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Discussion on Dhyan, Gyan and Truth

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Dear Fellow Travellers

In the Bhagwat Gita, the words of Sri Krishna include Dhyan

(Meditation), Gyan (knowledge) and Satya (Truth). Can we discuss

precise dfferences in these and what it meant by Sri Krishna?

Krishna used terms and never errs. By knowing terms, Bhagwat Gita

becomes practical and eternal (nitya).


Gandhi took a clue from it and chose his life as experiments with

truth. He himself a barrister from Cambridge had finally renounced

the livelihood from profession of law and became a weaver like

Kabir. What is his realization of the word Truth? How is knowledge

different from Truth?


Krishna Gopal (KG) Misra




The following are the guidelines for Gita-Talk discussions.



1. Purpose of the group is to help Sadhakas clarify their doubts

related to Gitaji shalokas. Therefore, responses which further

clarify the understanding of Gitaji, will only be posted.

2. Wherever possible, please quote Gitaji or other scriptures to

substantiate your response.

3. Kindly limit personal feelings, opinions, beliefs etc. to the

extent that they further help in understanding the Gita shlokas

4. Please be as concise and to the point as possible, respecting

sadhaka's time.

5. Kindly focus your writing to the subject at hand only.

6. Please do not include links to the other sites or other


7. Kindly do not include your personal information such as phone

number, address etc.

8. Please do not address the response to a particular individual

since the message is going to the entire group.

9. Due to the large readership, all responses may not be posted.

10. Moderator at his discretion, may modify the posting, if content

is unclear or not appropriate for distribution to the group.

11. Please respond taking into consideration the novices, youth,

westerners, non-sectarian audience. Kindly limit the use to Sanskrit

words only, rather provide the English word with Sanskrit bracketed

wherever possible.



Ram Ram

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Dear Sadhakas, Namaste!

I appreciate the opportunity to explore together the Truth as we

understand it and as expounded in BG initiated by KG Misraji.


Gandhiji saw Truth of Gita to be same as Ishwara. Ishwara, to me,

conveys the experience of Absolute Existence-Being. He/She is the

substratum of all allegedly diverse appearances(relative existences

of objects) we experience by being Aware of them.

Consciousness(Awareness) manifests what we call Jagat which in truth

is Beingness or God, Brahman, Sat-Chit-Ananda experience.

When Awareness is identified outwardly we see Jagat-World full of

objects including body we call mine! It is perception. When

Awareness liberates from ignorance of identification and becomes

aware of Itself by turning within, it sees Itself everywhere!It

is apperception!

This is Absolute knowledge(Gyan) Krishna is talking about),

according to my understanding. To get there Krishna suggest

meditation as one way which is contemplation on Truth behind our

experiences! Much emphasis should be put on observing our

experiences as we relate to the world and ourselves.

If one gets interested in Truth, one will be totally devoted to It

like Gandhi did. Truth(or Supreme Consciousness Raamsukhdasji calls)

is Krishna which historical Krishna realized as Him. SO whenever I

read Krishna in Gita, it means Consciousness Supreme speaking to

enlighten us Arjunas!

Finally Knowledge as we generally use the term is a specific

discipline, Chemistry, Physics, Math etc etc. However, our inner

experience of knowledge is knowingness, so to speak, in which

specific knowledge arises. In other words, Knowingness makes it

possible all knowledge as disciplines. This Knowingness is our

nature, Chit, behind everything we know or we don't know! To say I

don't know physics, is this Knowingness or Consciousness that

knows " I don't know " !

Sat-Chit is our undenyable The Experince, unlike any other of our


Namaskars... Pratap

(Pratap Bhatt)


Gandhiji did NOT get a degree Bar-at-Law from Cambridge.




, " sadhak_insight "

<sadhak_insight wrote:


> Dear Fellow Travellers

> In the Bhagwat Gita, the words of Sri Krishna include Dhyan

> (Meditation), Gyan (knowledge) and Satya (Truth). Can we discuss

> precise dfferences in these and what it meant by Sri Krishna?

> Krishna used terms and never errs. By knowing terms, Bhagwat Gita

> becomes practical and eternal (nitya).


> Gandhiji took a clue from it and chose his life as experiments


> truth. He himself a barrister from Cambridge had finally renounced

> the livelihood from profession of law and became a weaver like

> Kabir. What is his realization of the word Truth? How is knowledge

> different from Truth?


