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Food for Thought

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SADHAKA... I TRULY APOLOGIZE... A NUMBER OF MESSAGES THAT WERE POSTED ON THE SUBJECT "ENJOYMENT OF PLEASURES AN OBSTACLE TO GOD REALIZATION" over the last 3-4 days were erroneously deleted. my sincere apologies. Gita Talk Moderator... Ram Ram


Ram Ram


Could relate with nearly all comments and

accept them. Only one question on the last – ‘Satsang’ - Satsang is the relation between that shukshma energy

and our body with its bodily functions, i.e., The Soul and Body. In the

presence of Soul the naval functions and heart beats, if no Soul, no Satsang.


Q1. – Can there ever be no Satsang?

Q2. – Is the Soul within or without the



Ram Ram







On Behalf Of Manjula Patel

20 March 2007 14:16


[sPAM] Re:

Food for Thought







Loving Divine,



Humble pranams.



One more view...



1. There is no place for Vairagya (dispassion) in True Love.



* Love is the height of vairagya. On one side is beloved and on

the other rest of the pleasures of the world, a true lover will choose only





2. We assume ignorance as knowledge and then do devotion of God.



* Hummm..., the height of knowledge is love and the height of love is

true knowledge - two sides of the same coin, can't separate... Devotion

w/o true knowledge is as good as ignorance. When you don't know

yourself, what good it is to know rest of the world?




3. Does time move in a straight line or in a circle? All our scientific

deductions are based on the basis of time moving in a straight line whereas all

spiritual truths are based on the fact that time moves in a circle.



* No, there is no such thing as time in the spiritual truth so it

is neither straight nor circular. It all exist for a person prior to

reaching the spiritual truth..




4. You are the master of time if you act in accordance with nature -

you are its slave if you want nature to act in accordance with 'you' (your true

form + nature).



* Once you realize/master the timeless Self, you can manipulate the

time bound world, i.e., nature/prakruti.




5. We control the world and God controls Time. Let us act in a manner

that God is compelled to turn the clock back to when the world was exactly as

God intended - a Beautiful Blissful World of Divine Love.



* Neither we control the world nor God controls the time. God

doesn't do anything, all is the creation of our mind so God will not turn

the clock forward or backward, it is us humans, who have created the clock and

wants to control things by clock. His world was/is/will be always

beautiful, blissful and filled with divine love - no changes have occurred

since its inception! This is how it is for the one who lives in Self.





6. Life is a spiral, not a straight line. It becomes a circle of Love

as soon as you realize that it begins exactly where it last ended.



* Spiral or straight, just a view point. I could say life

is a zig-zag, up & down but the mean line is straignt and going upward or

circles back to its source. All is one and the same thing. I

can also say, no all this is wrong Life is infinite no spiral, no straight, no

zig-zag, nothing, it is all pervading, it is in living being and non living

space. Life is there regardless of our perception of it. Does it

make sense?






But I can also say that when one starts so called spiritual journey,

one evolves like a spiral, one comes back at the starting point with different

attitude towards the world, different understanding of the world, different

tolerance for the world. One was born in Love and ultimately dissolves in

love - completes the circle, e.g., balloon existed because of air, when burst,

merges back in air. This body is made up of panchatattva, at end merges

in them. This soul becomes individualized because of our samskaras, when

done with them, it merges back with the Cosmic Soul. Due to

our samskaras/desires/karma, when we are born again, we pick-up

exactly from where we had left off, just like accounting balance sheet - the

debit and credit has to balance, i.e., become zero




7. Let us Merge Religion and Science to reach the Absolute Truth.



* They are already one and the same in Absolute Truth, no

distinction exist so let's start perceiving it that way.




8. The secret of life lies in the navel. The navel is the '10th door'

which we have closed and are trying to find the secret of life through the

other 9 doors. The navel is our life line.



* In Gitaji & Upnishads, there are variations in number of

doors - 9, 10, 11, Endless. For so called normal human being, the naval

is strength and the strength comes from food (annamaya kosh - this is the 1st

realization). When in womb, through navel, the baby is fed.

Food also feeds the mind and mind creates the life (manomay kosh, the 2nd

sheath out of 5. Most of us just know about these 2 sheaths. Praan,

Vijnan (Ultimate Truth) and Anand are realized by very few)). We

become, what we think. In spiritual world, the secret of life lies in the

Sahastrar (top of the head - fontanel) from where the soul enters in the

body of a baby in womb and ideally should leave the body to be liberated

completely. All other doors are considered as the cause of rebirth - the

spiral life as you mentioned before (3 doors associated

with muladhaar - anus, right & left nostrils. 3 drs w/

swadhisthan - genital, procreation, mouth. 3 w/ manipur -

naval (how we were fed when we were in mother's womb) right & left

eyes. Endless drs w/ anahad - skin. 2 drs w/ vishuddha -

right & left ears) .




9. You become complete only when you become one with your nature.



* Yes, this is what you said before, from where you start you return

that same point. Water in pot becomes that pot but the moment pot merges

in ocean, the water in it becomes ocean.




10. Praan Shakti = Heart Beat



* No, not really, go beyond, you will realize that praan shakti is

beyond heart beat, it is that shakti which makes heart actually beat.




11. Karmayog is the simplest and easiest means for the awakening of the

Kundalini Power.



* Yes, breathing itself is a karma, be conscious of it in every

act, and one will realize the power behind it.




12. The path of Gyaan and Karma are worldly and naturally take you

downwards - where as the path of devotion is unworldly and naturally takes you

upwards. In the end, all three meet and cumulate in Love.



* Yes, the outward knowledge and karma or the knowledge and action of

'I, the ego', takes you downwards - keeps you in lower 5 chakras but the

devotion - the love for the Truth or devotion with true knowledge and

action - i.e., action done with the acknowledgement of the True Doer, takes you

upward. When all path followed with the inner knowledge of the True Doer,

the love springs that is the true action, knowledge and devotion.




13. Satsang - is the relation between the heart and the navel. You do

not do satsang - Satsang happens - it is the cause of your very existence.'You'

came into existence only because of Satsang - the connection of the heart

(Praan) and navel.



* Satsang = union. You have established two energy

sources/centers, i.e., food and air, as the vital source of life and that's why

it is easy to establish this relationship. For our physical

existence it is absolutely true. However, in my opinion Satsang is the

relation between that shukshma energy and our body with its bodily functions,

i.e., The Soul and Body. In the presence of Soul the naval functions and

heart beats, if no Soul, no satsang. Think about it.











always at Thy Holy Feet

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