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Q: How does one truly maintain Equanimity

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Shree Hari

Ram Ram

1) When faced with unexpected painful and sorrowful situations,

(such as severe illness, trauma, physical pain and suffering), how

does one truly remain equanimous (samtaah)? How? It is so very

difficult to dis-associate with bodily pains. All the learnings /

teachings seem to collapse and get completely over-shadowed by the

pain and suffering that follows from a major illness.


2) How is one to truly understand that we are SIMPLY NOT THIS





3) Why does this understanding, experience not stay with us at all

times? Swamiji says it is because of our deep attachment and

assuming the body as OURS, even though it is NOT. Well,

intellectually one can comprehend all that Swamiji says, but this

understanding does not remain at the right times.


4) How to become FIRM in this understanding so that it REMAINS

ALWAYS. There is no wavering... simply FINAL ACCEPTANCE ONCE AND



5) What does Gita say about HOW TO MAINTAIN EQUANIMITY AT ALL



6) What does Swamiji say one can do for SAMTAAH?


7) Is samtaah essential for a Bhakta? or is a Bhakta only supposed

to see God's blessings in every situation? (Prabhu's mangalmai



Seeking guidance at His Lotus Feet,

A Sadhak


Ram Ram

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Shree Hari


Priya sadhaka Ram Ram!


7 Paroshano ke liye Dhanyavad!


Comments on Q1:

Ordinarily, these are difficult situations to deal with. Per Swamiji

Maharaj's message, for a Sadhaka, it is nothing but Bhagvan's lila only,

the relationships we believe to be as real or permanent are only in

passing, before birth these were not there, after death will not be

there, only in between they seem to be. More important is to work on the

needful and not to worry about why the situation has come to me. It is

best to think of it as Bhagvan's prasad only. The nature of life

situations is that they come when we least expect or we are never

prepared for them. Our part is only to serve with a loving attitude,

nothing beyond that. These situations are opportunities for tapas and a

test to see how well we have the truths grounded in us. Swamiji is

asking us to accept the truth deeply at our innermost level in swayam

and not just at the intellectual level just like in his famous example -

young lady getting married, she never forgets that she is married.


Comments on Q2

As above, we have to accept without any doubt that we are not the BODY

(Body is subject to constant change, we cannot hold on to it, cannot

command it to do what we want). Swamiji's Maharaj is asking us to accept

this at the CORE OF OUR BEING. The understanding with Antahkaran is

subject to change and forgetfulness, then we are back to square one!


Comments Q3

Yes, you have explained it very well, the truth is not staying with us

because we have not believed at the Sawayam level instead we are relying

on understanding with antahkarana only.


Comments on Q4

Already covered above!


Comments on Q5

Swamiji is explaining truths from Gita only, he is asking us to know and

experience and not know only intellectually, not through Abhyas and not

through learning either), this subject is dealt extensively in Gita,


- Real vs. unreal (Atma vs. body verses - 2/11-30)

- SAT vs. ASAT (2-16)

- Para ana Apara Prakriti (Apara - Lower Prakriti - body and

antahakaran) and para Prikirti is Jivatma, the life principle (Verses

7-4 & 5)

- Kshetra & Kshetrajna (What changes and WHAT OBSERVES THE CHANGE 13/1 &


- Kashara and Akshara (Body and antahkarana as kshara and jivatma is

Akshara Verse 15/ 16)


Comments on Q6

Swamiji says if one has attained Samatah, he attains all the Devic

virtues such as Ahimsa, Truth, forgiveness, fearlessness etc. but if one

has attained all other attributes but not Samatah, he has achieved

nothing. Samatah is the most important for a sadhaka, even to the extent

that after one attains Samatah he merges with God, nothing more remains

to be done.


Comments on Q7

Yes Samatah is essential for sadhakas of all the Yogas but the Bhakta

does not have to do anything to attain Samatah. Bhagvan makes sure that

He grants Samatah to His loving devotee, God does not want His Devotee

to be short on anything as compared to any other Sadhaka such as Karma

Yogi or Janana Yogi. In verse 10-10, he says " To them, ever devout,

worshipping Me with love, I give the Buddhi yoga (Karama Yoga or

Samatah) by which they come to Me.


Sadar Pranam!

A sadhka




Behalf Of mdoshi2

Thursday, March 23, 2006 2:54 PM


Q: How does one truly maintain Equanimity


Shree Hari

Ram Ram

1) When faced with unexpected painful and sorrowful situations, (such as

severe illness, trauma, physical pain and suffering), how does one truly

remain equanimous (samtaah)? How? It is so very difficult to

dis-associate with bodily pains. All the learnings / teachings seem to

collapse and get completely over-shadowed by the pain and suffering that

follows from a major illness.


2) How is one to truly understand that we are SIMPLY NOT THIS BODY. We





3) Why does this understanding, experience not stay with us at all

times? Swamiji says it is because of our deep attachment and assuming

the body as OURS, even though it is NOT. Well, intellectually one can

comprehend all that Swamiji says, but this

understanding does not remain at the right times.


4) How to become FIRM in this understanding so that it REMAINS ALWAYS.

There is no wavering... simply FINAL ACCEPTANCE ONCE AND FOR





6) What does Swamiji say one can do for SAMTAAH?


7) Is samtaah essential for a Bhakta? or is a Bhakta only supposed to

see God's blessings in every situation? (Prabhu's mangalmai



Seeking guidance at His Lotus Feet,

A Sadhak


Ram Ram










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Loving Divine,


Swamiji Maharaj has been saying in every pravachan to remain situated in TRUTH. Accept what is REAL as REAL once with simple heart, from deep down you have to accept it. Never ever to question about it, never to raise any doubt about IT's existence, never to ask why me? This is not done forcefully, it is all natural (sahaj). If one is experiencing such turmoils, know that one has accepted God superficially only, not deep down, at sub-conscious level you are still rejecting the TRUTH or not willing to face it. It is normal to slip to our old habits of forgetting or rejecting Him or what is just easy for us to do or just go back to our comfort zone but when we do it, we just hurt ourselves more than benefit from it, i.e., we are not supporting, believing, accepting, understanding what is REAL and that just makes us weaker in our resolve to know God. Know that whatever He does is all good for us - don't look for short term gain only, one has to simply trust Him. He is not our enemy!!! It may seem to us that we are suffering but we are actually not!!! He just wants us to wake up, learn our lessons of life that take us towards the perfection and merge in Peace while we are still in this body! Understand, every cause has effect - seen or unseen, our karmas bear fruits, one or many, immediately or long term (sanchit & prarabdha karma) - I like to call them learning lessons. The mistakes we have committed, God is presenting us various opportunities to learn and correct them.



