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How to Maintain Calmness ?

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DEAR sadhak,


In this material world, evils are on top and humanity is suffering

miserably. Each of us is undergoing some level of suffering. I

have heard that Gita has solution to help us remain calm. I have

heard about " samtaah " - equanimity. " Samatvam yog ucchyate " .

Please suggest how to maintain calmness in such situations and

concentrate on God ?


Thanking you,

Jai Sri Radhe Krishna


Delhi, India




1. The group is focused on the Holy Gitaji, therefore, only

responses which further clarify the understanding of Gitaji, will be



2. Making reference of Gitaji shloka is compulsory - at least once

in the response


3. Wherever possible, please quote Gitaji or other scriptures to

substantiate your response.


4. Please be as concise and to the point as possible, respecting

sadhaka's time. Under no circustance the answer should exceed say

one page at the most (500 words or so).


5. Kindly limit personal feelings, opinions, beliefs etc. to the

extent that they further help in understanding the Gita shlokas


6. Kindly focus your writing to the subject at hand only.


7. Please do not include links to the other sites or other



8. Complete reproduction of texts from any book is strongly

discouraged, however references may be made of the book or author

(but not links to other sites).


9. Kindly do not include your personal information such as phone

number, address etc.


10. Please do not address the response to a particular individual

since the message is going to the entire group.


11. Due to the large readership, all responses may not be posted.


12. Moderator at his discretion, may modify the posting, if content

is unclear or not appropriate for distribution to the group.


13. Please respond taking into consideration the novices, youth,

westerners, non-sectarian audience. Kindly limit the use of only

Sanskrit words, rather provide the English word with Sanskrit

bracketed wherever possible.



Ram Ram

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Hari Om


Saadhak brother has asked refering to the calmness in the midst of

sufferings. He is advised to read a Swamiji's article on agitations

in the mind which Article has been posted today by the learned

Moderators of this Saadhak Group. He should also read a lot of

articles which Swamiji has written on the subject. The mere reading

will soothe and provide peace- nothing else will need to be done.

Basically,You must believe that you are naturally calm. You must

believe that you are by the very form of yourself- the happiness

itself! THAT IS THE KEY. Saadhaks should ponder on this fact

continuously and there is no doubt he ultimately will be convinced

that, he is stagnant while happy or unhappy circumstances have been

coming and going. Once you are convinced inside you, there shall

arise in you a natural peace! Just have right beliefs in you! Ask

yourself- where is agitation? It was not yesterday, it is not going

to be tomorrow and now also it is getting away from you! How it is

you? How you are agitated or tense!


Where is the suffering now in the backdrop of above? We are not

here to suffer – believe me – We have not at all come in this

world to suffer! How can in the World made by God so lovingly for

his children an element called " suffering " can exist ? We are

simply having circumstances or situations arising before us based on

our past Karmas – which situations arise only to end! Why we should

suffer then? Some times there are good times, some times there are

bad – what is there to enjoy or suffer when no situation is going to

remain for ever? It is our stupidity that we label a particular

situation or incidence or state as " Good " or as " Bad " . The suffering

is in our stupidity , it is in our mind and no where else! Same

incidence is viewed by different people in different manner! It is

our daily and dirct experience! It is mind and only mind which

creates so called emotions of " pleasures " or " pains " ! And that mind

is guided by DESIRES! You have sorrows only because you have " desire

for happiness " ! Leave that desire- fully understanding that by

desiring alone you shall not be able to achieve any thing in this

world. If by desiring it is possible to get happiness , then no

body on this earth would have remained deficient.(Who does not

desire to be happy? Who does not desire to be multi millionaire?) So

by desire you get nothing! What then do you get by desiring….. only

sorrows! Hence stop desiring, your all sorrows are hidden there!

Desire of even Baap ( Father ) of Lord Rama was not fulfilled ! Who

are we then? Be desireless and and be happy. The good things in life

will not stop coming to you because you have stopped desiring. But

sorrow shall cease! Stop believing " Each of us is undergoing some

level of suffering " ! Stop believing that " in this material world

evils are on top and humanity is suffering miserably " ! They are not

suffering because of their Karmas – they are suffering because of

their STUPIDITY! They are suffering because of their MIND! They are

suffering because they want happiness!You stop being stupid and stop

desiring- the EQUANIMITY shall come unto you automatically. There is

no need for any efforts. What efforts are going to do…. When by the

very form of SELF – you are ANANDA, happiness itself! Simply stop

getting dictated by the MIND , simply stop desiring…. The world

shall appear to you to " BHAGVAT SWAROOP " ( Very form of God). You

Desire and the world will start appearing to you to be " full of

evils and DUKHALAYA " ! Y- it is ou want the world to appear as

BHAGAVAT SWAROOP or AS DUKHALAY – it is purely in your hands!


That is Gitaji " s teachings to you- that is what is called YOGA, that

is what is called Equanimity! That is summary of what is stated in

Gitaji- 2:62 to 2: 68!


Jai Shree Krishna


Vyas N B


Can we always confront what is conducive /desirable to us? Scriptures

talk of Tapatraye (three modes of inflictions). We do not have

control over the forces of nature and other creatures that can be the

focal point of undesirable happenings or the miseries to us. We can

not remain inert but are helplessly acting every moment of life. When

a desire is fulfilled we feel elated and otherwise we hang our head

in despair. Bhagawad Gita in chapter 18 narrated 5 elements of all

actions. Favorable or Unfavorable results can be viewed in light of

these five elements. To an ordinary man a faith that a man has no

control over results of actions will do wonder.

