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Why Cow is so sacred ?

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Shree Hari


Ram Ram


Priya sadhak, prasana ke liye dhanyavad!


Swamiji Maharaj has explained " Why cow is so sacred " very beatifully

in Sadhaka Sanjivani (Ref: Gita 18-44, page 1947 in English). Some of

the points from the commentary are:


1. In the materialistic world of today, a cow is very useful. Her

milk, ghee and cow-dung add to the wealth of a nation. India being

primarily an agricultural country, bullocks are used to plough the

land. The land can also be ploughed by male-buffaloes or camels.

Buffaloes cannot work so efficiently as bullocks because the bullocks

have more sattvic strength, they can work for a longer time in the

sun compared to buffaloes. Camels cost lot more than the bullocks.


2. The grains produced by cow-dung and urine of the cows as manure

are considered pure. Dung and urine of cows make the land more

fertile as compared to chemical fertilizers as has been learnt by

conducting experiments. Chemical fertilizers destroy the fertility of

land in a few years and make it barren. Cow-dung is being exported to

foreign countries so that the lost fertility of the land may be



3. Cows of India are gentle and sattvic in nature. Their sattvic milk

sharpens the intellect and makes the nature of the person mild.

Foreign cows give more milk but they are angry by nature, their milk

makes one cruel. A she-buffalo gives more milk than a cow but her

milk is of rajasic nature. Those who drink cow's milk are more active

than those who drink a she-buffalo's milk. Once an experiment was

conducted on military horses, it was found that horses fed on cow-

milk could cross a river while the horses fed on buffalo-milk could

not do though the later seemed stronger. The milk of she-camel being

of tamasic nature is not useful and it is not used to curd and butter.



4. Cow occupies an important place in performing all religious rites.

Her milk, ghee and dung are used in performing rites and ceremonies

at birth, tonsure and sacred thread. Cow-dung purifies the places too

where these rites are performed. Cow's milk is used in preparing

sweet dishes which are offered to Brahmans, in honor of manes. When a

cow is offered to a Brahman it is considered as a punya or high

merit. Also cow's ghee is used in religious sacrifices which are

performed to satisfy desires.


5. The cow is a sacred animal, even the air which touches her body

becomes pure. Her dung and urine, check epidemics such as plague and

cholera. Houses plastered with cow-dung are not so much affected by

bombs as the cemented houses. Cow-dung eliminates poison. In

Varanasi, there was a case of a saint saving a man who was supposed

to be dead by a snake-bite, just by smearing the body with cow-dung

two times. Urine of cow is very useful in heart diseases. A little

quantity of urine of a she-calf, as a dose everyday cures stomach

diseases. A saint suffering from asthma had a lot of relief by

drinking a little urine of the she-calf. These days several medicines

are prepared from cow-dung and urine of cows. Cooking gas is made

from cow-dung also.


6. Service to the cow without expectation of any reward leads to

purification of heart and enables eventually one to achieve

salvation. Lord Krishana is known as Gopala because He staged a human

play as a cowherd with bare feet. In ancient times in India sages

reared cows so that they could have nourishment from the cow's milk

& ghee to sharpen their intellect. Because of the sharp intellects,

they could create such great and rare classic literature. Cow's milk

and butter provided them with longevity, great emperors went to these

sages for expert advice on complex matters related to their kingdoms.


7. In Indian historical records, innumerable names are mentioned who

sacrifices their lives for the protection of cows. But today, it is

sad plight that thousands of cows are slaughtered daily, out of greed

only. If this state of affairs continues, cows will totally

disappear. Then of course cow-dung will not be available. Without cow-

dung land will go barren and there will not be production of corn,

wheat and cotton. People will be deprived of the bare necessities of

life, such as food & clothing and they will have a miserable life.

Slaughter of cows is the main cause of increasing number of natural

disasters such as famine, droughts, volcanoes etc.


Ram Ram


Humble regards,

Madan kaura




Hari Om !

Prmit and accept Obesiance at your feet!


Your thoughts sir are welcome and valued but what worries me is " Why

Cow. " ,Buffalo,goat,and even camel render milk and are drunk profusely

Why are we in india ,logically in favour of COW.

Horse and Dog in fact are much clever animals.

Please donot mind this very simple sounding question.

Am not able to locate but have read it some where that at times of

Lord Krishna 'Best Bull of the family was sacrificed when any

Important dignitary of the Country /State visited the locality.Only

when thus BEST BREED of the animal began to get extinguished and

shortage of milk began taking place did then authorities realise to

save the COW and began propagating it Breed of Cows in India since

then has not improved After its utility many leave it to roam the

streets eating some times rubbish ,That is a sorry state!

Submitted in all humility!


But for that no other logic seems to have been put forth

Please enlighten

" RonDev Kohli "


On 3/28/08, Sadhak <sadhak_insight wrote:


> :Shree Hari:


> 28th March, 2008, Friday

> Chaitra Krishna Saptami, Vikram Samvat 2064, Shukravar


> My Thoughts


> Seeing what is essential in present times, I am sharing some of my

> thoughts. If someone in my name, appears to be bahaving against


> principles and thoughts, then one must try to make every effort to


> him from doing so.


