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Ram Ram


FROM: Manjula Goel

As far as my knowledge is concerned ( very little it is), Vairagya means , when

we dont find meaning to worldly things and so forcefully or intentionally, for

the sake of getting or realizing that ultimate truth, we try our best to( or it

itself done) get rid of materailistic things.


Now following are my doubts :


1) " There is no place for Vairagya (dispassion) in True Love " ...True Love to

whom? God or any individual from world?


2)Agn, you said there is no place for vairagya in true love, but i think its

there n it come on its own to individual in true love.example is " MIRABAI " .Am i

right here?


3) Is it necessary to do practise vairagya from materialistic things, to get or

realize that ultimate truth?


4) " We control the world and God controls Time " ...How can it be possible that we

are controlling the world? bcoz in my view its just that in life we are provided

with some decisons to be taken. n if that time we take right decisions, we get

good results, otherwise we suffer..bt agn there are conditions in which we are

just the viewers about what bad happens to us. so how is it that we are

controlling the world?


5) What about a person to reach the Absolute Truth who have very little ( very

near to nothing) knowledge about religion and science? This is in reference to

the following lines.. " Let us Merge Religion and Science to reach the Absolute

Truth "


Above are my questions to the writter, wrote the mail " [sadhaka] Food for

Thought "

But still i will be glad to welcome views from all.



Manjula Goyal




FROM: Gopi Krishna

Dear Sadasya or Sadhaka or Soul Brother or Lover or all put together or all in



Love and Love alone.....



I read and reread your mail. A few points I understood and a few I have not. It

means, I am not at the same wavelength as you are. So, it is my inability to

understood you fully. If you have time and if you do not mind, can you kindly

explain a few thoughts, which I did not understand. For others, whatever I know,

I am responding. As you are well aware, mine is not a book-knowledge and I

cannot quote always from the scriptures to support my ideas. I write just out of

love and just for the sake of writing, whenever I feel like. Your mail is one of

them. Kindly bear with me.


Here are the responses:


1. There is no place for Vairagya (dispassion) in True Love.


True Love is nothing but Vairagya only. Because, a True Lover will not love for

anything in return. He just loves for the sake of loving. For example, just now

I spoke to an elderly and saintly person. He lost his wife a couple of days ago

and I came to know about it only today. I spoke to him, and conveyed my

condolences to him. He was touched and moved but at the same time, I was floored

by his answer. It shows his maturity and spiritual balance and also expresses

itself how one should 'Love' the other human being, just for the sake of love.

He said, and I quote " God never does anything to hurt or punish his devotee.

Whatever it is, He does for the welfare and spiritual progress of His devotee

only. I think, even in this, i.e., losing my life companion, who lived and

shared her life with me for so many years, must also be for something good for

me " . I have no words to say anything in return, having heard these words from

him. I was in tears of joy and my throat was chocked. It is the sign of Love and

complete Vairagya or detachment.


Let me also quote the words of Swami Sivananda here.




He who has no love cannot know God for God is love. Love is the greatest force

in this world. Love is immortal. Love is God. Where love is there God is.

Therefore become an embodiment of love. Love is God. Love is light. Light is

wisdom. Wisdom is divine life it is oneness, unity.


The deeper a man's love of God is, the greater is his spiritual knowledge. The

final consummation of the love of God is union with

God. Love of God is not easily acquired by self effort it is inborn in man by

virtue of his spiritual evolution.


Love God alone. Be detached and renounce everything for the sake of love of God.

Cosmic love expects not any reward. It excludes none but includes all. Develop

more and more pure divine love. Then the inner light will shine more brightly.

Cultivate divine love. This selfless love is a great treasure a pearl of great



Cultivate an abiding faith in God's love, mercy and grace. The lover himself

becomes the beloved of his heart. Their love is so deep and intense that they

merge in each other and then again re emerge. They are the two inseparable

aspects of the one.


Love envies not. Love resents not. Love revenges not. Love bargains not. God in

his boundless love and mercy promptly chastises proud and arrogant persons, thus

paving the way for a return to humility.