If we recondition ourselves and make a joke of elating crowds

projected in Media all over the world while winning spree and

violence in defeat and get in to the habit of appreciating well

played game, we can play the game of life with equanimity and then

shall we be that miserable?.


subhash marwah


Dear Sadhaka,

In my experience, constant recital of Mantra Aum helps tremendously.

It is like a leash to monkey mind. Lord Krishna has suggested

several times in Geeta specially in chapter 8.


Love Peace Anandam

Satya Kalra



, " sadhak_insight "

<sadhak_insight wrote:


> DEAR sadhak,


> In this material world, evils are on top and humanity is suffering

> miserably. Each of us is undergoing some level of suffering. I

> have heard that Gita has solution to help us remain calm. I have

> heard about " samtaah " - equanimity. " Samatvam yog ucchyate " .

> Please suggest how to maintain calmness in such situations and

> concentrate on God ?


> Thanking you,

> Jai Sri Radhe Krishna


> Delhi, India




> 1. The group is focused on the Holy Gitaji, therefore, only

> responses which further clarify the understanding of Gitaji, will


> posted.


> 2. Making reference of Gitaji shloka is compulsory - at least once

> in the response


> 3. Wherever possible, please quote Gitaji or other scriptures to

> substantiate your response.


> 4. Please be as concise and to the point as possible, respecting

> sadhaka's time. Under no circustance the answer should exceed say

> one page at the most (500 words or so).


> 5. Kindly limit personal feelings, opinions, beliefs etc. to the

> extent that they further help in understanding the Gita shlokas


> 6. Kindly focus your writing to the subject at hand only.


> 7. Please do not include links to the other sites or other

> organizations.


> 8. Complete reproduction of texts from any book is strongly

> discouraged, however references may be made of the book or author

> (but not links to other sites).


> 9. Kindly do not include your personal information such as phone

> number, address etc.


> 10. Please do not address the response to a particular individual

> since the message is going to the entire group.


> 11. Due to the large readership, all responses may not be posted.


> 12. Moderator at his discretion, may modify the posting, if


> is unclear or not appropriate for distribution to the group.


> 13. Please respond taking into consideration the novices, youth,

> westerners, non-sectarian audience. Kindly limit the use of only

> Sanskrit words, rather provide the English word with Sanskrit

> bracketed wherever possible.



> Ram Ram


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Dear Sadhakas, namaste!

Look at the paradox in question: " how to maintain calmness in such

situations and concentrate on God? "

To concentrate on God, one needs calm Mind.

To get calm Mind, one needs to concentrate on God!


To concentrate on God, one needs to understand what God is!

To understand God, one needs pure mind.

It is like going in a circle!


The Greatest impurity of mind is " me " , a sense of separate being to

which we are so much attached. It is this attachment to " me " that

makes " me " from merely a fleeting thought-feeling-memory in us to

becoming our permanent identity. The " me " feels so real to the

extent it causes suffering and inflicts it on others for its own

survival and continuity. There cannot be " others " without " me " and

thus conflict is inevitable!

One feels compelled to defend oneself and all that one considers as

belonging to one! The greater part of this baggage is one's

ideologies, beliefs, opinions, prejuidices. One is at the mercy of

such image of oneself, and keeps feeding it throughout the life!


To purify such a mind, Gita has many ways to start sadhana and break

the circle of paradox described above, such as performance of

selfless karmas within the guidelines of righteousness. By total

devotion and surrender to the power, intelligence and order

prevailing in the universe as God.

However, the sense of " me " , as solid as it is, cannot stand the

inquiry into its claims of legitimacy of being real! It breaks down

and runs for its life, never to return! Purity shines in its absence

as it was only hidden by the " me " , found now to be false entity.


Thus, by the grace of God, and intense desire on the part of Sadhak,

the mind finds its lost concentration. It becomes contemplative

going forward and ultimately finds God as Peace-happiness which

cannot be disturbed by anything of the world. This is equanimity

Krishna talks about " Samatvam Yog Uchyate! "

Namaskaras... Pratap

(Pratap Bhatt)


, " sadhak_insight "

<sadhak_insight wrote:


> Hari Om


> Saadhak brother has asked refering to the calmness in the midst of

> sufferings. He is advised to read a Swamiji's article on


> in the mind which Article has been posted today by the learned

> Moderators of this Saadhak Group. He should also read a lot of

> articles which Swamiji has written on the subject. The mere


> will soothe and provide peace- nothing else will need to be done.

> Basically,You must believe that you are naturally calm. You must

> believe that you are by the very form of yourself- the happiness

> itself! THAT IS THE KEY. Saadhaks should ponder on this fact

> continuously and there is no doubt he ultimately will be convinced

> that, he is stagnant while happy or unhappy circumstances have


> coming and going. Once you are convinced inside you, there shall

> arise in you a natural peace! Just have right beliefs in you! Ask

> yourself- where is agitation? It was not yesterday, it is not


> to be tomorrow and now also it is getting away from you! How it is

> you? How you are agitated or tense!


> Where is the suffering now in the backdrop of above? We are not

> here to suffer – believe me – We have not at all come in this

> world to suffer! How can in the World made by God so lovingly for

> his children an element called " suffering " can exist ? We are

> simply having circumstances or situations arising before us based


> our past Karmas – which situations arise only to end! Why we


> suffer then? Some times there are good times, some times there are

> bad – what is there to enjoy or suffer when no situation is going


> remain for ever? It is our stupidity that we label a particular

> situation or incidence or state as " Good " or as " Bad " . The


> is in our stupidity , it is in our mind and no where else! Same

> incidence is viewed by different people in different manner! It is

> our daily and dirct experience! It is mind and only mind which

> creates so called emotions of " pleasures " or " pains " ! And that


> is guided by DESIRES! You have sorrows only because you

have " desire

> for happiness " ! Leave that desire- fully understanding that by

> desiring alone you shall not be able to achieve any thing in this

> world. If by desiring it is possible to get happiness , then no

> body on this earth would have remained deficient.(Who does not

> desire to be happy? Who does not desire to be multi millionaire?)


