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This World is filled with Unrighteousness and Injustice

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Respected members,


With so much negativity prevailing in the world, how can an ordinary

mortal stand up and believe in God? He does not get justice in this

world for his righteous deeds, then how can he believe in the loving



Kindly clarify













Ram Ram,


The following are the guidelines for Gita-Talk discussions.


1. Wherever possible, please quote Gita or other scriptures to

substantiate the response


2. Kindly make your responses concise and to the point. (Up to

twenty line maximum, if possible).


3. Please limit discussions to subject at hand.


4. Please do not include links to other sites or other organizations


Ram Ram

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This is what I read somewhere for the similar kind of questions you mentioned below.

It was a dark night and rainy and stormy weather. I was walking in my neighbourhood and saw a little girl shivering in the cold. I asked God with my full heart as to what is God doing..where is God..how can he make a samll little girl suffer like this? I was surprised to hear some voice..it was God..He said: "I understand your feeling..that is why I made you " What I feel is ..this is my opinion: Yes, there is corruption,

problems, ruthlessness etc etc.. but again, at the same time, there is also kindness, generosity, love, affection, care ,concern etc etc. Do not worry if there is corruption or whatever....do whatever you can to the less fortunate compared to you and that is what matters. I feel this Bhagavadgita is meant to understand the higher Self by which we understand these scenarios step by step. Regards. . Regards.sundeepgupta1 <sundeepgupta1 wrote: Respected members,With so much negativity prevailing in the world, how can an ordinary mortal stand up and believe in God? He does not get justice in this world for his righteous deeds, then how can he believe in the loving God?Kindly clarifySundeep-------------------------GOD STOPS GOOD

PEOPLE FROM DOING WRONG BUT NOT THE RUTHLESS, THE POWER HUNGRY AND SELFISH PEOPLE. THEY REMAIN ENGAGED IN LUST FOR POWER AND MONEY AND LACK HUMANITY. THE HELPLESS LEAVE EVERYTHING TO GOD, BUT AT TIMES IT APPEARS AS IF GOD FAILS THEM. WHERE IS RIGHTEOUSNESS AND JUSTICE? N. PANDA-------------------------FROM MODERATORRam Ram,The following are the guidelines for Gita-Talk discussions. 1. Wherever possible, please quote Gita or other scriptures tosubstantiate the response2. Kindly make your responses concise and to the point. (Up totwenty line maximum, if possible).3. Please limit discussions to subject at hand. 4. Please do not include links to other sites or other organizationsRam Ram

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Dear Ones, namaste!

By thinking "so much negativity prevailing in this world" we are adding to the negativity by such thoughts, isn't it? How can we stop such negative thoughts is the real first issue.

Secondly isn't it a problematic to think oneself as ordinary mortal man who is at the mercy of world for his believing in God? Saints and Sages took upon themselves to know God inspite of injustices done to them.

If one understands very very deeply what God or he, or this world is, and how they are related, one would surely find answers to such questions as some seemingly ordinary people all over the world in all times have found! This would suggest that the question could be rephrased as how can one live in this world that is so unjust? That is the core issue because that puts responsibility where it belongs and not on God as someone sitting somewhere separately from his creation and supposed to do justice for various people whose interest are in conflict with one another. Our problems are due to our taking ourselves as separate individuals, resulting into conflicts with each other. So those of us who are interested in Moksha, can discover that we are not individuals, limited, mortal beings but rather Signicant, always Purna in Ourselves without lacking anything world has to offer, always free, and thus live happily and cross the ocean of bhav-sagar-suffering!

God has never failed those that knew Him/Her as very Core of their being!


, "sundeepgupta1" <sundeepgupta1 wrote:>> Respected members,> > With so much negativity prevailing in the world, how can an ordinary> mortal stand up and believe in God? He does not get justice in this> world for his righteous deeds, then how can he believe in the loving> God?> > Kindly clarify> > Sundeep> > GOD STOPS GOOD PEOPLE FROM DOING WRONG BUT NOT THE RUTHLESS, THE POWER HUNGRY AND SELFISH PEOPLE. THEY REMAIN ENGAGED IN LUST FOR POWER AND MONEY AND LACK HUMANITY. THE HELPLESS LEAVE EVERYTHING TO GOD, BUT AT TIMES IT APPEARS AS IF GOD FAILS THEM. WHERE IS RIGHTEOUSNESS AND JUSTICE?> > N. PANDA> -> > FROM MODERATOR> Ram Ram,> > The following are the guidelines for Gita-Talk discussions.> > 1. Wherever possible, please quote Gita or other scriptures to> substantiate the response> > 2. Kindly make your responses concise and to the point. (Up to> twenty line maximum, if possible).> > 3. Please limit discussions to subject at hand.> > 4. Please do not include links to other sites or other organizations> > Ram Ram>