> When my diksha Guru left his mortal body in 1987 and when I

completed all

> the religious rights, at that time I made a firm commitment that


> attaining knowledge of the essential Self, there is nothing else I

want to

> do. I do not want to ask anyone for anything. I do not want to keep


> money with me, nor want to touch it. I do not wish to go anywhere,

on my

> own. Whoever would like to take me, will do so. After that, I came


> contact with Shri Jayadayalji Goenka of Gita Press. In my eyes, he

was and

> enlightened soul, God Realized great soul. His influence and impact

on my

> life was immense.


> I am not affiliated with any individual, organization, ashram, etc.

If due

> to some reason, there was a relationship, it was for that moment,

and not

> forever. I am eternally a seeker of Truth, not of any individual.


> I have forever been of the mindset that people instead of seeing


> divine and special in me, or in any other individuals and becoming


> with a particular person, should become engaged directly with God.

I am

> totally and strongly against worship and puja of a person, an



> I have no place, spiritual organization or ashram. I do not have a


> (position) nor do I consider anyone my disciple, messenger, or one

who is

> rightfully eligible to answer queries on my behalf. After this

life, only my

> books will provide the direction and lead the path. Increasing

awareness of

> Gita Press books, protection of cows (gaurakshaa) and association

with Truth

> (satsang) has been my eternal aspiration.


> I do not allow and am totally against taking my photograph, or

touching my

> feet, or raising hands in praise and glory, or making someone wear


> beads. I do not give offering of food (prasad), bead necklace,


> clothes, blanket etc to anyone. I myself only sustain my body

through food

> offered by others (bhikshaa). (continued)


> From " Ek Sant Ki Vasiyat " in Hindi pg 12 by Swami Ramsukhdasji


> Ram Ram

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shree hari

ram ram

Please see Swamiji's message from a lecture (don't know the year). He has

spoken on many occassions about the cow being sacred, however, this lecture is

more on " Killing of Cows " and what we are all capable of doing only due to

desire for enjoyment of pleasures and accumulation of wealth (i.e. DESIRE AND

GREED). The two of the three gates to hell - desire, greed, anger.


Meera das

Ram Ram




Killing of Cows

It is a very sad thing that in our Country there is killing of cows going on in

a very large scale. In the last 10-12 years, the killing in Calcutta and in

Kerala, is happening on a very large scale. The minister of Kerala had said

that in the last twelve months in our state more than 14 lakh cows have been

slaughtered. He said, that we do not kill the cows from our own State; we are

slaughtering those cows that are brought here from others States ! In Mumbai,

Devanaar slaughter house, bulls are slaughtered. According to the law, only old

bulls can be killed, but in Mumbai, even youthful, young bulls are slaughtered -

we have visited that place. There is unrighteouness that is definitely going on

in this act, but along with act that unrighteousness that is going on in the

entire country.


Both food and clothing come from farming. Where farming is done using bulls and

cows, it is OK, but where machinery is used, many scholars have said that the

resources such as petroleum, gas, diesel etc. will be exhausted in approximately

two to three decades. At that time this automation will be of limited use.

Right now, coming under the sway of this machinery, you are neglecting the bulls

and cows. You are destroying them, but when this equipment will no longer be

useful and there are no more cows and bulls, then what will be the condition !

How will farming be done ? Without farming, how will you get food and clothing

? Without food and clothing, how will life be sustained ? In Rajasthan in many

places, the bulls are used for drawing water from wells. When these bulls are

destroyed, how will you get water? It is a very great dilemma, but brothers we

are not paying attention towards such things. How much thoughtless activity

(anarth) is taking place, we are simply not aware of such things.


When we tell the younger and older children, to study, but they do not have the

same level of interest and engagement in studying, that they have in playing and

having fun. In the same way, you too are engaged in playing, not in deep study.

It is a grave mistake that right now you are not instrospecting on your future.

In the future the mistakes will be so paramount, that it will become very

difficult to put your hands around it. We have seen in the Devanar slaugher

house in Mumbai, where flocks and flocks of cattle are there at a distance, and

few men are revolting and striking against these hideous acts to not allow the

bulls to be slaughtered. The police catch the men and drive them off to other

locations. The bulls are then taken inside and slaughtered. Now people are not

standing up for the rights of these animals. Like those who are in deep

slumber, they too are sleeping. When a young girl becomes a widow, the mother

worries, because the mother sees to her future that is unknown to the young

girl. Similar misfortune is happening in our country today. It is a grave

mistake. But for earning money and for accumulation of things, and due to

greed, men have become blind and are intensely engaged in killing cows. They

have no idea what they will do with all that money ? But leaving that money

behind they will die someday, that you, I and every one else knows. What

difference does it make whether we leave 10-20 lakhs or 1 - 2 crores of rupees

behind or even more behind. When the eyes are permanently shut, there is

nothing there. But today, our attention does not go to that, we are not alert

as to what the condition of the country will be ? Even the government is not

thinking about this. All we are thinking is that simply anyhow we must get

money. The greed for money has made man so blind - there is no end in sight !


