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Where are Arjuna and Pandavas in present times ?

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The conflict between Dharma (Righteousness) and Adharma (Unrighteousness) was

always there, with the differences in degrees of course. Each one in his space

and time might naturally feel that the past had been much better, present worse.

This is due to the fact that when one knows things direct, the impact is in its

full, but when one knows it indirect, the impact is partial. Paritranaya

Sadhunam.. is some what universal, happening everywhere. There is this power

of the negative, and the dances of evil violent as well as conspicuous.


But then all these are temporary, short living, and will pass over, will have to

pass over; and all Dharma rakshitas (protectors of righteousness) in the past

had done their role well. In the present we ought to do our part, and the

future will take care of itself indeed.


One must never loose heart, and courage, one must realise that to do ones duty

is what one ought to be doing, what follows shall not be one's concern at all.

Karmanye vyadhikaraste.......... says the Gita.


Visharad Sharma



Hari Om


Re Saadhak Ravi's query


You said , Dear , " I am not that fortunate to have Lord Krishna as

my companion " - when did Lord leave you? He is sitting right inside

you. Why are you focussing on outer world? What difference does it

make to you as to how now His creation has become? You do your duty.

That is all. Who has been able to change the world as per his

perception or liking? You can only serve selflessly. Who can negate

whatever you have done so far? No body! You are focusing too much on

outer world. See inside you! Is not your conscience clear?


You are son of the King of all the Kings. Why are you putting your

Karma on the yardstick of other persons' judgement of you? Did you

do Karma to seek their approval or as your duty?


You said, Dear, that you get pained to see others suffering- Good!

But are you otherwise happy? If you are, then distribute that

happiness to those who are suffering- where then is the question of

your frustration?. If you are not happy- what an unhappy person can

give to the world? Then you should first seek happiness for yourself-

and that happiness is not outside.It is inside you, O Son of God!

It is in your doing the duty and forgetting about the



What is duty?


Duty is " What you can do and what you should do " !


If you should do something but you cannot, then that is not your

duty. You should aspire to see a better world, sure! But can you

change it? If yes, go ahead. If no, then do not consider that to be

your duty! Where is the sense in grieving?


If some near and dear is sufferring (even if that is your son) and

there is no doubt that you " should " help him , but if you " cannot " ,

then no body including God will blame you for dereliction.


If somebody even your near and dear demands something unreasonable

and you " can " but since you " should not " , hence that is not your



As simple as that!


Jai Shree Krishna


Vyas N B



Dear Ravi

Pandav and Kaurav both exist in the lives of yours and mine, and so

is Sri Krishna. But we never tried to understand them. Bhagwat Gita

is not a history or an article in a newspaper , it is a knowledge

like physics, which is always there in every activity, and all time.

Be patient to read the full e-mail on the vocabulary used in Bhagwat



In fact, Bhagwat Gita is a knowledge like physics and chemistry,

where symbols (instead of identification) are used that

describe 'tatva zyan' i.e., property of different character. For

example, Na is 'tatva' of sodium in its many forms in different

compounds, and F means, force, and g is coefficient of gravity.

Bhagwat Gita is not a history for individuals' identification or for

legal uses. History or legal matters is just information and not

knowledge like that of physics or chemistry. And therefore, a

knowledge like the Bhagwat Gita or physics or chemistry

are 'sanatan, nitya' i.e., 'always applicable', unlike history or

legal cases.


In the definition of Mahabharata there are following tatva zyan that

relate to different characters in it:


Dhrit Rashtra = Dhrit means, dhaarayte iti i.e. resting at and

Rashtra means, a nation. This in modern context means, 'laws and

order' i.e., upon which a nation rests. Dhrit Rashtra was blind

that means, the laws and order upon which the nation rested at, was

insensitive, and self centred and yet knowing everything, and


Dus Shaasan = as the name is self explanatory. Dus is bad; and

Shaasan is governance. He is symbol of Bad Governance. As son of

Dhrit Rashtra, Dus Shaasan is powerful, and corrupt with authority.