Just like how deeply buried our habits (samskar) are, God has to be accepted that deeply and it takes time - how long don't know... Life after life we have created anti-God habits, how can you expect our habits to change quickly? If it clicks, it clicks in a moment (it has nothing to do with how intelligent or smart you are!!!!!!) As Baba says, it is like a flip of a switch. One moment you are drowned in deep darkness of ignorance but the very next moment when it clicks you are soaked in the light of knowledge!!!!!!!! Once it clicks, no one can change it. If it clicks no abhyaas needed but until than continue with your practices or reminders of accepting Him. It helps toning our mind, intellect & ego. Remember the story of a spider (itsi bitsi spider...)? We have to constantly keep on reminding what is the Truth, use our discrimination, know that it is all mind game. Once it clicks, no efforts what so ever are required...!!! Believe me our mind, intellect and ego can really fool us big time, they like to play cheating games with us but if you stay in awareness you can start catching these fooling games!!!


Ok, I am going to try to explain this little differently and let's see if it works. Let's evaluate two things separately - body & soul...


If there is no soul in this body, we just put this body on fire to burn to ashes or bury it to melt away in earth or throw it somewhere so some animals or vultures can feed from it, right? In other words, it becomes useless stuff to us once the soul leaves the body, correct? So do you agree that body in itself does not suffer at all even when we put it on fire? This is very important to understand, so read it over and over again until you agree :-).


Now second aspect is Soul who keeps this body alive. What is this Soul? What is it made up of? It is pure Conciousness or Energy, right? So how can Consciousness suffer? It is only sat-chit-anand, there is no duality in it, there is neither suffering nor enjoying, correct? Just like electricity in a wire, you can use it to worm up things in microwave or cool down things like in a refrigerator, it is the same energy. You can't see it but if you touch the wire, you sure will experience this energy :-) In itself this energy does not differentiate, correct? Again, this is very important to understand, so please read it over and over again until you agree :-)



So now ask yourself if body doesn't suffer and the Soul doesn't suffer, who is suffering?


Once you understand the difference between these two aspects, you will understand how bound we are into the grips of our mind, memory, intellect and ego, how widespread they are not letting us live freely!!! Our emotions or feelings are just outcome of these four players!!!



Swamiji has been pointing it out almost in every pravachan that body belongs to the world and soul belongs to God, you can not mix them up, do you understand now why can't you mix them up? So even mentally associating with body, leaves you with nothing but the fear of being put on fire one day!!! Do you agree that it is better to associate with Soul then? At least you have a chance to be sat-chit-anand :-) So now..., if you remain in Soul consciousness or God consciousness, tell me how on earth any one can suffer? Know this for fact that more one is in the grip of their mind, intellect & ego, more one suffers... So with 'abhyaas' you are training your mind, intellect and ego to remain in God consciousness and one day this trained mind just becomes one with the Consciousness itself but until than the monkey mind needs training :-) Have you seen monkeys perform all kinds of wonderful things once trained? So why can't we continue to train our mind towards God consciousness? I agree it will take some efforts but we have chance to get the results of our efforts. As Lord says in Gitaji, no effort is wasted... Once one transcends the mind & intellect, all of this..., is a useless talk but to help one who is situated in mind, one has to play mind game too - just like to remove one thorn, you can use other thorn and then once the purpose is served both the thorns can be thrown away :-) Why can't we take responsibilities to train our own mind to remain situated in at least the thought of Truth or what is Real? Those who have honestly surrender to Lord, nothing what so ever is needed, because to him/her, 'tat sukhe sukhitvam...' is the only thing that exist!!!



It is not meant for us to suffer at all but we remain too deeply involved with our mind, intellect, memory and ego. Now let's understand few other things...


I request you to notice this in your daily life and also the life of people closer to you... One is always faced with the same situations over and over again, one way or the other in his/her life, unless he/she learns from it, i.e., one transcends it. For example, if you are an angry person, God will keep on throwing you into the situations where you keep on becoming angry until one day you wake up and say enough is enough, I don't want to become angry anymore...! So the first step was to make you aware of your weakness, God's purpose is served, you learned your lesson and decided to move on with a resolve not to become angry. Until you reach that final peaceful stage, God will keep on testing your anger, how firm are you about your resolution? And once you transcend your anger, your are liberated from that aspect of the life, no one can make you angry anymore!!! It is true for all situations - some one needs to transcend the physical pain and some one has to transcend mental agony, but everyone has to learn for what they have taken human birth for. If you avoid facing it or keep on repeating the same mistakes, you will be provided more and more opportunity to correct yourself until it is corrected. In other words, you will be thrown more and more into the situation that you consider as suffering because you are not willing to transcend your so called suffering!!!!!!!!!!! God wants us to learn, transcend our weaknesses and be complete (detached) like Him. So be aware of His play (Lila), and be a silent observer/witness to it, watch how cleverly He executes His play and you will notice that the same story is being repeated everywhere until that person learns from it. It may be tough, it may be easy but delivering life lessons continue... He just waits patiently until we change!!! If you resist to His lessons, you will be taught harder way (that's when most of the time people say why me?), if you understand His teachings and accept it with love, you will learn them playing with Him, enjoying, satisfied with it, happy about it, so choice is yours!!! Accept His Lila as IS, be a witness of it, and the life will be easy - it doesn't mean the suffering won't come, it doesn't mean the difficulties in life will go away, it doesn't mean God will always do favorable things to us, but it simply means that you will have different attitude towards it, you will have different understanding to accept it, you will have different courage to face it and you will enjoy it all.


Don't you agree that if once you go through it, you develop different understanding of life? If it is a physical illness, it reminds us how uncertain life is, how temporary our stay is? Do you think a person who just survived an horrible accident will have the same attitude towards the life? Definitely not. If your resolution is to trust God, believe me God will put you in the situation where your trust will be constantly being challenged or tested!!!!!!! :-) OR if you understand from this angle, mind & ego would like to through bones in your yagna because they fear that their empire is in danger (because your resolve to know God) and can collapse any moment!!!! :-) Do not compromise, no matter what, stay firm. Like I said in my previous email, if a child cries only for mother, he will not compromise with the worldly toys thrown at him or any threats presented to him, he just wants his mother and only mother... Do you think the mother ultimately has to respond? Same is with God. When suffering comes, they are there for you to learn to firm up your faith only.