God reveals himself daily to every human being but man shuts his eyes and does

not see Him. Infinite is God. Infinite are His aspects and infinite are the ways

to reach Him. The divine being is a living reality, a powerful presence that

responds to our prayers, an all pervading delight of existence that sustains our



Find God within yourself in silence.


Love is the cure for all evil. The power of love can transform the universe

which is fettered in chains of hatred. Love is all

purifying and all redeeming. Love is the greatest purifying force in the world.

Love is the greatest creative force in the world.


2. We assume ignorance as knowledge and then do devotion of God.


At times or for that matter, most of the times, it is true. But, I feel, it does

not matter, as long as one does not persist and dig his heels into it and keep

arguing that he is right. Beginning is the most important thing. So, if not

today, tomorrow, if not tomorrow, day after he will reach. That is what Swami

Vivekananda also says. Every human being reaches the Ultimate Goal, but the

question is how soon.


3. Does time move in a straight line or in a circle? All our scientific

deductions are based on the basis of time moving in a straight line whereas all

spiritual truths are based on the fact that time moves in a circle.


Yes, because the aspirant has to come back to the Source and, therefore,

naturally he moves in a circle. Let me quote here what Bhagawan Sri Ramana

Maharshi says: Learn whatever you want to learn to unlearn what you learnt !!!.

Is it not wonderful statement!!!


4. You are the master of time if you act in accordance with nature - you are its

slave if you want nature to act in accordance with 'you' (your true form +



Absolutely right. If you go according to the rules of the nature, there is no

disruption, there is no friction, there is no hindrance and there is no pain.


5. We control the world and God controls Time. Let us act in a manner that God

is compelled to turn the clock back to when the world was exactly as God

intended - a Beautiful Blissful World of Divine Love.


Do you really believe in " we control the world? " Are we capable of controlling

the world? We cannot control our own mind and vasanas, how can we control the

mind? I believe, everything is controlled by God alone.


6. Life is a spiral, not a straight line. It becomes a circle of Love as soon as

you realize that it begins exactly where it last ended.


Comment give to Point No. 3 applies here too.


7. Let us Merge Religion and Science to reach the Absolute Truth.


The greatest scientist Einstein says that, where science ends, there the

religion starts. The essence of science is in our Vedas and once we perfectly

understand Vedas, there is nothing more to understand about science at all.


8. The secret of life lies in the navel. The navel is the '10th door' which we

have closed and are trying to find the secret of life through the other 9 doors.

The navel is our life line.




Are you referring to Navadware puri dehe, etc.


9. You become complete only when you become one with your nature.


Yes, one with the Nature, one with the Source, one with the Ultimate, one with

the Creation, etc.


10. Praan Shakti = Heart Beat




11. Karmayog is the simplest and easiest means for the awakening of the

Kundalini Power.


Yes, it is a path of thorns and there are innumerable attractions on the way.

Beware !!! Karma mixed with Bhakti will be more comfortable, I think. Think it



12. The path of Gyaan and Karma are worldly and naturally take you downwards -

where as the path of devotion is unworldly and naturally takes you upwards. In

the end, all three meet and cumulate in Love.


Does this statement contradicts the above statement, i.e., Karmayoga is .....

Kudalini Power " ? What do you mean by " worldly and downwards? " Downwards in what

sense? Since you have added with the " worldly " , I think it should be " bahir " . If

it is so, then how can Karmayog awakens Kudalini?


13. Satsang - is the relation between the heart and the navel. You do not do

satsang - Satsang happens - it is the cause of your very existence. 'You' came

into existence only because of Satsang - the connection of the heart (Praan) and





Love and Love alone...


P. Gopi Krishna


from: Chandra Jalluri

Namaste -


On your second thought, do you mean even if one is ignorant (not sincere or

total believer in god), one is qualified to devote to god (which may not be a

whole hearted devotion) and yet acheive his blessings.


Thank You.