In my understanding, just as the dependency on God can lead a man to his

salvation, similarly, dependency on wealth, can lead a man to hell and trapped

in the birth and death cycles of 8.4 million different wombs. It is not the

money itself, but the dependence on money, reliance on money, greed for money,

attachment to money, fondness of money which are all the root causes of one's

downfall. There is no other mistake, no other fault, no other flaw, no other

sin, no other sorrow, no other type of envy or jealousy, no other remorse or

suffering, that is not resulting from the greed for money. All the sorrow that

exists, all is resulting from greed for money only. If one sacrifices this

greed and utilizes this money for good causes then this wealth of yours will be

a success. Your life will be a success and this world will also be relieved of

it's problems. One day, all this wealth will leave you, but that will not

benefit you in your salvation. If salvation is through parting at time of

death, then all who were dying would have attained salvation, because their

wealth, their estates, their family, their power, etc. all would separate from

them. But with that, he does not get released from bondage. Freedom comes from

renouncing from within. Greed is within and the money is on the outside. The

money is not at fault. The greed for money, the love and fondness for money,

the intense longing for wanting more and more money - these tendencies are the

cause of the most senseless and improper acts. Therefore divine souls ! If you

become alert and careful then it will be a very good thing. Within thirty years

we would have grown up and become somewhat old but what thoughts and concerns

have you had for the upcoming generations ? What will be their state of affairs

? It is definitely something to think about. But man simply does not take a

long term view in these things ! For how long will this Government position

(elected chair) that you are holding last ? On the other hand, there is no

attention at all to thoughtless acts that will weigh heavy on you later on. But

who to explain this to? Who to share this with ?


Therefore brother, become alert ! Come to your senses and think for yourself

that what will be the state of affairs of the Country ? A lot of wealth (cows

and other cattle) has already been destroyed. If now you save it, then some can

still be saved.


Simply for the greed of money you are trading in leather, meat, cows, bulls

etc., as these can generate more income and wealth for you. Separating meat,

bones, blood, tongue, intestines, horns, nails, liver, heart, skin, etc so that

you can get more money. As the cow nears the slaughter house, it's price

increases ten folds. Simply for the greed of money, this killing of cows is

taking place.


There are three gates to hell that have been described - desire, anger, and

greed. Of these, the greatest gate to hell is enjoyment of pleasures and greed

for accumulation of wealth. Therefore it is my sincere prayer that simply

awaken ! What can you do ? Do not utilize leather, and one more thing, every

family member must daily keep aside a handful of food item for the protection

of the cows and donate it to a gaushala (shed that cares for and protects cows)

etc. This point has been expressed by me, contrary to my nature. If you put

this point to use, then it will be very good, and if you don't then the choice

is yours. There are many such points, you all can contemplate more on them.



Ram Ram


Cow is a character and this character is source of all conduct. If

you find a person who is of noble character, all aspects of his/her

work is undoubtly good. The work and product need not be checked. I

searched / found good people and it never faulted, but when I looked

at exhibition of work by some one who tried to impress me, I did not

suceeed with them. Be a cow man, not milk man.




Krishna Gopal


Cow is holy because the Vedas and the vedic literaure says so.


Krishna says: krushi gauraksha vaaNijyam vaishya karama svabhaavajam.


It is dharma to keep cows, especially for the merchantile people,

for the benefit of the society.


The Vedic people need to give higher prices for the cow milk and

milk products in order to encourage farmers to keep cows and make

the business attractive for them. Thus by engaging in cow seva we

can continue to make milk and milk products available.

jai sri krishna!


(Suresh Vyas)



, " sadhak_insight "

<sadhak_insight wrote:


> Shree Hari


> Ram Ram


> Priya sadhak, prasana ke liye dhanyavad!


> Swamiji Maharaj has explained " Why cow is so sacred " very


> in Sadhaka Sanjivani (Ref: Gita 18-44, page 1947 in English). Some


> the points from the commentary are:


> 1. In the materialistic world of today, a cow is very useful. Her

> milk, ghee and cow-dung add to the wealth of a nation. India being

> primarily an agricultural country, bullocks are used to plough the

> land. The land can also be ploughed by male-buffaloes or camels.

> Buffaloes cannot work so efficiently as bullocks because the


> have more sattvic strength, they can work for a longer time in the

> sun compared to buffaloes. Camels cost lot more than the bullocks.


> 2. The grains produced by cow-dung and urine of the cows as manure

> are considered pure. Dung and urine of cows make the land more

> fertile as compared to chemical fertilizers as has been learnt by

> conducting experiments. Chemical fertilizers destroy the fertility


> land in a few years and make it barren. Cow-dung is being exported


> foreign countries so that the lost fertility of the land may be

> restored


> 3. Cows of India are gentle and sattvic in nature. Their sattvic


> sharpens the intellect and makes the nature of the person mild.