> Krishna Gopal (KG) Misra

> ----------------------------



> The following are the guidelines for Gita-Talk discussions.



> 1. Purpose of the group is to help Sadhakas clarify their doubts

> related to Gitaji shalokas. Therefore, responses which further

> clarify the understanding of Gitaji, will only be posted.

> 2. Wherever possible, please quote Gitaji or other scriptures to

> substantiate your response.

> 3. Kindly limit personal feelings, opinions, beliefs etc. to the

> extent that they further help in understanding the Gita shlokas

> 4. Please be as concise and to the point as possible, respecting

> sadhaka's time.

> 5. Kindly focus your writing to the subject at hand only.

> 6. Please do not include links to the other sites or other

> organizations.

> 7. Kindly do not include your personal information such as phone

> number, address etc.

> 8. Please do not address the response to a particular individual

> since the message is going to the entire group.

> 9. Due to the large readership, all responses may not be posted.

> 10. Moderator at his discretion, may modify the posting, if


> is unclear or not appropriate for distribution to the group.

> 11. Please respond taking into consideration the novices, youth,

> westerners, non-sectarian audience. Kindly limit the use to


> words only, rather provide the English word with Sanskrit


> wherever possible.



> Ram Ram


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Dear Sadhakas, Namaste!

I appreciate the opportunity to explore together the Truth as we

understand it and as expounded in BG initiated by KG Misraji.

Gandhi saw Truth of Gita to be same as Ishwara. Ishwara, to me,

conveys the experience of Absolute Existence-Being. He/She is the

substratum of all allegedly diverse appearances(relative existences of

objects) we experience by being Aware of them.

Consciousness(Awareness) manifests what we call Jagat which in truth

is Beingness or God, Brahman, Sat-Chit-Ananda experience.

When Awareness is identified outwardly we see Jagat-World full of

objects including body we call mine! It is perception. When Awareness

liberates from ignorance of identification and becomes aware of

Itself by turning within, it sees Itself everywhere! It

is apperception!

This is Absolute knowledge(Gyan) Krishna is talking about), according

to my understanding. To get there Krishna suggest meditation as one

way which is contemplation on Truth behind our experiences! Much

emphasis should be put on observing our experiences as we relate to

the world and ourselves.

If one gets interested in Truth, one will be totally devoted to It

like Gandhi did. Truth(or Supreme Consciousness Raamsukhdasji calls)

is Krishna which historical Krishna realized as Him. SO whenever I

read Krishna in Gita, it means Consciousness Supreme speaking to

enlighten us Arjunas! Finally Knowledge as we generally use the term

is a specific discipline, Chemistry, Physics, Math etc etc.

However, our inner experience of knowledge is knowingness, so to

speak, in which specific knowledge arises. In other words,

Knowingness makes it possible all knowledge as disciplines. This

Knowingness is our nature, Chit, behind everything we know or we don't

know! To say I don't know physics, is this Knowingness or

Consciousness that knows " I don't know " ! Sat-Chit is our undenyable

The Experince, unlike any other of our experiences!

Namaskars... Pratap

(Pratap Bhatt)



Dear Friend:




The more we try to define certain words, more discrete we become in

our existence (Sat) and our appreciation (Bhava). In fact, the need

for definition is the root cause for the lack of Sat and Bhava in our

presence. Yet, to mitigate the ignorance that is smeared in our very

person we need to understand these words to help ourselves dig out our

ignorance for its eventual mitigation. Therefore, let me dare defining

these words for you. Again we should caution ourselves not get carried

away with such definitions seriously to be The Truth. Yet they are

good tools to unearth the roots of all our miseries in terms of our

inertia and ignorance for our truthful observations. Therefore, to

help ourselves in this process, let us dare defining these words. Let

us keep all such definitions as tentative just to get rid of ignorance

and inertia beneath them rather than taking them for The Truth.


Dhyana (The Contemplation): Acceptance of nothing but The Truth in

everything. This involves three components " Tapa, Dama and Karma "

proactive focus, restraint and effort.


Gnyana (The Knowledge): Awareness of The Truth in everything. This

involves infinite components " Vedas " all the sources of knowledge

that dig out the ignorance smeared in our existence.


Satya (The Truth): The Invariant amongst the ever-variant perceptions

inherent in everything within which everything is established.


