energy.


" Krishna " means " the all-attractive one, " referring to God in His

original form. " Rama " refers to both Balarama (Krishna's elder brother)

and Lord Ramachandra, a prominent incarnation of the Lord. It is also

said, however, that " Rama " refers to Radha-Ramana-Rama, which is a name

for Krishna meaning " one who brings pleasure to Srimati Radharani. "

Thus the maha-mantra, composed solely of theLord's most confidential

names, embodies the essence of the Divine.


As a prayer, the maha-mantra is translated in the following way: " O

Lord! O divine energy of the Lord! Please engage me in your service. "


LET US NOT MAKE OUR STOMACH A GRAVEYARD. LET US NOT EAT FLESH. LET US BE VEGETARIANS AND STAY HEALTHY. Animals are to be loved, not eaten. Eating flesh is good neither for the mind nor for the intellect, not even for the body. It distorts the basic character of human. Think Soul is Soul and it came from the Supreme Soul...God Head Krishna

Chant:Hare Krishna, Hare Krishna, Krishna Krishna Hare HareHare Rama, Hare Rama, Rama Rama Hare Hare

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