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How to Develop Everlasting Love and Devotion for God

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In Bhagwat Geeta, God has beautifully explained various ways to reach

Him. One of them is Bhakti. It is said Bhakti and Love are deep embeded

in self only and Mal, avaran and vikshep are the hinderances. These

days much empahsis is given on Rajyoga and i think followers of Rajyoga

no matter develop high level of concentration, stillness of mind and

even experience samadhi. But the overall outcome of all these sadhnas

are futile if we donot have pure love for the God. Some great saints

have advocated to have satsang and live a truthful life with purity in

heart to have divine love and deep devotion to the God. But still, in

the present life circumstances, that kind of love and devotion is very

difficult to develop as mind always try to shift its attention in

absence of specific reason digestable for the mind.





so hum...







1. The group is focused on the Holy Gitaji, therefore, only responses

which further clarify the understanding of Gitaji, will be posted.


2. Making reference of Gitaji shloka is highly encouraged - at least

once in the response. Wherever possible, please quote Gitaji or other

scriptures to substantiate your response.


3. Please be as concise and to the point as possible, respecting

sadhaka's time. Under no circustance the answer should exceed say one

(book) page at the most (500 words or so) 3-4 paragraphs.


4. Kindly limit personal feelings, opinions, beliefs etc. to the

extent that they further help in understanding the Gita shlokas


5. Kindly focus your writing to the subject at hand only.


6. Please do not include links to the other sites or other



7. Complete reproduction of texts from any book is strongly

discouraged, however references may be made of the book or author(but

not links to other sites).


8. Kindly do not include your personal information such as phone

number, address etc.


9. Please do not address the response to a particular individual since

the message is going to the entire group.


10. Due to the large readership, only those responses will be posted

which are in line with the general philosophy of taking Shrimad

Bhagavad Gita as the reference.


11. Moderator at his discretion, may modify the posting, if content is

unclear for distribution or not directly related to the question being



12. Please respond taking into consideration the novices, youth,

westerners, non-sectarian audience. Kindly limit the use of only

Sanskrit words, rather provide the English word with Sanskrit

bracketed wherever possible.


13. Any personal remarks over the knowledge of any sadhak or about the

stage at which any sadhak is standing in his quest / sadhna /

spiritual journey - must not be included in your posting.''


14. There should not be any sarcasm towards fellow sadhaks in this

spiritual learning and sharing.



Ram Ram

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Hari Om


Question is how to develop everlasting love for Paramatma.


Love essentially generates out of " mineness " . It is only

when " mineness " is there , that liking arises.. A child likes " his "

mother only- another lady may be more beautiful etc but for child

his mother, however/whatever she is -is the best. Why? Because

of " mineness " .! Similarly even if her own son is not beautiful,

intelligent as compared with other children but mother likes her

son the most.- mineness !


The best way therefore to gain the everlasting love is to

accept/resolve - " I am of the Paramatma, and only Paramatma is mine-

no body else is mine " - i e. Establish mineness with Him and

renounce mineness with the world.. Mirabai said - Mere to Girdhar

Gopal, doosaro na koi.


Accept it firmly. Love will now keep increasing and will remain 24

hours a day- even when you are doing worldly duties or when you are

sleeping..Because you have established " mineness " with Him and

renounced mineness with the world.


Thereupon - " haath kaam mukh Raam hai " ( work on hand and name of

Paramatma on tongue) . Keep chanting His name and always remain

associated with truth (satsanga- company of good people, devotees of

Paramatma, reading of scriptures ). Renounce " kusang " - bad company.


More than enough ! Everything gets covered for uninterrupted love of

Paramatma. All actions now done by you are divine, because the Karta

( doer) has become of Divine. . .


Says Goswami Tulsidasji:-


" Bigree janam anek ki, sudhare ab hi aaj;

Hohi Raam ko naam japi, Tulsi taji kusamaj "


( All. Losses(sins) incurred for many births of past, will get

recouped today, right now ( instantly) , if you first become of

Raam (establish mineness with Him), and then chant his name and

renounce bad company)


Jai Shree Krishna


Vyas N B



This is my humble opinion for ur question " divine love and deep

devotion to God " . Yes, with all the current circumstances, it may

be difficult to develop the deep devotion to God. Think on these

lines...whatever relationship u have with your family or friends or

anything...it is very easy ..am i right ? I mean..u love your family

to that much an extent that u do not bother to work more for their

comfort and happiness..and when our love to our family becomes so

very deep, we forget ourselves completely and we just are happy as

is by the mere feeling of out family or friend's happiness.


So, think God also like ur family or a husband or a wife or a friend

or your child and just slowly start thinking of God and slowly once

u try to understand God, He is with you all the time the way you

remember him. When we do not expect anything from God and think

about God just for the sake of understanding him, the mind becomes

totally calm and ur love to God becomes a natural feeling similar to

the one you have for your (whoever you remember God to be).


Also, please do not pressure ur mind into 'everasting' love

etc..just take one day at a time and just love God in as many

moments in the day as possible without expective anything from

God..then u just fall in love with God's divinity.




Dear Sadak,

Scripts say that one should have made puniyas in earlier BIRTHS to

say Om Namo Narayanaya. To get Bakthi is a gift from GOD. Everyone

cannot. Any action (Karma) is paid. Work gives money. Study gives

certificates. Tapa gives Brama Lok. Service gives Indra lok (Boga ).

Bathing cleances body.Any action of any type gives results. But

tears for love of GOD gives Daya (Karuniya) which transforms into

Bakthi again this fits one in Sat Sangh.

Ravana was blessed with Kuber wealth, large kindom, very eminent

brothers capable of defeting Indra, beautiful wife (Hanuman said),

abled body with NO death fear. But ONE thing was missing Sat Sangh.

Finally lost everything and was put to shame.

Sugreevai-- No place to sleep, No food, No wealth, his wife Ruma

captured by Vaali, No relatives. But ONE thing was blessed that is

Hanuman Sat Sang. Finally got everything and Sri Rama` s friendship.

That the Bala of Sat Sangh. Sat the ultimate truth which is in

Sangh. Not the Sangh that talks of God and world.



, " sadhak_insight "

<sadhak_insight wrote:



> In Bhagwat Geeta, God has beautifully explained various ways to


> Him. One of them is Bhakti. It is said Bhakti and Love are deep


> in self only and Mal, avaran and vikshep are the hinderances. These

> days much empahsis is given on Rajyoga and i think followers of


> no matter develop high level of concentration, stillness of mind


> even experience samadhi. But the overall outcome of all these


> are futile if we donot have pure love for the God. Some great


> have advocated to have satsang and live a truthful life with

purity in

> heart to have divine love and deep devotion to the God. But still,


> the present life circumstances, that kind of love and devotion is


> difficult to develop as mind always try to shift its attention in

> absence of specific reason digestable for the mind.



> everlasting.


> so hum...

> Jigyaasuu


> ------------------------------




> 1. The group is focused on the Holy Gitaji, therefore, only


> which further clarify the understanding of Gitaji, will be posted.


> 2. Making reference of Gitaji shloka is highly encouraged - at


> once in the response. Wherever possible, please quote Gitaji or


> scriptures to substantiate your response.


> 3. Please be as concise and to the point as possible, respecting

> sadhaka's time. Under no circustance the answer should exceed say


> (book) page at the most (500 words or so) 3-4 paragraphs.


> 4. Kindly limit personal feelings, opinions, beliefs etc. to the

> extent that they further help in understanding the Gita shlokas


> 5. Kindly focus your writing to the subject at hand only.


> 6. Please do not include links to the other sites or other

> organizations.


> 7. Complete reproduction of texts from any book is strongly

> discouraged, however references may be made of the book or author


> not links to other sites).


> 8. Kindly do not include your personal information such as phone

> number, address etc.


> 9. Please do not address the response to a particular individual


> the message is going to the entire group.


> 10. Due to the large readership, only those responses will be


> which are in line with the general philosophy of taking Shrimad

> Bhagavad Gita as the reference.


> 11. Moderator at his discretion, may modify the posting, if

content is

> unclear for distribution or not directly related to the question


> asked.


> 12. Please respond taking into consideration the novices, youth,

> westerners, non-sectarian audience. Kindly limit the use of only

> Sanskrit words, rather provide the English word with Sanskrit

> bracketed wherever possible.


> 13. Any personal remarks over the knowledge of any sadhak or about


> stage at which any sadhak is standing in his quest / sadhna /

> spiritual journey - must not be included in your posting.''


> 14. There should not be any sarcasm towards fellow sadhaks in this

> spiritual learning and sharing.



> Ram Ram


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Dear Sadhakas, Namaste!


What generally passes as Love is passion for things of this world or

person who is supposed to fulfill " me " . This is called attachment in

which a predominent thought remains " what is in it for me or what

can I get from that person or thing " ?


Ever-lasting Love is Unconditional, more like mother-child whose

Love is selfless, from one to another! It is give only on the part

of both. It is always Love, not love as opposed to hatred. It is

like a flower that gives fragrance to all including one who plucks

it. It is flower 100%, never anything else, unlike people who love

sometimes and hate othertimes depending on conditions being

favorable or otherwise.


To develop such unconditional Love, one needs to know that person or

things of this world cannot give such unconditional Love eternally,

it is not the nature of things or people, as they are ever changing



Once the dependencies on anything and all things end, the mind of

such a person turns to itself meaning inward due to dispassion

(Vairagya) towards objects which cannot fulfill one completely. Now

the person finds him/her totally alone(not lonely). Devotion,

Surrender, Peace, unshaken Shraddha and Divine qualities are just

waiting there to drown such a one! Dispassion toward world is at the

same time Devotion to God flowering within the heart as that which

stands Alone as Love itself. Such devotion or Love makes one see God

everywhere and Love everyone alike and still not attached to them.


At this time, depending on the predominence of either Devotion and

Love, or selflessness or quest for Truth, one becomes the Bhakta of

Bhagwan-God, or Karma-Yogi who loves to act for humanity at large

which is God for him, or he/she becomes Self-realized Gyani who is

devoted totally to Truth! All are ONE in their essence on their

final ascend to Godhood.



(Pratap Bhatt)




With deepest respect and prayers, I pray that I may have divine

guidance to offer some small insight to this question. What I may

present may not be the most palatable....due to various experiences

persons may have had in life......but it is MY experience. Nor am I

thinking or hoping that what I will write will necessarily be

something others will aspire or be able to copy....but I am just

telling my understanding, and if it is helpful to some, then I am


I personally did not have any awareness of " searching " for a

path, for enlightenment, etc.....at age 12 my older sister brought

me Bhagavad gita, and a few other holy books, took me to a few

Sunday gatherings in a small temple that taught of bhakti

yoga.....not even understanding that I was embarking on a path of

yoga.....age 14 my father let me move in to the mandir for the

summer only, .....when he came to retrieve me, a short conversation

of perhaps five minutes convinced him I should be left there.


It is often said, of various things, " YOU did not choose it, it

chose you....... Well, out of my immense good fortune, and perhaps

some previous sukrti (piety in the heart) my guru chose me. Since

age 14 I have endeavored to study the scriptures and put into

practice what it is that I find my preceptor to have expected from

me....beginning with chanting the hare Krsna mantra a fixed number

of times each day, and refraining from the eating of meat, fish

eggs, gambling, illicit sex, and intoxication. These are various

basic prerequisites on the path I have taken to have everlasting

love of God. But then there is so so much more.....what I came to

understand in the yr. 1996, 19 yrs after my diksha guru left this

world, is that without a siksha guru, someone to give further

relationship, according to me, one can easily dry up. Again, I did not choose

this Divine person......upon leaving this world, from his " dying bed "

(figuratiavely speaking) my initiating spiritual master actually begged this

person, (it is on tape) not ONCE, but TWICE.... " You please help my western

disciples " . Again 19 years later, I say, my guru (this time siksha...one who

gives instruction) came to me. When he was asked why he came to America, he

said, " I heard hearts crying " So, although many may wonder why the emphasis on

an individual giving guidance, I can only say based on my personal experience,

it that unless one has experienced a true spiritual master, he will NOT

understand. The power of one who is truly pure is so overwhelming, even a

glance from his eyes can bring tears and shivers of ecstasy, if the heart is

ripe for love of God. (Let me say also, tears and shivers are not enough to know

who is guru.....one must HEAR the truth and thereby be convinced).


I would like to conclude with simply offering that in the Bhakti Rasamrta

Sindhu, (Chapter 1) by Srila Rupa Goswami,(the head of the 6 Gosvamis of

Vrndavan) there are 64 practices given to attain the stage of pure devotion.....

which IS an everlasting stage of love of God.....these 64 begin with 3 that

pertain to guru....1) to find a bona fide spiritual master, 2) to take shelter

of him through initiation, and 3) to render him service.


There are many many bogus cheaters out there who are jumping for joy at the

idea of being served by unwitting and novice seekers of the truth, who are very

willing to make a living off being guru....this is not guru. True guru has one

motive, to share the transcendental world which is overflowing in his heart.

And if there are some, even in this internet sanga, who truly have connected so

deeply with Paramatma, or the source of Paramatma, Sri Krsna, that they also can

give that love and share that transcendental world, even without any formal guru

for themselves, I offer my respectful obeisances in the dust of that person's

feet, for that person is truly truly also my siksha guru...one who is guiding me

on the path of devotion. And he or she should be accepted as the external

manifestion of Paramatma......


reference #1 Chaitanya Caritamrta. Adi 1.47....siksa-guruke ta jani

kesnera svarupa, antaryami, bhakta=srestha,----ei due rupa..... " One

should know the instructing master to be the personality of Krsna.

Lord Krsna manifest Himself as the Supersoul and as the greatest

devotee of the Lord "


reference #2 Srimad Bhagavatam, 4.24.52.... " My dear Lord, Your two

lotus feet are so beautiful that they appear like two blossoming

petals of the lotus flower which grows during the autumn season.

Indeed, the nails of Your lotus feet emanate such a great effulgence

that they immediately dissipate all the darkness in the heart of a

conditioned soul. My dear Lord, kindly show me that form of Yours

which always dissipates all kinds of darkness in the heart of a

devotee. My dear Lord, Your are the supreme spiritual master of

everyone, therefore, all conditioned souls covered with the darkness

of ignorance can be enlightened by You as the spiritual master. "


in service to the divine,


Mahalaksmi Dasi



Re: How to Develop Everlasting Love and Devotion for God


Hari Om


Question is how to develop everlasting love for Paramatma.


Love essentially generates out of " mineness " . It is only

when " mineness " is there , that liking arises.. A child likes " his "

mother only- another lady may be more beautiful etc but for child

his mother, however/whatever she is -is the best. Why? Because

of " mineness " .! Similarly even if her own son is not beautiful,

intelligent as compared with other children but mother likes her

son the most.- mineness !


The best way therefore to gain the everlasting love is to

accept/resolve - " I am of the Paramatma, and only Paramatma is mine-

no body else is mine " - i e. Establish mineness with Him and

renounce mineness with the world.. Mirabai said - Mere to Girdhar

Gopal, doosaro na koi.


Accept it firmly. Love will now keep increasing and will remain 24

hours a day- even when you are doing worldly duties or when you are

sleeping..Because you have established " mineness " with Him and

renounced mineness with the world.


Thereupon - " haath kaam mukh Raam hai " ( work on hand and name of

Paramatma on tongue) . Keep chanting His name and always remain

associated with truth (satsanga- company of good people, devotees of

Paramatma, reading of scriptures ). Renounce " kusang " - bad company.


More than enough ! Everything gets covered for uninterrupted love of

Paramatma. All actions now done by you are divine, because the Karta

( doer) has become of Divine. . .


Says Goswami Tulsidasji:-


" Bigree janam anek ki, sudhare ab hi aaj;

Hohi Raam ko naam japi, Tulsi taji kusamaj "


( All. Losses(sins) incurred for many births of past, will get

recouped today, right now ( instantly) , if you first become of

Raam (establish mineness with Him), and then chant his name and

renounce bad company)


Jai Shree Krishna


Vyas N B



> This is my humble opinion for ur question " divine love and deep

> devotion to God " . Yes, with all the current circumstances, it may

> be difficult to develop the deep devotion to God. Think on these

> lines...whatever relationship u have with your family or friends


> anything...it is very easy ..am i right ? I mean..u love your


> to that much an extent that u do not bother to work more for their

> comfort and happiness..and when our love to our family becomes so

> very deep, we forget ourselves completely and we just are happy as

> is by the mere feeling of out family or friend's happiness.