Shri Shyamacharan Lahiribaba says, 'bante bante ban jaayegi...' - continue, one day it will happen...


Always at Thy Lotus Feet

On 3/23/06, mdoshi2 <mdoshi2 wrote:

Shree HariRam Ram1) When faced with unexpected painful and sorrowful situations,(such as severe illness, trauma, physical pain and suffering), how

does one truly remain equanimous (samtaah)? How? It is so verydifficult to dis-associate with bodily pains. All the learnings /teachings seem to collapse and get completely over-shadowed by thepain and suffering that follows from a major illness.


3) Why does this understanding, experience not stay with us at alltimes? Swamiji says it is because of our deep attachment andassuming the body as OURS, even though it is NOT. Well,intellectually one can comprehend all that Swamiji says, but this

understanding does not remain at the right times.4) How to become FIRM in this understanding so that it REMAINSALWAYS. There is no wavering... simply FINAL ACCEPTANCE ONCE ANDFOR ALL.....FOREVER.

5) What does Gita say about HOW TO MAINTAIN EQUANIMITY AT ALLTIMES ?6) What does Swamiji say one can do for SAMTAAH?7) Is samtaah essential for a Bhakta? or is a Bhakta only supposedto see God's blessings in every situation? (Prabhu's mangalmai

vidhaan)Seeking guidance at His Lotus Feet,A SadhakRam Ram

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Divine One:



> 1) When faced with unexpected painful and sorrowful situations, > (such as severe illness, trauma, physical pain and suffering), how > does one truly remain equanimous (samtaah)? How? It is so very > difficult to dis-associate with bodily pains. All the learnings / > teachings seem to collapse and get completely over-shadowed by the > pain and suffering that follows from a major illness.


Very true. It is very easy to advise and answer questions and give pravachana when one is not going through the problem himself/herself.


But ultimately as Lord says in the Gita practice of detachment is the key. All the events in this world are lessons. We all are the students This world is a school. We will learn to practice detachment with all the tools in hand e.g. advice of the Gurus and scriptures, sat sanga, being good and doing good...etc without being obsessed with the question "when realization will happen". It all depends on Lord's grace in removing our karma and on our own effort.




Please refer to above. Practice, practice, practice... It has happened with many and everybody is capable of achieving the goal as that is everybody's birthright.


> 3) Why does this understanding, experience not stay with us at all > times? Swamiji says it is because of our deep attachment and > assuming the body as OURS, even though it is NOT. Well, > intellectually one can comprehend all that Swamiji says, but this > understanding does not remain at the right times.


Reading the menu doesn't give the taste of food or appease hunger. Practice, practice, practice... never ever give up. More the surrender to the Lord, less the suffering. Please reflect Lord's saying in Gita "sarva bhAvena bhArata" (chapter 15, Gita)


> 4) How to become FIRM in this understanding so that it REMAINS > ALWAYS. There is no wavering... simply FINAL ACCEPTANCE ONCE AND > FOR ALL.....FOREVER.


Acceptance comes from practice, knowledge and application of knowledge.



> 5) What does Gita say about HOW TO MAINTAIN EQUANIMITY AT ALL > TIMES ? **************

Yo mAm pasyati sarvatra, sarvam cha mayi pasyati... (verse 30/chapter 6, Gita). To get that one has to do "sarvabhUtasthitam yo mAm bhatyekatwamAsthitah..." (verse 31/chapter 6, Gita). In fact Lord says repeatedly about this in Gita in many verses.


Surrender to the Lord. More the surrender, less the suffering. This is the secret.



> 7) Is samtaah essential for a Bhakta? or is a Bhakta only supposed > to see God's blessings in every situation? (Prabhu's mangalmai > vidhaan)


Ah! for a devotee "samatAh" is automatic. Just like mother cow follows the calf similarly Lord is never away from the devotee.


Lord, the embodiment of bliss, is the nearest and dearest. Yet happiness is sought from everything and every being far, farther and farthest. That is the pity.


Practice is the key. One has to do nothing to be realized (i.e. to go beyond the duality) as one is realized all the time. But the ignorance...that is the main culprit.



Thank you!


humble regards





> > mdoshi2 Thu, 23 Mar 2006 19:54:09 +0000> Q: How does one truly maintain Equanimity> > Shree Hari > Ram Ram> 1) When faced with unexpected painful and sorrowful situations, > (such as severe illness, trauma, physical pain and suffering), how > does one truly remain equanimous (samtaah)? How? It is so very > difficult to dis-associate with bodily pains. All the learnings / > teachings seem to collapse and get completely over-shadowed by the > pain and suffering that follows from a major illness. > > 2) How is one to truly understand that we are SIMPLY NOT THIS > BODY. We are simply NOT THAT WHICH IS TEMPORARY, CHANGING AND > MOVING TOWARDS DESTRUCTION. That we are "ISHVAR ANSH JEEV AVINAASHI > CHETAN AMAL SAHAJ SUKH RAASHI." > > 3) Why does this understanding, experience not stay with us at all > times? Swamiji says it is because of our deep attachment and > assuming the body as OURS, even though it is NOT. Well, > intellectually one can comprehend all that Swamiji says, but this > understanding does not remain at the right times. > > 4) How to become FIRM in this understanding so that it REMAINS > ALWAYS. There is no wavering... simply FINAL ACCEPTANCE ONCE AND > FOR ALL.....FOREVER.> > 5) What does Gita say about HOW TO MAINTAIN EQUANIMITY AT ALL > TIMES ? > > 6) What does Swamiji say one can do for SAMTAAH? > > 7) Is samtaah essential for a Bhakta? or is a Bhakta only supposed > to see God's blessings in every situation? (Prabhu's mangalmai > vidhaan) > > Seeking guidance at His Lotus Feet, > A Sadhak> > Ram Ram> > > > > > > > > ------------------------ Sponsor --------------------~--> > Join modern day disciples reach the disfigured and poor with hope and healing> http://us.click./lMct6A/Vp3LAA/i1hLAA/XUWolB/TM> --~-> > > > Links> > <*> > /> > <*> > - > > <*> Your > > > > Crush! Zap! Destroy! Junk e-mail trembles before the might of Windows Live Mail beta. Windows Live Mail beta

