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Concept of God.............

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Anthakarna is that consience level which keeps telling human beings right and the wrong. If Anthakarna is impure, even if God comes face to face, one does not believe it to be God. Example: Lord Krishna went to negotiate war and Dharma between Pandavas and Duryodhanas. Situation came to show Visvaroopam in the hall. Many fell at the feet of Lord. But Duryodana said it was an illusion, (Maya Jal) nothing else. A prostitute, very well dressed came to Saint Tukaram to tease him. On the sight of the lady, Tukaram asked her, " Where is Lord Panduranga and why did she come alone" without the Lord. This is Anthakarna Suddhi (Clean mind). Also the self realisation feeling of the Advaitham (Singleness of Bhraman in all ) B.Sathyanarayan




I think you are confusing the terms ka-ra-Na and ka-rNa.

What we have in antahkaraNa is a-ntah-ka-ra-Na.

Lot of people pronounce ka-rNa as ka-ra-Na;

but this is the first time I saw someone even translate ka-ra-Na as ka-rNa!

ka-ra-Na means tools/means/faculties

Ka-rNa means ear.

Thus, antahkaraNa means inner tools (or faculties) which are

(as per shaastra/also common sense): mind, intellect, ego, and conciousness.


K.S. tAtAchAr




We can talk about God in two ways, one, describing Him as the all-pervading "Sat-chit-ananda" or "Existence-knowledge-bliss" or "Brahman" which has no attributes, no shape, no form, no dimensions, no likes and dislikes, omniscient and present everywhere. Such God is known as "NISH-KALA-BRAHMAN". As the Nishkala-brahman has no attributes or form, one cannot meditate on such a God. Nishkala Brahman is the most Supreme and identical with the Jivatman, the life-giving entity which is present in all living beings.


Then there is the other way we talk about God, who is "SA-KALA-BRAHMAN" in different forms like Rama, Krishna, Shiva, etc., which are manifestations of the Nishkala-brahman, adored and prayed to as deities, with whose blessings, we achieve all we want. This is God with form, the different manifestations of the Nishkala-brahman. Just like saying that one cannot come to University level unless he goes through KG, middle school, High School, etc,. one cannot meditate upon Nishkala-brahman (Nishkala-brahma-upasana) unless he is able to concentrate and focus his mind on a God with form, like Rama, Krishna etc., with constant and consistent effort. One who has practised meditation and focusing of the mind on a formful God, then only he can understand the God without form, i.e., Nishkala-brahman and train his mind to focus his mind on the real "Nishkala-rahman". This is the reason why Hinduism has many Gods who are given shapes and forms on which one can concentrate one's mind. If one says Idol-worship is not necessary, he may be right, but one can think of a God without form only after going through the exercise of focusing the mind on a God with form, for which an idol is necessary.

There are many creations in this world, which we say, are the actions of God, moveables like man and animals, birds etc, and immoveables like plants, trees, etc. What is the difference between man and the animals, although they share a common agenda like seeking food, look for a shelter, sleep, breed more like them, etc ? "AHARA-NIDRABHAYA-MAIDHUNANI, SAMANYAM ETHAT PASUBHIR-NARANAM. JNANAM THU THESHAM ADHIKO VISESHO, JNANENA HEENAH PASUBHIS-SAMANAH" The animals also are intelligent, although they cannot express their thoughts by communicating to others. The only difference between man and animals is that man can distinguish between "Atman" and "Anatman". In other words, it is the spiritual knowledge which man can have, is the only difference. It is on account of the ability to have spiritual knowledge, that man is superior to all other creations.


Man is endowed with superior intelligence. For what? For using it for the good of one and all, including all creations. It is only God who makes us think in the right direction and use the intelligence properly. One cannot expect God to interfere with each action of ours like a cowherd directiong his cattle with a stick in his hand. He is stationed in our minds to clear any doubts if we have, ""KENAPI DEVENA HRUDI STHITENA YADHA NIYUKTOSMI THADHA KAROMI"--(Panchadasi) Hence our prayer should be "to direct our thoughts in the right direction so that our actions are good for one and all" One who lays his faith fully in God and prays to Him ardently will only perform right actions.