All variances vanish altogether within The Truth. Therefore, True

Dhyana or True Gnyana or True Anything can be nothing but The Truth as

such. Therefore, the litmus test for our practice of Dhyana and Gnyana

is the variance †" if we observe variance, there is no Dhyana and

Gnyana. The practice should continue till The Invariant is established

in our presence.


Kenopanishad teaches us " if you aspire to attain The Truth, keep it

on the pedestal at first and always. Empower your awareness to retain

yourself that way. Exercise all the resources you have to maintain

yourself that way " That is Karma Yoga. That is Gnyana Yoga. That is

Bhakti Yoga. That is Dhyana Yoga. That is Raja Yoga. That is all yogas

that you could ever perceive in all sanity and sincerity. If our

definitions are right they should automatically terminate themselves

at the pedestal THE TRUTH. If not, they become the biggest hurdle

for our very spiritual progress.


Experiments with The Truth:


An experiment with The Truth is a misnomer, a myth, a lie †" an

impossibility (Asadhya) and hence can never be a way (Sadhana) to

attain The Truth. Perpetual experimentation with the lies is

perceivably possible (Sadhya) and the only way (Sadhana) to attain The

Truth. A Sadhaka should focus on the Sadhya; not on Asadhya.


Experiment to trigger certain process for vigilant observation. The

Truth can neither be a process nor be subjugated to any kind of

observation. Even the scientists accept the experimentation on two

principles falsifiability and testifiability. The Truth is neither

testifiable as only something that could be grasped within our

perception could be subjected to any tests. Nor is THAT falsifiable

since The Truth cannot be subjected to validation within the domain of

falsehood! No observations could be made that cannot be held within

our perceptions. Then how can anybody attempt make experiments with

The Truth?! Therefore, experimentation with The Truth is definitely is

self contradictory bunch of lies.


Kathopanishad says, THAT can never be located, identified, addressed,

observed, understood, etc. by any amount of analysis, information,

experimentation, practice, etc. The very experimentation is an effort

to objectify something for a better appreciation within our

perception. Anything that is beyond perception can never be

experimented. On the other hand, all the perceptions remain nothing

but lies in the spiritual context as mentioned above in terms of

Dhyana, Gnyana and Satya. As all the perceptions can never reveal The

Complete in anything, as all the perceptions can never reveal the

continuity across their own discrete fragments, as all the perceptions

can never bridge themselves to remain consistent at any time, they all

remain as lies from the sadhana point of view. Then how can one make a

mistake of thinking of experimenting with The Truth, The Unlimited,

with aid of lies in terms the limited thoughts and actions through a

limited body-sense-mind cluster?


On the other hand, experimentation with lies is the only sadhana I can

think of to mitigate the same from our existence. In fact, that is

what I understand from all our scriptures †" perpetual awareness of

ignorance and inertia in our transactions.


Realization of the lies in our behavior (Abhava) and of the lies in

our very existence (Asat) is The Dhyana. Mitigating the lies in our

behavior and existence to purify each from their corruptions due to

our perceptions and bridging all the gaps between the two apparently

disconnected aspects in all respects is The Dharana. The resulting

awareness of the unity in the conjugation of the apparently distinct

existence and behavior (Satbhava) is the Gnyana. Being diffused in the

Satbhava having no room for lies is The Samadhi. The experiments with

our lies should eventually result in The Truth when all the lies are

purged. Kathopanishat says " that is the ultimate state " ... the state

wherein all our organs, senses, mind and even the intellect take

recluse having no ayota of their regular persistence, restlessness and





Naga Narayana.



Kris Nah is eternal happiness.

People who abandon wealth, pleasures etc are Buddha, Adi Sankara,

Pattinathar, Arunagiri, Thirumagai Alwar, Ramadoss, Tukaram, so many

kings and very rich people. They knew that this prakuthi (nature)

around is MAYA and there is something beyond everything, which is

Truth (SAT). Sat is all pravading, that which was, that which is, and

that which will be eternally. To realise that truth one has to

sacrifice heavily. Just to obtain a master degree one sacrifices 5

years of his life span. That degree gives him material world not







, " sadhak_insight "

<sadhak_insight wrote:


> -------------------------------

> Dear Sadhakas, Namaste!

> I appreciate the opportunity to explore together the Truth as we

> understand it and as expounded in BG initiated by KG Misraji.


> Gandhiji saw Truth of Gita to be same as Ishwara. Ishwara, to me,

> conveys the experience of Absolute Existence-Being. He/She is the

> substratum of all allegedly diverse appearances(relative existences

> of objects) we experience by being Aware of them.

