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God Realization through feeling of My Very Own

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ram ram

let me know how I can get god realization through a feeling of " my very own "

(apanapen)in God


Where in Gita is this discussed ?

What specifically does Lord Krishna state in the Gita about apanapen (feeling of



In Hindi -

apnapen kese ho - parmatama me




Gita Talk Guidelines




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11. Please respond taking into consideration novices, youth, westerners,

non-secterian audience. Please limit the use on only sanskrit words, and

provide the english word with sanskrit bracketed wherever possible.



Ram Ram

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Shree Hari Ram Ram! Priya Sadhak, mahatvapurna prasana ke lye dhanybad! Param Shardhye Swamiji Maharaj has time and again brought out the fact that our acceptance of "apnapan" in God is a key means to attaining God. Here are few points from Swamiji's discourses and related verses from Gitaji: . To obtain 'apnapan' in God the first thing necessary is to accept our relationship with God. Based on our own experience, we know that whoever we have a strong relationship with, we surely develop apnapan. . In fact, we already have the relationship with God, all we have to do is to accept it, Lord Krishna says in Gitaji (15-7): mamai’va ‘mso jivaloke, jivabhutah sanatanah manah sasthani ‘ndriani, prakrtisthani karsati The jiva (soul) in the body is an eternal ray of My consciousness. Seated in the Prakriti, it attracts the five senses and the mind the sixth. . One advantage in accepting the relationship with God is that, that we can choose the type of relationship we like, it may be of guru, father, mother, lover, friend or a child. Lord Krishna says in Gitaji (4-11): Ye yatha mam prapadynte, tams tathai'va bhajamy aham mama vartma'nuvartante, manusyah partha sarva'sah O' Partha, howsoever men approach (worship) Me, even so do I grant them shelter; for all men ( & women) pursue My path, in every way. . We should call out for Him (Even God does not have the power to ignore the sincere

Pukar from a true devotee just like a mother cannot ignore a cry from her child. . When we say the following prayer (the meaning of the prayer we have to internalize): tvameva mata ca pita tvameva, tvameva bandhusca sakha tvameva tvameva vidya dravinam tvameva, tvameva sarvam mama devadeva . Accept shanagatih in God, this is the

total surrender and dependence on God only (Bhagvan ka ashraya only). This is pointed out in Gitaji verse 18-66 (Serva dharmo ke ashriya ka tyag). . An excellent method to develop

apnapan in God is to accept Swamiji Maharaj's Punch Amrit: 1. We are only God's (as Mirabai says – mere to Gridhar Gopal dusra na koi) 2. Wherever we live, we live in his court (darbar) 3. Whatever auspicious work we do, we are only doing His work 4. Whatever pure & satvik we receive it is due to His grace only 5. With whatever we receive from God, we serve only His people . Another method is to have a dialogue with God, a good reference for this is - Gita Press publication (code # 299:"Dhyan avastha me prabhu se vartalap"). . Whenever possible be in the holy company (Satsanga), when it is not possible, listen to the glories of God, His past times (lilas) during His Avtara time, read life stories of bhaktas, do naam jap, do group singing (samkirtan), (Ref: pg. 80 of Jivanupyogi Prabachan, Gita

Press, code # 410). . By His grace, God has granted us the grand opportunity - the human birth with the single purpose to be able to realize Him. Even though He has given us the full capability to unite with Him, but in case we find it difficult due the heavy influence of His

Maya, we do have the choice to pray to Him to take us in His shelter by showering His love. As lovely children of God we can even demand His love from Him. . The main hurdle in having apnapan in God is that we have accepted the relationship with the body, the world and the things of the world. We consider these relationships and the things to be real and permanent. We know that body, mind, intellect, prana and senses are not ours then how can the things and persons be ours. Swamiji Maharaj's says that when we accept something with our antahkaran (mind, intellect, ego and Chit) it is not certain that it will stay in our memory because of the constant wavering nature of mind but when we accept with the Self we never forget just like the married lady, she never forgets that she is married. Few of the other relevant verses from Gitaji are: (6-23) sanaih-sanair uparamet, budhya dhrtigritaya atmadamstham manah krtva, na kimcid api cintayet Little by little, through practice, he should gain tranquility by means of purified reason and fixing his mind on the Self thinking of nothing else at all. (8-5) tasmat sarveshu kalesu, mam anusmara yudhya ca mayy arpitamano buddhir, mam evai'syasy asamsayah Therefore, at all times remember Me and fight (do your duty). With mind and intellect absorbed in Me you shall without doubt come to Me. (8-14) ananyacetah sataam, yo mam smarati