> So, think God also like ur family or a husband or a wife or a


> or your child and just slowly start thinking of God and slowly


> u try to understand God, He is with you all the time the way you

> remember him. When we do not expect anything from God and think

> about God just for the sake of understanding him, the mind becomes

> totally calm and ur love to God becomes a natural feeling similar


> the one you have for your (whoever you remember God to be).


> Also, please do not pressure ur mind into 'everasting' love

> etc..just take one day at a time and just love God in as many

> moments in the day as possible without expective anything from

> God..then u just fall in love with God's divinity.

> Regards,

> Bharathi


> Dear Sadak,

> Scripts say that one should have made puniyas in earlier BIRTHS to

> say Om Namo Narayanaya. To get Bakthi is a gift from GOD. Everyone

> cannot. Any action (Karma) is paid. Work gives money. Study gives

> certificates. Tapa gives Brama Lok. Service gives Indra lok

(Boga ).

> Bathing cleances body.Any action of any type gives results. But

> tears for love of GOD gives Daya (Karuniya) which transforms into

> Bakthi again this fits one in Sat Sangh.

> Ravana was blessed with Kuber wealth, large kindom, very eminent

> brothers capable of defeting Indra, beautiful wife (Hanuman said),

> abled body with NO death fear. But ONE thing was missing Sat


> Finally lost everything and was put to shame.

> Sugreevai-- No place to sleep, No food, No wealth, his wife Ruma

> captured by Vaali, No relatives. But ONE thing was blessed that is

> Hanuman Sat Sang. Finally got everything and Sri Rama` s


> That the Bala of Sat Sangh. Sat the ultimate truth which is in

> Sangh. Not the Sangh that talks of God and world.

> B.Sathyanarayan

> -------------------------------

> , " sadhak_insight "

> <sadhak_insight@> wrote:

> >

> >

> > In Bhagwat Geeta, God has beautifully explained various ways to

> reach

> > Him. One of them is Bhakti. It is said Bhakti and Love are deep

> embeded

> > in self only and Mal, avaran and vikshep are the hinderances.


> > days much empahsis is given on Rajyoga and i think followers of

> Rajyoga

> > no matter develop high level of concentration, stillness of mind

> and

> > even experience samadhi. But the overall outcome of all these

> sadhnas

> > are futile if we donot have pure love for the God. Some great

> saints

> > have advocated to have satsang and live a truthful life with

> purity in

> > heart to have divine love and deep devotion to the God. But


> in

> > the present life circumstances, that kind of love and devotion


> very

> > difficult to develop as mind always try to shift its attention in

> > absence of specific reason digestable for the mind.

> >



> > everlasting.

> >

> > so hum...

> > Jigyaasuu

> >

> > ------------------------------

> >


> >

> > 1. The group is focused on the Holy Gitaji, therefore, only

> responses

> > which further clarify the understanding of Gitaji, will be


> >

> > 2. Making reference of Gitaji shloka is highly encouraged - at

> least

> > once in the response. Wherever possible, please quote Gitaji or

> other

> > scriptures to substantiate your response.

> >

> > 3. Please be as concise and to the point as possible, respecting

> > sadhaka's time. Under no circustance the answer should exceed


> one

> > (book) page at the most (500 words or so) 3-4 paragraphs.

> >

> > 4. Kindly limit personal feelings, opinions, beliefs etc. to the

> > extent that they further help in understanding the Gita shlokas

> >

> > 5. Kindly focus your writing to the subject at hand only.

> >

> > 6. Please do not include links to the other sites or other

> > organizations.

> >

> > 7. Complete reproduction of texts from any book is strongly

> > discouraged, however references may be made of the book or


> (but

> > not links to other sites).

> >

> > 8. Kindly do not include your personal information such as phone

> > number, address etc.

> >

> > 9. Please do not address the response to a particular individual

> since

> > the message is going to the entire group.

> >

> > 10. Due to the large readership, only those responses will be

> posted

> > which are in line with the general philosophy of taking Shrimad

> > Bhagavad Gita as the reference.

> >

> > 11. Moderator at his discretion, may modify the posting, if

> content is

> > unclear for distribution or not directly related to the question

> being

> > asked.

> >

> > 12. Please respond taking into consideration the novices, youth,

> > westerners, non-sectarian audience. Kindly limit the use of only

> > Sanskrit words, rather provide the English word with Sanskrit

> > bracketed wherever possible.

> >

> > 13. Any personal remarks over the knowledge of any sadhak or


> the

> > stage at which any sadhak is standing in his quest / sadhna /

> > spiritual journey - must not be included in your posting.''

> >

> > 14. There should not be any sarcasm towards fellow sadhaks in


> > spiritual learning and sharing.

> >


> > Ram Ram

> >


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  • 1 month later...

QUESTION 1: I tried to follow krishna but internally i dont feel

love or bhakti for him. What to do ? Also, reading gita scares me.

Saagar Kadam



QUESTION 2: In Bhagwat Geeta, God has beautifully explained various

ways to reach Him. One of them is Bhakti. It is said Bhakti and Love

are deep embeded in self only and Mal, avaran and vikshep are the

hinderances. These days much empahsis is given on Rajyoga and i

think followers of Rajyoga no matter develop high level of

concentration, stillness of mind and even experience samadhi. But

the overall outcome of all these sadhnas are futile if we donot have

pure love for the God. Some great saints have advocated to have

satsang and live a truthful life with purity in heart to have divine

love and deep devotion to the God. But still, in the present life

circumstances, that kind of love and devotion is very difficult to

develop as mind always try to shift its attention in absence of

specific reason digestable for the mind.




so hum...








1. The group is focused on the Holy Gitaji, therefore, only

responses which further clarify the understanding of Gitaji, will be



2. Making reference of Gitaji shloka is highly encouraged - at least

once in the response. Wherever possible, please quote Gitaji or

other scriptures to substantiate your response.


3. Please be as concise and to the point as possible, respecting

sadhaka's time. Under no circustance the answer should be limited to

half a book page, at the most 3-4 paragraphs.


4. Kindly limit personal feelings, opinions, beliefs etc. to the

extent that they further help in understanding the Gita shlokas


5. Kindly focus your writing to the subject at hand only.


6. Please do not include links to the other sites or other

organizations (we do not have the bandwidth to review links to

determine if content is appropriate for distribution).


7. Complete reproduction of texts from any book is strongly

discouraged, however partial cut - paste is acceptable and

references may be made of the book or author(but not links to other



8. Kindly do not include your personal information such as phone

number, address etc.


9. Please use appropriate judgement and only address the response to

a particular individual, where it makes sense to do so.


10. Due to the large readership, only those responses will be posted

which are in line with the general philosophy of taking Shrimad

Bhagavad Gita as the reference.


11. Moderator will reject any content that does not meet guidelines.

However, for expediency, moderator at his discretion, may modify /

delete portions of the posting for mispelling, wordiness that is

irrelevant to the overall core discussion, personal information,

opinions / feelings etc. that do not align with guidelines.


12. Please respond taking into consideration the novices, youth,

westerners, non-sectarian audience. Kindly limit the use of only

Sanskrit words, rather provide the English word with Sanskrit

bracketed wherever possible.


13. Any personal remarks over the knowledge of any sadhak or about

the stage at which any sadhak is standing in his quest / sadhna /

spiritual journey - must not be included in your posting. Also,

there should not be any sarcasm towards fellow sadhaks in this

spiritual learning and sharing.




Ram Ram

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QUESTION 1: I tried to follow krishna but internally i dont feel

love or bhakti for him. What to do ? Also, reading gita scares me.

Saagar Kadam



QUESTION 2: In Bhagwat Geeta, God has beautifully explained various

ways to reach Him. One of them is Bhakti. It is said Bhakti and Love

are deep embeded in self only and Mal, avaran and vikshep are the

hinderances. These days much empahsis is given on Rajyoga and i

think followers of Rajyoga no matter develop high level of

concentration, stillness of mind and even experience samadhi. But

the overall outcome of all these sadhnas are futile if we donot have

pure love for the God. Some great saints have advocated to have

satsang and live a truthful life with purity in heart to have divine

love and deep devotion to the God. But still, in the present life

circumstances, that kind of love and devotion is very difficult to

develop as mind always try to shift its attention in absence of

specific reason digestable for the mind.




so hum...






Reading Gita is scary! Wonderful!!


Yes! When I started studying the Upanishads, I lost sleep for several

months!! There is nothing wrong to be scared while studying Vedanta.

The good thing in this is - it proves that you are taking it to your

heart. Taking it to our hearts is the first baby step. Yes, Vedanta's

fundamental approach is to take us near the death. Obviously, not

being used to think of death in a positive manner, we get terrified.


Climbing Mount Everest is scary. But we have to understand one thing,

the scare is not induced in us by the mountain climbing ... it is

embedded in us already. If not Mount Everest, something else will be

always there to surface our scare to haunt us. If we quit our journey

with terror, (1) the terror remains within us for our life times

haunting us forever; (2) we miss The Bliss of attaining the Zenith to

merge into a universal view of The Life.


If one wants (1) to win over one's fears that is firecely trembling

one's existence from within and/or (2) to attain The Bliss of The



Bhagavad Gita was just an instrument to reveal your scare ... the

scare was within you already. You opened Bhagavad Gita for the same

reason in the first place. You wanted to end the miseries induced in

you every moment by this scare once and for ever. That is why you

opened The Bhagavad Gita in the first place.


On the other hand, you wanted to swim the ocean of The Life to

experience what it would be like to be with the water directly. You

were always used to the unyielding support of a tiny unstable boat.

The instability in the boat has already scared you. You thought, the

instability in the boat is due to the enormity of the water all the

time. Yet ... you wanted to experience what the water would feel like

and you touched the water. You were not familiar with the cold and

fluid water which would not support you in any direction and provide

the warmth of the breeze around ... it is obvious you get scared. No

problem! Feel the scare ... face the scare ... and just jump into the

water ... you are bound to swim. Just try it. Just do it. Just be it.




Naga Narayana



Hari Om


Answer to Shri Sagar Kadam.


Whatever you may say - you won't ever be able to forget the King of

All the Kings- Paramatma. Millions and trillions have expressed like

you in the past but a permanent association always comes to the

forefront-ultimately. No way to erase HIM out of YOU.


Any way - I am reminded of a reference by Swamiji Ramsukhdasji Maharaj.


A sadhu once told him- " Maharajji , what to do ? I am worried. I

don't have any shraddha (respectful belief) in Gitaji. "


The great Saint smiled and replied to him -


" The fact that you are worried about not having shraddha in Gitaji, is

it not in itself a proof which indicates that you indeed have shraddha

(respectful belief) in Gitaji? "


Swamiji wrote that as soon as that Sadhu heard what Swamiji said to

him - " He became really very happy. "


Before I reply to you further, you should tell me - how near you are

to the above conversation? Have you really become happy after reading

this reply ?


Balance only after you respond.


Jai Shree Krishna


Vyas N B


Love your child. Love your mother. Love your employees. Love your dog.

Love your wife. Love your brother. Love you sister. As a result of

these, you can finally know the property of love, and its effect. And

this 'love' is the only Krishna. And child, mother, employees, dog,

brother and sister are His manifested nature, that no longer remains

forever but the feeling of love will exist and remains inseparable

even after death. So your body will not be there, but the Love from

you, will remain in the world.


Love is like radio waves which are not loud (of very low amplitude)

but travel very long distances (with long wave length). No action is

lost as the waves once set in motion slowly become flat and goes

everywhere and cannot be removed. Love is like that wave found in

environment, and it can be recovered and magnified; and realized just

as a radio does.



(Krishna Gopal)





1. The group is focused on the Holy Gitaji, therefore, only

responses which further clarify the understanding of Gitaji, will be



2. Making reference of Gitaji shloka is highly encouraged - at least

once in the response. Wherever possible, please quote Gitaji or

other scriptures to substantiate your response.


3. Please be as concise and to the point as possible, respecting

sadhaka's time. Under no circustance the answer should be limited to

half a book page, at the most 3-4 paragraphs.


4. Kindly limit personal feelings, opinions, beliefs etc. to the

extent that they further help in understanding the Gita shlokas


5. Kindly focus your writing to the subject at hand only.


6. Please do not include links to the other sites or other

organizations (we do not have the bandwidth to review links to

determine if content is appropriate for distribution).


7. Complete reproduction of texts from any book is strongly

discouraged, however partial cut - paste is acceptable and

references may be made of the book or author(but not links to other



8. Kindly do not include your personal information such as phone

number, address etc.


9. Please use appropriate judgement and only address the response to

a particular individual, where it makes sense to do so.


10. Due to the large readership, only those responses will be posted

which are in line with the general philosophy of taking Shrimad

Bhagavad Gita as the reference.


11. Moderator will reject any content that does not meet guidelines.

However, for expediency, moderator at his discretion, may modify /

delete portions of the posting for mispelling, wordiness that is

irrelevant to the overall core discussion, personal information,

opinions / feelings etc. that do not align with guidelines.


12. Please respond taking into consideration the novices, youth,

westerners, non-sectarian audience. Kindly limit the use of only

Sanskrit words, rather provide the English word with Sanskrit

bracketed wherever possible.


13. Any personal remarks over the knowledge of any sadhak or about

the stage at which any sadhak is standing in his quest / sadhna /

spiritual journey - must not be included in your posting. Also,

there should not be any sarcasm towards fellow sadhaks in this

spiritual learning and sharing.




Ram Ram

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QUESTION 1: I tried to follow krishna but internally i dont feel

love or bhakti for him. What to do ? Also, reading gita scares me.

Saagar Kadam


QUESTION 2: In Bhagwat Geeta, God has beautifully explained various

ways to reach Him. One of them is Bhakti. It is said Bhakti and Love

are deep embeded in self only and Mal, avaran and vikshep are the

hinderances. These days much empahsis is given on Rajyoga and i

think followers of Rajyoga no matter develop high level of

concentration, stillness of mind and even experience samadhi. But

the overall outcome of all these sadhnas are futile if we donot have

pure love for the God. Some great saints have advocated to have

satsang and live a truthful life with purity in heart to have divine

love and deep devotion to the God. But still, in the present life

circumstances, that kind of love and devotion is very difficult to

develop as mind always try to shift its attention in absence of

specific reason digestable for the mind.




so hum...






Shree Hari:

Ram Ram!

Answer 1. Your feeling that you don't feel is the evidence of your

having love and devotion for God. Who will say 'love and devotion for

God' is not ever lasting?

Answer 2. This 'love for God' can't be developed or demolished as it

IS. Shraddhey Swami Ramsukhdasjee told me 'one yog' only and it

worked fastest as it requires no meditation, no concentration, no

chanting, no actions of limbs, senses, mind or intellect or anything

whatever. You have to die and take birth accepting " I am God's only.

Only God's mine. I am nobody else's. Nobody else is mine. " Swamijee

told me start with the first, rest will follow automatically.

Whatever more is required by you won't work except gathering

information and doing nothing. You are free to waste time.

You think when Shraddhaa is there, love for God will grow. You want

to start swimming after learning how to swim.

Pay true homage to Swamijee by doing this only yog, you can't escape

being God's only.

I know no formalities even, excuse me here!


(Sarvottam Varma)


Hari Om


Reply to the query of Jigyasu. There is nothing futile on the road

towards God. Dhyaan Yoga(meditation) is also an equally effective

method of realisation. Sadhaks may choose what suits them most, but

should have no negative feeling about other methods-otherwise they

lose focus on their own method also, in the end. They may

get " liberation " but they will never get " ever increasing love of

God " -if they are critical of other methods. Dhyaan is definitely

superior to mere practice of chanting God's name etc( without

exclusive mineness with God) and reading of Holy Scriptures.( Gita


Dhyaan has many advantages, some of them instant , which are unique.

Peace generates in meditation-which becomes very handy for all

sadhaks- at the final stage. On daily basis also this peace makes

the life of sadhak better. If you are serious on your striving, no

way described in Gita is difficult.


However that Bhakti is best in which devotion is automatic and is

not effortful ( induced). That will be possible only when you

accept - " Mere to Girdhar Gopal, Doosaro na koi " ( Only God is mine,

nothing else is mine). It is a law that " LOVE " generates out

of " mineness " . When you develop a mineness with God - exclusive

mineness- the LOVE will be naturally emanating " out of SELF " , you

will not have to make any efforts for the same. What efforts as

parents we make to love our children? Nothing- love emanates

naturally. Reason: Mineness with them.