> by desire you get nothing! What then do you get by desiring…..


> sorrows! Hence stop desiring, your all sorrows are hidden there!

> Desire of even Baap ( Father ) of Lord Rama was not fulfilled !


> are we then? Be desireless and and be happy. The good things in


> will not stop coming to you because you have stopped desiring. But

> sorrow shall cease! Stop believing " Each of us is undergoing some

> level of suffering " ! Stop believing that " in this material world

> evils are on top and humanity is suffering miserably " ! They are


> suffering because of their Karmas – they are suffering because of

> their STUPIDITY! They are suffering because of their MIND! They


> suffering because they want happiness!You stop being stupid and


> desiring- the EQUANIMITY shall come unto you automatically. There


> no need for any efforts. What efforts are going to do…. When by


> very form of SELF – you are ANANDA, happiness itself! Simply stop

> getting dictated by the MIND , simply stop desiring…. The world

> shall appear to you to " BHAGVAT SWAROOP " ( Very form of God). You

> Desire and the world will start appearing to you to be " full of

> evils and DUKHALAYA " ! Y- it is ou want the world to appear as

> BHAGAVAT SWAROOP or AS DUKHALAY – it is purely in your hands!


> That is Gitaji " s teachings to you- that is what is called YOGA,


> is what is called Equanimity! That is summary of what is stated in

> Gitaji- 2:62 to 2: 68!


> Jai Shree Krishna


> Vyas N B

> --------------------------------

> Can we always confront what is conducive /desirable to us?


> talk of Tapatraye (three modes of inflictions). We do not have

> control over the forces of nature and other creatures that can be


> focal point of undesirable happenings or the miseries to us. We can

> not remain inert but are helplessly acting every moment of life.


> a desire is fulfilled we feel elated and otherwise we hang our head

> in despair. Bhagawad Gita in chapter 18 narrated 5 elements of all

> actions. Favorable or Unfavorable results can be viewed in light of

> these five elements. To an ordinary man a faith that a man has no

> control over results of actions will do wonder.

> If we recondition ourselves and make a joke of elating crowds

> projected in Media all over the world while winning spree and

> violence in defeat and get in to the habit of appreciating well

> played game, we can play the game of life with equanimity and then

> shall we be that miserable?.


> subhash marwah


> Dear Sadhaka,

> In my experience, constant recital of Mantra Aum helps


> It is like a leash to monkey mind. Lord Krishna has suggested

> several times in Geeta specially in chapter 8.


> Love Peace Anandam

> Satya Kalra



> , " sadhak_insight "

> <sadhak_insight@> wrote:

> >

> > DEAR sadhak,

> >

> > In this material world, evils are on top and humanity is


> > miserably. Each of us is undergoing some level of suffering. I

> > have heard that Gita has solution to help us remain calm. I


> > heard about " samtaah " - equanimity. " Samatvam yog ucchyate " .

> > Please suggest how to maintain calmness in such situations and

> > concentrate on God ?

> >

> > Thanking you,

> > Jai Sri Radhe Krishna

> > AMIT

> > Delhi, India

> >


> >

> > 1. The group is focused on the Holy Gitaji, therefore, only

> > responses which further clarify the understanding of Gitaji,


> be

> > posted.

> >

> > 2. Making reference of Gitaji shloka is compulsory - at least


> > in the response

> >

> > 3. Wherever possible, please quote Gitaji or other scriptures to

> > substantiate your response.

> >

> > 4. Please be as concise and to the point as possible, respecting

> > sadhaka's time. Under no circustance the answer should exceed


> > one page at the most (500 words or so).

> >

> > 5. Kindly limit personal feelings, opinions, beliefs etc. to the

> > extent that they further help in understanding the Gita shlokas

> >

> > 6. Kindly focus your writing to the subject at hand only.

> >

> > 7. Please do not include links to the other sites or other

> > organizations.

> >

> > 8. Complete reproduction of texts from any book is strongly

> > discouraged, however references may be made of the book or


> > (but not links to other sites).

> >

> > 9. Kindly do not include your personal information such as phone

> > number, address etc.

> >

> > 10. Please do not address the response to a particular


> > since the message is going to the entire group.

> >

> > 11. Due to the large readership, all responses may not be posted.

> >

> > 12. Moderator at his discretion, may modify the posting, if

> content

> > is unclear or not appropriate for distribution to the group.

> >

> > 13. Please respond taking into consideration the novices, youth,

> > westerners, non-sectarian audience. Kindly limit the use of only

> > Sanskrit words, rather provide the English word with Sanskrit

> > bracketed wherever possible.

> >


> > Ram Ram

> >


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Calmness in Bhagwat Gita defined as 'santushtah sat tam yogi'

" Satushtah Sat tam yogi, yat Atma Dradh Nishchayah

Mai Arpit Mano Budhir, yome Bhaktah s May priyah "


Yogi, with unbroken satisfaction knows with certainty, that he/she

is only the Atma: Thus, all activities of his/her

Intellect/consciousness and sub consciouness are absorbed in Me, and

that (yogi) is united to Me with love.


Calmness in Patanjali Yoga Sutra is

" Yogas Chitti Vitriti Nirodhah "


Calmness is property of Yogi which is ultimate objective of life.

This is self realization and getting all answers of cause of

existence. That person is not reactive and is highest in



In periodic table of Chemistry, see the position of Gold and Sodium.

