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Satya karmas

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Jai Sree Krishna


To conduct oneself per injunctions of Hinduism (or Sanatana Dharma)the following Satya Karmas are prescribed at the Body, Speech andMind levels:At the Body levelWorship – Prayers and adoration to God, teacher and the wisePurity – Freedom from bodily impurities, letting go of laziness and lethargyCelibacy - Letting go of the pleasure in worldly sensual objectsAbsence of crookedness – Walking and talking straight and not with prideNon-injury and non-stealingSpirit of Service – Actively engage in doing good to allDevotion to Duty – Doing what is required and should be done as worshipAusterities – Enduring hardships while

discharging one's religious obligationsKeeping body fit – Doing yogic postures and pranayam regularlySatsang – Association with saints and holy menFood - Eating foods which promote longevity, purity, strength, health, happiness and cheerfulness, are juicy, oleaginous and substantialCharity – Graciously giving to one from whom no return is expected and due regard to place, time and recipientAt the speech levelNon offensive speech - speech should not hurt anyoneTruthfulness – Spoken precisely in a agreeable languagePleasant – Speech should be sweet, pleasing and beneficialAbsence of Backbiting Spirit – Avoid slandering, it proceeds from jealousySpiritual study and Nama Japa – Study of sacred books, repetition of

the Divinenames and recounting the virtues of the Lord and singing His gloriesAt the mind levelPleasant and Gentle disposition - Not wishing bad to happen to anyoneSilence - Speaking only when necessarySelf-discipline – Exercising control over the mindForgiveness – Entertaining no thought of inflicting punishment to one who has done wrong to youCourage – Absence of cowardiceUnselfishness – Not seeking satisfaction of any selfish desire connected with this world or the nextAmmanitva – Not seeking honor, respect or homageHumility – Unassuming and modest natureCompassion – Melting of heart at the sight of suffering of a creatureFreedom from

Hypocrisy – Putting up a false show of piety should be avoidedContentment – complete absence of thirst of material objectsSpiritual Wisdom – Discrimination between what is real and which is unrealDispassion – Complete absence of attachment to anything pertaining to this world or the nextEndurance – Capacity to bear heat and cold, and to remain unaffected by pleasure and pain, not get influenced by diverse circumstancesPiety – Absolute faith in scriptures and in the teachings of MahatamasThinking about saints, their life stories and their teachingsAvoiding thinking about bad people and their character(From Srimad Bhagavad Gita, Chapters 16 and 17 and "What is

Dharma"by Jayadyal Goyanka)

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