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Dear Sadhak,Sadar Pranaam.The key word in all your answers is "Practice" , what do you exactly mean by practice ? How to do it ? with regard,SadhikaManoj Panda <pandamanoj wrote: Divine One: praNAm! ************** > 1) When faced with unexpected painful and sorrowful situations, > (such as severe illness, trauma, physical pain and suffering), how > does one truly remain equanimous (samtaah)? How? It is so very >

difficult to dis-associate with bodily pains. All the learnings / > teachings seem to collapse and get completely over-shadowed by the > pain and suffering that follows from a major illness. ************************* Very true. It is very easy to advise and answer questions and give pravachana when one is not going through the problem himself/herself. But ultimately as Lord says in the Gita practice of detachment is the key. All the events in this world are lessons. We all are the students This world is a school. We will learn to practice detachment with all the tools in hand e.g. advice of the Gurus and scriptures, sat sanga, being good and doing good...etc without being obsessed with the question "when realization will happen". It all depends on Lord's grace in removing our karma and on our own effort. ************************** > 2) How is one to truly understand that we are SIMPLY NOT THIS > BODY. We are simply NOT THAT WHICH IS TEMPORARY, CHANGING AND > MOVING TOWARDS DESTRUCTION. That we are "ISHVAR ANSH JEEV AVINAASHI > CHETAN AMAL SAHAJ SUKH RAASHI." ********* Please refer to above. Practice,

practice, practice... It has happened with many and everybody is capable of achieving the goal as that is everybody's birthright. ********************** > 3) Why does this understanding, experience not stay with us at all > times? Swamiji says it is because of our deep attachment and > assuming the body as OURS, even though it is NOT. Well, > intellectually one can comprehend all that Swamiji says, but this > understanding does not remain at the right times. ************* Reading the menu doesn't give the taste of food or appease hunger. Practice,

practice, practice... never ever give up. More the surrender to the Lord, less the suffering. Please reflect Lord's saying in Gita "sarva bhAvena bhArata" (chapter 15, Gita) ******* > 4) How to become FIRM in this understanding so that it REMAINS > ALWAYS. There is no wavering... simply FINAL ACCEPTANCE ONCE AND > FOR ALL.....FOREVER. ************************** Acceptance comes from practice, knowledge and application of knowledge. ****************** > 5) What does Gita say about HOW TO MAINTAIN EQUANIMITY AT ALL >

TIMES ? ************** Yo mAm pasyati sarvatra, sarvam cha mayi pasyati... (verse 30/chapter 6, Gita). To get that one has to do "sarvabhUtasthitam yo mAm bhatyekatwamAsthitah..." (verse 31/chapter 6, Gita). In fact Lord says repeatedly about this in Gita in many verses. Surrender to the Lord. More the surrender, less the suffering. This is the secret. ************************** > 7) Is samtaah essential for a Bhakta? or is a Bhakta only supposed > to see God's blessings in every situation? (Prabhu's mangalmai > vidhaan) ************** Ah! for a devotee "samatAh" is automatic. Just like mother cow follows the calf similarly Lord is never away from the devotee. Lord, the embodiment of bliss, is the nearest and dearest. Yet happiness is sought from everything and every being far, farther and farthest. That is the pity. Practice is the key. One has to do nothing to be realized (i.e. to go beyond the duality) as one is realized all the time. But the ignorance...that is the main culprit. ***** Thank you! humble

regards -m > > mdoshi2 Thu, 23 Mar 2006 19:54:09 +0000> Q: How does one truly maintain Equanimity> > Shree Hari > Ram Ram> 1) When faced with unexpected painful and sorrowful situations, > (such as severe illness, trauma, physical pain and suffering), how > does one truly remain equanimous (samtaah)? How? It is so very > difficult to dis-associate with bodily pains. All the learnings / > teachings seem to collapse and get completely over-shadowed by the >

pain and suffering that follows from a major illness. > > 2) How is one to truly understand that we are SIMPLY NOT THIS > BODY. We are simply NOT THAT WHICH IS TEMPORARY, CHANGING AND > MOVING TOWARDS DESTRUCTION. That we are "ISHVAR ANSH JEEV AVINAASHI > CHETAN AMAL SAHAJ SUKH RAASHI." > > 3) Why does this understanding, experience not stay with us at all > times? Swamiji says it is because of our deep attachment and >

assuming the body as OURS, even though it is NOT. Well, > intellectually one can comprehend all that Swamiji says, but this > understanding does not remain at the right times. > > 4) How to become FIRM in this understanding so that it REMAINS > ALWAYS. There is no wavering... simply FINAL ACCEPTANCE ONCE AND > FOR ALL.....FOREVER.> > 5) What does Gita say about HOW TO MAINTAIN EQUANIMITY AT ALL > TIMES ? > > 6) What does Swamiji say one can do for SAMTAAH? > >

7) Is samtaah essential for a Bhakta? or is a Bhakta only supposed > to see God's blessings in every situation? (Prabhu's mangalmai > vidhaan) > > Seeking guidance at His Lotus Feet, > A Sadhak> > Ram Ram> > > > > > > > > ------------------------ Sponsor --------------------~--> > Join modern day disciples reach the disfigured and poor with hope and healing> http://us.click./lMct6A/Vp3LAA/i1hLAA/XUWolB/TM>

--~-> > > > Links> > <*> > /> > <*> > - > > <*> Your > > > > Crush! Zap! Destroy! Junk e-mail trembles before the might of Windows Live Mail beta. Windows Live Mail beta

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Loving Divine,


It is true what you said, 'It is very easy to advise and answer questions and give pravachana when one is not going through the problem himself/herself.' but at the same time it is also absolutly true that you don't know whether the person has gone through the lessons of life or not? Based on just thinking that someone is giving pravachn only without experience would be a big mistake also if they have truly gone through some experiences and using the same words to consol as unexperienced one...!!!!!!!



Shri Yukteshwarbaba said, 'listen to everyone with respect, remember that a jem could be hidden even in ashes but your own seat.' If you have adopted openness no matter experienced or unexperienced one speaks, you will adopt the lessons you need to learn. On one hand telling this universe is a university and on other hand ignoring what someone is saying because he/she doesn't have experience doesn't make sense. One must be open to learn the required lessons from any walks of life. In general we expect that the one who has experienced can take us deeper but the one who doesn't have experience might trigger your thought process in the right direction just in time... you never know... There are so many examples we have where someone had said something that had triggered Realization when years of abhyaas has failed...!!!! Not to judge is the very basic lesson one has to learn & practice, because judging gives birth to duality and doubts (and mind loves to play with it)!!!!!!!!!