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Wonderful. Well said. It is we who have to bell the cat. See only the positiveness in everything and just ignore the negative. It does tremendous good for our own spiritual progress. Love and Love alone.... P. Gopi Krishna ------

Kashmira Grewal

Your query about how an ordinary mortal being is supposed to stand

up and believe in God with so much negativity prevailing in the

world, does merit reflection. But first you need to know of and

believe one truth about the numerous cycles of life that we go

thru. It is called 'The Game of Life'. In each cycle that we are

born in, we work out our Karmas that we created in the previous

lives and depending on the good or the bad of it, we fashion our

lives accordingly. For the often heard wails of people around us,

that those who indulge in every thing that is immoral and wrong

seem to have everything and live wonderful lives, and those of us

who are God fearing and do everything right are the ones to suffer

- the reason is this.... When we have lead a good life, braving

all odds, and having taken upon us all the agonies and the

harshness of the material world, but not surrendered to evil, we

are given an opportunity so full of abundance in our future lives

that it would seem we have the world at our feet. Power is one

aspect of this. Now what we do with this chance that we have been

blessed with, will determine the kind of life we will lead in our

next cycle. So, though it may sound unfair or even preposterous

to the uninitiated mind, the right thing for each and everyone of

us to do would be to concentrate on our Selves, keep our house

clean, meaning our Inner Self, try and spread the good word

around, and do not worry about who listens and doesn't. Help those

who call out for it, do not consciously give in to temptations,

however innocent it may seem to you.


In short, we reap the harvest of what we have sown now in the next

cycle. God is Supreme, and the Creator, but what most of us

forget is that he has given us a free choice, a free will, and it

is WE who are responsible for the heaven or the hell that we

create for ourselves. And because He has created us, there can't

be any doubt about the fact that He loves us too - like I said

before, this is His Game, and we are but Characters who play out

the roles. We are given a format, and then we are also given the

ability to decipher this format. Depending on our integrity and

our understanding of Him, we create the picture and the sound

effects. There is NO Heaven or Hell, as commonly perceived by us -

both are in effect our own Conscience. If you create a good

record for yourself, you are living 'in Heaven', and if it is the

other then you are living in a hell of your own making. So,

coming back to your query, you shouldn't concern yourself with the

'negativity' prevailing around you - that is someone else's

consequences being made public. Concentrate on YOUR OWN creations. Learn and practice to be in touch with your Inner Self.

Learn to listen to your conscience - you can only do this if you

shut out the unnecessary noise which are your thoughts. Do not

allow distractions to misguide you or worse still, don't use this

as an excuse for not doing what you know deep down to be the right

thing for you. I hope that you have, for the moment been

satisfied by this very sketchy explanation. I hope that this will

prompt you to look for answers on a greater level, and I pray that

may He guide you to the right place to look for them. It is said,

that when we finally awaken, and honestly look for help He gives

it to us - we don't need to wander, looking for it, because when

we encounter it, we WILL recongnise it for what it is!. I am sure

that you have finally reached the point of retribution, because if

you hadn't you would be here asking questions.

God Bless


Kashmira Grewal


From Avadhoot Maharaj

Dear Souls;

This is the age of Kali, the age of quarrel and dissension. As predicted in the Bhagavat Purana or Srimad Bhagavatam this age will progressively get worse until at the end there are no devotees of the Lord left on the planet. At that time the Lord incarnates in His form as Kalki to annihilate all the demons and reestablish 'dharma'. So, if things appear to be getting worse all the time it is the sign of the times. Eventually, due to sinful activities there will be no more rain, no more vegetation. Man will be forced to eat man.

Still, there is one good thing about this dreadful age and that is this. According to the Vedic shastra man can very easily achieve liberation in this age simply by 'Kalau tad hari kirtanat' or glorifying the Supreme Lord Hari or Krishna. If we use our valuable time in speaking Hari Katha or talks about the Supreme Lord we shall not be affected by all the terrible things of this world and in the end go back Home, back to Godhead.

Hare Krishna,

avadhoot --

Bharathi <bh_4321 wrote: This is what I read somewhere for the similar kind of questions you mentioned below. It was a dark night and rainy and

