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Is there God in this World?

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Hare KrishnaAs long as one doesn't experience God by the soul one needs knowledge. Knowledge of understanding God helps one in the beginning stage of spiritual life. Without understanding God from sastra where there is a lot of logic and reason how to understand God, one will be only sentimentalist. Further, Krishna in the Bg 4.36 says: "Even if you are considered to be the most sinful of all sinners, when you are situated in the boat of transcendental knowledge you will be able to cross over the ocean of miseries". Scientific knowledge that supports the transcendental understanding of God also becomes very helpful to develop faith in God. Faith is very shaky in neophyte, stronger in the intermediate stage of spiritual development and the uttama adhikari or top most devotee has very strong faith and knowledge. For the end here is one example how by science one can

understand Krishna's statement in the Gita that He is the ability in man. THE ARGUMENT BY GENETICS AND ABILITY 1) Genes are said to be the containers of man’s qualities. 2) But is it enough just to have good genes for making great discoveries? 3) If we say yes that would mean genes are the knower of the past, present and future. 4) Since this is not the case, there must be another cause of man’s ability. 5) If the ultimate cause of ability is not the material genes, the superior cause must be immaterial. This is what is called

spiritual. 6) As we can experience, people get qualified by external causes. Abilities are given at birth or by education or by inspiration. 7) Similarly, the immaterial ability must come from an external cause. 8) The cause of an ability in man (what is known as instinct in animals) is God. 9) He is like the a treasure house of all kinds of abilities for all kinds of different people and animals. 10) Therefore, God exists.Hare Krishnaard

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Let's direct, clear statements of the satras open our eyes.


Isopanisad 16

O my Lord! O primeval philosopher, maintainer of the universe. O

regulating principle, destination of the pure devotees, well-wisher of

the progenitors of mankind - please remove the effulgence of your

transcendental rays, so that I can see your form of bliss. You are the

eternal Supreme Personality of Godhead, like unto the sun as am I.


Bhagavad-gita 14.27

I [Krishna] am the basis of the impersonal Brahman, which is immortal,

imperishable and eternal, and is the constitutional position of

ultimate happiness.


Isopanisad 15

O my Lord! Sustainer of all that lives: Your real real face is covered

by your dazzling effulgence. Please remove that effulgent covering and

exhibit yourself to your pure devotee.


All the individual souls are Brahman but never become one with the

supreme Para-Brahman


Bg 2.12

Never was there a time when I did not exist, nor you, nor all these

kings; nor in the future shall any of us cease to be.


This plurality certainly does not refer to bodily existence what was

already before condemned by Krishna but rather it refers to the

spiritual plurality - the individual souls.


nityo nityanam cetanas cetananam

eko bahunam yo vidadhati kaman

" He is the one supreme eternal being among all eternal beings, and the

one supreme conscious being among all conscious beings. He alone is

fulfilling the desires of everyone. " (Katho Upanisad 2.13)



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PranamsThe Highest attainmentAccording to Ramanujacarya, there are five kinds of methods of worship, which are called abhigamana, upadana, ijya, sadhyaya, and yoga. When devotees go to the temple, clean the temple or the path to the temple, and decorate the temple in various ways, such activities are called abhigamana. The collection of ingredients such as flowers and other paraphanalia for worship is called upadana. Worship of the Lord in the temple is called ijya. Chanting different mantras and offering different kinds of prayers is called sadhyaya. Meditation, or remembering the activities of the Lord in full absorption, is called yoga. Practicing all different kinds of worship one can attain the planets in the spiritual world known as Vaikunthaloka. According to Sri Ramanujacarya, the Puranas, Brahmanas and Aranyakas, attainment of Vaikuntha is the highest perfectional stage.Ram RamPS: The means and the goal are the same - bhakti - the only way to realize God.bhaktiya mam abhijanati yavan yas casmi tattvatahaBhagavad-gita 18.55

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