> Foreign cows give more milk but they are angry by nature, their


> makes one cruel. A she-buffalo gives more milk than a cow but her

> milk is of rajasic nature. Those who drink cow's milk are more


> than those who drink a she-buffalo's milk. Once an experiment was

> conducted on military horses, it was found that horses fed on cow-

> milk could cross a river while the horses fed on buffalo-milk


> not do though the later seemed stronger. The milk of she-camel


> of tamasic nature is not useful and it is not used to curd and





> 4. Cow occupies an important place in performing all religious


> Her milk, ghee and dung are used in performing rites and


> at birth, tonsure and sacred thread. Cow-dung purifies the places


> where these rites are performed. Cow's milk is used in preparing

> sweet dishes which are offered to Brahmans, in honor of manes.

When a

> cow is offered to a Brahman it is considered as a punya or high

> merit. Also cow's ghee is used in religious sacrifices which are

> performed to satisfy desires.


> 5. The cow is a sacred animal, even the air which touches her body

> becomes pure. Her dung and urine, check epidemics such as plague


> cholera. Houses plastered with cow-dung are not so much affected


> bombs as the cemented houses. Cow-dung eliminates poison. In

> Varanasi, there was a case of a saint saving a man who was


> to be dead by a snake-bite, just by smearing the body with cow-


> two times. Urine of cow is very useful in heart diseases. A little

> quantity of urine of a she-calf, as a dose everyday cures stomach

> diseases. A saint suffering from asthma had a lot of relief by

> drinking a little urine of the she-calf. These days several


> are prepared from cow-dung and urine of cows. Cooking gas is made

> from cow-dung also.


> 6. Service to the cow without expectation of any reward leads to

> purification of heart and enables eventually one to achieve

> salvation. Lord Krishana is known as Gopala because He staged a


> play as a cowherd with bare feet. In ancient times in India sages

> reared cows so that they could have nourishment from the cow's


> & ghee to sharpen their intellect. Because of the sharp


> they could create such great and rare classic literature. Cow's


> and butter provided them with longevity, great emperors went to


> sages for expert advice on complex matters related to their



> 7. In Indian historical records, innumerable names are mentioned


> sacrifices their lives for the protection of cows. But today, it


> sad plight that thousands of cows are slaughtered daily, out of


> only. If this state of affairs continues, cows will totally

> disappear. Then of course cow-dung will not be available. Without


> dung land will go barren and there will not be production of corn,

> wheat and cotton. People will be deprived of the bare necessities


> life, such as food & clothing and they will have a miserable life.

> Slaughter of cows is the main cause of increasing number of


> disasters such as famine, droughts, volcanoes etc.


> Ram Ram


> Humble regards,

> Madan kaura




> Hari Om !

> Prmit and accept Obesiance at your feet!


> Your thoughts sir are welcome and valued but what worries me

is " Why

> Cow. " ,Buffalo,goat,and even camel render milk and are drunk


> Why are we in india ,logically in favour of COW.

> Horse and Dog in fact are much clever animals.

> Please donot mind this very simple sounding question.

> Am not able to locate but have read it some where that at times of

> Lord Krishna 'Best Bull of the family was sacrificed when any

> Important dignitary of the Country /State visited the


> when thus BEST BREED of the animal began to get extinguished and

> shortage of milk began taking place did then authorities realise


> save the COW and began propagating it Breed of Cows in India since

> then has not improved After its utility many leave it to roam the

> streets eating some times rubbish ,That is a sorry state!

> Submitted in all humility!


> But for that no other logic seems to have been put forth

> Please enlighten

> " RonDev Kohli "


> On 3/28/08, Sadhak <sadhak_insight wrote:

> >

> > :Shree Hari:

> >

> > 28th March, 2008, Friday

> > Chaitra Krishna Saptami, Vikram Samvat 2064, Shukravar

> >

> > My Thoughts

> >

> > Seeing what is essential in present times, I am sharing some of


> > thoughts. If someone in my name, appears to be bahaving against

> these

> > principles and thoughts, then one must try to make every effort


> prevent

> > him from doing so.

> >

> > When my diksha Guru left his mortal body in 1987 and when I

> completed all

> > the religious rights, at that time I made a firm commitment that

> besides

> > attaining knowledge of the essential Self, there is nothing else


> want to

> > do. I do not want to ask anyone for anything. I do not want to


> any

> > money with me, nor want to touch it. I do not wish to go


> on my

> > own. Whoever would like to take me, will do so. After that, I


> in

> > contact with Shri Jayadayalji Goenka of Gita Press. In my eyes,


> was and

> > enlightened soul, God Realized great soul. His influence and


> on my

> > life was immense.