Dear Sadhakas: Given here are very powerful pointers to TRUTH-GOD. Just by

pondering over them may take us to our true nature, a glimpse of

Sat-Chit-Ananda! I was/am joyous as I read them. I believe its Grace of GOD to

us sadhakas to contemplate on them wherever and whenever.

WHat I appreaciate:

True Love encompasses Vairagya-dispassion.

Devotion should be with knwoledge, and not in ignorance: like Lord Krishna

says(paraphrased) He is fond of Gyani Bhaktas!

Time is of circular nature and not straight line, true!(my comments: Time is of

the nature of mind in terms of thought. We as Sat-Chit swarupa can/have never

experienced time, being of timeless nature. As such when we think, time/space

get created in

conceiving an object into existence)

# 4. Is a powerful pointer! You are master of time! (I understand " you " to be my

real nature)

All other pointers are contemplative in nature!

# 12. I think Devotion is needed on the paths of Gyaan and Karma w/o which they

tend to be intellectual/mechanical exercises. But To me only " Gyaan " is that of

knowing who I am

truely(Absolutely), rest is all Avidya in the sense of all knowledge is

relative(useful for Lila). Karmas should be performed as if there is no Doer.

With this understanding Gyaani is devoted to Truth-God equally as Devotee is to

GOD and Karm-yogi to Duty. SO there

is no upwards and downwards or no preference other

than one's own disposition.

# 13. How true it is that Satsang happens and not done! Truly 'we don't do

satsang as 'we' don't even exist as individual! Thus " we " come into existence

due to satsang has to mean as body-mind

individual, and not as Atman which is true " I " we all are, ever existing.

Sadar Pranams.....



FROM: Prabhat Kumar Dhandania

Ram Ram


Please explain point no.11



Ram Ram


Set out below are a few random thoughts that have been coming in my mind since

the past few days. By the Grace of God, I have got a lot of answers to

previously unanswered questions just by pondering on the same and I am very

confident that all our family members who will ponder on the same and who

believe in the Grace of God will also get similar experiences. I would request

everyone not to look at the words but at the thought behind the words because I

have not framed the words intellectually and they could contain many mistakes.

The words are derived and based on the little that I have heard from saints as I

have understood them to be. If there are any mistakes in the same, the same is

only due to my understanding and the words of saints are in no manner erroneous.


I am sure that the thoughts would be very beneficial to all the readers who

ponder on the same and send in their views for the benefit of all. My thoughts

are not at all connected - and a number of them may seem illogical and without

any intellectual basis, but they have all given me insights to previously

'unknown' truths by me - truths which I firmly believed in but did not know.


1. There is no place for Vairagya (dispassion) in True Love.

2. We assume ignorance as knowledge and then do devotion of God.

3. Does time move in a straight line or in a circle? All our scientific

deductions are based on the basis of time moving in a straight line whereas all

spiritual truths are based on the fact that time moves in a circle.

4. You are the master of time if you act in accordance with nature - you are its

slave if you want nature to act in accordance with 'you' (your true form +


5. We control the world and God controls Time. Let us act in a manner that God

is compelled to turn the clock back to when the world was exactly as God

intended - a Beautiful Blissful World of Divine Love.

6. Life is a spiral, not a straight line. It becomes a circle of Love as soon as

you realize that it begins exactly where it last ended.

7. Let us Merge Religion and Science to reach the Absolute Truth.

8. The secret of life lies in the navel. The navel is the '10th door' which we

have closed and are trying to find the secret of life through the other 9 doors.

The navel is our life line.

9. You become complete only when you become one with your nature.

10. Praan Shakti = Heart Beat

11. Karmayog is the simplest and easiest means for the awakening of the

Kundalini Power.

12. The path of Gyaan and Karma are worldly and naturally take you downwards -

where as the path of devotion is unworldly and naturally takes you upwards. In

the end, all three meet and cumulate in Love.

13. Satsang - is the relation between the heart and the navel. You do not do

satsang - Satsang happens - it is the cause of your very existence.

'You' came into existence only because of Satsang - the connection of the heart

(Praan) and navel.


Ram Ram

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