stormy weather. I was walking in my neighbourhood and saw a little girl shivering in the cold. I asked God with my full heart as to what is God doing..where is God..how can he make a samll little girl suffer like this? I was surprised to hear some voice..it was God..He said: "I understand your feeling..that is why I made you " What I feel is ..this is my opinion: Yes, there is corruption, problems, ruthlessness etc etc.. but again, at the same time, there is also kindness, generosity, love, affection, care ,concern etc etc. Do not worry if there is corruption or whatever....do whatever you can to the less fortunate compared to you and that is what matters. I feel this Bhagavadgita is meant to understand the higher Self by which we understand these scenarios step by step. Regards. . Regards.sundeepgupta1 <sundeepgupta1 > wrote: Respected members,With so much negativity prevailing in the world, how can an ordinary mortal stand up and believe in God? He does not get justice in this world for his righteous deeds, then how can he believe in the loving God?Kindly clarifySundeep-------------------------GOD STOPS GOOD PEOPLE FROM DOING WRONG BUT NOT THE RUTHLESS, THE POWER HUNGRY AND SELFISH PEOPLE. THEY REMAIN ENGAGED IN LUST FOR POWER AND MONEY AND LACK HUMANITY. THE HELPLESS LEAVE EVERYTHING TO GOD, BUT AT TIMES IT APPEARS AS IF GOD FAILS THEM. WHERE IS RIGHTEOUSNESS AND JUSTICE? N. PANDA-------------------------FROM MODERATORRam Ram,The following are the guidelines for Gita-Talk discussions. 1. Wherever possible, please quote Gita or other

scriptures tosubstantiate the response2. Kindly make your responses concise and to the point. (Up totwenty line maximum, if possible).3. Please limit discussions to subject at hand. 4. Please do not include links to other sites or other organizationsRam Ram Don't pick lemons.See all the new 2007 cars at Autos. P. Gopi Krishna

Here’s a new way to find what you're looking for - Answers

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Respected members,

ram ram


The question here is how an ordinary mortal believe in God even if he is getting injustice in world. I shall understand it in that way :

As mentioned in GITA, self is non-doer means three modes of material nature are only working. Again it is mentioned, that work which is done with expectation of fruit binds the soul to its fruit which can be good, bad or mixed. In case of ordinary mortal like us actions are performed with attachment and liable to get results. It is law of karma which operates and gives us good and bad results. The good person gets injustice, it is the reaction of its previous karma which he is receiving.


We should remember that we receive the fruits of our actions which we might have done in previous births. There is a huge accumulation of our actions of previous births. At right time and place, we receive reaction to our action we did in past.


The nature of a person never remains same, depending on what modes of nature one has acquired, one acts accordingly.


The ordinary mortal when proceeds the spiritual path, slowly slowly reduce the power of karma. He knows that he should bear pleasure and pain with equanimity, as no further action should be issued out beacause of good or bad reaction he received from nature.


In conclusion, we should see an immortal self in ordinary mortal who has lived countless births and did all kinds of karmas. When he receives injustice, he should feel that he is blessed as his bad karma is burning out. But, nature is very strong till one achieves jnana or realisation, this reaction to life is very difficult. We should struggle hard and surrender all injustice or justice to Lord's lotus feet. Lord is loving but he does not interfere in nature's work till one is exclusiely devoted to him.


Hari om

Vipin Gupta


dear gita members,let us understand that "what ever happens, happens for good" and let us provide warmth, love and affection to sufferers and let us provide if we can, food , jobs, shelter to such souls,gita - ism seshadri

Seshadri Srinivasan





A related question,

Can good be defined in the absence of bad ?

A good person or action exists only because we perceive a bad person

or action to exist. In my view, one cannot exist in the absence of

another. If there are some examples to the contrary, I would love to

hear them


Hari Om



Bharathi <bh_4321 wrote: This is what I read somewhere for the similar kind of questions you mentioned below. It was a dark night and rainy and stormy weather. I was walking in my neighbourhood and saw a little girl shivering in the cold. I asked God with my full

heart as to what is God doing..where is God..how can he make a samll little girl suffer like this? I was surprised to hear some voice..it was God..He said: "I understand your feeling..that is why I made you " What I feel is ..this is my opinion: Yes, there is corruption, problems, ruthlessness etc etc.. but again, at the same time, there is also kindness, generosity, love, affection, care ,concern etc etc. Do not worry if there is corruption or whatever....do whatever you can to the less fortunate compared to you and that is what matters. I feel this Bhagavadgita is meant to understand the higher Self by which we understand these scenarios step by step. Regards. . Regards.sundeepgupta1 <sundeepgupta1 > wrote: Respected members,With so much

negativity prevailing in the world, how can an ordinary mortal stand up and believe in God? He does not get justice in this world for his righteous deeds, then how can he believe in the loving God?Kindly clarifySundeep-------------------------GOD STOPS GOOD PEOPLE FROM DOING WRONG BUT NOT THE RUTHLESS, THE POWER HUNGRY AND SELFISH PEOPLE. THEY REMAIN ENGAGED IN LUST FOR POWER AND MONEY AND LACK HUMANITY. THE HELPLESS LEAVE EVERYTHING TO GOD, BUT AT TIMES IT APPEARS AS IF GOD FAILS THEM. WHERE IS RIGHTEOUSNESS AND JUSTICE? N. PANDA-------------------------FROM MODERATORRam Ram,The following are the guidelines for Gita-Talk discussions. 1. Wherever possible, please quote Gita or other scriptures tosubstantiate the response2. Kindly make your responses concise and

to the point. (Up totwenty line maximum, if possible).3. Please limit discussions to subject at hand. 4. Please do not include links to other sites or other organizationsRam Ram Don't pick lemons. See all the new 2007 cars at Autos.