Hence answer to your question is simple- Establish exclusive

mineness with Paramatma. The love then will be natural , spontaneous

and ever lasting. There is no other way to develop everlasting love-

I REPEAT, NO OTHER WAY. Any effort in this regard will always be

time bound and results will vanish with the time.


Jai Shree Krishna


Vyas N B



Dear Shri Kadamji,


" Bhagwat Prem " (Love for God) is the rarest thing one can aspire

for. Truly it is said to be higher than 'Moksha' or 'Sakshatkar'. It

is said that one can learn to love god only and only by keeping

company of those who love / loved God.


In view of this and in view of your desire for love for God, instead

of reading and contemplating on Gitaji, it may be far more meaningful to read

about the life of the Great Premi Bhaktas. In

kaliyug, there have been only two premi bhaktas, who became one with

God in their physical form. (Ve apne sharir ke sath hi bhagwan mein

sama gaye). They are Chaitanya Mahaprabhu and Meera Bai. I would

stongly recommend that you read about them. The best book on Chaitanya

Mahaprabhu that I have come across is " Chaitanya Charitamrit " by Prabhu Datt ji

Brhamachari. This should be available

fron Gita Press shop. I have been wanting to read similar literature

on Meera Bai. But I have not been able to lay my hands on the same.

(If any sadhak has come across any good book on Meera Bai, please

let me know the name of book and it's publisher).


Additionally, you could read " Bhakta Mal " (This is not a Gita Press

publication). Another Gita Press book is " Bhakt Charitank " . Here I

would recommend that you read characters of Bhaktas of Kaliyug only.

The reason is, if you read characters of Bhaktas of Satyug, you may

tend to get disheartened as it would say that this Bhakta did 'Tapasya' for

10,000 years and so on. We in kaliyug just don't

have that kind of time.


This will certainly generate love for God in your heart and

definitely, there will be no fear of the type you may be getting by

reading Gitaji.


Finally, in the words of Chaitanya Mahaprabhu " Harernamaiv,

Harernamaiv, Harernamaiv Kevalam, Kalau Nastyeva, Nastyeva, Nastyeva

Gatiranyatha " . And in the words of Meera Bai " Mere to Girdhar Gopal "




.... contd.


Incapable to develop Love or Bhakti toward Krishna!! What to do?


This means that the scare you mentioned is still haunting you from

within! Until you face the scare, you have no chance of developing

Love or Bhakti toward The Krishna. In fact, the sheer removal of all

our fears is The Love or The Bhakti toward The God. It is the fears

that haunt us in various ways - doubts, pretentions, anger, frustration,

anxiety, greed, lust, ... the infinitude of our miserable state of dependence on

relations engrossed in emotions. We panic like a fish taken out of water by the

sheer hint of loss of our beloved objects of posessession - the unstable tiny

boat. A slight shake of this boat scares us. Of course, Krishna repells us till

we beleive that all our existence is tied to such a boat - a possessive heart!

As said earlier, just face the scare ... it is like a street dog ...

scares you till you run! Just pause ... it pauses!! Just stand facing

it ... it starts wiggling its tail!!! Just gather your courage to

fight it ... it runs away :). Of course, there are too many street

dogs around. You have to repeat every time you see one. But when you

do not see one, observe. It is all The Krishna everywhere ... Peace,

Bliss and Absolute Fearlessness. Then, how can you remain not in Love

with Krishna?!


How to develop Shraddha for The God?


Unless we answer ourselves the question, " why should we develop

Shraddha for The God? " , we cannot address this question. Again, do we

want to win over our scares of relativity? Do we want to taste the

nectar of The Absolute?? If we find the answer to be " yes " , we need

to take the shelter of The Shraddha. If you are convinced that you

really want to get rid of all your miseries positively, then your

question already dissolved ... The Shraddha for The God is already

there!! Nobody can develop IT ... IT is just there ... IT was always

there ... IT will always be there ready to cleanse us. But, it is us

who refrain from the Snaana, the cleansing process. We jump around

in panick like a dog taken near water for a bath! Just take the

bath ... IT is there.

IT is disappeared from our attention since we are jumping around with

scare at the slightest vision of the same! Just pause ... observe ...

and be there. Yes! we run out even if we are shown the soothing bliss

in the serenity of such a bath!! We run after our wordly chorus, just

like the dog running after a bone ... it is OK!!! The Shraddha is

still there to embrace us with its soothing warmth ... always. Just

beware of that and be ready for that after the chorus to sooth

yourself. As we do it more and more, we see that The Shraddha is

actually showering on us irrespective of what we are doing and we are

at the same Bliss irrespective of time and space ... no more

relativity ... no more scare in the erstwhile chorus ... it is The

Absolute as such ... The Fearless presence ... The Eternal Bliss as

such. For now ... let us just take the bath ... let us start the

process without hesitation!




Naga Narayana.




This is a reply to Jigyaasuu who would do well before reading the

Bhagavad gita he should to develop Bhakti or devotion by reading the




(Prashanth Thirukkonda)




One of the ways of cultivating bhakti is by listening to bhajans,

well-produced bhajans. For me, it's alone with Anup Jalota ji's and

Jagjit Singh ji's.

Their Hari bhajans do it all. Why do people fall in love with pop

stars? Because they hear about them all the time and so they get

attached to them. If you hear the praises and achievements of

historical or living individuals, you'll feel the same towards them.

Listen to Hari bhajans, and you'll begin fall in love with Murli

Manohar Himself.

Rishi Handa



Jai Hanuman


Very good Bhaiyyaji. Reading Gitaji is scary ! ! Shaabas Jee! ( Hats

off you )


The scare has not arisen from Gita - because you have not even read

it. Scare has arisen from the sources other than Gitaji ! Leave

those sources, leave those deeds which spoil the antahkarana. Geeta

will appear sweet to you.


The best thing is that now you are attracted towards Gita . Even

Scare for Gita will give you good results. That is silverlining ,

Bhaiyyaji in the dark and dense clouds of ignorance. Get attracted

by fear or favour, hate or love, praise or criticism, raag or dvesha-

but get near Gitaji. It would help.


Andhadundh sarkaar hai, Tulsi bhajo nishank


Kheeje det hai param pad aur reejhe det hai Lank


Says Tulsidasji - The God's government is blind (absolutely

illogical) Therefore fearlessly become a devotee. If God becomes

happy ( as He became with Vibhisana) then He gives you the Kingdom

of Lanka. If God becomes annoyed ( as He became with Raavana) He

grants you residence in His own Loka !!


Andhadhundh Bhaiyya ! Andhadhundh !!


Jee Jee






Reading Gita is scary! Wonderful!!


Yes! When I started studying the Upanishads, I lost sleep for several

months!! There is nothing wrong to be scared while studying Vedanta.

The good thing in this is - it proves that you are taking it to your

heart. Taking it to our hearts is the first baby step. Yes, Vedanta's

fundamental approach is to take us near the death. Obviously, not

being used to think of death in a positive manner, we get terrified.


Climbing Mount Everest is scary. But we have to understand one thing,

the scare is not induced in us by the mountain climbing ... it is

embedded in us already. If not Mount Everest, something else will be

always there to surface our scare to haunt us. If we quit our journey

with terror, (1) the terror remains within us for our life times

haunting us forever; (2) we miss The Bliss of attaining the Zenith to

merge into a universal view of The Life.


If one wants (1) to win over one's fears that is firecely trembling

one's existence from within and/or (2) to attain The Bliss of The



Bhagavad Gita was just an instrument to reveal your scare ... the

scare was within you already. You opened Bhagavad Gita for the same

reason in the first place. You wanted to end the miseries induced in

you every moment by this scare once and for ever. That is why you

opened The Bhagavad Gita in the first place.


On the other hand, you wanted to swim the ocean of The Life to

experience what it would be like to be with the water directly. You

were always used to the unyielding support of a tiny unstable boat.

The instability in the boat has already scared you. You thought, the

instability in the boat is due to the enormity of the water all the

time. Yet ... you wanted to experience what the water would feel like

and you touched the water. You were not familiar with the cold and

fluid water which would not support you in any direction and provide

the warmth of the breeze around ... it is obvious you get scared. No

problem! Feel the scare ... face the scare ... and just jump into the

water ... you are bound to swim. Just try it. Just do it. Just be it.




Naga Narayana



Hari Om


Answer to Shri Sagar Kadam.


Whatever you may say - you won't ever be able to forget the King of

All the Kings- Paramatma. Millions and trillions have expressed like

you in the past but a permanent association always comes to the

forefront-ultimately. No way to erase HIM out of YOU.


Any way - I am reminded of a reference by Swamiji Ramsukhdasji



A sadhu once told him- " Maharajji , what to do ? I am worried. I

don't have any shraddha (respectful belief) in Gitaji. "


The great Saint smiled and replied to him -


" The fact that you are worried about not having shraddha in Gitaji,


it not in itself a proof which indicates that you indeed have


(respectful belief) in Gitaji? "


Swamiji wrote that as soon as that Sadhu heard what Swamiji said to

him - " He became really very happy. "


Before I reply to you further, you should tell me - how near you are

to the above conversation? Have you really become happy after reading

this reply ?


Balance only after you respond.


Jai Shree Krishna


Vyas N B


Love your child. Love your mother. Love your employees. Love your


Love your wife. Love your brother. Love you sister. As a result of

these, you can finally know the property of love, and its effect. And

this 'love' is the only Krishna. And child, mother, employees, dog,

brother and sister are His manifested nature, that no longer remains

forever but the feeling of love will exist and remains inseparable

even after death. So your body will not be there, but the Love from

you, will remain in the world.


Love is like radio waves which are not loud (of very low amplitude)

but travel very long distances (with long wave length). No action is

lost as the waves once set in motion slowly become flat and goes

everywhere and cannot be removed. Love is like that wave found in

environment, and it can be recovered and magnified; and realized just

as a radio does.



(Krishna Gopal)





1. The group is focused on the Holy Gitaji, therefore, only

responses which further clarify the understanding of Gitaji, will be



2. Making reference of Gitaji shloka is highly encouraged - at least

once in the response. Wherever possible, please quote Gitaji or

other scriptures to substantiate your response.


3. Please be as concise and to the point as possible, respecting

sadhaka's time. Under no circustance the answer should be limited to

half a book page, at the most 3-4 paragraphs.


4. Kindly limit personal feelings, opinions, beliefs etc. to the

extent that they further help in understanding the Gita shlokas


5. Kindly focus your writing to the subject at hand only.


6. Please do not include links to the other sites or other

organizations (we do not have the bandwidth to review links to

determine if content is appropriate for distribution).


7. Complete reproduction of texts from any book is strongly

discouraged, however partial cut - paste is acceptable and

references may be made of the book or author(but not links to other



8. Kindly do not include your personal information such as phone

number, address etc.


9. Please use appropriate judgement and only address the response to

a particular individual, where it makes sense to do so.


10. Due to the large readership, only those responses will be posted

which are in line with the general philosophy of taking Shrimad

Bhagavad Gita as the reference.


11. Moderator will reject any content that does not meet guidelines.

However, for expediency, moderator at his discretion, may modify /

delete portions of the posting for mispelling, wordiness that is

irrelevant to the overall core discussion, personal information,

opinions / feelings etc. that do not align with guidelines.


12. Please respond taking into consideration the novices, youth,

westerners, non-sectarian audience. Kindly limit the use of only

Sanskrit words, rather provide the English word with Sanskrit

bracketed wherever possible.


13. Any personal remarks over the knowledge of any sadhak or about

the stage at which any sadhak is standing in his quest / sadhna /

spiritual journey - must not be included in your posting. Also,

there should not be any sarcasm towards fellow sadhaks in this

spiritual learning and sharing.




Ram Ram

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QUESTION 1: I tried to follow krishna but internally i dont feel

love or bhakti for him. What to do ? Also, reading gita scares me.

Saagar Kadam


QUESTION 2: In Bhagwat Geeta, God has beautifully explained various

ways to reach Him. One of them is Bhakti. It is said Bhakti and Love

are deep embeded in self only and Mal, avaran and vikshep are the

hinderances. These days much empahsis is given on Rajyoga and i

think followers of Rajyoga no matter develop high level of

concentration, stillness of mind and even experience samadhi. But

the overall outcome of all these sadhnas are futile if we donot have

pure love for the God. Some great saints have advocated to have

satsang and live a truthful life with purity in heart to have divine

love and deep devotion to the God. But still, in the present life

circumstances, that kind of love and devotion is very difficult to

develop as mind always try to shift its attention in absence of

specific reason digestable for the mind.




so hum...






Jai Hanuman


Jigyasu bhaiyya/ bahenjee


In fact, your view/opinion that - " having love and shraddha (for

Daddy, the Dear) is very difficult " - that in itself only is making

the arising of that love / sharaddha in you to be difficult. Believe

me on this. Even a very very young child will not agree with you.


What kind of difficulty is experienced according to you by a child

when it plays/dictates/ loves/ rules over its Mummy? Why it is very

difficult or rare? Why can't we simply believe that - " Hey Naath I

am yours " ! Even an infant child doesn't have a problem there? What

problem then a grown up child like yourself can have?


Nothing is difficult or rare Jee ! Our khopadi (mind) has gone

haywire , Jee !! Common sense has become most uncommon Jee !! Is not

a pen or pencil rightfully thrown away by Self while eating ?

Similarly at some places we should relinquish mind/ego/intellect

also. This is the place where we must relinquish these " non-

existent " ghosts called mind, ego, intellect, body etc. Jee ! .


Use self here ! Jee !!


" Digestable for the mind " - VOW !!! What a power this mind is

exercising on you ?? Totally enslavened. Totally mixed ! No

difference between " self " and " mind " !! " My Mind " , " My Ego " - Don't

you know who I am ? "


Baba - wake up Jee !! Is mind your owner / that important ? So

your mind tells you that it has capacity not only to eat but to

digest also - quite versatile creature Jee ? You are watching

helplessly and crying / laughing becoming happy or sad, like a

machine !! Is that all that the " Self " is ? or is it all

that " Self " is capable of ?


Raam Raam Raam.


Servants have become masters and masters have become servants !


Jigyasuji, you are the master not " your " mind, ego or intellect !

Why are you playing on the tunes of these machines called " karana " -

antahkarana/ bahya karana (inner/outer faculties/tools)? Use " self "

in the same manner as a child uses " self " when it believes - Mom is

mine, I am of the Mom. Say fearlessly - Mere to Girdhar Gopal ,

Doosaro na Koi.


The best prayer to God is - O God make me a Child ! I am your Child,

God. O Father I am your child only. Hey Naath - let me not forget

you ! (Hey Naath, Mein Bhooloon Nahin)


Can there be a simpler thing ? You call it Rare/ Difficult !! Your

comments in fact are not even child-like Jee !! Got me??


Jee Jee




-Shree Hari-




When it comes to the Bhagavad Gita , I am like a child; do you know,

it is a wonderful way to be?

I do not have any pretensions, I don't know Sanskrit, nor Hindi I am

a child . It is all new to me, I read whatever chapters I please to,

as much or as little as I wish at any time. I will follow

directions of fellow Sadhaks regarding the Gitaji , and those of

Swamiji, why should I not, I am a child.


As regards to Rajyoga. First think about driving a car; you have to

know the road rules, how to control the vehicle, (use of breaks

clutch gears, and steering) , if you leave out one of the

requirements , there could be disaster!

So the driving rules of Raja-Yoga as per Swami Vivekananda:

Yama, Niyama, Asana, Pranayama, Pratyahara, Dharana, Dhyana, Samadhi.

Some of these steps , (possibly all), can flow into each other,

Yama can generate Niyama, and so on. The reason I mentioned these

steps, is to show how as you stated , 'But the overall outcome of

all these sadhnas are futile if we do not have pure love for the

God', can happen. (Not following the rules).

Mind you if you practiced, Yama, and Niyama, (might be a big ask for

a young person), kept spiritual company such as the brothers and

sisters here, along with some reading of the Sacred Gita, I would

not be surprised if you found the words of Lord Krishna as fresh as

if they were spoken today. And also you would start to sense The

Beloved within.

But do believe this! Whatever way opens before you, it is Bhagwan

leading you, it appears to me, it has already started.


