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Gita's Effect on Chronic Ailments

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Dear all,

Having read through all the msgs here on this topic, I feel that there

is importance given to total belief or total disbelief.


My opinion is this:


Diseases are caused by Karma, I agree. Many diseases get cured by

nature, by mere resistance by the body, even without taking any

medicines. But still, one cannot just keep going without taking

medicines, thinking that nature itself will cure it. So, there is no

doubt that medicines should be taken. But even for medicines to act,.

divine grace is required. Divine grace can be obtained only by

prayer. Bhagavadgita-- I read it every day-- is not a book of

prayer. It gives us certain precepts, which we have to follow, which

will temper our mind to adjust to situations and find consolation

within ourselves. It is more important to put into practice, whatever

we learn by reading Bhagavadgita.


Take medicines and simultaneously pray to the Lord ardently, to effect

a rapid cure. The disease will be cured quickly with the grace of the




K.V. Gopalakrishna.



Arvind Tapkire wrote:


|| Sree ||


Namaskar Ashok-ji,


Thanks a lot. You have given me food for thought. It is

something quite different from my beliefs. I shall try to watch myself

minutely and understand your points for my own enlightenment. I think

other seekers should also try to examine Shri Ashok Jain's

viewpoints from their own experience.



a.d. tapkire



A K Jain <akjain



Dear Arvind


1)Ailments will be cured by

chanting due to belief that chanting will cure sickness,Placebo

effect.One will have to have faith that by chanting sickness will be


2)I do not agree that ancestors

soul requires us to do something for them.The relationship is broken

immidiately on death since new birth is taken.Time is human concept

whereas death and rebirth occur


3)Having practiced Astrology for

some years ,my view is destiny is not in concrete and it can be


4)The Karmik debts can be repaid

by suffering but it can also be dissolved by understanding the reason

for such debt and changing the mindset to abstain from doing the same


5)Having practiced Reiki

(Teacher),Pranic healing for many years, the reason for sickness

appears to be not practicing Dharma in real life but having only

conceptual knowledge.

You need not agree or disagree

with my views but examine from your experience.




Ashok Jain



Original Message -----


Arvind Tapkire





Tuesday, December 11, 2007 9:50 PM


Eczema - Gita's Effect on Chronic Ailments



|| Sree ||


Namaskar Shri Ashok Jain,


Thanks for your valuable information. After reading the

article in the link and other related matters on that website, what I

understand is that the ailments are cured by chanting of the Name of

the Lord even if you have no faith in the Lord or even if you don't

change your mindset. Because if you have read the article in the link,

you will find that the foreigner was cured of eczema within 2 weeks

though he did not believe in Lord Datta.


Lord Datta is the principle in the universe whose main

function is to give fillip to the unsatisfied souls wandering in the

nether region (Bhuvaloka) in their journey to the next region, be it

Heaven or Hell or yet another region wherever they are destined to go.

.. The nether region is the region of the unsatisfied souls of our

ancestors who have become negative energies (i.e. ghosts, demons, etc.)

They keep disturbing their descendants because the descendants are not

doing anything for them to give them boost in their journey to the next

region. The foreigner in question was being distressed by his ancestors

and when he chanted Lord Datta's name his distress reduced. The

foreigner when told about the bove theory after he was cured, be

started believing in the ancestors' souls etc.


It is also hundred percent true that ailments are the

results of our Karmic debts. For example, if I am destined to have an

ailment due to my karma, I shall certainly have one. But if I do

spiritual practice of chanting the name of the Lord with faith and

spiritual emotion (Bhaav), then the severity of the ailment will be

much less. (The spiritual practice can be anything besides chanting of

the Name, say it can be Dhyanayoga, Dnyanayoga, Karmayoga, Karmakanda,

Hatayoga or anything for that matter.) It can be even negligible if

one's spiritual level is 70% or more. Had this not been so, the

foreigner's eczema would not have disappeared once and for all. The

point to remember is that surprisingly, when he had stopped chanting

due to dis-belief, his eczema reappeared and when continued chanting,

it disappeared completely. What exaplanation can be given for this

phenomenon? In other words, there is some spiritual power in the name

that one chants, be it with change of mindset or without. I would

humbly request you to go to the link I forwarded to you and read the

full interview of the foreigner and allied matters.


I shall write about how I was cured of my own ailment some

time later.


Thanks for your guidance in the matter. Do write. Our

discussion is fruitful to each other. With a view that other seekers

should also benefit from this discussion, I am cc.ing this to them



With high regards,



a.d. tapkire



A K Jain <akjain



The disease are caused not due

to unsatisfied ancestors.As soon as one dies he takes a new birth.First

the next destnation is decided and than only present body is left.

Whatever we have done in past

lives and in the presen life gets stored in DNA strands of every cell

of the body as a seed which in the next life grows into a big tree.

The disease are caused by

Karmic effects of past as well as present life.It is cured by altering

the mind set and consequently the behaviour pattern.


If chanting of God,s name,or

doing any other religious practices does not result in change of

mindset and behaviour ,the disease will not be cured.One of the reason

why so called called religious people suffer from diseases is their

ego of being religious.


Even God does not interfere in

settlement of Karmic debts.Suffering by disease is repayment of Karmic

debt but if the lesson is not the disease will reappear .




A K Jain



Original Message -----


Arvind Tapkire






Sunday, December 09, 2007 11:55 PM


Fwd: Re: Gita's Effect on Chronic Ailments



|| Sree ||


Namaskar Seekers,


While Shri Ashok Jain has said that the cronic ailments

can be cured by reciting specific shlokas from the Gita, I have also

come across an article in a website comes out with a startling

revelation that a person was cured of eczema merely by chanting of the

Name of Shri Dattatreya. A few foreign spiritual masters had conducted

a case study in this regard and its result showed that the eczema was

cured in a very short time. Astounding as it is, I thought it may be

beneficial to you all. Hence sending the following link -




Besides the actual cure, what is astonishing is

the theory that most of our ailments are due to our unsatisfied



Do let me have your comments and opinions.



a.d. tapkire


A K Jain <akjain




"A K Jain" <akjain

Tue, 30 Oct 2007 11:12:59 +0530

Re: Gita's Effect on Chronic Ailments




No doubt about that.All

chronic ailments can be healed by understanding ,feeling and then

reciting selected Slokas of


All Dis-eases originate at

emotional level ,penetrate to mental level and then manifests at

physical level.



Ashok Jain



Original Message -----


Arvind Tapkire





Monday, October 29, 2007 8:37 PM


Gita's Effect on Chronic Ailments





|| Sree ||


Namaskar seekers,


I have a practical question that is nagging me for

years - Can reciting some slokas Bhagwad Gita daily with utmost

earnestness (Bhaav) towards Lord Krushna would reduce or remove man's

chronic diseases like say, TB, Cancer, BP etc? Please guide me.



a.d. tapkire


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Ram Ram

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