> Consciousness(Awareness) manifests what we call Jagat which in


> is Beingness or God, Brahman, Sat-Chit-Ananda experience.

> When Awareness is identified outwardly we see Jagat-World full of

> objects including body we call mine! It is perception. When

> Awareness liberates from ignorance of identification and becomes

> aware of Itself by turning within, it sees Itself everywhere!It

> is apperception!

> This is Absolute knowledge(Gyan) Krishna is talking about),

> according to my understanding. To get there Krishna suggest

> meditation as one way which is contemplation on Truth behind our

> experiences! Much emphasis should be put on observing our

> experiences as we relate to the world and ourselves.

> If one gets interested in Truth, one will be totally devoted to It

> like Gandhi did. Truth(or Supreme Consciousness Raamsukhdasji


> is Krishna which historical Krishna realized as Him. SO whenever I

> read Krishna in Gita, it means Consciousness Supreme speaking to

> enlighten us Arjunas!

> Finally Knowledge as we generally use the term is a specific

> discipline, Chemistry, Physics, Math etc etc. However, our inner

> experience of knowledge is knowingness, so to speak, in which

> specific knowledge arises. In other words, Knowingness makes it

> possible all knowledge as disciplines. This Knowingness is our

> nature, Chit, behind everything we know or we don't know! To say I

> don't know physics, is this Knowingness or Consciousness that

> knows " I don't know " !

> Sat-Chit is our undenyable The Experince, unlike any other of our

> experiences!

> Namaskars... Pratap

> (Pratap Bhatt)

> --------------------------------

> Gandhiji did NOT get a degree Bar-at-Law from Cambridge.

> Namaste.

> bp

> -------------------------------

> , " sadhak_insight "

> <sadhak_insight@> wrote:

> >

> > Dear Fellow Travellers

> > In the Bhagwat Gita, the words of Sri Krishna include Dhyan

> > (Meditation), Gyan (knowledge) and Satya (Truth). Can we discuss

> > precise dfferences in these and what it meant by Sri Krishna?

> > Krishna used terms and never errs. By knowing terms, Bhagwat Gita

> > becomes practical and eternal (nitya).

> >

> > Gandhiji took a clue from it and chose his life as experiments

> with

> > truth. He himself a barrister from Cambridge had finally


> > the livelihood from profession of law and became a weaver like

> > Kabir. What is his realization of the word Truth? How is


> > different from Truth?

> >

> > Krishna Gopal (KG) Misra

> > ----------------------------


> >

> > The following are the guidelines for Gita-Talk discussions.

> >


> > 1. Purpose of the group is to help Sadhakas clarify their doubts

> > related to Gitaji shalokas. Therefore, responses which further

> > clarify the understanding of Gitaji, will only be posted.

> > 2. Wherever possible, please quote Gitaji or other scriptures to

> > substantiate your response.

> > 3. Kindly limit personal feelings, opinions, beliefs etc. to the

> > extent that they further help in understanding the Gita shlokas

> > 4. Please be as concise and to the point as possible, respecting

> > sadhaka's time.

> > 5. Kindly focus your writing to the subject at hand only.

> > 6. Please do not include links to the other sites or other

> > organizations.

> > 7. Kindly do not include your personal information such as phone

> > number, address etc.

> > 8. Please do not address the response to a particular individual

> > since the message is going to the entire group.

> > 9. Due to the large readership, all responses may not be posted.

> > 10. Moderator at his discretion, may modify the posting, if

> content

> > is unclear or not appropriate for distribution to the group.

> > 11. Please respond taking into consideration the novices, youth,

> > westerners, non-sectarian audience. Kindly limit the use to

> Sanskrit

> > words only, rather provide the English word with Sanskrit

> bracketed

> > wherever possible.

> >


> > Ram Ram

> >


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Dear Sadhakas, HariOm !


We are expressing our views on what I understood and has come to

know " TRUTH as in its entirety can only truly be when one becomes

that .... " a river on meeting the ocean , is the OCEAN.... "


In its entirety OUR OWNSELF IS TRUTH !!


with LOVE

KC (Kishin Chandiramani)



Nagaji has a point of view on definition of words, and absolute

difficulty in comprehension of these abstract words. He has

beautifully explained this proposition as digging ones' ignorance by

contemplation of self and finding new definition with every depth of



In world of physical nature, truth is hidden although it filled

entire universe including seer (observer) and to be seen (observed).

