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Why are We Empty Handed, inspite of God's Grace?

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from: " Manoj Panda " <pandamanoj

Howvever why I am not getting his grace in the form of his

attainment/realisation by " naturality " . when every thing is to be done by

god, then why we are empty handed till today.


> Please help me in this regard and enlighten my path to realisation to

>god at the earliest.



Divine One:

Change in one's " vichAra " will get us there.


As long a person is convinced that he is empty handed, he is empty

handed. When a person is convinced that he is realized, he is



The change of " vichara " will come with " vairAgya " , which is a state of bliss not

perturbed by losses or gains.

Everything is given to us including the " human body " . When the time is over it

will be taken away. When it doesn't belong to us why one will be happy or



Thank you!

humble regards




FROM: paritalagopikrishna

Yes, His blessings are always pouring. What is the use of keeping the tumbler

upside under a running tap?

Let us keep the tumbler facing Him, so that we may receive HIS grace.


Many thanks for the wonderful explanation, especially the two-inches short of

rope. Yes, the Destination, the End is clear. Let us not lose momentum or get

side-tracked by " other activities " , which do not help us in our journey. Let us

maintain a One pointed, single eyed approach.


Love and Love alone...




>atul aggarwal <sir_atulaggarwal


>gita talk

> Why are We Empty Handed, inspite of God's Grace?

>Sun, 12 Nov 2006 23:57:06 -0800 (PST)


>dear sadhak ji


> When-:


> By depending on God's grace, the spiritual discipline of " All is God "

>(Vasudeva Sarvam) will become easier. Everything is God - this Truth is

>grasped only by God's grace, not by one's intellect and effort. God

>cannot be realized by effort, only by His grace.


> Like Father's Kingdom is automatically given to his son, irrespectively

>of his capability to handle it or not, like wise


> we should get god's grace, ir-respective of following factor's


> (1) whether we have true love for him or not

> (2) whether we have true desire for him or not, etc, etc, etc,


> Howvever why I am not getting his grace in the form of his

>attainment/realisation by " naturality " . when every thing is to be done by

>god, then why we are empty handed till today.


> Please help me in this regard and enlighten my path to realisation to

>god at the earliest.


> regards,


> Atul Aggarwal








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Dear Soul, We can answer your question surely by giving the example of the kitten and the baby monkey. For the sadhak who is fully dependent on God, that is likened to a kitten who is picked up by its mother by the neck and carried away. For the sadhak who is using his own endeavors we compare this to the baby monkey who must hold on to the back of its mother. For us in the realm of sadhana, both must be there. We must endeavor to follow the rules of sadhana and at the same time depend fully on the Lord. Just as in the case of ´Mother Yashoda who was trying to tie up her son with rope. Each time she added more rope she could still not bind Krishna. The rope was always two inches short. The two inched or two fingers length can also be understood as indicating that two things are always required to succeed spiritually; our endeavor and the mercy of the Lord. Finally, when she was so tired

and loosing patience mother Yashoda made one last effort and at last achieved the mercy of the Lord who agreed to be tied up. We also say that the guru throws a rope down a well for the suffering soul to grab on to. He will not just pull us out. We have to make the endeavor to grab on to his lotus feet. Om Tat Sat, Avadhootatul aggarwal <sir_atulaggarwal wrote: dear sadhak ji When-: By depending on God's grace, the spiritual discipline of "All is God" (Vasudeva Sarvam) will become easier. Everything is God - this Truth is grasped only by God's grace, not by one's intellect and effort. God cannot be realized by effort, only by His grace. Like Father's Kingdom is automatically given to his son, irrespectively of his capability to handle it or not, like wise we should get God's grace, irrespective of following factor's (1) whether we have true love for Him or not (2) whether we have true desire for Him or not, etc, etc, etc, However why I am not getting His grace in the form of His attainment/realisation "naturally" (automatically)? When every thing is by God's grace, then why are we empty handed till

today? Please help me in this regard and enlighten my path to God Realisation. regards, Atul Aggarwal

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Yes, it is true that everything happens based on God's grace. (whether it be "God realization" or "Self Realization") You say -"Why I am not getting His grace;in the form of His attainment / realisation "naturally" (automatically)? When every thing is by God's grace, then why are we empty handed till today?"

We are NOT empty handed at all. We are full. The human being is whole as is. But we always look outside of us to get happiness, and when we do not get what we expected, we feel we are empty handed. ALso do not think why U are NOT getting his grace? We have God's Grace already! but we forget that we have His grace and feel the emptiness in ourselves sometimes. God is like Father/Mother/Friend..whatever name u give. But sometimes we go thru certain things in our life which make us feel that God is not giving His Grace at all. I had read somewhere..about I asked God for wealth, He gave me brain and brawn to work... and so on... In the end it goes like, I never got what I wanted, But I already received what I needed. So, no need to worry much about God Realization. Just try to surrender all activities as an offering to that Ultimate /God with due and complete respect and devotion(without expectation of any fruits) and thus remain unaffected by whatever is the outcome. Surrender all actions to God - Eating, sleeping, enjoying, self-controlling. With every action, have the mental attitude of surrender to that Almighty God. All activities are happening the same regular way but the mental attitude is shifted and u are offering the action to that divinity. Also another thing to remember is..whatever we wanted, it OK to try our best. But whatever happens, whether it turns out the way we expect it or not, either way, have the feeling that it always happens for good. (it may not make sense..but a little analysis will give us that everything happens for Good and the way God/Almighty intended). Have a nice wonderful evening and Namasthe. Regards. atul aggarwal <sir_atulaggarwal wrote: dear sadhak ji When-: By depending on God's grace, the spiritual discipline of "All is God" (Vasudeva Sarvam) will become easier. Everything is God - this Truth is grasped

only by God's grace, not by one's intellect and effort. God cannot be realized by effort, only by His grace. Like Father's Kingdom is automatically given to his son, irrespectively of his capability to handle it or not, like wise we should get God's grace, irrespective of following factor's (1) whether we have true love for Him or not (2) whether we have true desire for Him or not, etc, etc, etc, However why I am not getting His grace in the form of His attainment/realisation "naturally" (automatically)? When every thing is by God's grace, then why are we empty handed till today? Please help me in this regard and enlighten my path to God Realisation. regards, Atul


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