In any situation, so called good or bad, easy or difficult, mornful or joyous, Baba requests to pray and meditate. Swamiji says to chant His name.


Always at Thy Divine Feet from where the True Knowledge springs



On 3/25/06, Manoj Panda <pandamanoj wrote:



Divine One:




> 1) When faced with unexpected painful and sorrowful situations, > (such as severe illness, trauma, physical pain and suffering), how > does one truly remain equanimous (

samtaah)? How? It is so very > difficult to dis-associate with bodily pains. All the learnings / > teachings seem to collapse and get completely over-shadowed by the

> pain and suffering that follows from a major illness.



Very true. It is very easy to advise and answer questions and give pravachana when one is not going through the problem himself/herself.


But ultimately as Lord says in the Gita practice of detachment is the key. All the events in this world are lessons. We all are the students This world is a school. We will learn to practice detachment with all the tools in hand e.g. advice of the Gurus and scriptures, sat sanga, being good and doing good...etc without being obsessed with the question " when realization will happen " . It all depends on Lord's grace in removing our karma and on our own effort.




> 2) How is one to truly understand that we are SIMPLY NOT THIS > BODY. We are simply NOT THAT WHICH IS TEMPORARY, CHANGING AND > MOVING TOWARDS DESTRUCTION. That we are " ISHVAR





Please refer to above. Practice, practice, practice... It has happened with many and everybody is capable of achieving the goal as that is everybody's birthright.



> 3) Why does this understanding, experience not stay with us at all > times? Swamiji says it is because of our deep attachment and > assuming the body as OURS, even though it is NOT. Well,

> intellectually one can comprehend all that Swamiji says, but this > understanding does not remain at the right times.



Reading the menu doesn't give the taste of food or appease hunger. Practice, practice, practice... never ever give up. More the surrender to the Lord, less the suffering. Please reflect Lord's saying in

Gita " sarva bhAvena bhArata " (chapter 15, Gita)



> 4) How to become FIRM in this understanding so that it REMAINS > ALWAYS. There is no wavering... simply FINAL ACCEPTANCE ONCE AND > FOR ALL.....FOREVER.



Acceptance comes from practice, knowledge and application of knowledge.




> 5) What does Gita say about HOW TO MAINTAIN EQUANIMITY AT ALL > TIMES ?


Yo mAm pasyati sarvatra, sarvam cha mayi pasyati... (verse 30/chapter 6, Gita). To get that one has to do " sarvabhUtasthitam yo mAm bhatyekatwamAsthitah... " (verse 31/chapter 6, Gita). In fact Lord says repeatedly about this in Gita in many verses.


Surrender to the Lord. More the surrender, less the suffering. This is the secret.




> 7) Is samtaah essential for a Bhakta? or is a Bhakta only supposed > to see God's blessings in every situation? (Prabhu's

mangalmai > vidhaan)



Ah! for a devotee " samatAh " is automatic. Just like mother cow follows the calf similarly Lord is never away from the devotee.


Lord, the embodiment of bliss, is the nearest and dearest. Yet happiness is sought from everything and every being far, farther and farthest. That is the pity.


Practice is the key. One has to do nothing to be realized (i.e. to go beyond the duality) as one is realized all the time. But the ignorance...that is the main culprit.



Thank you!


humble regards







> mdoshi2 Thu, 23 Mar 2006 19:54:09 +0000> Q: How does one truly maintain Equanimity


> > Shree Hari > Ram Ram> 1) When faced with unexpected painful and sorrowful situations, > (such as severe illness, trauma, physical pain and suffering), how

> does one truly remain equanimous (samtaah)? How? It is so very > difficult to dis-associate with bodily pains. All the learnings / > teachings seem to collapse and get completely over-shadowed by the

> pain and suffering that follows from a major illness. > > 2) How is one to truly understand that we are SIMPLY NOT THIS > BODY. We are simply NOT THAT WHICH IS TEMPORARY, CHANGING AND

> MOVING TOWARDS DESTRUCTION. That we are " ISHVAR ANSH JEEV AVINAASHI > CHETAN AMAL SAHAJ SUKH RAASHI. " > > 3) Why does this understanding, experience not stay with us at all > times? Swamiji says it is because of our deep attachment and

> assuming the body as OURS, even though it is NOT. Well, > intellectually one can comprehend all that Swamiji says, but this > understanding does not remain at the right times. > > 4) How to become FIRM in this understanding so that it REMAINS

> ALWAYS. There is no wavering... simply FINAL ACCEPTANCE ONCE AND > FOR ALL.....FOREVER.> > 5) What does Gita say about HOW TO MAINTAIN EQUANIMITY AT ALL > TIMES ? > > 6) What does Swamiji say one can do for SAMTAAH?

> > 7) Is samtaah essential for a Bhakta? or is a Bhakta only supposed > to see God's blessings in every situation? (Prabhu's mangalmai > vidhaan) > > Seeking guidance at His Lotus Feet,

> A Sadhak> > Ram Ram> > > > > > > > > ------------------------ Sponsor --------------------~--> > Join modern day disciples reach the disfigured and poor with hope and healing

> http://us.click./lMct6A/Vp3LAA/i1hLAA/XUWolB/TM> --~->

> > > Links> > <*> >

/> > <*> >

- > > <*> Your >

> > >




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Divine One!



It was written in the reply that:


We will learn to practice detachment with all the tools in hand e.g. advice of the Gurus and scriptures, sat sanga, being good and doing good...etc without being obsessed with the question "when realization will happen".


Love all and give all since there is One and only One. One has become many and many will become One. Just like modern cinematography can create multiple ones from one, similarly the power of mAyA has made the One many.


Just like the beam of light coming from the projector creates characters walking, talking etc. being reflected on the movie screen, the events, characters of the whole universal movie is being played. Even though a person may cry, laugh etc. while watching a movie, at the end of the movie he/she is not affected by the events what happened in the movie. Self realization is exactly that. Waking up from the dream.