Enduring practice of mind takes one to recognition of 'updrashta'

where one sees itself and every action of it. (I am witness of

myself). The observation without attachment to self is a purifying

force, and reveals truth. Truth is rational (understanding) but not

empirical (evidence). At this point, there is neither you nor me, and

not even a particular point of view and everything is correct and

mechanical in processes of universe with its laws. Truth is this

awareness of defects of observation and error of having a point of

view. In absense of ego, no reaction or violence is possible and

therefore Gandhi says truth as non violence. Truth is self proved by

bliss and fulfilment.


Gyan or knowledge is awareness of swabhaav and doing things that fits

the swabhaav. Bhaav is boundary wall between two swabhaav and higher

is this boundary, more is restriction of swabhaav. Knowedge is a

decision for defenses of swabhaav. In Bhagwat Giita, it emphasised on

the desirability of Gyan for deciding ones' karma. And that gyan is

not physical but the self nature. By wrong knowledge, one is unable

to act in self nature and will loose the war.

Dhyan is contemplation or taming of mind and is step to begin.



K G Misra







, " sadhak_insight "

<sadhak_insight wrote:


> Dear Sadhakas, Namaste!

> I appreciate the opportunity to explore together the Truth as we

> understand it and as expounded in BG initiated by KG Misraji.

> Gandhi saw Truth of Gita to be same as Ishwara. Ishwara, to me,

> conveys the experience of Absolute Existence-Being. He/She is the

> substratum of all allegedly diverse appearances(relative existences


> objects) we experience by being Aware of them.

> Consciousness(Awareness) manifests what we call Jagat which in


> is Beingness or God, Brahman, Sat-Chit-Ananda experience.

> When Awareness is identified outwardly we see Jagat-World full of

> objects including body we call mine! It is perception. When


> liberates from ignorance of identification and becomes aware of

> Itself by turning within, it sees Itself everywhere! It

> is apperception!

> This is Absolute knowledge(Gyan) Krishna is talking about),


> to my understanding. To get there Krishna suggest meditation as one

> way which is contemplation on Truth behind our experiences! Much

> emphasis should be put on observing our experiences as we relate to

> the world and ourselves.

> If one gets interested in Truth, one will be totally devoted to It

> like Gandhi did. Truth(or Supreme Consciousness Raamsukhdasji


> is Krishna which historical Krishna realized as Him. SO whenever I

> read Krishna in Gita, it means Consciousness Supreme speaking to

> enlighten us Arjunas! Finally Knowledge as we generally use the


> is a specific discipline, Chemistry, Physics, Math etc etc.

> However, our inner experience of knowledge is knowingness, so to

> speak, in which specific knowledge arises. In other words,

> Knowingness makes it possible all knowledge as disciplines. This

> Knowingness is our nature, Chit, behind everything we know or we


> know! To say I don't know physics, is this Knowingness or

> Consciousness that knows " I don't know " ! Sat-Chit is our undenyable

> The Experince, unlike any other of our experiences!

> Namaskars... Pratap

> (Pratap Bhatt)


> -

> Dear Friend:


> Dhyana/Gnyana/Satya:


> The more we try to define certain words, more discrete we become in

> our existence (Sat) and our appreciation (Bhava). In fact, the need

> for definition is the root cause for the lack of Sat and Bhava in


> presence. Yet, to mitigate the ignorance that is smeared in our very

> person we need to understand these words to help ourselves dig out


> ignorance for its eventual mitigation. Therefore, let me dare


> these words for you. Again we should caution ourselves not get


> away with such definitions seriously to be The Truth. Yet they are

> good tools to unearth the roots of all our miseries in terms of our

> inertia and ignorance for our truthful observations. Therefore, to

> help ourselves in this process, let us dare defining these words.


> us keep all such definitions as tentative just to get rid of


> and inertia beneath them rather than taking them for The Truth.


> Dhyana (The Contemplation): Acceptance of nothing but The Truth in

> everything. This involves three components " Tapa, Dama and Karma "

> proactive focus, restraint and effort.


> Gnyana (The Knowledge): Awareness of The Truth in everything. This

> involves infinite components " Vedas " all the sources of knowledge

> that dig out the ignorance smeared in our existence.


> Satya (The Truth): The Invariant amongst the ever-variant


> inherent in everything within which everything is established.