This is gold which is highly conductive of electric signal but does

not react to any chemical corrossion, and exists in nature in pure

form. On the other hand, Sodium is not sensitive but it reacts with

air, water and everything. Sodium is never found in nature in pure

form but in company of Chlorine as sodium Chloride (salt). This

Chemistry explains how non yogi (or unsatisfied people) always

exist in group, and can never stay alone. But Gold is satisfied and

yogi that stays in pure and incorrupt form always.




(krishna gopal)



Please refer to the Verses 16th and 21st of 16th Chapter of Gita .

The verses mentions reasons for HELL or suffering.

Misled by too many minds, entangled in the webs of attachment, and

inordinately addicted to sensual pleasure, they fall into hell. "


" Lust, anger, and greed are the three gateways to hell because they

are destructive of the Self, they ought to be forsaken. "


The way out is as per verses 34 and 35 of 6th Chapter which says

mind is controlled by Practice and detachment. By this , one can

concentrate on God.


Humanity is suffering because True Dharma is lost. For a person who

understands and practices Dharma in real life , there is no



The whole Gita is to be read again and again by way of a daily

routine and then Mind will become calm and one will be in a position

to concentrate on God.


Samata or Equanimity is the outcome and cannot be attained directly.




A K Jain


Dear Sadaks,

Calmess comes once we understand ourselves and things around us. You

cannot maintain calmness, which is a state of mind that came to

Ramana Rishi, Buddha, Jada Bharath, Adi Sankara, Vallar, Yogi Sarath

Kumar etc.by understanding their goal of life.


Pagal Baba History: He was sitting by side of Ganges and throwing

pebbles into water and happily enjoying calmness. Alexander the

great passing by asked him, " you seem to be young in thirties, cant

you work and live, you lazy " . Baba asked, " king what is your goal'.

King said, " I will conquer the balance continents and then sit in

peace and happiness " . Baba replied, " Oh king I am sitting in peace

and happiness without doing all that you said " .

Understand your childern, wife and relatives are playing role of

this life. You surrender to GOD playing role along with them acting

(playing, smiling, singing, suffering, sharing sorrows etc) in body

level, BUT NOT IN MIND LEVEL. Let the mind be engaged in Sri Krishna

WHO is going to be your real All in All friend (Athuma Bandhu, Deena

Bandhu, Sarva Bandhu), all others are players on the stage of earth.

If this thought be revoling in mind then calmness comes in by itself.





Pratapji has very ably elaborated on the subject. While I am sure he

fully understands what he has written, but for the benefit of those

sadhaks who may have missed the subtle aspect of what pratapji has

tried to clarify, with his permission, I would like to supplement by

saying that " ME " really means " THE BODY " . We identify ourselves with

the body which is perishable. In fact we are the soul, which is not

perishable. Hence we must constantly identify ourselves as not the

body but as the soul. For the time being, I do not wish to further

elaborate on the subject as to how this change in identity can come






, " sadhak_insight "

<sadhak_insight wrote:


> Dear Sadhakas, namaste!

> Look at the paradox in question: " how to maintain calmness in such

> situations and concentrate on God? "

> To concentrate on God, one needs calm Mind.

> To get calm Mind, one needs to concentrate on God!


> To concentrate on God, one needs to understand what God is!

> To understand God, one needs pure mind.

> It is like going in a circle!


> The Greatest impurity of mind is " me " , a sense of separate being to

> which we are so much attached. It is this attachment to " me " that

> makes " me " from merely a fleeting thought-feeling-memory in us to

> becoming our permanent identity. The " me " feels so real to the

> extent it causes suffering and inflicts it on others for its own

> survival and continuity. There cannot be " others " without " me " and

> thus conflict is inevitable!

> One feels compelled to defend oneself and all that one considers as

> belonging to one! The greater part of this baggage is one's

> ideologies, beliefs, opinions, prejuidices. One is at the mercy of

> such image of oneself, and keeps feeding it throughout the life!


> To purify such a mind, Gita has many ways to start sadhana and


> the circle of paradox described above, such as performance of

> selfless karmas within the guidelines of righteousness. By total

> devotion and surrender to the power, intelligence and order

> prevailing in the universe as God.

> However, the sense of " me " , as solid as it is, cannot stand the

> inquiry into its claims of legitimacy of being real! It breaks down

> and runs for its life, never to return! Purity shines in its


> as it was only hidden by the " me " , found now to be false entity.


> Thus, by the grace of God, and intense desire on the part of


> the mind finds its lost concentration. It becomes contemplative

> going forward and ultimately finds God as Peace-happiness which

> cannot be disturbed by anything of the world. This is equanimity

> Krishna talks about " Samatvam Yog Uchyate! "

> Namaskaras... Pratap

> (Pratap Bhatt)

> -


> , " sadhak_insight "

> <sadhak_insight@> wrote:

> >

> > Hari Om

> >

> > Saadhak brother has asked refering to the calmness in the midst


> > sufferings. He is advised to read a Swamiji's article on

> agitations

> > in the mind which Article has been posted today by the learned

> > Moderators of this Saadhak Group. He should also read a lot of

> > articles which Swamiji has written on the subject. The mere

> reading

> > will soothe and provide peace- nothing else will need to be


> > Basically,You must believe that you are naturally calm. You must

> > believe that you are by the very form of yourself- the happiness

> > itself! THAT IS THE KEY. Saadhaks should ponder on this fact

> > continuously and there is no doubt he ultimately will be


> > that, he is stagnant while happy or unhappy circumstances have

> been

> > coming and going. Once you are convinced inside you, there shall

> > arise in you a natural peace! Just have right beliefs in you!