> >

> > I am not affiliated with any individual, organization, ashram,


> If due

> > to some reason, there was a relationship, it was for that


> and not

> > forever. I am eternally a seeker of Truth, not of any individual.

> >

> > I have forever been of the mindset that people instead of seeing

> something

> > divine and special in me, or in any other individuals and


> engaged

> > with a particular person, should become engaged directly with


> I am

> > totally and strongly against worship and puja of a person, an

> individual.

> >

> > I have no place, spiritual organization or ashram. I do not have


> seat

> > (position) nor do I consider anyone my disciple, messenger, or


> who is

> > rightfully eligible to answer queries on my behalf. After this

> life, only my

> > books will provide the direction and lead the path. Increasing

> awareness of

> > Gita Press books, protection of cows (gaurakshaa) and


> with Truth

> > (satsang) has been my eternal aspiration.

> >

> > I do not allow and am totally against taking my photograph, or

> touching my

> > feet, or raising hands in praise and glory, or making someone


> holy

> > beads. I do not give offering of food (prasad), bead necklace,

> scarf,

> > clothes, blanket etc to anyone. I myself only sustain my body

> through food

> > offered by others (bhikshaa). (continued)

> >

> > From " Ek Sant Ki Vasiyat " in Hindi pg 12 by Swami Ramsukhdasji

> >

> > Ram Ram


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The entire discussion on COW started when a Saadhak Brother asked

questions as to why Cow is sacred when Horse and Dog are more clever!

His next observation was as to why we are in favour of Cow when we

get milk from Goats, Buffallo and even camel ? The questioner did not

remember where did he read but he felt that in one religious

ceremony a Bull was slaughtered under the superintendence of Lord

Krishna himself - he felt that after that the cows have reduced in

number. He also wondered reg the roaming around of Cows on the

streets and eating rubbish.


A lot of brothers have since responded to the utility of cow and even

full text of Swamiji's views on the subject has been given. I hope

the questioner now has no doubts in his mind reg the utility of Holy



As regards the cleverness- it is only a negative trait. Why Dog and

Horse- fox is also very clever, what about spiders or dolphin or

wolves ! How cleverness can be a yardstick of " sacredness " ? It has

no co relation of any sort with sacredness!


As regards slaughtering of a Bull during a Lord Krishna organised

ceremony let me state that I have also been a reader of scriptures, I

can say I am a regular and intense reader. At least I have never read

anywhere the instance referred. Even if it is true - how it is



For God there is no birth or death concepts. Divinity has totally

different modus operandi, we mortals have no immediate wisdom to

decipher them out as quickly as done here.Sacrifices have been

practised in the past by all communities including Hindus. Now they

were totally different aspects and methods of Karma. Who was the

vehicle of the elder brother of Lord Krishna- the Balraam? One

should therefore give basis or reference of any observation! Any

thing based on mere remembrance should not be thrown for discussion.

Where is the shortage of Milk? Had milk been in short supply could

you and me have survived till date? Could our children have

survived? The first thing which you taste in life is milk!

It is not a question of shortage or abundance- it is a question of

our duty and responsibility towards the cow !


Now the last observation. Cows roaming on streets and eating rubbish!

That is the challenge thrown by God to the entire humanity. Here is

the animal whose entire life was devoted to the welfare of human

beings. Here is the animal whose preservation and care even Lord

used to do! That animal is found loitering by you. Here you have a

duty which is not alone shedding tears. Do whatever best you can do

to the cause of protection of cows. Do something. Be confident she

is loitering to attract your attention and to encourage you to

proceed towards the divinity. From God's side there is no dearth or

shortage. She is teaching you the lessons as to what is your duty!

She is not actually as poor as you are considering her to be- from

divine point of view. All Gods and Demi Gods are residing in her.

Goddess Laxmi is residing in her dung! She is playing a role on

behalf of God ! Just as a film star plays the role , she is also

playing the role on behalf of God! To see as to how and who

responds! Therefore We worship her. Therefore we call her

to be sacred. Therefor she is given a stature as high as of Mother!


Hope the questioner is fully clear now!


Jai Shree Krishna


Vyas N B



It is interesting to see how much we care about the

Holy Cow.........Some pictures enclosed

This situation can be generalised at least in the cities.


Sushil Jain


(From moderator - The group does not allow posting of pictures.

Sadhaka had enclosed pictures of weak,under nourished cows rummaging

through garbage cans and trash containers with plastic bags and

other hazardous materials)



, " sadhak_insight "

<sadhak_insight wrote:


> shree hari

> ram ram

> Please see Swamiji's message from a lecture (don't know the

year). He has spoken on many occassions about the cow being

sacred, however, this lecture is more on " Killing of Cows " and what

we are all capable of doing only due to desire for enjoyment of

pleasures and accumulation of wealth (i.e. DESIRE AND GREED). The

two of the three gates to hell - desire, greed, anger.