nityyasah tasya'ham sulabhah partha, nityayuktasya yoginah I am easily attainable, O Partha, by that ever steadfast yogi, who constantly remembers Me and thinks of Me alone. (9-14) Satatam kirayanto mam, yatantas ca drdhavratah Namasyantas’ ca

mam bhaktya, nityayukta upaste Always singing My glories, striving to attain Me, prostrating before Me with firm vows, ever united with Me, worship Me always single minded. (10-41) yad-yad vibhutimat sattvam, srimad urjitam eva va tat-tad eva'vagacca tvam, mama tejomsambhavam Whatever being is

glorious, prosperous or powerful, know that to have sprung but a spark of My splendor (Whatever we are influenced or attracted by, think that came from God only). Loving

pranam! A sadhaka pawan singhal <pawankumarsinghal wrote: ram ramlet me know how I can get god realization through a feeling of "my very own " (apanapen)in GodWhere in Gita is this discussed ? What specifically does Lord Krishna state in the Gita about apanapen (feeling

of mine-ness)In Hindi - apnapen kese ho - parmatama mep.k.singhalGita Talk GuidelinesFROM THE MODERATORThe following are the guidelines for Gita-Talk discussions.1. Purpose of the group is to help Sadhaks clarify their doubts related to Gita shlokas. For responses to be posted, they must further clarify the understanding of Gitaji.2. Wherever possible, please quote Gitaji or other scriptures to substantiate the response3. Please limit personal feelings, opinions, beliefs etc.4. Kindly make your responses concise and to the point. (Up to twenty line maximum, if possible).5. Please limit discussions to subject at hand.6. Please do not include links to other sites or other organizations7. Please do not include your personal information such as phone number, address etc.8. Kindly do not address the response to a particular individual, since the message is going to the entire group.9. Due to a large

readership, not all responses will be posted.10. Moderator at his discretion, may modify the posting, if content is unclear or not appropriate for distribution to the group.11. Please respond taking into consideration novices, youth, westerners, non-secterian audience. Please limit the use on only sanskrit words, and provide the english word with sanskrit bracketed wherever possible. MODERATORRam Ram

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ram ram

In chapter 15 of Gita, God says you are my ansh (Part), therefore you are my

very own. Whether we feeling apnapan (feeling of my very own) or not, He is

already our very own; However when we accept that He is our very own, then this

will lead to feeling of love for God, (just as everything else in the mundane

world that is ours, we love and we are willing to do everything for it). This

feeling of my very own, and that nothing else is my very own (even the body is

not mine), leads to exclusive love for Him, which will lead to God realization.


Ram ram

--- pawan singhal <pawankumarsinghal wrote:


> ram ram

> let me know how I can get god realization through a

> feeling of " my very own " (apanapen)in God


> Where in Gita is this discussed ?

> What specifically does Lord Krishna state in the

> Gita about apanapen (feeling of mine-ness)


> In Hindi -

> apnapen kese ho - parmatama me

> p.k.singhal



> Gita Talk Guidelines




> The following are the guidelines for Gita-Talk

> discussions.


> 1. Purpose of the group is to help Sadhaks clarify

> their doubts related to Gita shlokas. For responses

> to be posted, they must further clarify the

> understanding of Gitaji.

> 2. Wherever possible, please quote Gitaji or other

> scriptures to substantiate the response

> 3. Please limit personal feelings, opinions, beliefs

> etc.

> 4. Kindly make your responses concise and to the

> point. (Up to twenty line maximum, if possible).

> 5. Please limit discussions to subject at hand.

> 6. Please do not include links to other sites or

> other organizations

> 7. Please do not include your personal information

> such as phone number, address etc.

> 8. Kindly do not address the response to a

> particular individual, since the message is going to

> the entire group.

> 9. Due to a large readership, not all responses will

> be posted.

> 10. Moderator at his discretion, may modify the

> posting, if content is unclear or not appropriate

> for distribution to the group.