Dur Yodhan = as the name is itself self explanatory. Dur is bad, and

Yodhan is authority. He is Bad Authority i.e. police, judges,

officers in land registration, housing approvals etc with

authority. Bad Authority (Dur Yodhan) protects the Bad Governance

(Dus Shaasan).


Shakuni = He is a gambler in the company of the Dus Shaasan, and Dur

Yodhan. He is bad accountant or expert in manipulating public

finances and value of money and fraudulent accountancy. He is like

finance minister or fedral banks who produces and distributes money,

decides and collects taxes, and manipluates policies to the

advantage of bad authority and bad government.


Karna = Karna means, beam or structure that provides the stability.

For example, Karna Dhaar means, those holding responsibility. They

form back bone of the government and authority. These are like

government servants who are helpless and loyal to bad governance and

bad authority for meeting obligation of livelihood, and social



Jaya Drath = outspoken spoksman. He is publicity man that explains

jay or victory when it is actually not. He protects the bad

authority (Dur Yodhan) by wicked publicity champaign, and diverts

right minded people (Arjun) in another direction to save the Dur



Drona Chaarya = Drona is double, dual or divided; and Chaarya =

behaviour or character. This teacher is for skills and

technologies but character is not relevant. Like in universities,

teachers produce students in different specialization but do not

build any character. People with skills and technology are not

necessarily developed people, and become weak in character. These

people have duality in character and conduct, and cannot be

succesful. Lawyers, doctors and even teachers in now a days are not

of men/women of character. They all maintain double standards in

thier actins and therefore are called Drona Achharya.


Kripa Chaarya = it is self explanatory. Kripa means, charity or

providing concession, subsidies, apeasements, and leakage of public

finance for alluring vote banks or in different means of deception

of people. This character is false sense of charity like 'bagula



Bhishm = He is illusion of a nation. This illusion protects status

quo and people look for no alternatives. The illussion is voluntary

and no other can remove it, and it is self destructive.


Sanjay = He is character of communication by which Dhrat Rashtra

knows the consequences and analysis of the conflicts between dharma

of Kaurav and Dharma of Pandav.


A-shva-thaama = He is never dying and character of technology which

is like gun without mind of its own. It can be misused by powers in

hand of which it stays. When he was young and hungry, as son of

Drona Chaarya, that the teacher fallen in its character and agreed

to teach weaponery to clans of Bhism.


Now you can also look aroound and find characters of Kaurav. In

similar way, you can get introduced to Pandava.


Udhisthir = undeterred (sthir) in war (uddhi). Unmoving on

principles, come what may; like Gandhi.

Bhim = Determined, whooses senses are in control

Arjun = Intelect, active warrior or Chhatria engaged in Karma, Zyan

and Bhakti

Nakul = Livelihood without ulterior income or force

Sahdev = Co-existence (non conflicting co-existence)

Sri Kishna = Truth

Viraat = Huge followership

Draupadi = Self respect, purity

Drista Dyumn = Light (dyu) with which truth is seen (drist)


Best regards

Krishna Gopal



The short answer to your question as given by the great saint Shri Tulasidas ji

is " tere bhave jo kare, bhale buro sansar, narayan tu baith ke apno bhuvan

buhar "


A H Dalmia



Sri Sadhak


I read the article from Ravi pratap, on where are the shhatriyas like arjuna and

we dont have Lord Krishna to guide us to bring dharm back to the land of

Bhaaratvarsh. All i can say is, that we are all arjunas,only we have to stand up

and act.The guidance is already there in the Bhagavat Gita. It is a book to

refer to when a hindu is confused. In there Krishna has shown the example thru

the Mahabhaarata. When we read the chapter where he unconfuses Arjuna is where

we hve to read the Lord's guidance and do our duty. Arjuna needed the Lord as

there was no such example. We are fortunate enough to have the example written

in the Gita. We should not be confused. We must act, bring Dharm (Righteousness)

back to Bhaarat or all what Lord Krishna did 5000yrs back would go in vain.

Adharm would rule and extinct the Hindus religion as we know it today.