> Meera das

> Ram Ram




> Killing of Cows

> It is a very sad thing that in our Country there is killing of

cows going on in a very large scale. In the last 10-12 years, the

killing in Calcutta and in Kerala, is happening on a very large

scale. The minister of Kerala had said that in the last twelve

months in our state more than 14 lakh cows have been slaughtered.

He said, that we do not kill the cows from our own State; we are

slaughtering those cows that are brought here from others States !

In Mumbai, Devanaar slaughter house, bulls are slaughtered.

According to the law, only old bulls can be killed, but in Mumbai,

even youthful, young bulls are slaughtered - we have visited that

place. There is unrighteouness that is definitely going on in this

act, but along with act that unrighteousness that is going on in the

entire country.


> Both food and clothing come from farming. Where farming is done

using bulls and cows, it is OK, but where machinery is used, many

scholars have said that the resources such as petroleum, gas, diesel

etc. will be exhausted in approximately two to three decades. At

that time this automation will be of limited use. Right now, coming

under the sway of this machinery, you are neglecting the bulls and

cows. You are destroying them, but when this equipment will no

longer be useful and there are no more cows and bulls, then what

will be the condition ! How will farming be done ? Without

farming, how will you get food and clothing ? Without food and

clothing, how will life be sustained ? In Rajasthan in many places,

the bulls are used for drawing water from wells. When these bulls

are destroyed, how will you get water? It is a very great dilemma,

but brothers we are not paying attention towards such things. How

much thoughtless activity (anarth) is taking place, we are simply

not aware of such things.


> When we tell the younger and older children, to study, but they do

not have the same level of interest and engagement in studying, that

they have in playing and having fun. In the same way, you too are

engaged in playing, not in deep study. It is a grave mistake that

right now you are not instrospecting on your future. In the future

the mistakes will be so paramount, that it will become very

difficult to put your hands around it. We have seen in the Devanar

slaugher house in Mumbai, where flocks and flocks of cattle are

there at a distance, and few men are revolting and striking against

these hideous acts to not allow the bulls to be slaughtered. The

police catch the men and drive them off to other locations. The

bulls are then taken inside and slaughtered. Now people are not

standing up for the rights of these animals. Like those who are in

deep slumber, they too are sleeping. When a young girl becomes a

widow, the mother worries, because the mother sees to her future

that is unknown to the young girl. Similar misfortune is happening

in our country today. It is a grave mistake. But for earning money

and for accumulation of things, and due to greed, men have become

blind and are intensely engaged in killing cows. They have no idea

what they will do with all that money ? But leaving that money

behind they will die someday, that you, I and every one else knows.

What difference does it make whether we leave 10-20 lakhs or 1 - 2

crores of rupees behind or even more behind. When the eyes are

permanently shut, there is nothing there. But today, our attention

does not go to that, we are not alert as to what the condition of

the country will be ? Even the government is not thinking about

this. All we are thinking is that simply anyhow we must get money.

The greed for money has made man so blind - there is no end in

sight !


> In my understanding, just as the dependency on God can lead a man

to his salvation, similarly, dependency on wealth, can lead a man

to hell and trapped in the birth and death cycles of 8.4 million

different wombs. It is not the money itself, but the dependence on

money, reliance on money, greed for money, attachment to money,

fondness of money which are all the root causes of one's downfall.

There is no other mistake, no other fault, no other flaw, no other

sin, no other sorrow, no other type of envy or jealousy, no other

remorse or suffering, that is not resulting from the greed for

money. All the sorrow that exists, all is resulting from greed for

money only. If one sacrifices this greed and utilizes this money

for good causes then this wealth of yours will be a success. Your

life will be a success and this world will also be relieved of it's

problems. One day, all this wealth will leave you, but that will

not benefit you in your salvation. If salvation is through parting

at time of death, then all who were dying would have attained

salvation, because their wealth, their estates, their family, their

power, etc. all would separate from them. But with that, he does

not get released from bondage. Freedom comes from renouncing from

within. Greed is within and the money is on the outside. The money

is not at fault. The greed for money, the love and fondness for

money, the intense longing for wanting more and more money - these

tendencies are the cause of the most senseless and improper acts.

Therefore divine souls ! If you become alert and careful then it

will be a very good thing. Within thirty years we would have grown

up and become somewhat old but what thoughts and concerns have you

had for the upcoming generations ? What will be their state of

affairs ? It is definitely something to think about. But man

simply does not take a long term view in these things ! For how

long will this Government position (elected chair) that you are

holding last ? On the other hand, there is no attention at all to

thoughtless acts that will weigh heavy on you later on. But who to

explain this to? Who to share this with ?


> Therefore brother, become alert ! Come to your senses and think

for yourself that what will be the state of affairs of the

Country ? A lot of wealth (cows and other cattle) has already been

destroyed. If now you save it, then some can still be saved.


> Simply for the greed of money you are trading in leather, meat,

cows, bulls etc., as these can generate more income and wealth for

you. Separating meat, bones, blood, tongue, intestines, horns,

nails, liver, heart, skin, etc so that you can get more money. As

the cow nears the slaughter house, it's price increases ten folds.