> > yourself- where is agitation? It was not yesterday, it is not

> going

> > to be tomorrow and now also it is getting away from you! How it


> > you? How you are agitated or tense!

> >

> > Where is the suffering now in the backdrop of above? We are not

> > here to suffer – believe me – We have not at all come in this

> > world to suffer! How can in the World made by God so lovingly


> > his children an element called " suffering " can exist ? We are

> > simply having circumstances or situations arising before us


> on

> > our past Karmas – which situations arise only to end! Why we

> should

> > suffer then? Some times there are good times, some times there


> > bad – what is there to enjoy or suffer when no situation is


> to

> > remain for ever? It is our stupidity that we label a particular

> > situation or incidence or state as " Good " or as " Bad " . The

> suffering

> > is in our stupidity , it is in our mind and no where else! Same

> > incidence is viewed by different people in different manner! It


> > our daily and dirct experience! It is mind and only mind which

> > creates so called emotions of " pleasures " or " pains " ! And that

> mind

> > is guided by DESIRES! You have sorrows only because you

> have " desire

> > for happiness " ! Leave that desire- fully understanding that by

> > desiring alone you shall not be able to achieve any thing in


> > world. If by desiring it is possible to get happiness , then no

> > body on this earth would have remained deficient.(Who does not

> > desire to be happy? Who does not desire to be multi


> So

> > by desire you get nothing! What then do you get by desiring…..

> only

> > sorrows! Hence stop desiring, your all sorrows are hidden


> > Desire of even Baap ( Father ) of Lord Rama was not fulfilled !

> Who

> > are we then? Be desireless and and be happy. The good things in

> life

> > will not stop coming to you because you have stopped desiring.


> > sorrow shall cease! Stop believing " Each of us is undergoing


> > level of suffering " ! Stop believing that " in this material world

> > evils are on top and humanity is suffering miserably " ! They are

> not

> > suffering because of their Karmas – they are suffering because


> > their STUPIDITY! They are suffering because of their MIND! They

> are

> > suffering because they want happiness!You stop being stupid and

> stop

> > desiring- the EQUANIMITY shall come unto you automatically.


> is

> > no need for any efforts. What efforts are going to do…. When by

> the

> > very form of SELF – you are ANANDA, happiness itself! Simply


> > getting dictated by the MIND , simply stop desiring…. The world

> > shall appear to you to " BHAGVAT SWAROOP " ( Very form of God).


> > Desire and the world will start appearing to you to be " full of

> > evils and DUKHALAYA " ! Y- it is ou want the world to appear as

> > BHAGAVAT SWAROOP or AS DUKHALAY – it is purely in your hands!

> >

> > That is Gitaji " s teachings to you- that is what is called YOGA,

> that

> > is what is called Equanimity! That is summary of what is stated


> > Gitaji- 2:62 to 2: 68!

> >

> > Jai Shree Krishna

> >

> > Vyas N B

> > --------------------------------

> > Can we always confront what is conducive /desirable to us?

> Scriptures

> > talk of Tapatraye (three modes of inflictions). We do not have

> > control over the forces of nature and other creatures that can


> the

> > focal point of undesirable happenings or the miseries to us. We


> > not remain inert but are helplessly acting every moment of life.

> When

> > a desire is fulfilled we feel elated and otherwise we hang our


> > in despair. Bhagawad Gita in chapter 18 narrated 5 elements of


> > actions. Favorable or Unfavorable results can be viewed in light


> > these five elements. To an ordinary man a faith that a man has no

> > control over results of actions will do wonder.

> > If we recondition ourselves and make a joke of elating crowds

> > projected in Media all over the world while winning spree and

> > violence in defeat and get in to the habit of appreciating well

> > played game, we can play the game of life with equanimity and


> > shall we be that miserable?.

> >

> > subhash marwah

> > --------------------------------


> > Dear Sadhaka,

> > In my experience, constant recital of Mantra Aum helps

> tremendously.

> > It is like a leash to monkey mind. Lord Krishna has suggested

> > several times in Geeta specially in chapter 8.

> >

> > Love Peace Anandam

> > Satya Kalra

> >

> > --------------------------------


> > , " sadhak_insight "

> > <sadhak_insight@> wrote:

> > >

> > > DEAR sadhak,

> > >

> > > In this material world, evils are on top and humanity is

> suffering

> > > miserably. Each of us is undergoing some level of suffering.


> > > have heard that Gita has solution to help us remain calm. I

> have

> > > heard about " samtaah " - equanimity. " Samatvam yog ucchyate " .

> > > Please suggest how to maintain calmness in such situations and

> > > concentrate on God ?

> > >

> > > Thanking you,

> > > Jai Sri Radhe Krishna

> > > AMIT

> > > Delhi, India

> > >


> > >

> > > 1. The group is focused on the Holy Gitaji, therefore, only

> > > responses which further clarify the understanding of Gitaji,

> will

> > be

> > > posted.

> > >

> > > 2. Making reference of Gitaji shloka is compulsory - at least

> once

> > > in the response

> > >

> > > 3. Wherever possible, please quote Gitaji or other scriptures


> > > substantiate your response.

> > >

> > > 4. Please be as concise and to the point as possible,


> > > sadhaka's time. Under no circustance the answer should exceed

> say

> > > one page at the most (500 words or so).

> > >

> > > 5. Kindly limit personal feelings, opinions, beliefs etc. to


> > > extent that they further help in understanding the Gita shlokas

> > >

> > > 6. Kindly focus your writing to the subject at hand only.

> > >

> > > 7. Please do not include links to the other sites or other

> > > organizations.

> > >

> > > 8. Complete reproduction of texts from any book is strongly

> > > discouraged, however references may be made of the book or

> author

> > > (but not links to other sites).