Thank you!


humble regards




From: sadhnakarigarDate: Sat, 25 Mar 2006 17:01:44 -0800RE: Q: How does one truly maintain EquanimityDear Sadhak,Sadar Pranaam.The key word in all your answers is "Practice" , what do you exactly mean by practice ? How to do it ? with regard,SadhikaManoj Panda <pandamanoj wrote:



Divine One:



> 1) When faced with unexpected painful and sorrowful situations, > (such as severe illness, trauma, physical pain and suffering), how > does one truly remain equanimous (samtaah)? How? It is so very > difficult to dis-associate with bodily pains. All the learnings / > teachings seem to collapse and get completely over-shadowed by the > pain and suffering that follows from a major illness.


Very true. It is very easy to advise and answer questions and give pravachana when one is not going through the problem himself/herself.


But ultimately as Lord says in the Gita practice of detachment is the key. All the events in this world are lessons. We all are the students This world is a school. We will learn to practice detachment with all the tools in hand e.g. advice of the Gurus and scriptures, sat sanga, being good and doing good...etc without being obsessed with the question "when realization will happen". It all depends on Lord's grace in removing our karma and on our own effort.




Please refer to above. Practice, practice, practice... It has happened with many and everybody is capable of achieving the goal as that is everybody's birthright.


> 3) Why does this understanding, experience not stay with us at all > times? Swamiji says it is because of our deep attachment and > assuming the body as OURS, even though it is NOT. Well, > intellectually one can comprehend all that Swamiji says, but this > understanding does not remain at the right times.


Reading the menu doesn't give the taste of food or appease hunger. Practice, practice, practice... never ever give up. More the surrender to the Lord, less the suffering. Please reflect Lord's saying in Gita "sarva bhAvena bhArata" (chapter 15, Gita)


> 4) How to become FIRM in this understanding so that it REMAINS > ALWAYS. There is no wavering... simply FINAL ACCEPTANCE ONCE AND > FOR ALL.....FOREVER.


Acceptance comes from practice, knowledge and application of knowledge.



> 5) What does Gita say about HOW TO MAINTAIN EQUANIMITY AT ALL > TIMES ? **************

Yo mAm pasyati sarvatra, sarvam cha mayi pasyati... (verse 30/chapter 6, Gita). To get that one has to do "sarvabhUtasthitam yo mAm bhatyekatwamAsthitah..." (verse 31/chapter 6, Gita). In fact Lord says repeatedly about this in Gita in many verses.


Surrender to the Lord. More the surrender, less the suffering. This is the secret.



> 7) Is samtaah essential for a Bhakta? or is a Bhakta only supposed > to see God's blessings in every situation? (Prabhu's mangalmai > vidhaan)


Ah! for a devotee "samatAh" is automatic. Just like mother cow follows the calf similarly Lord is never away from the devotee.


Lord, the embodiment of bliss, is the nearest and dearest. Yet happiness is sought from everything and every being far, farther and farthest. That is the pity.


Practice is the key. One has to do nothing to be realized (i.e. to go beyond the duality) as one is realized all the time. But the ignorance...that is the main culprit.



Thank you!


humble regards





> > mdoshi2 Thu, 23 Mar 2006 19:54:09 +0000> Q: How does one truly maintain Equanimity> > Shree Hari > Ram Ram> 1) When faced with unexpected painful and sorrowful situations, > (such as severe illness, trauma, physical pain and suffering), how > does one truly remain equanimous (samtaah)? How? It is so very > difficult to dis-associate with bodily pains. All the learnings / > teachings seem to collapse and get completely over-shadowed by the > pain and suffering that follows from a major illness. > > 2) How is one to truly understand that we are SIMPLY NOT THIS > BODY. We are simply NOT THAT WHICH IS TEMPORARY, CHANGING AND > MOVING TOWARDS DESTRUCTION. That we are "ISHVAR ANSH JEEV AVINAASHI > CHETAN AMAL SAHAJ SUKH RAASHI." > > 3) Why does this understanding, experience not stay with us at all > times? Swamiji says it is because of our deep attachment and > assuming the body as OURS, even though it is NOT. Well, > intellectually one can comprehend all that Swamiji says, but this > understanding does not remain at the right times. > > 4) How to become FIRM in this understanding so that it REMAINS > ALWAYS. There is no wavering... simply FINAL ACCEPTANCE ONCE AND > FOR ALL.....FOREVER.> > 5) What does Gita say about HOW TO MAINTAIN EQUANIMITY AT ALL > TIMES ? > > 6) What does Swamiji say one can do for SAMTAAH? > > 7) Is samtaah essential for a Bhakta? or is a Bhakta only supposed > to see God's blessings in every situation? (Prabhu's mangalmai > vidhaan) > > Seeking guidance at His Lotus Feet, > A Sadhak> > Ram Ram> > > > > > > > > ------------------------ Sponsor --------------------~--> > Join modern day disciples reach the disfigured and poor with hope and healing> http://us.click./lMct6A/Vp3LAA/i1hLAA/XUWolB/TM> --~-> > > > Links> > <*> > /> > <*> > - > > <*> Your > > > >


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Dear Sadhak/sadhika Group,Sadar pranam.I also feel that learning depends on the person, on the learner. If a learner has open mind, he/she can learn from anyone, it really doesnot matter who is teaching, Eklavya mastered archery from Dronacharya's Statue.........and its true if we judge people, we can never learn. The person who is sharing our dukha feel the pain more deeply then the sufferer. Never under-estimate the person who is filled with compassion and love, that person knows your sorrow better then yourself even though he/she seemingly not gone through that sufferings.with regards,SadhikaManjula Patel <manjumaa wrote: Loving Divine, Pranam. It is true what you said, 'It is very easy to advise and answer questions and give pravachana when one is not

going through the problem himself/herself.' but at the same time it is also absolutly true that you don't know whether the person has gone through the lessons of life or not? Based on just thinking that someone is giving pravachn only without experience would be a big mistake also if they have truly gone through some experiences and using the same words to consol as unexperienced one...!!!!!!! Shri Yukteshwarbaba said, 'listen to everyone with respect, remember that a jem could be hidden even in ashes but your own seat.' If you have adopted openness no matter experienced or unexperienced one speaks, you will adopt the lessons you need to learn. On one hand telling this universe is a university and on other hand ignoring what someone is saying because he/she doesn't have experience doesn't make sense. One must be open to learn the required lessons from any walks of life. In general we expect that the one who has

experienced can take us deeper but the one who doesn't have experience might trigger your thought process in the right direction just in time... you never know... There are so many examples we have where someone had said something that had triggered Realization when years of abhyaas has failed...!!!! Not to judge is the very basic lesson one has to learn & practice, because judging gives birth to duality and doubts (and mind loves to play with it)!!!!!!!!! In any situation, so called good or bad, easy or difficult, mornful or joyous, Baba requests to pray and meditate. Swamiji says to chant His name. Always at Thy Divine Feet from where the True Knowledge springs On 3/25/06, Manoj Panda <pandamanoj