> All variances vanish altogether within The Truth. Therefore, True

> Dhyana or True Gnyana or True Anything can be nothing but The Truth


> such. Therefore, the litmus test for our practice of Dhyana and


> is the variance †" if we observe variance, there is no Dhyana and

> Gnyana. The practice should continue till The Invariant is


> in our presence.


> Kenopanishad teaches us " if you aspire to attain The Truth, keep it

> on the pedestal at first and always. Empower your awareness to


> yourself that way. Exercise all the resources you have to maintain

> yourself that way " That is Karma Yoga. That is Gnyana Yoga. That is

> Bhakti Yoga. That is Dhyana Yoga. That is Raja Yoga. That is all


> that you could ever perceive in all sanity and sincerity. If our

> definitions are right they should automatically terminate themselves

> at the pedestal THE TRUTH. If not, they become the biggest hurdle

> for our very spiritual progress.


> Experiments with The Truth:


> An experiment with The Truth is a misnomer, a myth, a lie †" an

> impossibility (Asadhya) and hence can never be a way (Sadhana) to

> attain The Truth. Perpetual experimentation with the lies is

> perceivably possible (Sadhya) and the only way (Sadhana) to attain


> Truth. A Sadhaka should focus on the Sadhya; not on Asadhya.


> Experiment to trigger certain process for vigilant observation. The

> Truth can neither be a process nor be subjugated to any kind of

> observation. Even the scientists accept the experimentation on two

> principles falsifiability and testifiability. The Truth is neither

> testifiable as only something that could be grasped within our

> perception could be subjected to any tests. Nor is THAT falsifiable

> since The Truth cannot be subjected to validation within the domain


> falsehood! No observations could be made that cannot be held within

> our perceptions. Then how can anybody attempt make experiments with

> The Truth?! Therefore, experimentation with The Truth is definitely


> self contradictory bunch of lies.


> Kathopanishad says, THAT can never be located, identified,


> observed, understood, etc. by any amount of analysis, information,

> experimentation, practice, etc. The very experimentation is an


> to objectify something for a better appreciation within our

> perception. Anything that is beyond perception can never be

> experimented. On the other hand, all the perceptions remain nothing

> but lies in the spiritual context as mentioned above in terms of

> Dhyana, Gnyana and Satya. As all the perceptions can never reveal


> Complete in anything, as all the perceptions can never reveal the

> continuity across their own discrete fragments, as all the


> can never bridge themselves to remain consistent at any time, they


> remain as lies from the sadhana point of view. Then how can one

make a

> mistake of thinking of experimenting with The Truth, The Unlimited,

> with aid of lies in terms the limited thoughts and actions through a

> limited body-sense-mind cluster?


> On the other hand, experimentation with lies is the only sadhana I


> think of to mitigate the same from our existence. In fact, that is

> what I understand from all our scriptures †" perpetual awareness of

> ignorance and inertia in our transactions.


> Realization of the lies in our behavior (Abhava) and of the lies in

> our very existence (Asat) is The Dhyana. Mitigating the lies in our

> behavior and existence to purify each from their corruptions due to

> our perceptions and bridging all the gaps between the two apparently

> disconnected aspects in all respects is The Dharana. The resulting

> awareness of the unity in the conjugation of the apparently distinct

> existence and behavior (Satbhava) is the Gnyana. Being diffused in


> Satbhava having no room for lies is The Samadhi. The experiments


> our lies should eventually result in The Truth when all the lies are

> purged. Kathopanishat says " that is the ultimate state " ... the


> wherein all our organs, senses, mind and even the intellect take

> recluse having no ayota of their regular persistence, restlessness


> opaqueness.


> Respects.


> Naga Narayana.

> --


> Kris Nah is eternal happiness.

> People who abandon wealth, pleasures etc are Buddha, Adi Sankara,

> Pattinathar, Arunagiri, Thirumagai Alwar, Ramadoss, Tukaram, so


> kings and very rich people. They knew that this prakuthi (nature)

> around is MAYA and there is something beyond everything, which is

> Truth (SAT). Sat is all pravading, that which was, that which is,


> that which will be eternally. To realise that truth one has to

> sacrifice heavily. Just to obtain a master degree one sacrifices 5

> years of his life span. That degree gives him material world not

> Divinity.

> B.Sathyanarayan




> --


> , " sadhak_insight "

> <sadhak_insight@> wrote:

> >

> > -------------------------------

> > Dear Sadhakas, Namaste!