Simply for the greed of money, this killing of cows is taking place.


> There are three gates to hell that have been described - desire,

anger, and greed. Of these, the greatest gate to hell is enjoyment

of pleasures and greed for accumulation of wealth. Therefore it is

my sincere prayer that simply awaken ! What can you do ? Do not

utilize leather, and one more thing, every family member must daily

keep aside a handful of food item for the protection of the cows

and donate it to a gaushala (shed that cares for and protects cows)

etc. This point has been expressed by me, contrary to my nature. If

you put this point to use, then it will be very good, and if you

don't then the choice is yours. There are many such points, you all

can contemplate more on them.



> Ram Ram

> --------------------------------

> Cow is a character and this character is source of all conduct. If

> you find a person who is of noble character, all aspects of his/her

> work is undoubtly good. The work and product need not be checked.


> searched / found good people and it never faulted, but when I


> at exhibition of work by some one who tried to impress me, I did


> suceeed with them. Be a cow man, not milk man.

> regards

> K G


> Krishna Gopal

> --------------------------------

> Cow is holy because the Vedas and the vedic literaure says so.


> Krishna says: krushi gauraksha vaaNijyam vaishya karama



> It is dharma to keep cows, especially for the merchantile people,

> for the benefit of the society.


> The Vedic people need to give higher prices for the cow milk and

> milk products in order to encourage farmers to keep cows and make

> the business attractive for them. Thus by engaging in cow seva we

> can continue to make milk and milk products available.

> jai sri krishna!

> -sv

> (Suresh Vyas)

> --------------------------------


> , " sadhak_insight "

> <sadhak_insight@> wrote:

> >

> > Shree Hari

> >

> > Ram Ram

> >

> > Priya sadhak, prasana ke liye dhanyavad!

> >

> > Swamiji Maharaj has explained " Why cow is so sacred " very

> beatifully

> > in Sadhaka Sanjivani (Ref: Gita 18-44, page 1947 in English).


> of

> > the points from the commentary are:

> >

> > 1. In the materialistic world of today, a cow is very useful. Her

> > milk, ghee and cow-dung add to the wealth of a nation. India


> > primarily an agricultural country, bullocks are used to plough


> > land. The land can also be ploughed by male-buffaloes or camels.

> > Buffaloes cannot work so efficiently as bullocks because the

> bullocks

> > have more sattvic strength, they can work for a longer time in


> > sun compared to buffaloes. Camels cost lot more than the


> >

> > 2. The grains produced by cow-dung and urine of the cows as


> > are considered pure. Dung and urine of cows make the land more

> > fertile as compared to chemical fertilizers as has been learnt by

> > conducting experiments. Chemical fertilizers destroy the


> of

> > land in a few years and make it barren. Cow-dung is being


> to

> > foreign countries so that the lost fertility of the land may be

> > restored

> >

> > 3. Cows of India are gentle and sattvic in nature. Their sattvic

> milk

> > sharpens the intellect and makes the nature of the person mild.

> > Foreign cows give more milk but they are angry by nature, their

> milk

> > makes one cruel. A she-buffalo gives more milk than a cow but her

> > milk is of rajasic nature. Those who drink cow's milk are more

> active

> > than those who drink a she-buffalo's milk. Once an experiment was

> > conducted on military horses, it was found that horses fed on


> > milk could cross a river while the horses fed on buffalo-milk

> could

> > not do though the later seemed stronger. The milk of she-camel

> being

> > of tamasic nature is not useful and it is not used to curd and

> butter.

> >


> >

> > 4. Cow occupies an important place in performing all religious

> rites.

> > Her milk, ghee and dung are used in performing rites and

> ceremonies

> > at birth, tonsure and sacred thread. Cow-dung purifies the places

> too

> > where these rites are performed. Cow's milk is used in preparing

> > sweet dishes which are offered to Brahmans, in honor of manes.

> When a

> > cow is offered to a Brahman it is considered as a punya or high

> > merit. Also cow's ghee is used in religious sacrifices which are

> > performed to satisfy desires.

> >

> > 5. The cow is a sacred animal, even the air which touches her


> > becomes pure. Her dung and urine, check epidemics such as plague

> and

> > cholera. Houses plastered with cow-dung are not so much affected

> by

> > bombs as the cemented houses. Cow-dung eliminates poison. In

> > Varanasi, there was a case of a saint saving a man who was

> supposed

> > to be dead by a snake-bite, just by smearing the body with cow-

> dung

> > two times. Urine of cow is very useful in heart diseases. A


> > quantity of urine of a she-calf, as a dose everyday cures stomach

> > diseases. A saint suffering from asthma had a lot of relief by

> > drinking a little urine of the she-calf. These days several

> medicines

> > are prepared from cow-dung and urine of cows. Cooking gas is made

> > from cow-dung also.