With Respect and Divine Love



(Mike Keenor)


Jai Shree Krishna


Getting scared by Gitaji reminded me of a short story.


There were two ants , one living on a mountain of salt and another

on a mountain of sugar. Once they both met and the ant living on the

mountain of sugar took the other one with it to sugar mountain.

After some time the sugar ant asked the other as to how it was

feeling now. The salt ant said I don't find any difference.

Surprised, the sugar ant asked the other to open its mouth. The

other ant opened the mouth and there was a grain of salt in its

mouth-brought from the other mountain. The sugar ant requested the

other to go and wash the mouth fully. The other ant did that. Again

when the sugar ant enquired as to whether is any difference between

two mountains- the other ant motioned - " Keep quite, let me

enjoy " !!!


Throw away that grain of salt, Dear Kadamji. You will enjoy Gitaji.


Rajendra J Bohra

Narayana Narayana



Thnks for reply but gita says the process to reach god should not be

forced one so is forcing correct way. i beleive in god no doubt but

while reading gita everytime i feel reluctant to follow. like gita

says one should not worry for ones father, mother friends. Our

parents have given us a lot, or God gave us lot through them. but we

have some responsibilities towards them. How could we leave wife

children and everyone else and go for sannyas?

Saagar Kadam





Shree Hari:

Ram Ram!

Answer 1. Your feeling that you don't feel is the evidence of your

having love and devotion for God. Who will say 'love and devotion for

God' is not ever lasting?

Answer 2. This 'love for God' can't be developed or demolished as it

IS. Shraddhey Swami Ramsukhdasjee told me 'one yog' only and it

worked fastest as it requires no meditation, no concentration, no

chanting, no actions of limbs, senses, mind or intellect or anything

whatever. You have to die and take birth accepting " I am God's only.

Only God's mine. I am nobody else's. Nobody else is mine. " Swamijee

told me start with the first, rest will follow automatically.

Whatever more is required by you won't work except gathering

information and doing nothing. You are free to waste time.

You think when Shraddhaa is there, love for God will grow. You want

to start swimming after learning how to swim.

Pay true homage to Swamijee by doing this only yog, you can't escape

being God's only.

I know no formalities even, excuse me here!


(Sarvottam Varma)


Hari Om


Reply to the query of Jigyasu. There is nothing futile on the road

towards God. Dhyaan Yoga(meditation) is also an equally effective

method of realisation. Sadhaks may choose what suits them most, but

should have no negative feeling about other methods-otherwise they

lose focus on their own method also, in the end. They may

get " liberation " but they will never get " ever increasing love of

God " -if they are critical of other methods. Dhyaan is definitely

superior to mere practice of chanting God's name etc( without

exclusive mineness with God) and reading of Holy Scriptures.( Gita


Dhyaan has many advantages, some of them instant , which are unique.

Peace generates in meditation-which becomes very handy for all

sadhaks- at the final stage. On daily basis also this peace makes

the life of sadhak better. If you are serious on your striving, no

way described in Gita is difficult.


However that Bhakti is best in which devotion is automatic and is

not effortful ( induced). That will be possible only when you

accept - " Mere to Girdhar Gopal, Doosaro na koi " ( Only God is mine,

nothing else is mine). It is a law that " LOVE " generates out

of " mineness " . When you develop a mineness with God - exclusive

mineness- the LOVE will be naturally emanating " out of SELF " , you

will not have to make any efforts for the same. What efforts as

parents we make to love our children? Nothing- love emanates

naturally. Reason: Mineness with them.


Hence answer to your question is simple- Establish exclusive

mineness with Paramatma. The love then will be natural , spontaneous

and ever lasting. There is no other way to develop everlasting love-

I REPEAT, NO OTHER WAY. Any effort in this regard will always be

time bound and results will vanish with the time.


Jai Shree Krishna


Vyas N B



Dear Shri Kadamji,


" Bhagwat Prem " (Love for God) is the rarest thing one can aspire

for. Truly it is said to be higher than 'Moksha' or 'Sakshatkar'. It

is said that one can learn to love god only and only by keeping

company of those who love / loved God.


In view of this and in view of your desire for love for God, instead

of reading and contemplating on Gitaji, it may be far more

meaningful to read

about the life of the Great Premi Bhaktas. In

kaliyug, there have been only two premi bhaktas, who became one with

God in their physical form. (Ve apne sharir ke sath hi bhagwan mein

sama gaye). They are Chaitanya Mahaprabhu and Meera Bai. I would

stongly recommend that you read about them. The best book on


Mahaprabhu that I have come across is " Chaitanya Charitamrit " by

Prabhu Datt ji

Brhamachari. This should be available

fron Gita Press shop. I have been wanting to read similar literature

on Meera Bai. But I have not been able to lay my hands on the same.

(If any sadhak has come across any good book on Meera Bai, please

let me know the name of book and it's publisher).


Additionally, you could read " Bhakta Mal " (This is not a Gita Press

publication). Another Gita Press book is " Bhakt Charitank " . Here I

would recommend that you read characters of Bhaktas of Kaliyug only.

The reason is, if you read characters of Bhaktas of Satyug, you may

tend to get disheartened as it would say that this Bhakta

did 'Tapasya' for

10,000 years and so on. We in kaliyug just don't

have that kind of time.


This will certainly generate love for God in your heart and

definitely, there will be no fear of the type you may be getting by

reading Gitaji.


Finally, in the words of Chaitanya Mahaprabhu " Harernamaiv,

Harernamaiv, Harernamaiv Kevalam, Kalau Nastyeva, Nastyeva, Nastyeva

Gatiranyatha " . And in the words of Meera Bai " Mere to Girdhar Gopal "




.... contd.


Incapable to develop Love or Bhakti toward Krishna!! What to do?


This means that the scare you mentioned is still haunting you from

within! Until you face the scare, you have no chance of developing

Love or Bhakti toward The Krishna. In fact, the sheer removal of all

our fears is The Love or The Bhakti toward The God. It is the fears

that haunt us in various ways - doubts, pretentions, anger,


anxiety, greed, lust, ... the infinitude of our miserable state of

dependence on

relations engrossed in emotions. We panic like a fish taken out of

water by the

sheer hint of loss of our beloved objects of posessession - the

unstable tiny

boat. A slight shake of this boat scares us. Of course, Krishna

repells us till

we beleive that all our existence is tied to such a boat - a

possessive heart!

As said earlier, just face the scare ... it is like a street dog ...

scares you till you run! Just pause ... it pauses!! Just stand facing

it ... it starts wiggling its tail!!! Just gather your courage to

fight it ... it runs away :). Of course, there are too many street

dogs around. You have to repeat every time you see one. But when you

do not see one, observe. It is all The Krishna everywhere ... Peace,

Bliss and Absolute Fearlessness. Then, how can you remain not in Love

with Krishna?!


How to develop Shraddha for The God?


Unless we answer ourselves the question, " why should we develop

Shraddha for The God? " , we cannot address this question. Again, do we

want to win over our scares of relativity? Do we want to taste the

nectar of The Absolute?? If we find the answer to be " yes " , we need

to take the shelter of The Shraddha. If you are convinced that you

really want to get rid of all your miseries positively, then your

question already dissolved ... The Shraddha for The God is already

there!! Nobody can develop IT ... IT is just there ... IT was always

there ... IT will always be there ready to cleanse us. But, it is us

who refrain from the Snaana, the cleansing process. We jump around

in panick like a dog taken near water for a bath! Just take the

bath ... IT is there.

IT is disappeared from our attention since we are jumping around with

scare at the slightest vision of the same! Just pause ... observe ...

and be there. Yes! we run out even if we are shown the soothing bliss

in the serenity of such a bath!! We run after our wordly chorus, just

like the dog running after a bone ... it is OK!!! The Shraddha is

still there to embrace us with its soothing warmth ... always. Just

beware of that and be ready for that after the chorus to sooth

yourself. As we do it more and more, we see that The Shraddha is

actually showering on us irrespective of what we are doing and we are

at the same Bliss irrespective of time and space ... no more

relativity ... no more scare in the erstwhile chorus ... it is The

Absolute as such ... The Fearless presence ... The Eternal Bliss as

such. For now ... let us just take the bath ... let us start the

process without hesitation!




Naga Narayana.




This is a reply to Jigyaasuu who would do well before reading the

Bhagavad gita he should to develop Bhakti or devotion by reading the




(Prashanth Thirukkonda)




One of the ways of cultivating bhakti is by listening to bhajans,

well-produced bhajans. For me, it's alone with Anup Jalota ji's and

Jagjit Singh ji's.

Their Hari bhajans do it all. Why do people fall in love with pop

stars? Because they hear about them all the time and so they get

attached to them. If you hear the praises and achievements of

historical or living individuals, you'll feel the same towards them.

Listen to Hari bhajans, and you'll begin fall in love with Murli

Manohar Himself.

Rishi Handa



Jai Hanuman


Very good Bhaiyyaji. Reading Gitaji is scary ! ! Shaabas Jee! ( Hats

off you )


The scare has not arisen from Gita - because you have not even read

it. Scare has arisen from the sources other than Gitaji ! Leave

those sources, leave those deeds which spoil the antahkarana. Geeta

will appear sweet to you.


The best thing is that now you are attracted towards Gita . Even

Scare for Gita will give you good results. That is silverlining ,

Bhaiyyaji in the dark and dense clouds of ignorance. Get attracted

by fear or favour, hate or love, praise or criticism, raag or dvesha-

but get near Gitaji. It would help.


Andhadundh sarkaar hai, Tulsi bhajo nishank


Kheeje det hai param pad aur reejhe det hai Lank


Says Tulsidasji - The God's government is blind (absolutely

illogical) Therefore fearlessly become a devotee. If God becomes

happy ( as He became with Vibhisana) then He gives you the Kingdom

of Lanka. If God becomes annoyed ( as He became with Raavana) He

grants you residence in His own Loka !!


Andhadhundh Bhaiyya ! Andhadhundh !!


Jee Jee






Reading Gita is scary! Wonderful!!


Yes! When I started studying the Upanishads, I lost sleep for several

months!! There is nothing wrong to be scared while studying Vedanta.

The good thing in this is - it proves that you are taking it to your

heart. Taking it to our hearts is the first baby step. Yes, Vedanta's

fundamental approach is to take us near the death. Obviously, not

being used to think of death in a positive manner, we get terrified.


Climbing Mount Everest is scary. But we have to understand one thing,

the scare is not induced in us by the mountain climbing ... it is

embedded in us already. If not Mount Everest, something else will be

always there to surface our scare to haunt us. If we quit our journey

with terror, (1) the terror remains within us for our life times

haunting us forever; (2) we miss The Bliss of attaining the Zenith to

merge into a universal view of The Life.


If one wants (1) to win over one's fears that is firecely trembling

one's existence from within and/or (2) to attain The Bliss of The



Bhagavad Gita was just an instrument to reveal your scare ... the

scare was within you already. You opened Bhagavad Gita for the same

reason in the first place. You wanted to end the miseries induced in

you every moment by this scare once and for ever. That is why you

opened The Bhagavad Gita in the first place.


On the other hand, you wanted to swim the ocean of The Life to

experience what it would be like to be with the water directly. You

were always used to the unyielding support of a tiny unstable boat.

The instability in the boat has already scared you. You thought, the

instability in the boat is due to the enormity of the water all the

time. Yet ... you wanted to experience what the water would feel like

and you touched the water. You were not familiar with the cold and

fluid water which would not support you in any direction and provide

the warmth of the breeze around ... it is obvious you get scared. No

problem! Feel the scare ... face the scare ... and just jump into the

water ... you are bound to swim. Just try it. Just do it. Just be it.




Naga Narayana



Hari Om


Answer to Shri Sagar Kadam.


Whatever you may say - you won't ever be able to forget the King of

All the Kings- Paramatma. Millions and trillions have expressed like

you in the past but a permanent association always comes to the

forefront-ultimately. No way to erase HIM out of YOU.


Any way - I am reminded of a reference by Swamiji Ramsukhdasji



A sadhu once told him- " Maharajji , what to do ? I am worried. I

don't have any shraddha (respectful belief) in Gitaji. "


The great Saint smiled and replied to him -


" The fact that you are worried about not having shraddha in Gitaji,


it not in itself a proof which indicates that you indeed have


(respectful belief) in Gitaji? "


Swamiji wrote that as soon as that Sadhu heard what Swamiji said to

him - " He became really very happy. "


Before I reply to you further, you should tell me - how near you are

to the above conversation? Have you really become happy after reading

this reply ?


Balance only after you respond.


Jai Shree Krishna


Vyas N B


Love your child. Love your mother. Love your employees. Love your


Love your wife. Love your brother. Love you sister. As a result of

these, you can finally know the property of love, and its effect. And

this 'love' is the only Krishna. And child, mother, employees, dog,

brother and sister are His manifested nature, that no longer remains

forever but the feeling of love will exist and remains inseparable

even after death. So your body will not be there, but the Love from

you, will remain in the world.


Love is like radio waves which are not loud (of very low amplitude)

but travel very long distances (with long wave length). No action is

lost as the waves once set in motion slowly become flat and goes

everywhere and cannot be removed. Love is like that wave found in

environment, and it can be recovered and magnified; and realized just

as a radio does.



(Krishna Gopal)





1. The group is focused on the Holy Gitaji, therefore, only

responses which further clarify the understanding of Gitaji, will be



2. Making reference of Gitaji shloka is highly encouraged - at least

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3. Please be as concise and to the point as possible, respecting

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4. Kindly limit personal feelings, opinions, beliefs etc. to the

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9. Please use appropriate judgement and only address the response to

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10. Due to the large readership, only those responses will be posted

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11. Moderator will reject any content that does not meet guidelines.

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13. Any personal remarks over the knowledge of any sadhak or about

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Ram Ram

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Thnks for reply but gita says the process to reach god should not be

forced one so is forcing correct way. i beleive in god no doubt but

while reading gita everytime i feel reluctant to follow. like gita

says one should not worry for ones father, mother friends. Our

parents have given us a lot, or God gave us lot through them. but we

have some responsibilities towards them. How could we leave wife

children and everyone else and go for sannyas?

Saagar Kadam


Jai Hanuman


Read Saagar Bhaiyya's reasons of getting scared from Gita.


Now understood. Bhaiyya please check up whether you have not read

any dracula horror novel which by mistake has been titled as Holy

Gita. Now a days a lot of books are sold under false covers. What we

are referring is Gita told by Lord Krishna to Arjuna-18 chapters,

700 verse, Jee !!.


What you are referring is some horror fiction which might have been

titled as Gita. In our Gita no where - I challenge , no where an

advice has been given that one should not take care of Father,

mother etc and one should become sanyaasi.


You must have presumed a cheap horror fiction by a similar name to

be Gitaji. Please check up your copy again and come back.


Jee Jee





QUESTION 1: I tried to follow krishna but internally i dont feel

love or bhakti for him. What to do ? Also, reading gita scares me.

Saagar Kadam


QUESTION 2: In Bhagwat Geeta, God has beautifully explained various

ways to reach Him. One of them is Bhakti. It is said Bhakti and Love

are deep embeded in self only and Mal, avaran and vikshep are the

hinderances. These days much empahsis is given on Rajyoga and i

think followers of Rajyoga no matter develop high level of

concentration, stillness of mind and even experience samadhi. But

the overall outcome of all these sadhnas are futile if we donot have

pure love for the God. Some great saints have advocated to have

satsang and live a truthful life with purity in heart to have divine

love and deep devotion to the God. But still, in the present life

circumstances, that kind of love and devotion is very difficult to

develop as mind always try to shift its attention in absence of

specific reason digestable for the mind.




so hum...




Hari Om


I wholly agree with Sarvottamji. The worship of God can be only by

one's own imperishable and unique consciousness (acceptance) which

is ever attained without pain and is cool and indestructible.

When you resolve - " I am of the God's, ONLY God is mine, nothing

else is mine " you in fact are meditating within. You in fact are

getting closer to Self. This abidance in Pure Consciousness alone is

the highest meditation. This one is the highest yoga. This one is

the highest practice.


Swamiji has given to the world the simplest way of chaging one

self , of worshipping Paramatma - effortlessly.