> > >

> > > 9. Kindly do not include your personal information such as


> > > number, address etc.

> > >

> > > 10. Please do not address the response to a particular

> individual

> > > since the message is going to the entire group.

> > >

> > > 11. Due to the large readership, all responses may not be


> > >

> > > 12. Moderator at his discretion, may modify the posting, if

> > content

> > > is unclear or not appropriate for distribution to the group.

> > >

> > > 13. Please respond taking into consideration the novices,


> > > westerners, non-sectarian audience. Kindly limit the use of


> > > Sanskrit words, rather provide the English word with Sanskrit

> > > bracketed wherever possible.

> > >


> > > Ram Ram

> > >

> >


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Dear Sadhakas, Namaste!


I appreciate Dalmiaji's clarification on my earlier post about " me "

that I used there to refer to body. I am glad he made this important



I want to take this opportunity to say few points.


Body is the main anchor for Consciousness to get identified with and

thereby a sense of " me " is born. Now this sense of " me " is further

conditioned by family traditions, its belief systems, prevailing

culture, nationality, etc etc, and thus " me " becomes strong.


Real problems and suffering start when " me " thinks itself to be

Real. This is the ignorance that Gita and Upanishadas and other

scriptures are addressing directly or indirectly. This " me " is

merely a sense meaning 'thought in the mind' and 'feeling triggered

by bodily sensations'. This sense of " me " is clever enough to derive

its tangibility and sustenance through body as it is the only

tangible aspect of personal life.


However, body cannot be blamed for such ignorance due to

identification. Pure body identification is only for the purpose of

practical life so we all can function rationally.


One can say that when Consciousness/Atman shines on matter a

reflection is produced, so to speak, commonly known as Jiva, or ego

or individual soul all of which are this sense of " me " and not its

reality. It is also called shadow whose reality is Atman which is

not individual or personal. So it helps to see " me " as the sense,

meaning there is nothing tangible about it.


When one knows this fact experientially, then one can take one's

stand as Atman, same as Brahman, right from the beginning. This can

avoid going through progressive steps and many births as Swami

Ramsukhdasji put it in one of recent posts.


Namaskars. Pratap

(Pratap Bhatt)



Recitation AUM can lead to calmness:


1. In music, it is explained that the sound is initiated when

Jataragni in the Mooladharam is " ignited " , and travels at different

levels to the various chakras - Swadhisthanam, Manipoorakam,

Aavaahatham, Visuddhi and Aagjna, representing OM-NA-MA-SI-VA-YA at

these levels, corresponding to Sacrum (brahmagandhi), Lumbar

(Madrasthayi), Thoracic/Back(Madhyasthayi) and Cervical/Neck

(Tharasthayi) finally at head/pituitary (Sahasrapadmam).


2. When one sits in Padmasana and starts reciting AUM- the sound

starts from the Brahmagrandhi and vibrates the whole system, unlike

any other sound produced in the body. The long duration of reciting

the Word AUM causes the harmonious working of the entire system

vibrating in harmony with nature and reaching the Sahasrapadam at

the head with the ecstatic feelings.


kesava pillai



, " sadhak_insight "

<sadhak_insight wrote:


> Calmness in Bhagwat Gita defined as 'santushtah sat tam yogi'

> " Satushtah Sat tam yogi, yat Atma Dradh Nishchayah

> Mai Arpit Mano Budhir, yome Bhaktah s May priyah "


> Yogi, with unbroken satisfaction knows with certainty, that he/she

> is only the Atma: Thus, all activities of his/her

> Intellect/consciousness and sub consciouness are absorbed in Me,


> that (yogi) is united to Me with love.


> Calmness in Patanjali Yoga Sutra is

> " Yogas Chitti Vitriti Nirodhah "


> Calmness is property of Yogi which is ultimate objective of life.

> This is self realization and getting all answers of cause of

> existence. That person is not reactive and is highest in

> sensitivity.


> In periodic table of Chemistry, see the position of Gold and


> This is gold which is highly conductive of electric signal but


> not react to any chemical corrossion, and exists in nature in pure

> form. On the other hand, Sodium is not sensitive but it reacts


> air, water and everything. Sodium is never found in nature in pure

> form but in company of Chlorine as sodium Chloride (salt). This

> Chemistry explains how non yogi (or unsatisfied people) always

> exist in group, and can never stay alone. But Gold is satisfied


> yogi that stays in pure and incorrupt form always.


> regards

> K G

> (krishna gopal)

> --------------------------------

> Friends

> Please refer to the Verses 16th and 21st of 16th Chapter of Gita .

> The verses mentions reasons for HELL or suffering.

> Misled by too many minds, entangled in the webs of attachment, and

> inordinately addicted to sensual pleasure, they fall into hell. "


> " Lust, anger, and greed are the three gateways to hell because they

> are destructive of the Self, they ought to be forsaken. "


> The way out is as per verses 34 and 35 of 6th Chapter which says

> mind is controlled by Practice and detachment. By this , one can

> concentrate on God.


> Humanity is suffering because True Dharma is lost. For a person who

> understands and practices Dharma in real life , there is no

> suffering.


> The whole Gita is to be read again and again by way of a daily

> routine and then Mind will become calm and one will be in a


> to concentrate on God.


> Samata or Equanimity is the outcome and cannot be attained



> regards


> A K Jain

> --------------------------------

> Dear Sadaks,

> Calmess comes once we understand ourselves and things around us.


> cannot maintain calmness, which is a state of mind that came to

> Ramana Rishi, Buddha, Jada Bharath, Adi Sankara, Vallar, Yogi


> Kumar etc.by understanding their goal of life.