Here’s a new way to find what you're looking for - Answers

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Respected members,

ram ram


The question here is how an ordinary mortal believe in God even if he

is getting injustice in world. I shall understand it in that way :

As mentioned in GITA, self is non-doer means three modes of material

nature are only working. Again it is mentioned, that work which is done with

doership and expectation of fruit, binds the soul to its fruit which can be

good, bad or mixed. When actions are performed with attachment the law of karma

operates giving good and bad results. A good person receiving injustice is the

reaction of his previous karmas even from past births, which he is receiving. At

right time and place, we receive reaction to our action we did in the past.


When one takes up the spiritual path, bearing pleasure and

pain with equanimity, losing a sense of doership, this limits the good or bad



In conclusion, when injustice is received one should feel that he is blessed as

his bad karma is burning away. But, nature is very strong till one achieves

jnana or realisation. Attaining this state is difficult, however it is easily

attainable, when we surrender everything to Lord's lotus feet. Lord is loving

but He does not interfere in nature's work till one is exclusively devoted to



Hari om



, " sundeepgupta1 " <sundeepgupta1



> Respected members,


> With so much negativity prevailing in the world, how can an ordinary

> mortal stand up and believe in God? He does not get justice in this

> world for his righteous deeds, then how can he believe in the loving

> God?


> Kindly clarify


> Sundeep









> -



> Ram Ram,


> The following are the guidelines for Gita-Talk discussions.


> 1. Wherever possible, please quote Gita or other scriptures to

> substantiate the response


> 2. Kindly make your responses concise and to the point. (Up to

> twenty line maximum, if possible).


> 3. Please limit discussions to subject at hand.


> 4. Please do not include links to other sites or other organizations


> Ram Ram


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While I agree with the views below, from an intellectual stand point,


o The world is apparently just and unjust. From any worldly

perspective, it is not perfectly just or perfectly unjust.

o The good and bad, or satwa, rajas and tamas are required for

creation. Without an of these qualities, there cannot be creation.

(Chp 14)

o Without problems man will never excercise his intellect. And

unless he faces serious problems, he never seriously thinks of the

spiritual path. (7-16 onwards)

A little bit of thought and one can see that a perfect world is

actually unlivable.


Bottomline is we should not worry about things we cannot change and

concentrate on lifting ourselves. By lifting ourselves we lift the

world around us as well


Hari Om





, " vipin2k0892002 "

<vipin2k0892002 wrote:


> Respected members,

> ram ram


> The question here is how an ordinary mortal believe in God even if


> is getting injustice in world. I shall understand it in that way :

> As mentioned in GITA, self is non-doer means three modes of


> nature are only working. Again it is mentioned, that work which is

done with doership and expectation of fruit, binds the soul to its

fruit which can be good, bad or mixed. When actions are performed

with attachment the law of karma operates giving good and bad

results. A good person receiving injustice is the reaction of his

previous karmas even from past births, which he is receiving. At

right time and place, we receive reaction to our action we did in

the past.


> When one takes up the spiritual path, bearing pleasure and

> pain with equanimity, losing a sense of doership, this limits the

good or bad reactions.


> In conclusion, when injustice is received one should feel that he

is blessed as his bad karma is burning away. But, nature is very

strong till one achieves jnana or realisation. Attaining this state

is difficult, however it is easily attainable, when we surrender

everything to Lord's lotus feet. Lord is loving but He does not

interfere in nature's work till one is exclusively devoted to Him.


> Hari om

> Vipin


> , " sundeepgupta1 " <sundeepgupta1@>

> wrote:

> >

> > Respected members,

> >

> > With so much negativity prevailing in the world, how can an


> > mortal stand up and believe in God? He does not get justice in


> > world for his righteous deeds, then how can he believe in the


> > God?

> >

> > Kindly clarify

> >

> > Sundeep

> > --------------------------------










> >

> > N. PANDA

> > --------------------------------


> >


> > Ram Ram,

> >

> > The following are the guidelines for Gita-Talk discussions.

> >

> > 1. Wherever possible, please quote Gita or other scriptures to

> > substantiate the response

> >

> > 2. Kindly make your responses concise and to the point. (Up to

> > twenty line maximum, if possible).

> >

> > 3. Please limit discussions to subject at hand.

> >

> > 4. Please do not include links to other sites or other


> >

> > Ram Ram

> >


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