Jai Shree Krishna


Vyas NB


how to develop love of god?


iti shodhakam namnam kali kalmasha nashanam

natah prataro upayat, sarve vedeshu drishtaye


chanting these 16 names of god " Hare Krishna Hare Krishna Krishna

Krishna Hare Hare Hare Rama Hare Rama Rama Rama Hare Hare " is the

easiest method in the age of kali to ward off all the evil

propensities in our heart and develop pure love of god, a method so

sublime cannot be found even if you search the depth and bredth of



ceto darpanam marjanam, bhava maha davagni nirvapanam

sreyah kairava chandrika vitaranam , vidya vadhu jivanam

anandam buddhi vardhanam prati padam purnamrita svadanam

sarvatma snapanam param vijyate sri krishna sankirtanam


this chanting of the holy names of god cleanse the mirror of heart

of all unanted polluted desires and extinguish the forest fire of

material existence, it blooms the white lotus of good fortune, it

increases bliss at every step and enables us to taste the nectar of

lord krishna lotus feet for which we are always anxious, it bathes

the soul in pure ecstacy.


so to develop love of god, chant like a madman and give this

chanting to everyone you meet. very soon this entire world will

drawn in chanting of the holy names of god.


your servant


Piyush Gupta, MD





Jai Hanuman


Jigyasu bhaiyya/ bahenjee


In fact, your view/opinion that - " having love and shraddha (for

Daddy, the Dear) is very difficult " - that in itself only is making

the arising of that love / sharaddha in you to be difficult. Believe

me on this. Even a very very young child will not agree with you.


What kind of difficulty is experienced according to you by a child

when it plays/dictates/ loves/ rules over its Mummy? Why it is very

difficult or rare? Why can't we simply believe that - " Hey Naath I

am yours " ! Even an infant child doesn't have a problem there? What

problem then a grown up child like yourself can have?


Nothing is difficult or rare Jee ! Our khopadi (mind) has gone

haywire , Jee !! Common sense has become most uncommon Jee !! Is not

a pen or pencil rightfully thrown away by Self while eating ?

Similarly at some places we should relinquish mind/ego/intellect

also. This is the place where we must relinquish these " non-

existent " ghosts called mind, ego, intellect, body etc. Jee ! .


Use self here ! Jee !!


" Digestable for the mind " - VOW !!! What a power this mind is

exercising on you ?? Totally enslavened. Totally mixed ! No

difference between " self " and " mind " !! " My Mind " , " My Ego " - Don't

you know who I am ? "


Baba - wake up Jee !! Is mind your owner / that important ? So

your mind tells you that it has capacity not only to eat but to

digest also - quite versatile creature Jee ? You are watching

helplessly and crying / laughing becoming happy or sad, like a

machine !! Is that all that the " Self " is ? or is it all

that " Self " is capable of ?


Raam Raam Raam.


Servants have become masters and masters have become servants !


Jigyasuji, you are the master not " your " mind, ego or intellect !

Why are you playing on the tunes of these machines called " karana " -

antahkarana/ bahya karana (inner/outer faculties/tools)? Use " self "

in the same manner as a child uses " self " when it believes - Mom is

mine, I am of the Mom. Say fearlessly - Mere to Girdhar Gopal ,

Doosaro na Koi.


The best prayer to God is - O God make me a Child ! I am your Child,

God. O Father I am your child only. Hey Naath - let me not forget

you ! (Hey Naath, Mein Bhooloon Nahin)


Can there be a simpler thing ? You call it Rare/ Difficult !! Your

comments in fact are not even child-like Jee !! Got me??


Jee Jee




-Shree Hari-




When it comes to the Bhagavad Gita , I am like a child; do you know,

it is a wonderful way to be?

I do not have any pretensions, I don't know Sanskrit, nor Hindi I am

a child . It is all new to me, I read whatever chapters I please to,

as much or as little as I wish at any time. I will follow

directions of fellow Sadhaks regarding the Gitaji , and those of

Swamiji, why should I not, I am a child.


As regards to Rajyoga. First think about driving a car; you have to

know the road rules, how to control the vehicle, (use of breaks

clutch gears, and steering) , if you leave out one of the

requirements , there could be disaster!

So the driving rules of Raja-Yoga as per Swami Vivekananda:

Yama, Niyama, Asana, Pranayama, Pratyahara, Dharana, Dhyana, Samadhi.

Some of these steps , (possibly all), can flow into each other,

Yama can generate Niyama, and so on. The reason I mentioned these

steps, is to show how as you stated , 'But the overall outcome of

all these sadhnas are futile if we do not have pure love for the

God', can happen. (Not following the rules).

Mind you if you practiced, Yama, and Niyama, (might be a big ask for

a young person), kept spiritual company such as the brothers and

sisters here, along with some reading of the Sacred Gita, I would

not be surprised if you found the words of Lord Krishna as fresh as

if they were spoken today. And also you would start to sense The

Beloved within.

But do believe this! Whatever way opens before you, it is Bhagwan

leading you, it appears to me, it has already started.


With Respect and Divine Love



(Mike Keenor)


Jai Shree Krishna


Getting scared by Gitaji reminded me of a short story.


There were two ants , one living on a mountain of salt and another

on a mountain of sugar. Once they both met and the ant living on the

mountain of sugar took the other one with it to sugar mountain.

After some time the sugar ant asked the other as to how it was

feeling now. The salt ant said I don't find any difference.

Surprised, the sugar ant asked the other to open its mouth. The

other ant opened the mouth and there was a grain of salt in its

mouth-brought from the other mountain. The sugar ant requested the

other to go and wash the mouth fully. The other ant did that. Again

when the sugar ant enquired as to whether is any difference between

two mountains- the other ant motioned - " Keep quite, let me

enjoy " !!!


Throw away that grain of salt, Dear Kadamji. You will enjoy Gitaji.


Rajendra J Bohra

Narayana Narayana






Shree Hari:

Ram Ram!

Answer 1. Your feeling that you don't feel is the evidence of your

having love and devotion for God. Who will say 'love and devotion for

God' is not ever lasting?

Answer 2. This 'love for God' can't be developed or demolished as it

IS. Shraddhey Swami Ramsukhdasjee told me 'one yog' only and it

worked fastest as it requires no meditation, no concentration, no

chanting, no actions of limbs, senses, mind or intellect or anything

whatever. You have to die and take birth accepting " I am God's only.

Only God's mine. I am nobody else's. Nobody else is mine. " Swamijee

told me start with the first, rest will follow automatically.

Whatever more is required by you won't work except gathering

information and doing nothing. You are free to waste time.

You think when Shraddhaa is there, love for God will grow. You want

to start swimming after learning how to swim.

Pay true homage to Swamijee by doing this only yog, you can't escape

being God's only.

I know no formalities even, excuse me here!


(Sarvottam Varma)


Hari Om


Reply to the query of Jigyasu. There is nothing futile on the road

towards God. Dhyaan Yoga(meditation) is also an equally effective

method of realisation. Sadhaks may choose what suits them most, but

should have no negative feeling about other methods-otherwise they

lose focus on their own method also, in the end. They may

get " liberation " but they will never get " ever increasing love of

God " -if they are critical of other methods. Dhyaan is definitely

superior to mere practice of chanting God's name etc( without

exclusive mineness with God) and reading of Holy Scriptures.( Gita


Dhyaan has many advantages, some of them instant , which are unique.

Peace generates in meditation-which becomes very handy for all

sadhaks- at the final stage. On daily basis also this peace makes

the life of sadhak better. If you are serious on your striving, no

way described in Gita is difficult.


However that Bhakti is best in which devotion is automatic and is

not effortful ( induced). That will be possible only when you

accept - " Mere to Girdhar Gopal, Doosaro na koi " ( Only God is mine,

nothing else is mine). It is a law that " LOVE " generates out

of " mineness " . When you develop a mineness with God - exclusive

mineness- the LOVE will be naturally emanating " out of SELF " , you

will not have to make any efforts for the same. What efforts as

parents we make to love our children? Nothing- love emanates

naturally. Reason: Mineness with them.


Hence answer to your question is simple- Establish exclusive

mineness with Paramatma. The love then will be natural , spontaneous

and ever lasting. There is no other way to develop everlasting love-

I REPEAT, NO OTHER WAY. Any effort in this regard will always be

time bound and results will vanish with the time.


Jai Shree Krishna


Vyas N B



Dear Shri Kadamji,


" Bhagwat Prem " (Love for God) is the rarest thing one can aspire

for. Truly it is said to be higher than 'Moksha' or 'Sakshatkar'. It

is said that one can learn to love god only and only by keeping

company of those who love / loved God.


In view of this and in view of your desire for love for God, instead

of reading and contemplating on Gitaji, it may be far more

meaningful to read

about the life of the Great Premi Bhaktas. In

kaliyug, there have been only two premi bhaktas, who became one with

God in their physical form. (Ve apne sharir ke sath hi bhagwan mein

sama gaye). They are Chaitanya Mahaprabhu and Meera Bai. I would

stongly recommend that you read about them. The best book on


Mahaprabhu that I have come across is " Chaitanya Charitamrit " by

Prabhu Datt ji

Brhamachari. This should be available

fron Gita Press shop. I have been wanting to read similar literature

on Meera Bai. But I have not been able to lay my hands on the same.

(If any sadhak has come across any good book on Meera Bai, please

let me know the name of book and it's publisher).


Additionally, you could read " Bhakta Mal " (This is not a Gita Press

publication). Another Gita Press book is " Bhakt Charitank " . Here I

would recommend that you read characters of Bhaktas of Kaliyug only.

The reason is, if you read characters of Bhaktas of Satyug, you may

tend to get disheartened as it would say that this Bhakta

did 'Tapasya' for

10,000 years and so on. We in kaliyug just don't

have that kind of time.


This will certainly generate love for God in your heart and

definitely, there will be no fear of the type you may be getting by

reading Gitaji.


Finally, in the words of Chaitanya Mahaprabhu " Harernamaiv,

Harernamaiv, Harernamaiv Kevalam, Kalau Nastyeva, Nastyeva, Nastyeva

Gatiranyatha " . And in the words of Meera Bai " Mere to Girdhar Gopal "




.... contd.


Incapable to develop Love or Bhakti toward Krishna!! What to do?


This means that the scare you mentioned is still haunting you from

within! Until you face the scare, you have no chance of developing

Love or Bhakti toward The Krishna. In fact, the sheer removal of all

our fears is The Love or The Bhakti toward The God. It is the fears

that haunt us in various ways - doubts, pretentions, anger,


anxiety, greed, lust, ... the infinitude of our miserable state of

dependence on

relations engrossed in emotions. We panic like a fish taken out of

water by the

sheer hint of loss of our beloved objects of posessession - the

unstable tiny

boat. A slight shake of this boat scares us. Of course, Krishna

repells us till

we beleive that all our existence is tied to such a boat - a

possessive heart!

As said earlier, just face the scare ... it is like a street dog ...

scares you till you run! Just pause ... it pauses!! Just stand facing

it ... it starts wiggling its tail!!! Just gather your courage to

fight it ... it runs away :). Of course, there are too many street

dogs around. You have to repeat every time you see one. But when you

do not see one, observe. It is all The Krishna everywhere ... Peace,

Bliss and Absolute Fearlessness. Then, how can you remain not in Love

with Krishna?!


How to develop Shraddha for The God?


Unless we answer ourselves the question, " why should we develop

Shraddha for The God? " , we cannot address this question. Again, do we

want to win over our scares of relativity? Do we want to taste the

nectar of The Absolute?? If we find the answer to be " yes " , we need

to take the shelter of The Shraddha. If you are convinced that you

really want to get rid of all your miseries positively, then your

question already dissolved ... The Shraddha for The God is already

there!! Nobody can develop IT ... IT is just there ... IT was always

there ... IT will always be there ready to cleanse us. But, it is us

who refrain from the Snaana, the cleansing process. We jump around

in panick like a dog taken near water for a bath! Just take the

bath ... IT is there.

IT is disappeared from our attention since we are jumping around with

scare at the slightest vision of the same! Just pause ... observe ...

and be there. Yes! we run out even if we are shown the soothing bliss

in the serenity of such a bath!! We run after our wordly chorus, just

like the dog running after a bone ... it is OK!!! The Shraddha is

still there to embrace us with its soothing warmth ... always. Just

beware of that and be ready for that after the chorus to sooth

yourself. As we do it more and more, we see that The Shraddha is

actually showering on us irrespective of what we are doing and we are

at the same Bliss irrespective of time and space ... no more

relativity ... no more scare in the erstwhile chorus ... it is The

Absolute as such ... The Fearless presence ... The Eternal Bliss as

such. For now ... let us just take the bath ... let us start the

process without hesitation!




Naga Narayana.




This is a reply to Jigyaasuu who would do well before reading the

Bhagavad gita he should to develop Bhakti or devotion by reading the




(Prashanth Thirukkonda)




One of the ways of cultivating bhakti is by listening to bhajans,

well-produced bhajans. For me, it's alone with Anup Jalota ji's and

Jagjit Singh ji's.

Their Hari bhajans do it all. Why do people fall in love with pop

stars? Because they hear about them all the time and so they get

attached to them. If you hear the praises and achievements of

historical or living individuals, you'll feel the same towards them.

Listen to Hari bhajans, and you'll begin fall in love with Murli

Manohar Himself.

Rishi Handa



Jai Hanuman


Very good Bhaiyyaji. Reading Gitaji is scary ! ! Shaabas Jee! ( Hats

off you )


The scare has not arisen from Gita - because you have not even read

it. Scare has arisen from the sources other than Gitaji ! Leave

those sources, leave those deeds which spoil the antahkarana. Geeta

will appear sweet to you.


The best thing is that now you are attracted towards Gita . Even

Scare for Gita will give you good results. That is silverlining ,

Bhaiyyaji in the dark and dense clouds of ignorance. Get attracted

by fear or favour, hate or love, praise or criticism, raag or dvesha-

but get near Gitaji. It would help.


Andhadundh sarkaar hai, Tulsi bhajo nishank


Kheeje det hai param pad aur reejhe det hai Lank


Says Tulsidasji - The God's government is blind (absolutely

illogical) Therefore fearlessly become a devotee. If God becomes

happy ( as He became with Vibhisana) then He gives you the Kingdom

of Lanka. If God becomes annoyed ( as He became with Raavana) He

grants you residence in His own Loka !!


Andhadhundh Bhaiyya ! Andhadhundh !!


Jee Jee






Reading Gita is scary! Wonderful!!


Yes! When I started studying the Upanishads, I lost sleep for several

months!! There is nothing wrong to be scared while studying Vedanta.

The good thing in this is - it proves that you are taking it to your

heart. Taking it to our hearts is the first baby step. Yes, Vedanta's

fundamental approach is to take us near the death. Obviously, not

being used to think of death in a positive manner, we get terrified.


Climbing Mount Everest is scary. But we have to understand one thing,

the scare is not induced in us by the mountain climbing ... it is

embedded in us already. If not Mount Everest, something else will be

always there to surface our scare to haunt us. If we quit our journey

with terror, (1) the terror remains within us for our life times

haunting us forever; (2) we miss The Bliss of attaining the Zenith to

merge into a universal view of The Life.


If one wants (1) to win over one's fears that is firecely trembling

one's existence from within and/or (2) to attain The Bliss of The



Bhagavad Gita was just an instrument to reveal your scare ... the

scare was within you already. You opened Bhagavad Gita for the same

reason in the first place. You wanted to end the miseries induced in

you every moment by this scare once and for ever. That is why you

opened The Bhagavad Gita in the first place.


On the other hand, you wanted to swim the ocean of The Life to

experience what it would be like to be with the water directly. You

were always used to the unyielding support of a tiny unstable boat.

The instability in the boat has already scared you. You thought, the

instability in the boat is due to the enormity of the water all the

time. Yet ... you wanted to experience what the water would feel like

and you touched the water. You were not familiar with the cold and

fluid water which would not support you in any direction and provide

the warmth of the breeze around ... it is obvious you get scared. No

problem! Feel the scare ... face the scare ... and just jump into the

water ... you are bound to swim. Just try it. Just do it. Just be it.




Naga Narayana



Hari Om


Answer to Shri Sagar Kadam.


Whatever you may say - you won't ever be able to forget the King of

All the Kings- Paramatma. Millions and trillions have expressed like

you in the past but a permanent association always comes to the

forefront-ultimately. No way to erase HIM out of YOU.