(Unirighteousness). We as His disciples, must not fail.


ashok bharwani



This is the time which can be compared to the time when Yudhishthir is engrossed

in the game of chauser & is gambling away his kingdom, his brothers & his wife,

only this time it is going to include his mother too in the form of Bharat Mata.

We have to wait till the full act is over for Mahabharat to take place. It has

to happen. Always, as History from times immemorial shows us, that there has to

be a catastrophic upheaval to destroy this kind of evil before long-term peace

can be established.


poonam abbi










, " sadhak_insight "

<sadhak_insight wrote:


> Sri Sadhak,


> In our present situation where Adharma is overpowering Dharma who

> are the Chhatriyas, like Arjuna and the Pandavas? Who will come

> forward to fight the Kauravas?


> Do we continue doing our Karma when the protectors of nation

> (present day Chhatriyas) are not concerned about their Karma? It

gives pain to see people suffer all around and do nothing about it.


> Earlier when I did my work I thought that this is my Karma and I

> should do it with a goal to attain SADGATTI. NOw I find that I am

> stopped from doing my Karma and there are people who are negating

> what ever has been done by me.


> I am confused as what to do. In this forum I have found people with

> great knowledge. Can some one clear my doubts as to what should be

> done by me. I am not that fortunate to have Lord Krishna as my

> companion, to guide me in removing these Kauravas.

> Please help,


> Ravi

> (ravi pratap)





> The Purpose of the group is to help Sadhakas clarify their doubts

related to Gitaji shlokas. To ensure that both the questions and the

responses are focused, pointed and brief, the guidelines for Gita-

Talk discussions are being modified and are being sent to you.


> The following are the guidelines for Gita-Talk discussions.




> 1. The group is focused on the Holy Gitaji and clarifying any

doubts, therefore only questions that pertain to Gitaji will be

posted in the future.


> 2. Please restrict the number of questions asked to only one at a



> 3. Making reference of Gitaji shloka is compulsory - at least once

in the question.


> 4. Please be specific with the question, relating the practical

difficulties being faced by the Sadhak. Specifics around, where is

the sadhak facing obstacles in his spiritual journey, in the

teachings of Geetaji, in principles laid down by Swamiji or other

Mahatamas are highly recommended to be included.


> 5. General questions will not be considered for future posting.

> e.g. " suicide " " solving world hunger " etc.





> 1. The group is focused on the Holy Gitaji, therefore, only

responses which further clarify the understanding of Gitaji, will be



> 2. Making reference of Gitaji shloka is highly encouraged - at

least once in the response. Wherever possible, please quote Gitaji

or other scriptures to substantiate your response.


> 3. Please be as concise and to the point as possible, respecting

sadhaka's time. Under no circustance the answer should exceed say

one page at the most (500 words or so).


> 4. Kindly limit personal feelings, opinions, beliefs etc. to the

extent that they further help in understanding the Gita shlokas


> 5. Kindly focus your writing to the subject at hand only.


> 6. Please do not include links to the other sites or other



> 7. Complete reproduction of texts from any book is strongly

discouraged, however references may be made of the book or author

(but not links to other sites).


> 8. Kindly do not include your personal information such as phone

number, address etc.


> 9. Please do not address the response to a particular individual

since the message is going to the entire group.


> 10. Due to the large readership, only those responses will be

posted which are in line with the general philosophy of taking

Shrimad Bhagavad Gita as the reference.


> 11. Moderator at his discretion, may modify the posting, if

content is unclear for distribution or not directly related to the

question being asked.


> 12. Please respond taking into consideration the novices, youth,

westerners, non-sectarian audience. Kindly limit the use of only

Sanskrit words, rather provide the English word with Sanskrit

bracketed wherever possible.



> Ram Ram


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Dear Sadhakas, Namaste!


We generally think those who are Chhatriyas fight for their land,

and help maintain thier Dharma. Suppose we take more contemporary

and practical view and say those who remain ready to stand up for

Dharma(righteousness), and protect traditions, cultures of the land

are Chhatriyas. In this sense we all can play our roles to uphold

Dharma as Righteousness, Justice and Freedom for all in whatever

ways we can and be true Chhatriyas.