> 11. Please respond taking into consideration

> novices, youth, westerners, non-secterian audience.

> Please limit the use on only sanskrit words, and

> provide the english word with sanskrit bracketed

> wherever possible.



> Ram Ram







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There appears to be dichotomy. While no denial that God is my own, every creation of His my own and worth caring and loving.You seem to criticize yourself. This wonderful working body through (tool) which the soul exerts its existence, is His creation. So we need to care and love this body but not be narcisistic about it. I am at a loss to hear people preaching that body is Prakriti and as we should care for the soul. Yet I see people spend enormous amount of love and devotion to dieties that are even more mundane, just because someone suggested those to be the 'representation' of God yet without the Soul. Why not pray to that Almighty who is Ajar, Amar, SarvVyapak, SarvShaktimaan, Indestructible and with many more beautiful exemplary characteristics than to spend time in front of some dieties. People donate crores of rupees to these mandirs that seldom get used for the benefits of those poor children and starving humans. May be someone has the wisdom

to clear my doubts!!! Yash



"Ayam Bhramasmi", "Ayam Yeva Bhramam", "Sarvam Bhramamayam", "Thatvamasi", all these mean that you are the Brahman. Then why exists so many bad Gunas. Poorava Karma as clouds covers that SELF in any living thing. Nala and Manigupa were 2 Gandharvas cursed and became 2 trees in Lord Krishna` s garden. When lord was tied by rope to grinder by yasoda and lord went in between the 2 trees and gave Moksha to the Gandervas. Many know this story. So poorava Karma made them trees. When a person leads a life of virtue by removing Raga and Devsha, the maya disappears and the Brahman realised. Then only the real feeling of my very own comes in automatically. Other wise birth after birth as said in Bajagovindam



Dear All,


As all is Brahman, everything is Divine, also the Body.

To feel very own is from a mental standpoint coming from the ego.

This is for me always a point of doubt, as I would go more in the direction of feeling all as one, and all as divine and not think about my own or mine-ness.

This is part of yoga discipline as from Sivananda or Sri Aurobindo.

I realise that these are disciplines which exclude the matter, but where is the boundry.


Hari Om,





pawan singhal <pawankumarsinghal wrote: ram ramIn chapter 15 of Gita, God says you are my ansh (Part), therefore you are my very own. Whether we feeling apnapan (feeling of my very own) or not, He is already our very own; However when we accept that He is our very own, then this will lead to feeling of love for God, (just as everything else in the mundane world that is ours, we love and we are willing to do everything for it). This feeling of my very own, and that nothing else is my very own

(even the body is not mine), leads to exclusive love for Him, which will lead to God realization.PawanRam ram--- pawan singhal <pawankumarsinghal > wrote:> ram ram> let me know how I can get god realization through a> feeling of "my very own " (apanapen)in God> > Where in Gita is this discussed ? > What specifically does Lord Krishna state in the> Gita about apanapen (feeling of mine-ness)> > In Hindi - > apnapen kese ho - parmatama me> p.k.singhal> > > Gita Talk Guidelines> > FROM THE MODERATOR> > The following are the guidelines for Gita-Talk> discussions.> > 1. Purpose of the group is to help Sadhaks clarify> their doubts related to Gita shlokas. For responses> to be posted, they must further clarify the> understanding

of Gitaji.> 2. Wherever possible, please quote Gitaji or other> scriptures to substantiate the response> 3. Please limit personal feelings, opinions, beliefs> etc.> 4. Kindly make your responses concise and to the> point. (Up to twenty line maximum, if possible).> 5. Please limit discussions to subject at hand.> 6. Please do not include links to other sites or> other organizations> 7. Please do not include your personal information> such as phone number, address etc.> 8. Kindly do not address the response to a> particular individual, since the message is going to> the entire group.> 9. Due to a large readership, not all responses will> be posted.> 10. Moderator at his discretion, may modify the> posting, if content is unclear or not appropriate> for distribution to the group.> 11. Please respond taking into consideration>

novices, youth, westerners, non-secterian audience. > Please limit the use on only sanskrit words, and> provide the english word with sanskrit bracketed> wherever possible. > > MODERATOR> Ram Ram > ________Never miss a thing. Make your home page. http://www./r/hs

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