> > I appreciate the opportunity to explore together the Truth as we

> > understand it and as expounded in BG initiated by KG Misraji.

> >

> > Gandhiji saw Truth of Gita to be same as Ishwara. Ishwara, to me,

> > conveys the experience of Absolute Existence-Being. He/She is the

> > substratum of all allegedly diverse appearances(relative


> > of objects) we experience by being Aware of them.

> > Consciousness(Awareness) manifests what we call Jagat which in

> truth

> > is Beingness or God, Brahman, Sat-Chit-Ananda experience.

> > When Awareness is identified outwardly we see Jagat-World full of

> > objects including body we call mine! It is perception. When

> > Awareness liberates from ignorance of identification and becomes

> > aware of Itself by turning within, it sees Itself everywhere!It

> > is apperception!

> > This is Absolute knowledge(Gyan) Krishna is talking about),

> > according to my understanding. To get there Krishna suggest

> > meditation as one way which is contemplation on Truth behind our

> > experiences! Much emphasis should be put on observing our

> > experiences as we relate to the world and ourselves.

> > If one gets interested in Truth, one will be totally devoted to


> > like Gandhi did. Truth(or Supreme Consciousness Raamsukhdasji

> calls)

> > is Krishna which historical Krishna realized as Him. SO whenever


> > read Krishna in Gita, it means Consciousness Supreme speaking to

> > enlighten us Arjunas!

> > Finally Knowledge as we generally use the term is a specific

> > discipline, Chemistry, Physics, Math etc etc. However, our inner

> > experience of knowledge is knowingness, so to speak, in which

> > specific knowledge arises. In other words, Knowingness makes it

> > possible all knowledge as disciplines. This Knowingness is our

> > nature, Chit, behind everything we know or we don't know! To say


> > don't know physics, is this Knowingness or Consciousness that

> > knows " I don't know " !

> > Sat-Chit is our undenyable The Experince, unlike any other of our

> > experiences!

> > Namaskars... Pratap

> > (Pratap Bhatt)

> > --------------------------------

> > Gandhiji did NOT get a degree Bar-at-Law from Cambridge.

> > Namaste.

> > bp

> > -------------------------------

> > , " sadhak_insight "

> > <sadhak_insight@> wrote:

> > >

> > > Dear Fellow Travellers

> > > In the Bhagwat Gita, the words of Sri Krishna include Dhyan

> > > (Meditation), Gyan (knowledge) and Satya (Truth). Can we


> > > precise dfferences in these and what it meant by Sri Krishna?

> > > Krishna used terms and never errs. By knowing terms, Bhagwat


> > > becomes practical and eternal (nitya).

> > >

> > > Gandhiji took a clue from it and chose his life as experiments

> > with

> > > truth. He himself a barrister from Cambridge had finally

> renounced

> > > the livelihood from profession of law and became a weaver like

> > > Kabir. What is his realization of the word Truth? How is

> knowledge

> > > different from Truth?

> > >

> > > Krishna Gopal (KG) Misra

> > > ----------------------------


> > >

> > > The following are the guidelines for Gita-Talk discussions.

> > >


> > > 1. Purpose of the group is to help Sadhakas clarify their


> > > related to Gitaji shalokas. Therefore, responses which further

> > > clarify the understanding of Gitaji, will only be posted.

> > > 2. Wherever possible, please quote Gitaji or other scriptures


> > > substantiate your response.

> > > 3. Kindly limit personal feelings, opinions, beliefs etc. to


> > > extent that they further help in understanding the Gita shlokas

> > > 4. Please be as concise and to the point as possible,


> > > sadhaka's time.

> > > 5. Kindly focus your writing to the subject at hand only.

> > > 6. Please do not include links to the other sites or other

> > > organizations.

> > > 7. Kindly do not include your personal information such as


> > > number, address etc.

> > > 8. Please do not address the response to a particular


> > > since the message is going to the entire group.

> > > 9. Due to the large readership, all responses may not be posted.

> > > 10. Moderator at his discretion, may modify the posting, if

> > content

> > > is unclear or not appropriate for distribution to the group.

> > > 11. Please respond taking into consideration the novices,


> > > westerners, non-sectarian audience. Kindly limit the use to

> > Sanskrit

> > > words only, rather provide the English word with Sanskrit

> > bracketed

> > > wherever possible.

> > >


> > > Ram Ram

> > >

> >


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