> Pagal Baba History: He was sitting by side of Ganges and throwing

> pebbles into water and happily enjoying calmness. Alexander the

> great passing by asked him, " you seem to be young in thirties,


> you work and live, you lazy " . Baba asked, " king what is your


> King said, " I will conquer the balance continents and then sit in

> peace and happiness " . Baba replied, " Oh king I am sitting in


> and happiness without doing all that you said " .

> Understand your childern, wife and relatives are playing role of

> this life. You surrender to GOD playing role along with them


> (playing, smiling, singing, suffering, sharing sorrows etc) in


> level, BUT NOT IN MIND LEVEL. Let the mind be engaged in Sri


> WHO is going to be your real All in All friend (Athuma Bandhu,


> Bandhu, Sarva Bandhu), all others are players on the stage of


> If this thought be revoling in mind then calmness comes in by


> B.Sathyanarayan




> Pratapji has very ably elaborated on the subject. While I am sure


> fully understands what he has written, but for the benefit of


> sadhaks who may have missed the subtle aspect of what pratapji has

> tried to clarify, with his permission, I would like to supplement


> saying that " ME " really means " THE BODY " . We identify ourselves


> the body which is perishable. In fact we are the soul, which is


> perishable. Hence we must constantly identify ourselves as not the

> body but as the soul. For the time being, I do not wish to further

> elaborate on the subject as to how this change in identity can


> about.


> A.H.Dalmia


> -----------------------------

> , " sadhak_insight "

> <sadhak_insight@> wrote:

> >

> > Dear Sadhakas, namaste!

> > Look at the paradox in question: " how to maintain calmness in


> > situations and concentrate on God? "

> > To concentrate on God, one needs calm Mind.

> > To get calm Mind, one needs to concentrate on God!

> >

> > To concentrate on God, one needs to understand what God is!

> > To understand God, one needs pure mind.

> > It is like going in a circle!

> >

> > The Greatest impurity of mind is " me " , a sense of separate being


> > which we are so much attached. It is this attachment to " me " that

> > makes " me " from merely a fleeting thought-feeling-memory in us to

> > becoming our permanent identity. The " me " feels so real to the

> > extent it causes suffering and inflicts it on others for its own

> > survival and continuity. There cannot be " others " without " me "


> > thus conflict is inevitable!

> > One feels compelled to defend oneself and all that one considers


> > belonging to one! The greater part of this baggage is one's

> > ideologies, beliefs, opinions, prejuidices. One is at the mercy


> > such image of oneself, and keeps feeding it throughout the life!

> >

> > To purify such a mind, Gita has many ways to start sadhana and

> break

> > the circle of paradox described above, such as performance of

> > selfless karmas within the guidelines of righteousness. By total

> > devotion and surrender to the power, intelligence and order

> > prevailing in the universe as God.

> > However, the sense of " me " , as solid as it is, cannot stand the

> > inquiry into its claims of legitimacy of being real! It breaks


> > and runs for its life, never to return! Purity shines in its

> absence

> > as it was only hidden by the " me " , found now to be false entity.

> >

> > Thus, by the grace of God, and intense desire on the part of

> Sadhak,

> > the mind finds its lost concentration. It becomes contemplative

> > going forward and ultimately finds God as Peace-happiness which

> > cannot be disturbed by anything of the world. This is equanimity

> > Krishna talks about " Samatvam Yog Uchyate! "

> > Namaskaras... Pratap

> > (Pratap Bhatt)

> > --------------------------------


> -

> > , " sadhak_insight "

> > <sadhak_insight@> wrote:

> > >

> > > Hari Om

> > >

> > > Saadhak brother has asked refering to the calmness in the


> of

> > > sufferings. He is advised to read a Swamiji's article on

> > agitations

> > > in the mind which Article has been posted today by the learned

> > > Moderators of this Saadhak Group. He should also read a lot


> > > articles which Swamiji has written on the subject. The mere

> > reading

> > > will soothe and provide peace- nothing else will need to be

> done.

> > > Basically,You must believe that you are naturally calm. You


> > > believe that you are by the very form of yourself- the


> > > itself! THAT IS THE KEY. Saadhaks should ponder on this fact

> > > continuously and there is no doubt he ultimately will be

> convinced

> > > that, he is stagnant while happy or unhappy circumstances have

> > been

> > > coming and going. Once you are convinced inside you, there


> > > arise in you a natural peace! Just have right beliefs in you!

> Ask

> > > yourself- where is agitation? It was not yesterday, it is not

> > going

> > > to be tomorrow and now also it is getting away from you! How


> is

> > > you? How you are agitated or tense!

> > >

> > > Where is the suffering now in the backdrop of above? We are


> > > here to suffer – believe me – We have not at all come in


> > > world to suffer! How can in the World made by God so lovingly

> for

> > > his children an element called " suffering " can exist ? We are

> > > simply having circumstances or situations arising before us

> based

> > on

> > > our past Karmas – which situations arise only to end! Why we

> > should

> > > suffer then? Some times there are good times, some times there

> are

> > > bad – what is there to enjoy or suffer when no situation is

> going

> > to

> > > remain for ever? It is our stupidity that we label a


> > > situation or incidence or state as " Good " or as " Bad " . The

> > suffering

> > > is in our stupidity , it is in our mind and no where else!


> > > incidence is viewed by different people in different manner!


> is

> > > our daily and dirct experience! It is mind and only mind


> > > creates so called emotions of " pleasures " or " pains " ! And


> > mind

> > > is guided by DESIRES! You have sorrows only because you

> > have " desire

> > > for happiness " ! Leave that desire- fully understanding that by

> > > desiring alone you shall not be able to achieve any thing in

> this

> > > world. If by desiring it is possible to get happiness , then


> > > body on this earth would have remained deficient.(Who does not

> > > desire to be happy? Who does not desire to be multi

> millionaire?)