This will eliminate waiting for and blaming Chhatriyas. We just

follow our Dharma and Karmas will be taken care! Dharma here is not

in sense of popular notions of narrowness, rather, broader sense of

doing right things for greater good and Freedom.


When we decide to follow Dharma in this sense, it is Dharma that

will guide us, it will become our charioteer in the fight against

Adharma (unrighteousness). We need not wait for Krishna to

reincarnate, He is available in different forms of inspirations to

us based on time and place and the need of the humanity! Saints and

Sages are working constantly through and as such inspired people.


Once in a while people act out of ignorance and commit apparantly

evil acts causing suffering to themselves and so-called others, but

it has never lasted for long.


As I see, the Universal Intelligence constantly working through

people of all ages to set its wheel to grind and keeps correcting

the course humanity takes. It is not just a hypothesis, Sadhakas, we

just have to step in and play our roles to the best of our ability!


Namaskaras... Pratap

(Pratap Bhatt)



Hello Mr. Ravi ji, this is my humble opinion. Please do not think

that Lord Krishna is not there as your companion..He is always with

us all the time..we just need to look hard enough. Also, please do

not think that whatever you are doing has been negated by others..


Just do what you had to do as your duty and offer that duty as

worship to the God. Do not worry of the outcome or the fruits of

your results. Whether ur effors are compliments or get negated, do

not worry. Just do whatever you feel right in your heart and that is

what 'karma yoga' 3rd chapter in Gita says.


Also, do not worry about others whether they are doing their duty or

not..it s not in our control at all..just trying to do our duty is

all we can do and without any expectation of the fruits there after

for our actions.






Namaste beloved group.

I am new (six years, perhaps) in direct studies of Vedic scripture --

specifically the Gita and Upanishads. Twenty years ago i was

first exposed to the Gita in Sanskrit as a technical typographer,

and recent events -- physical, spiritual, and mental -- have brought

me back to the Song in a major fashion.

But new is hardly the word -- infantile, perhaps better suits my

understanding of the Song Celestial.


With such shallow knowledge, it's hardly appropriate for me

to 'answer' in some way to the group, or, in fact, to any one of you.

But if i was asked this question directly by another seeker, i would

say they're within me.


And inside the person asking me the question. So, too, is Lord

Krishna. The asking itself is proof, if my 'gut feeling' when

reading this question was correct.


The Gita tells me that man is capable of displaying both the Divine

and the Demonic; and is comprised of both. I know that I've played

both roles in this lifetime -- more demonic than divine, certainly,

while confused by the images around me, a greed for things physical,

a lust to be seen as 'important' and even 'compassionate and

good', and all else Krishna talks about on the battlefield that day.


That day, the darkness was represented by the 100 brothers; the

light by only five. If i can pass a day without exhibiting that dark

side, i've stood on the chariot with Arjuna and



Hare Krishna all.


Gary Poyssick





Krishna Gopal ji, Vyas Ji, Sharma Ji and all other sadhaks and



Thanks to all of you for the wonderfull explainations and reply to

my querry.


I was unfortunate not to have been associated with Gija ji or Lord

Krishna earlier and it may take some time for me to fully hand over

the " I " to the Lord.


Jai Sri Krishna,



(R. Shahi)



, " sadhak_insight "

<sadhak_insight wrote:


> The conflict between Dharma (Righteousness) and Adharma

(Unrighteousness) was always there, with the differences in degrees

of course. Each one in his space and time might naturally feel that

the past had been much better, present worse. This is due to the

fact that when one knows things direct, the impact is in its full,

but when one knows it indirect, the impact is partial. Paritranaya

Sadhunam.. is some what universal, happening everywhere. There is

this power of the negative, and the dances of evil violent as well

as conspicuous.


> But then all these are temporary, short living, and will pass

over, will have to pass over; and all Dharma rakshitas (protectors

of righteousness) in the past had done their role well. In the

present we ought to do our part, and the future will take care of

itself indeed.