Any way - I am reminded of a reference by Swamiji Ramsukhdasji



A sadhu once told him- " Maharajji , what to do ? I am worried. I

don't have any shraddha (respectful belief) in Gitaji. "


The great Saint smiled and replied to him -


" The fact that you are worried about not having shraddha in Gitaji,


it not in itself a proof which indicates that you indeed have


(respectful belief) in Gitaji? "


Swamiji wrote that as soon as that Sadhu heard what Swamiji said to

him - " He became really very happy. "


Before I reply to you further, you should tell me - how near you are

to the above conversation? Have you really become happy after reading

this reply ?


Balance only after you respond.


Jai Shree Krishna


Vyas N B


Love your child. Love your mother. Love your employees. Love your


Love your wife. Love your brother. Love you sister. As a result of

these, you can finally know the property of love, and its effect. And

this 'love' is the only Krishna. And child, mother, employees, dog,

brother and sister are His manifested nature, that no longer remains

forever but the feeling of love will exist and remains inseparable

even after death. So your body will not be there, but the Love from

you, will remain in the world.


Love is like radio waves which are not loud (of very low amplitude)

but travel very long distances (with long wave length). No action is

lost as the waves once set in motion slowly become flat and goes

everywhere and cannot be removed. Love is like that wave found in

environment, and it can be recovered and magnified; and realized just

as a radio does.



(Krishna Gopal)





1. The group is focused on the Holy Gitaji, therefore, only

responses which further clarify the understanding of Gitaji, will be



2. Making reference of Gitaji shloka is highly encouraged - at least

once in the response. Wherever possible, please quote Gitaji or

other scriptures to substantiate your response.


3. Please be as concise and to the point as possible, respecting

sadhaka's time. Under no circustance the answer should be limited to

half a book page, at the most 3-4 paragraphs.


4. Kindly limit personal feelings, opinions, beliefs etc. to the

extent that they further help in understanding the Gita shlokas


5. Kindly focus your writing to the subject at hand only.


6. Please do not include links to the other sites or other

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7. Complete reproduction of texts from any book is strongly

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8. Kindly do not include your personal information such as phone

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9. Please use appropriate judgement and only address the response to

a particular individual, where it makes sense to do so.


10. Due to the large readership, only those responses will be posted

which are in line with the general philosophy of taking Shrimad

Bhagavad Gita as the reference.


11. Moderator will reject any content that does not meet guidelines.

However, for expediency, moderator at his discretion, may modify /

delete portions of the posting for mispelling, wordiness that is

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12. Please respond taking into consideration the novices, youth,

westerners, non-sectarian audience. Kindly limit the use of only

Sanskrit words, rather provide the English word with Sanskrit

bracketed wherever possible.


13. Any personal remarks over the knowledge of any sadhak or about

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Ram Ram

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Thnks for reply but gita says the process to reach god should not be

forced one so is forcing correct way. i beleive in god no doubt but

while reading gita everytime i feel reluctant to follow. like gita

says one should not worry for ones father, mother friends. Our

parents have given us a lot, or God gave us lot through them. but we

have some responsibilities towards them. How could we leave wife

children and everyone else and go for sannyas?

Saagar Kadam




Shree Hari:

Ram Ram Saagar bhaiyaa!

Please log on to www.swamiramsukhdasji.org and click pustak, click

english, click No.5 How to Lead a Household Life and please go

through all pages from 1 to 59. Here is the attached link:




You will find your name on the page 60 with glowing face.


Do as directed by Swamiji. Read Gita next, not now.

Any fear has no kadam (legs) to Sagar (you are immense yourself).





Hari Om


You are right Saagarji. No body should force you to reach God.

Forcing is certainly not correct way.


We all responded because you had raised a question and all sadhaks

in this forum give their views on the questions raised- in different

styles, different ways and with excellent fraternity and family

sense.. This forum in fact is for that purpose only and we all are

proud to be a part of it.


In fact there are certain verses in Gita also which prohibit sadhaks

to refrain from advising certain things about Gitaji to those who

are unwilling to heed . Such verses are there in almost every Holy

Scripture- in all Upanishads, Vedas, Ramayana etc.. They are so

there 1- because, there are even otherwise certain laws which at

the behest of Nature draw a person towards Paramatma. The part gets

attracted to the whole naturally and automatically and 2- because ,

innocent sadhaks may not waste their bhaavas and gunas and incur a



I wish best of luck to you and request fellow sadhaks not to

forcibly present any view points to you.


By the way, I admire your sentiment regarding parents. There should

always be the highest regard for father and mother. They indeed are

God Himself for their children and you should always believe so. You

can be certain that you shall be worshipping Krishna only , if you

worship your parents , selflessly , with out expecting any thing

from them. If you do that , believe me, you need not do anything

else. That is more than enough.


Namaskar and with sincere love and regards


Vyas NB



Dear Sadak Sagar,


Ravana in Sri Ramayan was gifted with beautiful wife, able brothers

and sons, enormous wealth, secured kindom, extradinory heath to lift

mountain, but ZERO blessing in Sat Sangh.

Sugreeva was left with no place to stay, no family, no waelth, no

money, but blessed with only ONE thing Sat Sangh that is Hanuman Sat


Ravana lost everything, Sugreva got everything at the end.

Ride a motor cycle takes to a place, eat hunger goes, smile love

comes, get angry loose good name. So every action gives result

(Cause and effect)

Doing pooja, Namsankeerthan, meditation in earlier birth gives Sat

Sangh in this birth. Again this depends on how much one did. So you

are the biginer- continue setting aside your fears




Dear Sadaks,

Parents/children/relatives/friends are all with you based on your

your previous birth Karmas. Nobody/God gave. You chose them by way

of so many causes and effects. They are with you and you are with

them to fulfil your Karma. So do your duty to them honestly, but

remain unattached to them. This is like so many actors act on stage

but leave the stage unmindful of what they acted. Nothing remains in

their minds.

We see so many parentless/childless in a part of life. A child dies

and the parents must child that is all they are gifted. What one was

in earlier birth and what is he now? You remain in family but be as

a sanyasin. That is an art achived by Bakthi on Bagavan







Jai Hanuman


Read Saagar Bhaiyya's reasons of getting scared from Gita.


Now understood. Bhaiyya please check up whether you have not read

any dracula horror novel which by mistake has been titled as Holy

Gita. Now a days a lot of books are sold under false covers. What we

are referring is Gita told by Lord Krishna to Arjuna-18 chapters,

700 verse, Jee !!.


What you are referring is some horror fiction which might have been

titled as Gita. In our Gita no where - I challenge , no where an

advice has been given that one should not take care of Father,

mother etc and one should become sanyaasi.


You must have presumed a cheap horror fiction by a similar name to

be Gitaji. Please check up your copy again and come back.


Jee Jee





QUESTION 1: I tried to follow krishna but internally i dont feel

love or bhakti for him. What to do ? Also, reading gita scares me.

Saagar Kadam


QUESTION 2: In Bhagwat Geeta, God has beautifully explained various

ways to reach Him. One of them is Bhakti. It is said Bhakti and Love

are deep embeded in self only and Mal, avaran and vikshep are the

hinderances. These days much empahsis is given on Rajyoga and i

think followers of Rajyoga no matter develop high level of

concentration, stillness of mind and even experience samadhi. But

the overall outcome of all these sadhnas are futile if we donot have

pure love for the God. Some great saints have advocated to have

satsang and live a truthful life with purity in heart to have divine

love and deep devotion to the God. But still, in the present life

circumstances, that kind of love and devotion is very difficult to

develop as mind always try to shift its attention in absence of

specific reason digestable for the mind.




so hum...




Hari Om


I wholly agree with Sarvottamji. The worship of God can be only by

one's own imperishable and unique consciousness (acceptance) which

is ever attained without pain and is cool and indestructible.

When you resolve - " I am of the God's, ONLY God is mine, nothing

else is mine " you in fact are meditating within. You in fact are

getting closer to Self. This abidance in Pure Consciousness alone is

the highest meditation. This one is the highest yoga. This one is

the highest practice.


Swamiji has given to the world the simplest way of chaging one

self , of worshipping Paramatma - effortlessly.


Jai Shree Krishna


Vyas NB


how to develop love of god?


iti shodhakam namnam kali kalmasha nashanam

natah prataro upayat, sarve vedeshu drishtaye


chanting these 16 names of god " Hare Krishna Hare Krishna Krishna

Krishna Hare Hare Hare Rama Hare Rama Rama Rama Hare Hare " is the

easiest method in the age of kali to ward off all the evil

propensities in our heart and develop pure love of god, a method so

sublime cannot be found even if you search the depth and bredth of



ceto darpanam marjanam, bhava maha davagni nirvapanam

sreyah kairava chandrika vitaranam , vidya vadhu jivanam

anandam buddhi vardhanam prati padam purnamrita svadanam

sarvatma snapanam param vijyate sri krishna sankirtanam


this chanting of the holy names of god cleanse the mirror of heart

of all unanted polluted desires and extinguish the forest fire of

material existence, it blooms the white lotus of good fortune, it

increases bliss at every step and enables us to taste the nectar of

lord krishna lotus feet for which we are always anxious, it bathes

the soul in pure ecstacy.


so to develop love of god, chant like a madman and give this

chanting to everyone you meet. very soon this entire world will

drawn in chanting of the holy names of god.


your servant


Piyush Gupta, MD





Jai Hanuman


Jigyasu bhaiyya/ bahenjee


In fact, your view/opinion that - " having love and shraddha (for

Daddy, the Dear) is very difficult " - that in itself only is making

the arising of that love / sharaddha in you to be difficult. Believe

me on this. Even a very very young child will not agree with you.


What kind of difficulty is experienced according to you by a child

when it plays/dictates/ loves/ rules over its Mummy? Why it is very

difficult or rare? Why can't we simply believe that - " Hey Naath I

am yours " ! Even an infant child doesn't have a problem there? What

problem then a grown up child like yourself can have?


Nothing is difficult or rare Jee ! Our khopadi (mind) has gone

haywire , Jee !! Common sense has become most uncommon Jee !! Is not

a pen or pencil rightfully thrown away by Self while eating ?

Similarly at some places we should relinquish mind/ego/intellect

also. This is the place where we must relinquish these " non-

existent " ghosts called mind, ego, intellect, body etc. Jee ! .


Use self here ! Jee !!


" Digestable for the mind " - VOW !!! What a power this mind is

exercising on you ?? Totally enslavened. Totally mixed ! No

difference between " self " and " mind " !! " My Mind " , " My Ego " - Don't

you know who I am ? "


Baba - wake up Jee !! Is mind your owner / that important ? So

your mind tells you that it has capacity not only to eat but to

digest also - quite versatile creature Jee ? You are watching

helplessly and crying / laughing becoming happy or sad, like a

machine !! Is that all that the " Self " is ? or is it all

that " Self " is capable of ?


Raam Raam Raam.


Servants have become masters and masters have become servants !


Jigyasuji, you are the master not " your " mind, ego or intellect !

Why are you playing on the tunes of these machines called " karana " -

antahkarana/ bahya karana (inner/outer faculties/tools)? Use " self "

in the same manner as a child uses " self " when it believes - Mom is

mine, I am of the Mom. Say fearlessly - Mere to Girdhar Gopal ,

Doosaro na Koi.


The best prayer to God is - O God make me a Child ! I am your Child,

God. O Father I am your child only. Hey Naath - let me not forget

you ! (Hey Naath, Mein Bhooloon Nahin)


Can there be a simpler thing ? You call it Rare/ Difficult !! Your

comments in fact are not even child-like Jee !! Got me??


Jee Jee




-Shree Hari-




When it comes to the Bhagavad Gita , I am like a child; do you know,

it is a wonderful way to be?

I do not have any pretensions, I don't know Sanskrit, nor Hindi I am

a child . It is all new to me, I read whatever chapters I please to,

as much or as little as I wish at any time. I will follow

directions of fellow Sadhaks regarding the Gitaji , and those of

Swamiji, why should I not, I am a child.


As regards to Rajyoga. First think about driving a car; you have to

know the road rules, how to control the vehicle, (use of breaks

clutch gears, and steering) , if you leave out one of the

requirements , there could be disaster!

So the driving rules of Raja-Yoga as per Swami Vivekananda:

Yama, Niyama, Asana, Pranayama, Pratyahara, Dharana, Dhyana, Samadhi.

Some of these steps , (possibly all), can flow into each other,

Yama can generate Niyama, and so on. The reason I mentioned these

steps, is to show how as you stated , 'But the overall outcome of

all these sadhnas are futile if we do not have pure love for the

God', can happen. (Not following the rules).

Mind you if you practiced, Yama, and Niyama, (might be a big ask for

a young person), kept spiritual company such as the brothers and

sisters here, along with some reading of the Sacred Gita, I would

not be surprised if you found the words of Lord Krishna as fresh as

if they were spoken today. And also you would start to sense The

Beloved within.

But do believe this! Whatever way opens before you, it is Bhagwan

leading you, it appears to me, it has already started.


With Respect and Divine Love



(Mike Keenor)


Jai Shree Krishna


Getting scared by Gitaji reminded me of a short story.


There were two ants , one living on a mountain of salt and another

on a mountain of sugar. Once they both met and the ant living on the

mountain of sugar took the other one with it to sugar mountain.

After some time the sugar ant asked the other as to how it was

feeling now. The salt ant said I don't find any difference.

Surprised, the sugar ant asked the other to open its mouth. The

other ant opened the mouth and there was a grain of salt in its

mouth-brought from the other mountain. The sugar ant requested the

other to go and wash the mouth fully. The other ant did that. Again

when the sugar ant enquired as to whether is any difference between

two mountains- the other ant motioned - " Keep quite, let me

enjoy " !!!


Throw away that grain of salt, Dear Kadamji. You will enjoy Gitaji.


Rajendra J Bohra

Narayana Narayana






Shree Hari:

Ram Ram!

Answer 1. Your feeling that you don't feel is the evidence of your

having love and devotion for God. Who will say 'love and devotion for

God' is not ever lasting?

Answer 2. This 'love for God' can't be developed or demolished as it

IS. Shraddhey Swami Ramsukhdasjee told me 'one yog' only and it

worked fastest as it requires no meditation, no concentration, no

chanting, no actions of limbs, senses, mind or intellect or anything

whatever. You have to die and take birth accepting " I am God's only.

Only God's mine. I am nobody else's. Nobody else is mine. " Swamijee

told me start with the first, rest will follow automatically.

Whatever more is required by you won't work except gathering

information and doing nothing. You are free to waste time.

You think when Shraddhaa is there, love for God will grow. You want

to start swimming after learning how to swim.

Pay true homage to Swamijee by doing this only yog, you can't escape

being God's only.

I know no formalities even, excuse me here!


(Sarvottam Varma)


Hari Om


Reply to the query of Jigyasu. There is nothing futile on the road

towards God. Dhyaan Yoga(meditation) is also an equally effective

method of realisation. Sadhaks may choose what suits them most, but

should have no negative feeling about other methods-otherwise they

lose focus on their own method also, in the end. They may

get " liberation " but they will never get " ever increasing love of

God " -if they are critical of other methods. Dhyaan is definitely

superior to mere practice of chanting God's name etc( without

exclusive mineness with God) and reading of Holy Scriptures.( Gita


Dhyaan has many advantages, some of them instant , which are unique.

Peace generates in meditation-which becomes very handy for all

sadhaks- at the final stage. On daily basis also this peace makes

the life of sadhak better. If you are serious on your striving, no

way described in Gita is difficult.


However that Bhakti is best in which devotion is automatic and is

not effortful ( induced). That will be possible only when you

accept - " Mere to Girdhar Gopal, Doosaro na koi " ( Only God is mine,

nothing else is mine). It is a law that " LOVE " generates out

of " mineness " . When you develop a mineness with God - exclusive

mineness- the LOVE will be naturally emanating " out of SELF " , you

will not have to make any efforts for the same. What efforts as

parents we make to love our children? Nothing- love emanates

naturally. Reason: Mineness with them.


Hence answer to your question is simple- Establish exclusive

mineness with Paramatma. The love then will be natural , spontaneous

and ever lasting. There is no other way to develop everlasting love-

I REPEAT, NO OTHER WAY. Any effort in this regard will always be

time bound and results will vanish with the time.


Jai Shree Krishna


Vyas N B



Dear Shri Kadamji,


" Bhagwat Prem " (Love for God) is the rarest thing one can aspire

for. Truly it is said to be higher than 'Moksha' or 'Sakshatkar'. It

is said that one can learn to love god only and only by keeping

company of those who love / loved God.