> > So

> > > by desire you get nothing! What then do you get by desiring…..

> > only

> > > sorrows! Hence stop desiring, your all sorrows are hidden

> there!

> > > Desire of even Baap ( Father ) of Lord Rama was not

fulfilled !

> > Who

> > > are we then? Be desireless and and be happy. The good things


> > life

> > > will not stop coming to you because you have stopped desiring.

> But

> > > sorrow shall cease! Stop believing " Each of us is undergoing

> some

> > > level of suffering " ! Stop believing that " in this material


> > > evils are on top and humanity is suffering miserably " ! They


> > not

> > > suffering because of their Karmas – they are suffering because

> of

> > > their STUPIDITY! They are suffering because of their MIND!


> > are

> > > suffering because they want happiness!You stop being stupid


> > stop

> > > desiring- the EQUANIMITY shall come unto you automatically.

> There

> > is

> > > no need for any efforts. What efforts are going to do…. When


> > the

> > > very form of SELF – you are ANANDA, happiness itself! Simply

> stop

> > > getting dictated by the MIND , simply stop desiring…. The


> > > shall appear to you to " BHAGVAT SWAROOP " ( Very form of God).

> You

> > > Desire and the world will start appearing to you to be " full


> > > evils and DUKHALAYA " ! Y- it is ou want the world to appear


> > > BHAGAVAT SWAROOP or AS DUKHALAY – it is purely in your hands!

> > >

> > > That is Gitaji " s teachings to you- that is what is called


> > that

> > > is what is called Equanimity! That is summary of what is


> in

> > > Gitaji- 2:62 to 2: 68!

> > >

> > > Jai Shree Krishna

> > >

> > > Vyas N B

> > > ------------------------------


> > > Can we always confront what is conducive /desirable to us?

> > Scriptures

> > > talk of Tapatraye (three modes of inflictions). We do not have

> > > control over the forces of nature and other creatures that can

> be

> > the

> > > focal point of undesirable happenings or the miseries to us.


> can

> > > not remain inert but are helplessly acting every moment of


> > When

> > > a desire is fulfilled we feel elated and otherwise we hang our

> head

> > > in despair. Bhagawad Gita in chapter 18 narrated 5 elements of

> all

> > > actions. Favorable or Unfavorable results can be viewed in


> of

> > > these five elements. To an ordinary man a faith that a man has


> > > control over results of actions will do wonder.

> > > If we recondition ourselves and make a joke of elating crowds

> > > projected in Media all over the world while winning spree and

> > > violence in defeat and get in to the habit of appreciating well

> > > played game, we can play the game of life with equanimity and

> then

> > > shall we be that miserable?.

> > >

> > > subhash marwah

> > > ------------------------------


> -

> > > Dear Sadhaka,

> > > In my experience, constant recital of Mantra Aum helps

> > tremendously.

> > > It is like a leash to monkey mind. Lord Krishna has suggested

> > > several times in Geeta specially in chapter 8.

> > >

> > > Love Peace Anandam

> > > Satya Kalra

> > >

> > > ------------------------------


> -

> > > , " sadhak_insight "

> > > <sadhak_insight@> wrote:

> > > >

> > > > DEAR sadhak,

> > > >

> > > > In this material world, evils are on top and humanity is

> > suffering

> > > > miserably. Each of us is undergoing some level of


> I

> > > > have heard that Gita has solution to help us remain calm. I

> > have

> > > > heard about " samtaah " - equanimity. " Samatvam yog

ucchyate " .

> > > > Please suggest how to maintain calmness in such situations


> > > > concentrate on God ?

> > > >

> > > > Thanking you,

> > > > Jai Sri Radhe Krishna

> > > > AMIT

> > > > Delhi, India

> > > >


> > > >

> > > > 1. The group is focused on the Holy Gitaji, therefore, only

> > > > responses which further clarify the understanding of Gitaji,

> > will

> > > be

> > > > posted.

> > > >

> > > > 2. Making reference of Gitaji shloka is compulsory - at


> > once

> > > > in the response

> > > >

> > > > 3. Wherever possible, please quote Gitaji or other


> to

> > > > substantiate your response.

> > > >

> > > > 4. Please be as concise and to the point as possible,

> respecting

> > > > sadhaka's time. Under no circustance the answer should


> > say

> > > > one page at the most (500 words or so).

> > > >

> > > > 5. Kindly limit personal feelings, opinions, beliefs etc. to

> the

> > > > extent that they further help in understanding the Gita


> > > >

> > > > 6. Kindly focus your writing to the subject at hand only.

> > > >

> > > > 7. Please do not include links to the other sites or other

> > > > organizations.

> > > >

> > > > 8. Complete reproduction of texts from any book is strongly

> > > > discouraged, however references may be made of the book or

> > author

> > > > (but not links to other sites).

> > > >

> > > > 9. Kindly do not include your personal information such as

> phone

> > > > number, address etc.

> > > >

> > > > 10. Please do not address the response to a particular

> > individual

> > > > since the message is going to the entire group.

> > > >

> > > > 11. Due to the large readership, all responses may not be

> posted.

> > > >

> > > > 12. Moderator at his discretion, may modify the posting, if

> > > content

> > > > is unclear or not appropriate for distribution to the group.

> > > >

> > > > 13. Please respond taking into consideration the novices,

> youth,

> > > > westerners, non-sectarian audience. Kindly limit the use of

> only

> > > > Sanskrit words, rather provide the English word with


> > > > bracketed wherever possible.

> > > >


> > > > Ram Ram

> > > >

> > >

> >


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