> One must never loose heart, and courage, one must realise that to

do ones duty is what one ought to be doing, what follows shall not

be one's concern at all. Karmanye vyadhikaraste.......... says the



> Visharad Sharma



> Hari Om


> Re Saadhak Ravi's query


> You said , Dear , " I am not that fortunate to have Lord Krishna as

> my companion " - when did Lord leave you? He is sitting right inside

> you. Why are you focussing on outer world? What difference does it

> make to you as to how now His creation has become? You do your


> That is all. Who has been able to change the world as per his

> perception or liking? You can only serve selflessly. Who can negate

> whatever you have done so far? No body! You are focusing too much


> outer world. See inside you! Is not your conscience clear?


> You are son of the King of all the Kings. Why are you putting your

> Karma on the yardstick of other persons' judgement of you? Did you

> do Karma to seek their approval or as your duty?


> You said, Dear, that you get pained to see others suffering- Good!

> But are you otherwise happy? If you are, then distribute that

> happiness to those who are suffering- where then is the question of

> your frustration?. If you are not happy- what an unhappy person can

> give to the world? Then you should first seek happiness for


> and that happiness is not outside.It is inside you, O Son of God!

> It is in your doing the duty and forgetting about the

> results/reactions!


> What is duty?


> Duty is " What you can do and what you should do " !


> If you should do something but you cannot, then that is not your

> duty. You should aspire to see a better world, sure! But can you

> change it? If yes, go ahead. If no, then do not consider that to be

> your duty! Where is the sense in grieving?


> If some near and dear is sufferring (even if that is your son) and

> there is no doubt that you " should " help him , but if

you " cannot " ,

> then no body including God will blame you for dereliction.


> If somebody even your near and dear demands something unreasonable

> and you " can " but since you " should not " , hence that is not your

> duty!


> As simple as that!


> Jai Shree Krishna


> Vyas N B


> --------------------------------

> Dear Ravi

> Pandav and Kaurav both exist in the lives of yours and mine, and so

> is Sri Krishna. But we never tried to understand them. Bhagwat Gita

> is not a history or an article in a newspaper , it is a knowledge

> like physics, which is always there in every activity, and all


> Be patient to read the full e-mail on the vocabulary used in


> Gita.


> In fact, Bhagwat Gita is a knowledge like physics and chemistry,

> where symbols (instead of identification) are used that

> describe 'tatva zyan' i.e., property of different character. For

> example, Na is 'tatva' of sodium in its many forms in different

> compounds, and F means, force, and g is coefficient of gravity.

> Bhagwat Gita is not a history for individuals' identification or


> legal uses. History or legal matters is just information and not

> knowledge like that of physics or chemistry. And therefore, a

> knowledge like the Bhagwat Gita or physics or chemistry

> are 'sanatan, nitya' i.e., 'always applicable', unlike history or

> legal cases.


> In the definition of Mahabharata there are following tatva zyan


> relate to different characters in it:


> Dhrit Rashtra = Dhrit means, dhaarayte iti i.e. resting at and

> Rashtra means, a nation. This in modern context means, 'laws and

> order' i.e., upon which a nation rests. Dhrit Rashtra was blind

> that means, the laws and order upon which the nation rested at, was

> insensitive, and self centred and yet knowing everything, and

> strong.

> Dus Shaasan = as the name is self explanatory. Dus is bad; and

> Shaasan is governance. He is symbol of Bad Governance. As son of

> Dhrit Rashtra, Dus Shaasan is powerful, and corrupt with authority.


> Dur Yodhan = as the name is itself self explanatory. Dur is bad,


> Yodhan is authority. He is Bad Authority i.e. police, judges,

> officers in land registration, housing approvals etc with

> authority. Bad Authority (Dur Yodhan) protects the Bad Governance

> (Dus Shaasan).


> Shakuni = He is a gambler in the company of the Dus Shaasan, and


> Yodhan. He is bad accountant or expert in manipulating public

> finances and value of money and fraudulent accountancy. He is like

> finance minister or fedral banks who produces and distributes


> decides and collects taxes, and manipluates policies to the

> advantage of bad authority and bad government.