In view of this and in view of your desire for love for God, instead

of reading and contemplating on Gitaji, it may be far more

meaningful to read

about the life of the Great Premi Bhaktas. In

kaliyug, there have been only two premi bhaktas, who became one with

God in their physical form. (Ve apne sharir ke sath hi bhagwan mein

sama gaye). They are Chaitanya Mahaprabhu and Meera Bai. I would

stongly recommend that you read about them. The best book on


Mahaprabhu that I have come across is " Chaitanya Charitamrit " by

Prabhu Datt ji

Brhamachari. This should be available

fron Gita Press shop. I have been wanting to read similar literature

on Meera Bai. But I have not been able to lay my hands on the same.

(If any sadhak has come across any good book on Meera Bai, please

let me know the name of book and it's publisher).


Additionally, you could read " Bhakta Mal " (This is not a Gita Press

publication). Another Gita Press book is " Bhakt Charitank " . Here I

would recommend that you read characters of Bhaktas of Kaliyug only.

The reason is, if you read characters of Bhaktas of Satyug, you may

tend to get disheartened as it would say that this Bhakta

did 'Tapasya' for

10,000 years and so on. We in kaliyug just don't

have that kind of time.


This will certainly generate love for God in your heart and

definitely, there will be no fear of the type you may be getting by

reading Gitaji.


Finally, in the words of Chaitanya Mahaprabhu " Harernamaiv,

Harernamaiv, Harernamaiv Kevalam, Kalau Nastyeva, Nastyeva, Nastyeva

Gatiranyatha " . And in the words of Meera Bai " Mere to Girdhar Gopal "




.... contd.


Incapable to develop Love or Bhakti toward Krishna!! What to do?


This means that the scare you mentioned is still haunting you from

within! Until you face the scare, you have no chance of developing

Love or Bhakti toward The Krishna. In fact, the sheer removal of all

our fears is The Love or The Bhakti toward The God. It is the fears

that haunt us in various ways - doubts, pretentions, anger,


anxiety, greed, lust, ... the infinitude of our miserable state of

dependence on

relations engrossed in emotions. We panic like a fish taken out of

water by the

sheer hint of loss of our beloved objects of posessession - the

unstable tiny

boat. A slight shake of this boat scares us. Of course, Krishna

repells us till

we beleive that all our existence is tied to such a boat - a

possessive heart!

As said earlier, just face the scare ... it is like a street dog ...

scares you till you run! Just pause ... it pauses!! Just stand facing

it ... it starts wiggling its tail!!! Just gather your courage to

fight it ... it runs away :). Of course, there are too many street

dogs around. You have to repeat every time you see one. But when you

do not see one, observe. It is all The Krishna everywhere ... Peace,

Bliss and Absolute Fearlessness. Then, how can you remain not in Love

with Krishna?!


How to develop Shraddha for The God?


Unless we answer ourselves the question, " why should we develop

Shraddha for The God? " , we cannot address this question. Again, do we

want to win over our scares of relativity? Do we want to taste the

nectar of The Absolute?? If we find the answer to be " yes " , we need

to take the shelter of The Shraddha. If you are convinced that you

really want to get rid of all your miseries positively, then your

question already dissolved ... The Shraddha for The God is already

there!! Nobody can develop IT ... IT is just there ... IT was always

there ... IT will always be there ready to cleanse us. But, it is us

who refrain from the Snaana, the cleansing process. We jump around

in panick like a dog taken near water for a bath! Just take the

bath ... IT is there.

IT is disappeared from our attention since we are jumping around with

scare at the slightest vision of the same! Just pause ... observe ...

and be there. Yes! we run out even if we are shown the soothing bliss

in the serenity of such a bath!! We run after our wordly chorus, just

like the dog running after a bone ... it is OK!!! The Shraddha is

still there to embrace us with its soothing warmth ... always. Just

beware of that and be ready for that after the chorus to sooth

yourself. As we do it more and more, we see that The Shraddha is

actually showering on us irrespective of what we are doing and we are

at the same Bliss irrespective of time and space ... no more

relativity ... no more scare in the erstwhile chorus ... it is The

Absolute as such ... The Fearless presence ... The Eternal Bliss as

such. For now ... let us just take the bath ... let us start the

process without hesitation!




Naga Narayana.




This is a reply to Jigyaasuu who would do well before reading the

Bhagavad gita he should to develop Bhakti or devotion by reading the




(Prashanth Thirukkonda)




One of the ways of cultivating bhakti is by listening to bhajans,

well-produced bhajans. For me, it's alone with Anup Jalota ji's and

Jagjit Singh ji's.

Their Hari bhajans do it all. Why do people fall in love with pop

stars? Because they hear about them all the time and so they get

attached to them. If you hear the praises and achievements of

historical or living individuals, you'll feel the same towards them.

Listen to Hari bhajans, and you'll begin fall in love with Murli

Manohar Himself.

Rishi Handa



Jai Hanuman


Very good Bhaiyyaji. Reading Gitaji is scary ! ! Shaabas Jee! ( Hats

off you )


The scare has not arisen from Gita - because you have not even read

it. Scare has arisen from the sources other than Gitaji ! Leave

those sources, leave those deeds which spoil the antahkarana. Geeta

will appear sweet to you.


The best thing is that now you are attracted towards Gita . Even

Scare for Gita will give you good results. That is silverlining ,

Bhaiyyaji in the dark and dense clouds of ignorance. Get attracted

by fear or favour, hate or love, praise or criticism, raag or dvesha-

but get near Gitaji. It would help.


Andhadundh sarkaar hai, Tulsi bhajo nishank


Kheeje det hai param pad aur reejhe det hai Lank


Says Tulsidasji - The God's government is blind (absolutely

illogical) Therefore fearlessly become a devotee. If God becomes

happy ( as He became with Vibhisana) then He gives you the Kingdom

of Lanka. If God becomes annoyed ( as He became with Raavana) He

grants you residence in His own Loka !!


Andhadhundh Bhaiyya ! Andhadhundh !!


Jee Jee






Reading Gita is scary! Wonderful!!


Yes! When I started studying the Upanishads, I lost sleep for several

months!! There is nothing wrong to be scared while studying Vedanta.

The good thing in this is - it proves that you are taking it to your

heart. Taking it to our hearts is the first baby step. Yes, Vedanta's

fundamental approach is to take us near the death. Obviously, not

being used to think of death in a positive manner, we get terrified.


Climbing Mount Everest is scary. But we have to understand one thing,

the scare is not induced in us by the mountain climbing ... it is

embedded in us already. If not Mount Everest, something else will be

always there to surface our scare to haunt us. If we quit our journey

with terror, (1) the terror remains within us for our life times

haunting us forever; (2) we miss The Bliss of attaining the Zenith to

merge into a universal view of The Life.


If one wants (1) to win over one's fears that is firecely trembling

one's existence from within and/or (2) to attain The Bliss of The



Bhagavad Gita was just an instrument to reveal your scare ... the

scare was within you already. You opened Bhagavad Gita for the same

reason in the first place. You wanted to end the miseries induced in

you every moment by this scare once and for ever. That is why you

opened The Bhagavad Gita in the first place.


On the other hand, you wanted to swim the ocean of The Life to

experience what it would be like to be with the water directly. You

were always used to the unyielding support of a tiny unstable boat.

The instability in the boat has already scared you. You thought, the

instability in the boat is due to the enormity of the water all the

time. Yet ... you wanted to experience what the water would feel like

and you touched the water. You were not familiar with the cold and

fluid water which would not support you in any direction and provide

the warmth of the breeze around ... it is obvious you get scared. No

problem! Feel the scare ... face the scare ... and just jump into the

water ... you are bound to swim. Just try it. Just do it. Just be it.




Naga Narayana



Hari Om


Answer to Shri Sagar Kadam.


Whatever you may say - you won't ever be able to forget the King of

All the Kings- Paramatma. Millions and trillions have expressed like

you in the past but a permanent association always comes to the

forefront-ultimately. No way to erase HIM out of YOU.


Any way - I am reminded of a reference by Swamiji Ramsukhdasji



A sadhu once told him- " Maharajji , what to do ? I am worried. I

don't have any shraddha (respectful belief) in Gitaji. "


The great Saint smiled and replied to him -


" The fact that you are worried about not having shraddha in Gitaji,


it not in itself a proof which indicates that you indeed have


(respectful belief) in Gitaji? "


Swamiji wrote that as soon as that Sadhu heard what Swamiji said to

him - " He became really very happy. "


Before I reply to you further, you should tell me - how near you are

to the above conversation? Have you really become happy after reading

this reply ?


Balance only after you respond.


Jai Shree Krishna


Vyas N B


Love your child. Love your mother. Love your employees. Love your


Love your wife. Love your brother. Love you sister. As a result of

these, you can finally know the property of love, and its effect. And

this 'love' is the only Krishna. And child, mother, employees, dog,

brother and sister are His manifested nature, that no longer remains

forever but the feeling of love will exist and remains inseparable

even after death. So your body will not be there, but the Love from

you, will remain in the world.


Love is like radio waves which are not loud (of very low amplitude)

but travel very long distances (with long wave length). No action is

lost as the waves once set in motion slowly become flat and goes

everywhere and cannot be removed. Love is like that wave found in

environment, and it can be recovered and magnified; and realized just

as a radio does.



(Krishna Gopal)





1. The group is focused on the Holy Gitaji, therefore, only

responses which further clarify the understanding of Gitaji, will be



2. Making reference of Gitaji shloka is highly encouraged - at least

once in the response. Wherever possible, please quote Gitaji or

other scriptures to substantiate your response.


3. Please be as concise and to the point as possible, respecting

sadhaka's time. Under no circustance the answer should be limited to

half a book page, at the most 3-4 paragraphs.


4. Kindly limit personal feelings, opinions, beliefs etc. to the

extent that they further help in understanding the Gita shlokas


5. Kindly focus your writing to the subject at hand only.


6. Please do not include links to the other sites or other

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7. Complete reproduction of texts from any book is strongly

discouraged, however partial cut - paste is acceptable and

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8. Kindly do not include your personal information such as phone

number, address etc.


9. Please use appropriate judgement and only address the response to

a particular individual, where it makes sense to do so.


10. Due to the large readership, only those responses will be posted

which are in line with the general philosophy of taking Shrimad

Bhagavad Gita as the reference.


11. Moderator will reject any content that does not meet guidelines.

However, for expediency, moderator at his discretion, may modify /

delete portions of the posting for mispelling, wordiness that is

irrelevant to the overall core discussion, personal information,

opinions / feelings etc. that do not align with guidelines.


12. Please respond taking into consideration the novices, youth,

westerners, non-sectarian audience. Kindly limit the use of only

Sanskrit words, rather provide the English word with Sanskrit

bracketed wherever possible.


13. Any personal remarks over the knowledge of any sadhak or about

the stage at which any sadhak is standing in his quest / sadhna /

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there should not be any sarcasm towards fellow sadhaks in this

spiritual learning and sharing.



Ram Ram

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Thnks for reply but gita says the process to reach god should not be

forced one so is forcing correct way. i beleive in god no doubt but

while reading gita everytime i feel reluctant to follow. like gita

says one should not worry for ones father, mother friends. Our

parents have given us a lot, or God gave us lot through them. but we

have some responsibilities towards them. How could we leave wife

children and everyone else and go for sannyas?

Saagar Kadam




namasthe all, this is my humble opinion for the question " How could

we leave wife children and everyone else and go for sannyas? " from

mr.saagar kadam.


Sannyas: This work has been interpreted by many in many ways. The

meaning of this (based on my humble understanding) is:


San=> wholly rooted

nyas=> in that Supreme/Brahman

Sannyas means not bachelorhood or being celibate. It is infact

having our mind into that exploration of the Supreme in all our

actions and activities. It doesn ot mean we need to leave all our

duties and run away but in fact living in the midst of all our

duties and responsibilities (which we are in either by choice or

circumstance) and leaving the output of our actions to that Supreme

(karma yoga).


So, it does not mean that we need to leave our family and accept

bachelorhood. It is accepting the world as is and doing our duties

as we thinki is right in our heart.






Hari Om


!! Naham Karta Harikarta!!


Mr. Saagar's question may appear be simplistic and somewhat



The answer to that question need not be however, either simplistic or

dismissive, though I agree with the comment made by one of the

respondents, advising restraint in how far one should indeed go in

seeking to clarify or address such basic doubts. Perhaps they are

better addressed outside a forum as this one.


Suffice to say that Mr. Saagar must realize that no where does Lord

Krishna in Srimad Bhagvat Geeta advise anyone anywhere that one

should not care for one's father, mother or friends. In a land

where we swear by the dictum of " Maatru Devo Bhava, Pitru Devo

bhava .... " - any such thoughts as emanating from sacred texts like

Srimad Bhagvat Geeta is absolutely unthinkable.


It may still be true that having a precept is however, no guarantee

to its truthful practice in the world that we see around ourselves.

This can only be attributed to the karmic disposition of individual

souls in question.


A basic correction of Mr. Saagar's approach and attitude is

necessary before one can discuss any further.


Sri Krishnarpanmasthu !!


Vijayendra Acharya




Shree Hari:

Ram Ram Saagar bhaiyaa!

Please log on to www.swamiramsukhdasji.org and click pustak, click

english, click No.5 How to Lead a Household Life and please go

through all pages from 1 to 59. Here is the attached link:




You will find your name on the page 60 with glowing face.


Do as directed by Swamiji. Read Gita next, not now.

Any fear has no kadam (legs) to Sagar (you are immense yourself).





Hari Om


You are right Saagarji. No body should force you to reach God.

Forcing is certainly not correct way.


We all responded because you had raised a question and all sadhaks

in this forum give their views on the questions raised- in different

styles, different ways and with excellent fraternity and family

sense.. This forum in fact is for that purpose only and we all are

proud to be a part of it.


In fact there are certain verses in Gita also which prohibit sadhaks

to refrain from advising certain things about Gitaji to those who

are unwilling to heed . Such verses are there in almost every Holy

Scripture- in all Upanishads, Vedas, Ramayana etc.. They are so

there 1- because, there are even otherwise certain laws which at

the behest of Nature draw a person towards Paramatma. The part gets

attracted to the whole naturally and automatically and 2- because ,

innocent sadhaks may not waste their bhaavas and gunas and incur a



I wish best of luck to you and request fellow sadhaks not to

forcibly present any view points to you.


By the way, I admire your sentiment regarding parents. There should

always be the highest regard for father and mother. They indeed are

God Himself for their children and you should always believe so. You

can be certain that you shall be worshipping Krishna only , if you

worship your parents , selflessly , with out expecting any thing

from them. If you do that , believe me, you need not do anything

else. That is more than enough.


Namaskar and with sincere love and regards


Vyas NB



Dear Sadak Sagar,


Ravana in Sri Ramayan was gifted with beautiful wife, able brothers

and sons, enormous wealth, secured kindom, extradinory heath to lift

mountain, but ZERO blessing in Sat Sangh.

Sugreeva was left with no place to stay, no family, no waelth, no

money, but blessed with only ONE thing Sat Sangh that is Hanuman Sat


Ravana lost everything, Sugreva got everything at the end.

Ride a motor cycle takes to a place, eat hunger goes, smile love

comes, get angry loose good name. So every action gives result

(Cause and effect)

Doing pooja, Namsankeerthan, meditation in earlier birth gives Sat

Sangh in this birth. Again this depends on how much one did. So you

are the biginer- continue setting aside your fears




Dear Sadaks,

Parents/children/relatives/friends are all with you based on your

your previous birth Karmas. Nobody/God gave. You chose them by way

of so many causes and effects. They are with you and you are with

them to fulfil your Karma. So do your duty to them honestly, but

remain unattached to them. This is like so many actors act on stage

but leave the stage unmindful of what they acted. Nothing remains in

their minds.

We see so many parentless/childless in a part of life. A child dies

and the parents must child that is all they are gifted. What one was

in earlier birth and what is he now? You remain in family but be as

a sanyasin. That is an art achived by Bakthi on Bagavan





Jai Hanuman


Read Saagar Bhaiyya's reasons of getting scared from Gita.


Now understood. Bhaiyya please check up whether you have not read

any dracula horror novel which by mistake has been titled as Holy

Gita. Now a days a lot of books are sold under false covers. What we

are referring is Gita told by Lord Krishna to Arjuna-18 chapters,

700 verse, Jee !!.