wrote: Divine One: praNAm! ************** > 1) When faced with unexpected painful and sorrowful situations, > (such as severe illness, trauma, physical pain and suffering), how > does one truly remain equanimous ( samtaah)? How? It is so very > difficult to dis-associate with bodily pains. All the learnings / >

teachings seem to collapse and get completely over-shadowed by the > pain and suffering that follows from a major illness. ************************* Very true. It is very easy to advise and answer questions and give pravachana when one is not going through the problem himself/herself. But ultimately as Lord says in the Gita practice of detachment is the key. All the events in this world are lessons. We all are the students This world is a school. We will learn to practice detachment with all the tools in hand e.g. advice of the Gurus and scriptures, sat sanga, being good and doing good...etc without being obsessed with the question "when realization will happen". It all

depends on Lord's grace in removing our karma and on our own effort. ************************** > 2) How is one to truly understand that we are SIMPLY NOT THIS > BODY. We are simply NOT THAT WHICH IS TEMPORARY, CHANGING AND > MOVING TOWARDS DESTRUCTION. That we are "ISHVAR ANSH JEEV AVINAASHI > CHETAN AMAL SAHAJ SUKH RAASHI." ********* Please refer to above. Practice, practice, practice... It has

happened with many and everybody is capable of achieving the goal as that is everybody's birthright. ********************** > 3) Why does this understanding, experience not stay with us at all > times? Swamiji says it is because of our deep attachment and > assuming the body as OURS, even though it is NOT. Well, > intellectually one can comprehend all that Swamiji says, but this > understanding does not remain at the right times. ************* Reading

the menu doesn't give the taste of food or appease hunger. Practice, practice, practice... never ever give up. More the surrender to the Lord, less the suffering. Please reflect Lord's saying in Gita "sarva bhAvena bhArata" (chapter 15, Gita) ******* > 4) How to become FIRM in this understanding so that it REMAINS > ALWAYS. There is no wavering... simply FINAL ACCEPTANCE ONCE AND > FOR ALL.....FOREVER. ************************** Acceptance comes from practice, knowledge and application of knowledge. ******************

> 5) What does Gita say about HOW TO MAINTAIN EQUANIMITY AT ALL > TIMES ? ************** Yo mAm pasyati sarvatra, sarvam cha mayi pasyati... (verse 30/chapter 6, Gita). To get that one has to do "sarvabhUtasthitam yo mAm bhatyekatwamAsthitah..." (verse 31/chapter 6, Gita). In fact Lord says repeatedly about this in Gita in many verses. Surrender to the Lord. More the

surrender, less the suffering. This is the secret. ************************** > 7) Is samtaah essential for a Bhakta? or is a Bhakta only supposed > to see God's blessings in every situation? (Prabhu's mangalmai > vidhaan) ************** Ah! for a devotee "samatAh" is automatic. Just like mother cow follows the calf similarly Lord is never away from the devotee. Lord, the embodiment of bliss, is the nearest and dearest. Yet happiness is sought from everything and every being far, farther

and farthest. That is the pity. Practice is the key. One has to do nothing to be realized (i.e. to go beyond the duality) as one is realized all the time. But the ignorance...that is the main culprit. ***** Thank you! humble regards -m > > mdoshi2 Thu, 23 Mar 2006 19:54:09 +0000> Q: How does one truly maintain Equanimity > > Shree Hari > Ram Ram> 1) When faced with unexpected painful and sorrowful situations, > (such as severe illness, trauma, physical pain and suffering), how > does one truly remain equanimous (samtaah)? How? It is so very > difficult to dis-associate with bodily pains. All the learnings / > teachings seem to collapse and get completely over-shadowed by the > pain and suffering that follows from a major illness. > >

2) How is one to truly understand that we are SIMPLY NOT THIS > BODY. We are simply NOT THAT WHICH IS TEMPORARY, CHANGING AND > MOVING TOWARDS DESTRUCTION. That we are "ISHVAR ANSH JEEV AVINAASHI > CHETAN AMAL SAHAJ SUKH RAASHI." > > 3) Why does this understanding, experience not stay with us at all > times? Swamiji says it is because of our deep attachment and > assuming the body as OURS, even though it is NOT. Well, >

intellectually one can comprehend all that Swamiji says, but this > understanding does not remain at the right times. > > 4) How to become FIRM in this understanding so that it REMAINS > ALWAYS. There is no wavering... simply FINAL ACCEPTANCE ONCE AND > FOR ALL.....FOREVER.> > 5) What does Gita say about HOW TO MAINTAIN EQUANIMITY AT ALL > TIMES ? > > 6) What does Swamiji say one can do for SAMTAAH? > >

7) Is samtaah essential for a Bhakta? or is a Bhakta only supposed > to see God's blessings in every situation? (Prabhu's mangalmai > vidhaan) > > Seeking guidance at His Lotus Feet, > A Sadhak> > Ram Ram> > > > > > > > > ------------------------ Sponsor --------------------~--> > Join modern day disciples reach the disfigured and poor with hope and healing > http://us.click./lMct6A/Vp3LAA/i1hLAA/XUWolB/TM> --~-> > > > Links> > <*> > /> > <*> > - > > <*> Your >

> > > Crush! Zap! Destroy! Junk e-mail trembles before the might of Windows Live Mail beta. Windows Live Mail beta

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Suffering and sorrow makes a strong bridge between the sufferer and the supporter, where there is genuine concern. While one can get a big crowd to join in rejoicing, there will be fewer to give a shoulder in times of suffering and sorrow. Again, what the sufferer needs is support and encouragement to overcome the situation and not blind sympathy. The level of empathy the friend shows towards the sufferer will determine the strength of the bridge between the two.



In my humble view, extending a helping hand to the sufferer is one form of service to HIM; after all the sufferer is nothing but a manifestation of the Divine itself.