> Karna = Karna means, beam or structure that provides the stability.

> For example, Karna Dhaar means, those holding responsibility. They

> form back bone of the government and authority. These are like

> government servants who are helpless and loyal to bad governance


> bad authority for meeting obligation of livelihood, and social

> acceptance.


> Jaya Drath = outspoken spoksman. He is publicity man that explains

> jay or victory when it is actually not. He protects the bad

> authority (Dur Yodhan) by wicked publicity champaign, and diverts

> right minded people (Arjun) in another direction to save the Dur

> Yodhan.


> Drona Chaarya = Drona is double, dual or divided; and Chaarya =

> behaviour or character. This teacher is for skills and

> technologies but character is not relevant. Like in universities,

> teachers produce students in different specialization but do not

> build any character. People with skills and technology are not

> necessarily developed people, and become weak in character. These

> people have duality in character and conduct, and cannot be

> succesful. Lawyers, doctors and even teachers in now a days are not

> of men/women of character. They all maintain double standards in

> thier actins and therefore are called Drona Achharya.


> Kripa Chaarya = it is self explanatory. Kripa means, charity or

> providing concession, subsidies, apeasements, and leakage of public

> finance for alluring vote banks or in different means of deception

> of people. This character is false sense of charity like 'bagula

> bhagat'.


> Bhishm = He is illusion of a nation. This illusion protects status

> quo and people look for no alternatives. The illussion is voluntary

> and no other can remove it, and it is self destructive.


> Sanjay = He is character of communication by which Dhrat Rashtra

> knows the consequences and analysis of the conflicts between dharma

> of Kaurav and Dharma of Pandav.


> A-shva-thaama = He is never dying and character of technology which

> is like gun without mind of its own. It can be misused by powers in

> hand of which it stays. When he was young and hungry, as son of

> Drona Chaarya, that the teacher fallen in its character and agreed

> to teach weaponery to clans of Bhism.


> Now you can also look aroound and find characters of Kaurav. In

> similar way, you can get introduced to Pandava.


> Udhisthir = undeterred (sthir) in war (uddhi). Unmoving on

> principles, come what may; like Gandhi.

> Bhim = Determined, whooses senses are in control

> Arjun = Intelect, active warrior or Chhatria engaged in Karma, Zyan

> and Bhakti

> Nakul = Livelihood without ulterior income or force

> Sahdev = Co-existence (non conflicting co-existence)

> Sri Kishna = Truth

> Viraat = Huge followership

> Draupadi = Self respect, purity

> Drista Dyumn = Light (dyu) with which truth is seen (drist)


> Best regards

> Krishna Gopal


> -------------------------------

> The short answer to your question as given by the great saint Shri

Tulasidas ji is " tere bhave jo kare, bhale buro sansar, narayan tu

baith ke apno bhuvan buhar "


> A H Dalmia

> -----------------------------


> Sri Sadhak


> I read the article from Ravi pratap, on where are the shhatriyas

like arjuna and we dont have Lord Krishna to guide us to bring dharm

back to the land of Bhaaratvarsh. All i can say is, that we are all

arjunas,only we have to stand up and act.The guidance is already

there in the Bhagavat Gita. It is a book to refer to when a hindu is

confused. In there Krishna has shown the example thru the

Mahabhaarata. When we read the chapter where he unconfuses Arjuna is

where we hve to read the Lord's guidance and do our duty. Arjuna

needed the Lord as there was no such example. We are fortunate

enough to have the example written in the Gita. We should not be

confused. We must act, bring Dharm (Righteousness) back to Bhaarat

or all what Lord Krishna did 5000yrs back would go in vain. Adharm

would rule and extinct the Hindus religion as we know it today.

(Unirighteousness). We as His disciples, must not fail.