> >

> > 6. Service to the cow without expectation of any reward leads to

> > purification of heart and enables eventually one to achieve

> > salvation. Lord Krishana is known as Gopala because He staged a

> human

> > play as a cowherd with bare feet. In ancient times in India sages

> > reared cows so that they could have nourishment from the cow's

> milk

> > & ghee to sharpen their intellect. Because of the sharp

> intellects,

> > they could create such great and rare classic literature. Cow's

> milk

> > and butter provided them with longevity, great emperors went to

> these

> > sages for expert advice on complex matters related to their

> kingdoms.

> >

> > 7. In Indian historical records, innumerable names are mentioned

> who

> > sacrifices their lives for the protection of cows. But today, it

> is

> > sad plight that thousands of cows are slaughtered daily, out of

> greed

> > only. If this state of affairs continues, cows will totally

> > disappear. Then of course cow-dung will not be available. Without

> cow-

> > dung land will go barren and there will not be production of


> > wheat and cotton. People will be deprived of the bare necessities

> of

> > life, such as food & clothing and they will have a miserable


> > Slaughter of cows is the main cause of increasing number of

> natural

> > disasters such as famine, droughts, volcanoes etc.

> >

> > Ram Ram

> >

> > Humble regards,

> > Madan kaura

> >

> >

> >

> > Hari Om !

> > Prmit and accept Obesiance at your feet!

> >

> > Your thoughts sir are welcome and valued but what worries me

> is " Why

> > Cow. " ,Buffalo,goat,and even camel render milk and are drunk

> profusely

> > Why are we in india ,logically in favour of COW.

> > Horse and Dog in fact are much clever animals.

> > Please donot mind this very simple sounding question.

> > Am not able to locate but have read it some where that at times


> > Lord Krishna 'Best Bull of the family was sacrificed when any

> > Important dignitary of the Country /State visited the

> locality.Only

> > when thus BEST BREED of the animal began to get extinguished and

> > shortage of milk began taking place did then authorities realise

> to

> > save the COW and began propagating it Breed of Cows in India


> > then has not improved After its utility many leave it to roam the

> > streets eating some times rubbish ,That is a sorry state!

> > Submitted in all humility!

> > RDK

> > But for that no other logic seems to have been put forth

> > Please enlighten

> > " RonDev Kohli "

> >

> > On 3/28/08, Sadhak <sadhak_insight@> wrote:

> > >

> > > :Shree Hari:

> > >

> > > 28th March, 2008, Friday

> > > Chaitra Krishna Saptami, Vikram Samvat 2064, Shukravar

> > >

> > > My Thoughts

> > >

> > > Seeing what is essential in present times, I am sharing some of

> my

> > > thoughts. If someone in my name, appears to be bahaving against

> > these

> > > principles and thoughts, then one must try to make every effort

> to

> > prevent

> > > him from doing so.

> > >

> > > When my diksha Guru left his mortal body in 1987 and when I

> > completed all

> > > the religious rights, at that time I made a firm commitment


> > besides

> > > attaining knowledge of the essential Self, there is nothing


> I

> > want to

> > > do. I do not want to ask anyone for anything. I do not want to

> keep

> > any

> > > money with me, nor want to touch it. I do not wish to go

> anywhere,

> > on my

> > > own. Whoever would like to take me, will do so. After that, I

> came

> > in

> > > contact with Shri Jayadayalji Goenka of Gita Press. In my eyes,

> he

> > was and

> > > enlightened soul, God Realized great soul. His influence and

> impact

> > on my

> > > life was immense.

> > >

> > > I am not affiliated with any individual, organization, ashram,

> etc.

> > If due

> > > to some reason, there was a relationship, it was for that

> moment,

> > and not

> > > forever. I am eternally a seeker of Truth, not of any


> > >

> > > I have forever been of the mindset that people instead of


> > something

> > > divine and special in me, or in any other individuals and

> becoming

> > engaged

> > > with a particular person, should become engaged directly with

> God.

> > I am

> > > totally and strongly against worship and puja of a person, an

> > individual.

> > >

> > > I have no place, spiritual organization or ashram. I do not


> a

> > seat

> > > (position) nor do I consider anyone my disciple, messenger, or

> one

> > who is

> > > rightfully eligible to answer queries on my behalf. After this

> > life, only my

> > > books will provide the direction and lead the path. Increasing

> > awareness of

> > > Gita Press books, protection of cows (gaurakshaa) and

> association

> > with Truth

> > > (satsang) has been my eternal aspiration.

> > >

> > > I do not allow and am totally against taking my photograph, or

> > touching my

> > > feet, or raising hands in praise and glory, or making someone

> wear

> > holy

> > > beads. I do not give offering of food (prasad), bead necklace,

> > scarf,

> > > clothes, blanket etc to anyone. I myself only sustain my body

> > through food

> > > offered by others (bhikshaa). (continued)

> > >

> > > From " Ek Sant Ki Vasiyat " in Hindi pg 12 by Swami Ramsukhdasji

> > >

> > > Ram Ram

> >


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