On 3/27/06, Sadhna Karigar <sadhnakarigar wrote:


Dear Sadhak/sadhika Group,Sadar pranam.I also feel that learning depends on the person, on the learner. If a learner has open mind, he/she can learn from anyone, it really doesnot matter who is teaching, Eklavya mastered archery from Dronacharya's Statue.........

and its true if we judge people, we can never learn. The person who is sharing our dukha feel the pain more deeply then the sufferer. Never under-estimate the person who is filled with compassion and love, that person knows your sorrow better then yourself even though he/she seemingly not gone through that sufferings.

with regards,SadhikaManjula Patel <manjumaa wrote:

Loving Divine,


It is true what you said, 'It is very easy to advise and answer questions and give pravachana when one is not going through the problem himself/herself.' but at the same time it is also absolutly true that you don't know whether the person has gone through the lessons of life or not? Based on just thinking that someone is giving pravachn only without experience would be a big mistake also if they have truly gone through some experiences and using the same words to consol as unexperienced one...!!!!!!!


Shri Yukteshwarbaba said, 'listen to everyone with respect, remember that a jem could be hidden even in ashes but your own seat.' If you have adopted openness no matter experienced or unexperienced one speaks, you will adopt the lessons you need to learn. On one hand telling this universe is a university and on other hand ignoring what someone is saying because he/she doesn't have experience doesn't make sense. One must be open to learn the required lessons from any walks of life. In general we expect that the one who has experienced can take us deeper but the one who doesn't have experience might trigger your thought process in the right direction just in time... you never know... There are so many examples we have where someone had said something that had triggered Realization when years of abhyaas has failed...!!!! Not to judge is the very basic lesson one has to learn & practice, because judging gives birth to duality and doubts (and mind loves to play with it)!!!!!!!!!


In any situation, so called good or bad, easy or difficult, mornful or joyous, Baba requests to pray and meditate. Swamiji says to chant His name.


Always at Thy Divine Feet from where the True Knowledge springs



On 3/25/06, Manoj Panda <pandamanoj

> wrote:


Divine One:




> 1) When faced with unexpected painful and sorrowful situations, > (such as severe illness, trauma, physical pain and suffering), how > does one truly remain equanimous (

samtaah)? How? It is so very > difficult to dis-associate with bodily pains. All the learnings / > teachings seem to collapse and get completely over-shadowed by the > pain and suffering that follows from a major illness.



Very true. It is very easy to advise and answer questions and give pravachana when one is not going through the problem himself/herself.


But ultimately as Lord says in the Gita practice of detachment is the key. All the events in this world are lessons. We all are the students This world is a school. We will learn to practice detachment with all the tools in hand e.g. advice of the Gurus and scriptures, sat sanga, being good and doing good...etc without being obsessed with the question " when realization will happen " . It all depends on Lord's grace in removing our karma and on our own effort.






Please refer to above. Practice, practice, practice... It has happened with many and everybody is capable of achieving the goal as that is everybody's birthright.



> 3) Why does this understanding, experience not stay with us at all > times? Swamiji says it is because of our deep attachment and > assuming the body as OURS, even though it is NOT. Well, > intellectually one can comprehend all that Swamiji says, but this > understanding does not remain at the right times.



Reading the menu doesn't give the taste of food or appease hunger. Practice, practice, practice... never ever give up. More the surrender to the Lord, less the suffering. Please reflect Lord's saying in

Gita " sarva bhAvena bhArata " (chapter 15, Gita)



> 4) How to become FIRM in this understanding so that it REMAINS > ALWAYS. There is no wavering... simply FINAL ACCEPTANCE ONCE AND > FOR ALL.....FOREVER.



Acceptance comes from practice, knowledge and application of knowledge.




> 5) What does Gita say about HOW TO MAINTAIN EQUANIMITY AT ALL > TIMES ?


Yo mAm pasyati sarvatra, sarvam cha mayi pasyati... (verse 30/chapter 6, Gita). To get that one has to do " sarvabhUtasthitam yo mAm bhatyekatwamAsthitah... " (verse 31/chapter 6, Gita). In fact Lord says repeatedly about this in Gita in many verses.


Surrender to the Lord. More the surrender, less the suffering. This is the secret.




> 7) Is samtaah essential for a Bhakta? or is a Bhakta only supposed > to see God's blessings in every situation? (Prabhu's mangalmai > vidhaan)



Ah! for a devotee " samatAh " is automatic. Just like mother cow follows the calf similarly Lord is never away from the devotee.


Lord, the embodiment of bliss, is the nearest and dearest. Yet happiness is sought from everything and every being far, farther and farthest. That is the pity.


Practice is the key. One has to do nothing to be realized (i.e. to go beyond the duality) as one is realized all the time. But the ignorance...that is the main culprit.



Thank you!


humble regards








> mdoshi2 Thu, 23 Mar 2006 19:54:09 +0000> Q: How does one truly maintain Equanimity

> > Shree Hari > Ram Ram> 1) When faced with unexpected painful and sorrowful situations, > (such as severe illness, trauma, physical pain and suffering), how > does one truly remain equanimous (samtaah)? How? It is so very > difficult to dis-associate with bodily pains. All the learnings / > teachings seem to collapse and get completely over-shadowed by the > pain and suffering that follows from a major illness. > > 2) How is one to truly understand that we are SIMPLY NOT THIS > BODY. We are simply NOT THAT WHICH IS TEMPORARY, CHANGING AND

> MOVING TOWARDS DESTRUCTION. That we are " ISHVAR ANSH JEEV AVINAASHI > CHETAN AMAL SAHAJ SUKH RAASHI. " > > 3) Why does this understanding, experience not stay with us at all > times? Swamiji says it is because of our deep attachment and > assuming the body as OURS, even though it is NOT. Well, > intellectually one can comprehend all that Swamiji says, but this > understanding does not remain at the right times. > > 4) How to become FIRM in this understanding so that it REMAINS > ALWAYS. There is no wavering... simply FINAL ACCEPTANCE ONCE AND > FOR ALL.....FOREVER.> > 5) What does Gita say about HOW TO MAINTAIN EQUANIMITY AT ALL > TIMES ? > > 6) What does Swamiji say one can do for SAMTAAH? > > 7) Is samtaah essential for a Bhakta? or is a Bhakta only supposed > to see God's blessings in every situation? (Prabhu's mangalmai > vidhaan) > > Seeking guidance at His Lotus Feet, > A Sadhak> > Ram Ram> > > > > > > > > ------------------------ Sponsor --------------------~--> > Join modern day disciples reach the disfigured and poor with hope and healing > http://us.click./lMct6A/Vp3LAA/i1hLAA/XUWolB/TM> --~-> > > > Links> > <*> >

/> > <*> >

- > > <*> Your >

> > >




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