> ashok bharwani


> -------------------------------

> This is the time which can be compared to the time when

Yudhishthir is engrossed in the game of chauser & is gambling away

his kingdom, his brothers & his wife, only this time it is going to

include his mother too in the form of Bharat Mata. We have to wait

till the full act is over for Mahabharat to take place. It has to

happen. Always, as History from times immemorial shows us, that

there has to be a catastrophic upheaval to destroy this kind of

evil before long-term peace can be established.


> poonam abbi


> -----------------------------


> , " sadhak_insight "

> <sadhak_insight@> wrote:

> >

> > Sri Sadhak,

> >

> > In our present situation where Adharma is overpowering Dharma who

> > are the Chhatriyas, like Arjuna and the Pandavas? Who will come

> > forward to fight the Kauravas?

> >

> > Do we continue doing our Karma when the protectors of nation

> > (present day Chhatriyas) are not concerned about their Karma? It

> gives pain to see people suffer all around and do nothing about it.

> >

> > Earlier when I did my work I thought that this is my Karma and I

> > should do it with a goal to attain SADGATTI. NOw I find that I am

> > stopped from doing my Karma and there are people who are negating

> > what ever has been done by me.

> >

> > I am confused as what to do. In this forum I have found people


> > great knowledge. Can some one clear my doubts as to what should


> > done by me. I am not that fortunate to have Lord Krishna as my

> > companion, to guide me in removing these Kauravas.

> > Please help,

> >

> > Ravi

> > (ravi pratap)

> >


> >


> > The Purpose of the group is to help Sadhakas clarify their doubts

> related to Gitaji shlokas. To ensure that both the questions and


> responses are focused, pointed and brief, the guidelines for Gita-

> Talk discussions are being modified and are being sent to you.

> >

> > The following are the guidelines for Gita-Talk discussions.

> >


> >

> > 1. The group is focused on the Holy Gitaji and clarifying any

> doubts, therefore only questions that pertain to Gitaji will be

> posted in the future.

> >

> > 2. Please restrict the number of questions asked to only one at a

> time.

> >

> > 3. Making reference of Gitaji shloka is compulsory - at least


> in the question.

> >

> > 4. Please be specific with the question, relating the practical

> difficulties being faced by the Sadhak. Specifics around, where is

> the sadhak facing obstacles in his spiritual journey, in the

> teachings of Geetaji, in principles laid down by Swamiji or other

> Mahatamas are highly recommended to be included.

> >

> > 5. General questions will not be considered for future posting.

> > e.g. " suicide " " solving world hunger " etc.

> >

> >


> >

> > 1. The group is focused on the Holy Gitaji, therefore, only

> responses which further clarify the understanding of Gitaji, will


> posted.

> >

> > 2. Making reference of Gitaji shloka is highly encouraged - at

> least once in the response. Wherever possible, please quote Gitaji

> or other scriptures to substantiate your response.

> >

> > 3. Please be as concise and to the point as possible, respecting

> sadhaka's time. Under no circustance the answer should exceed say

> one page at the most (500 words or so).

> >

> > 4. Kindly limit personal feelings, opinions, beliefs etc. to the

> extent that they further help in understanding the Gita shlokas

> >

> > 5. Kindly focus your writing to the subject at hand only.

> >

> > 6. Please do not include links to the other sites or other

> organizations.

> >

> > 7. Complete reproduction of texts from any book is strongly

> discouraged, however references may be made of the book or author

> (but not links to other sites).

> >

> > 8. Kindly do not include your personal information such as phone

> number, address etc.

> >

> > 9. Please do not address the response to a particular individual

> since the message is going to the entire group.

> >

> > 10. Due to the large readership, only those responses will be

> posted which are in line with the general philosophy of taking

> Shrimad Bhagavad Gita as the reference.

> >

> > 11. Moderator at his discretion, may modify the posting, if

> content is unclear for distribution or not directly related to the

> question being asked.

> >

> > 12. Please respond taking into consideration the novices, youth,

> westerners, non-sectarian audience. Kindly limit the use of only

> Sanskrit words, rather provide the English word with Sanskrit

> bracketed wherever possible.

> >


> > Ram Ram

> >


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