K.V. Gopalakrishna.



Krishna Gopal <qualitymeter wrote: Anatah karan is inner (antah) ear (kaarn). Just as we do have external ear for sounds from environment, similarly, the ear that listens to inner voice is called antah karan. Bhagwat Gita says that stay in solitude rather than engaged in interaction. Learning is an act of interaction and thinking in act of solitude. Both are thus opposite to each other. Learning is like eating, thinking is digesting. Learning is called Sang Dosha, and thinking is Upasana. Upasana means, scrutiny of existing thoughts and remove impurity. For references: 'sang dosh vevargayet' means avoid learning, and 'nitya youkta upsate' means, continue to think as I

do. Thinking is not having taste or preferences just as stomach digests everything without caring for taste of food but learners do have taste and preferences. For this reason, Sri Krishna introduces Himself in Vibhuti yoga as 'fire of stomach' or thinking energy that destroys ignorance in thought by digestion / thinking. This 'thinking' is initiated by antah karan. These uncountable references you can find in BG that related to importance of antahkarana. Sri Hari regards KG---- Chiitta (conciousness)-buddhi (intellect)-mana (mind)-ahamkaara (ego) constitute antahkaraNa. K.S. tAtAchAr ---- What is "Antahkarana" The word 'mind', especially in the psychology of the West, is used to signify a general operation of the psyche inside, including understanding, willing and feeling. The word 'mind' is a general term in Western psychology, but in the psychology of Yoga, a more detailed analysis has been made. 'Mind' is not a proper English translation of what the Yoga calls 'Chitta', especially in the system of Patanjali. The entire mind-stuff is called Chitta. It is better to use the word 'psyche' instead of the word 'mind', because the former denotes a larger composite structure than the single function indicated by the word 'mind'. Mind is that which thinks in an indeterminate manner; the intellect is that which thinks in a determinate manner; the ego is that which asserts the individuality of one's own self. There are other functions of the psyche such as memory, often associated with the subconscious level. It is impossible for anyone to be

aware that something is outside, unless there is an isolated thinking or an individualising principle, known in the Vedanta psychology as the Antahkarana, and in the Yoga psychology of Patanjali as Chitta. "Antahkarana" is a Sanskrit term, which literally translated into English, would mean, "the internal organ". That is perhaps the best way we can put it in English. The internal organ, by which we cognise or perceive things outside, is the Antahkarana. P.K.LAMBA ---- On Dec 1, 2007 4:25 PM, chandrika joshi <> wrote: Namaste Can you please expand on anthakaranam. What is it? Thanks

Chandrika Joshi"Mr. Rao" <dbpl (AT) spectranet (DOT) com> wrote: The five senses that we have help us to 'experience' the things that are 'outside' us. To see the God or 'Brahm' we need to do introspection and these senses will not be of any use. Only 'Antahkaranams' will help us experiece the bliss of 'Atma Shodhan'. Regards, K. Ramapathi Rao - Gaurav

Mittal Thursday, September 20, 2007 8:59 AM Re: Concept of God............. Jai Sri Ram.No external environment in the material domain can prove God (Love). One can only realize God (Love)when one seeks God eagerly and sincerely. Ultimately, it is only by His grace that, one can realize God (Love). Jai Sri Ram,Gaurav MittalVrndavan Parker <vrnparker > wrote: Can anyone PROVE that Love is real? Or is it just emotional chemical reactions? The same

proofs that are demanded regarding God can also be applied to Love. Where is the proof that Love is real? V Manjula Patel <manjumaa > wrote: Loving Divine Swami Param, Humble pranams. I am interested in knowing your view points, could you please provide your proofs of non-existance of God? In few emails you have mentioned such things, so I am sure you must have some reasons to share. Thanks. humble regards. always at Thy Lotus Feet ----------- It is not at all "clear a Super being that is GOD is making things happen." In fact, this is simply a dogma that has never been proved. Swami Param

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