What you are referring is some horror fiction which might have been

titled as Gita. In our Gita no where - I challenge , no where an

advice has been given that one should not take care of Father,

mother etc and one should become sanyaasi.


You must have presumed a cheap horror fiction by a similar name to

be Gitaji. Please check up your copy again and come back.


Jee Jee





QUESTION 1: I tried to follow krishna but internally i dont feel

love or bhakti for him. What to do ? Also, reading gita scares me.

Saagar Kadam


QUESTION 2: In Bhagwat Geeta, God has beautifully explained various

ways to reach Him. One of them is Bhakti. It is said Bhakti and Love

are deep embeded in self only and Mal, avaran and vikshep are the

hinderances. These days much empahsis is given on Rajyoga and i

think followers of Rajyoga no matter develop high level of

concentration, stillness of mind and even experience samadhi. But

the overall outcome of all these sadhnas are futile if we donot have

pure love for the God. Some great saints have advocated to have

satsang and live a truthful life with purity in heart to have divine

love and deep devotion to the God. But still, in the present life

circumstances, that kind of love and devotion is very difficult to

develop as mind always try to shift its attention in absence of

specific reason digestable for the mind.




so hum...




Hari Om


I wholly agree with Sarvottamji. The worship of God can be only by

one's own imperishable and unique consciousness (acceptance) which

is ever attained without pain and is cool and indestructible.

When you resolve - " I am of the God's, ONLY God is mine, nothing

else is mine " you in fact are meditating within. You in fact are

getting closer to Self. This abidance in Pure Consciousness alone is

the highest meditation. This one is the highest yoga. This one is

the highest practice.


Swamiji has given to the world the simplest way of chaging one

self , of worshipping Paramatma - effortlessly.


Jai Shree Krishna


Vyas NB


how to develop love of god?


iti shodhakam namnam kali kalmasha nashanam

natah prataro upayat, sarve vedeshu drishtaye


chanting these 16 names of god " Hare Krishna Hare Krishna Krishna

Krishna Hare Hare Hare Rama Hare Rama Rama Rama Hare Hare " is the

easiest method in the age of kali to ward off all the evil

propensities in our heart and develop pure love of god, a method so

sublime cannot be found even if you search the depth and bredth of



ceto darpanam marjanam, bhava maha davagni nirvapanam

sreyah kairava chandrika vitaranam , vidya vadhu jivanam

anandam buddhi vardhanam prati padam purnamrita svadanam

sarvatma snapanam param vijyate sri krishna sankirtanam


this chanting of the holy names of god cleanse the mirror of heart

of all unanted polluted desires and extinguish the forest fire of

material existence, it blooms the white lotus of good fortune, it

increases bliss at every step and enables us to taste the nectar of

lord krishna lotus feet for which we are always anxious, it bathes

the soul in pure ecstacy.


so to develop love of god, chant like a madman and give this

chanting to everyone you meet. very soon this entire world will

drawn in chanting of the holy names of god.


your servant


Piyush Gupta, MD





Jai Hanuman


Jigyasu bhaiyya/ bahenjee


In fact, your view/opinion that - " having love and shraddha (for

Daddy, the Dear) is very difficult " - that in itself only is making

the arising of that love / sharaddha in you to be difficult. Believe

me on this. Even a very very young child will not agree with you.


What kind of difficulty is experienced according to you by a child

when it plays/dictates/ loves/ rules over its Mummy? Why it is very

difficult or rare? Why can't we simply believe that - " Hey Naath I

am yours " ! Even an infant child doesn't have a problem there? What

problem then a grown up child like yourself can have?


Nothing is difficult or rare Jee ! Our khopadi (mind) has gone

haywire , Jee !! Common sense has become most uncommon Jee !! Is not

a pen or pencil rightfully thrown away by Self while eating ?

Similarly at some places we should relinquish mind/ego/intellect

also. This is the place where we must relinquish these " non-

existent " ghosts called mind, ego, intellect, body etc. Jee ! .


Use self here ! Jee !!


" Digestable for the mind " - VOW !!! What a power this mind is

exercising on you ?? Totally enslavened. Totally mixed ! No

difference between " self " and " mind " !! " My Mind " , " My Ego " - Don't

you know who I am ? "


Baba - wake up Jee !! Is mind your owner / that important ? So

your mind tells you that it has capacity not only to eat but to

digest also - quite versatile creature Jee ? You are watching

helplessly and crying / laughing becoming happy or sad, like a

machine !! Is that all that the " Self " is ? or is it all

that " Self " is capable of ?


Raam Raam Raam.


Servants have become masters and masters have become servants !


Jigyasuji, you are the master not " your " mind, ego or intellect !

Why are you playing on the tunes of these machines called " karana " -

antahkarana/ bahya karana (inner/outer faculties/tools)? Use " self "

in the same manner as a child uses " self " when it believes - Mom is

mine, I am of the Mom. Say fearlessly - Mere to Girdhar Gopal ,

Doosaro na Koi.


The best prayer to God is - O God make me a Child ! I am your Child,

God. O Father I am your child only. Hey Naath - let me not forget

you ! (Hey Naath, Mein Bhooloon Nahin)


Can there be a simpler thing ? You call it Rare/ Difficult !! Your

comments in fact are not even child-like Jee !! Got me??


Jee Jee




-Shree Hari-




When it comes to the Bhagavad Gita , I am like a child; do you know,

it is a wonderful way to be?

I do not have any pretensions, I don't know Sanskrit, nor Hindi I am

a child . It is all new to me, I read whatever chapters I please to,

as much or as little as I wish at any time. I will follow

directions of fellow Sadhaks regarding the Gitaji , and those of

Swamiji, why should I not, I am a child.


As regards to Rajyoga. First think about driving a car; you have to

know the road rules, how to control the vehicle, (use of breaks

clutch gears, and steering) , if you leave out one of the

requirements , there could be disaster!

So the driving rules of Raja-Yoga as per Swami Vivekananda:

Yama, Niyama, Asana, Pranayama, Pratyahara, Dharana, Dhyana, Samadhi.

Some of these steps , (possibly all), can flow into each other,

Yama can generate Niyama, and so on. The reason I mentioned these

steps, is to show how as you stated , 'But the overall outcome of

all these sadhnas are futile if we do not have pure love for the

God', can happen. (Not following the rules).

Mind you if you practiced, Yama, and Niyama, (might be a big ask for

a young person), kept spiritual company such as the brothers and

sisters here, along with some reading of the Sacred Gita, I would

not be surprised if you found the words of Lord Krishna as fresh as

if they were spoken today. And also you would start to sense The

Beloved within.

But do believe this! Whatever way opens before you, it is Bhagwan

leading you, it appears to me, it has already started.


With Respect and Divine Love



(Mike Keenor)


Jai Shree Krishna


Getting scared by Gitaji reminded me of a short story.


There were two ants , one living on a mountain of salt and another

on a mountain of sugar. Once they both met and the ant living on the

mountain of sugar took the other one with it to sugar mountain.

After some time the sugar ant asked the other as to how it was

feeling now. The salt ant said I don't find any difference.

Surprised, the sugar ant asked the other to open its mouth. The

other ant opened the mouth and there was a grain of salt in its

mouth-brought from the other mountain. The sugar ant requested the

other to go and wash the mouth fully. The other ant did that. Again

when the sugar ant enquired as to whether is any difference between

two mountains- the other ant motioned - " Keep quite, let me

enjoy " !!!


Throw away that grain of salt, Dear Kadamji. You will enjoy Gitaji.


Rajendra J Bohra

Narayana Narayana






Shree Hari:

Ram Ram!

Answer 1. Your feeling that you don't feel is the evidence of your

having love and devotion for God. Who will say 'love and devotion for

God' is not ever lasting?

Answer 2. This 'love for God' can't be developed or demolished as it

IS. Shraddhey Swami Ramsukhdasjee told me 'one yog' only and it

worked fastest as it requires no meditation, no concentration, no

chanting, no actions of limbs, senses, mind or intellect or anything

whatever. You have to die and take birth accepting " I am God's only.

Only God's mine. I am nobody else's. Nobody else is mine. " Swamijee

told me start with the first, rest will follow automatically.

Whatever more is required by you won't work except gathering

information and doing nothing. You are free to waste time.

You think when Shraddhaa is there, love for God will grow. You want

to start swimming after learning how to swim.

Pay true homage to Swamijee by doing this only yog, you can't escape

being God's only.

I know no formalities even, excuse me here!


(Sarvottam Varma)


Hari Om


Reply to the query of Jigyasu. There is nothing futile on the road

towards God. Dhyaan Yoga(meditation) is also an equally effective

method of realisation. Sadhaks may choose what suits them most, but

should have no negative feeling about other methods-otherwise they

lose focus on their own method also, in the end. They may

get " liberation " but they will never get " ever increasing love of

God " -if they are critical of other methods. Dhyaan is definitely

superior to mere practice of chanting God's name etc( without

exclusive mineness with God) and reading of Holy Scriptures.( Gita


Dhyaan has many advantages, some of them instant , which are unique.

Peace generates in meditation-which becomes very handy for all

sadhaks- at the final stage. On daily basis also this peace makes

the life of sadhak better. If you are serious on your striving, no

way described in Gita is difficult.


However that Bhakti is best in which devotion is automatic and is

not effortful ( induced). That will be possible only when you

accept - " Mere to Girdhar Gopal, Doosaro na koi " ( Only God is mine,

nothing else is mine). It is a law that " LOVE " generates out

of " mineness " . When you develop a mineness with God - exclusive

mineness- the LOVE will be naturally emanating " out of SELF " , you

will not have to make any efforts for the same. What efforts as

parents we make to love our children? Nothing- love emanates

naturally. Reason: Mineness with them.


Hence answer to your question is simple- Establish exclusive

mineness with Paramatma. The love then will be natural , spontaneous

and ever lasting. There is no other way to develop everlasting love-

I REPEAT, NO OTHER WAY. Any effort in this regard will always be

time bound and results will vanish with the time.


Jai Shree Krishna


Vyas N B



Dear Shri Kadamji,


" Bhagwat Prem " (Love for God) is the rarest thing one can aspire

for. Truly it is said to be higher than 'Moksha' or 'Sakshatkar'. It

is said that one can learn to love god only and only by keeping

company of those who love / loved God.


In view of this and in view of your desire for love for God, instead

of reading and contemplating on Gitaji, it may be far more

meaningful to read

about the life of the Great Premi Bhaktas. In

kaliyug, there have been only two premi bhaktas, who became one with

God in their physical form. (Ve apne sharir ke sath hi bhagwan mein

sama gaye). They are Chaitanya Mahaprabhu and Meera Bai. I would

stongly recommend that you read about them. The best book on


Mahaprabhu that I have come across is " Chaitanya Charitamrit " by

Prabhu Datt ji

Brhamachari. This should be available

fron Gita Press shop. I have been wanting to read similar literature

on Meera Bai. But I have not been able to lay my hands on the same.

(If any sadhak has come across any good book on Meera Bai, please

let me know the name of book and it's publisher).


Additionally, you could read " Bhakta Mal " (This is not a Gita Press

publication). Another Gita Press book is " Bhakt Charitank " . Here I

would recommend that you read characters of Bhaktas of Kaliyug only.

The reason is, if you read characters of Bhaktas of Satyug, you may

tend to get disheartened as it would say that this Bhakta

did 'Tapasya' for

10,000 years and so on. We in kaliyug just don't

have that kind of time.


This will certainly generate love for God in your heart and

definitely, there will be no fear of the type you may be getting by

reading Gitaji.


Finally, in the words of Chaitanya Mahaprabhu " Harernamaiv,

Harernamaiv, Harernamaiv Kevalam, Kalau Nastyeva, Nastyeva, Nastyeva

Gatiranyatha " . And in the words of Meera Bai " Mere to Girdhar Gopal "




.... contd.


Incapable to develop Love or Bhakti toward Krishna!! What to do?


This means that the scare you mentioned is still haunting you from

within! Until you face the scare, you have no chance of developing

Love or Bhakti toward The Krishna. In fact, the sheer removal of all

our fears is The Love or The Bhakti toward The God. It is the fears

that haunt us in various ways - doubts, pretentions, anger,


anxiety, greed, lust, ... the infinitude of our miserable state of

dependence on

relations engrossed in emotions. We panic like a fish taken out of

water by the

sheer hint of loss of our beloved objects of posessession - the

unstable tiny

boat. A slight shake of this boat scares us. Of course, Krishna

repells us till

we beleive that all our existence is tied to such a boat - a

possessive heart!

As said earlier, just face the scare ... it is like a street dog ...

scares you till you run! Just pause ... it pauses!! Just stand facing

it ... it starts wiggling its tail!!! Just gather your courage to

fight it ... it runs away :). Of course, there are too many street

dogs around. You have to repeat every time you see one. But when you

do not see one, observe. It is all The Krishna everywhere ... Peace,

Bliss and Absolute Fearlessness. Then, how can you remain not in Love

with Krishna?!


How to develop Shraddha for The God?


Unless we answer ourselves the question, " why should we develop

Shraddha for The God? " , we cannot address this question. Again, do we

want to win over our scares of relativity? Do we want to taste the

nectar of The Absolute?? If we find the answer to be " yes " , we need

to take the shelter of The Shraddha. If you are convinced that you

really want to get rid of all your miseries positively, then your

question already dissolved ... The Shraddha for The God is already

there!! Nobody can develop IT ... IT is just there ... IT was always

there ... IT will always be there ready to cleanse us. But, it is us

who refrain from the Snaana, the cleansing process. We jump around

in panick like a dog taken near water for a bath! Just take the

bath ... IT is there.

IT is disappeared from our attention since we are jumping around with

scare at the slightest vision of the same! Just pause ... observe ...

and be there. Yes! we run out even if we are shown the soothing bliss

in the serenity of such a bath!! We run after our wordly chorus, just

like the dog running after a bone ... it is OK!!! The Shraddha is

still there to embrace us with its soothing warmth ... always. Just

beware of that and be ready for that after the chorus to sooth

yourself. As we do it more and more, we see that The Shraddha is

actually showering on us irrespective of what we are doing and we are

at the same Bliss irrespective of time and space ... no more

relativity ... no more scare in the erstwhile chorus ... it is The

Absolute as such ... The Fearless presence ... The Eternal Bliss as

such. For now ... let us just take the bath ... let us start the

process without hesitation!




Naga Narayana.




This is a reply to Jigyaasuu who would do well before reading the

Bhagavad gita he should to develop Bhakti or devotion by reading the




(Prashanth Thirukkonda)




One of the ways of cultivating bhakti is by listening to bhajans,

well-produced bhajans. For me, it's alone with Anup Jalota ji's and

Jagjit Singh ji's.

Their Hari bhajans do it all. Why do people fall in love with pop

stars? Because they hear about them all the time and so they get

attached to them. If you hear the praises and achievements of

historical or living individuals, you'll feel the same towards them.

Listen to Hari bhajans, and you'll begin fall in love with Murli

Manohar Himself.

Rishi Handa



Jai Hanuman


Very good Bhaiyyaji. Reading Gitaji is scary ! ! Shaabas Jee! ( Hats

off you )


The scare has not arisen from Gita - because you have not even read

it. Scare has arisen from the sources other than Gitaji ! Leave

those sources, leave those deeds which spoil the antahkarana. Geeta

will appear sweet to you.


The best thing is that now you are attracted towards Gita . Even

Scare for Gita will give you good results. That is silverlining ,

Bhaiyyaji in the dark and dense clouds of ignorance. Get attracted

by fear or favour, hate or love, praise or criticism, raag or dvesha-

but get near Gitaji. It would help.


Andhadundh sarkaar hai, Tulsi bhajo nishank


Kheeje det hai param pad aur reejhe det hai Lank


Says Tulsidasji - The God's government is blind (absolutely

illogical) Therefore fearlessly become a devotee. If God becomes

happy ( as He became with Vibhisana) then He gives you the Kingdom

of Lanka. If God becomes annoyed ( as He became with Raavana) He

grants you residence in His own Loka !!


Andhadhundh Bhaiyya ! Andhadhundh !!


Jee Jee






Reading Gita is scary! Wonderful!!


Yes! When I started studying the Upanishads, I lost sleep for several

months!! There is nothing wrong to be scared while studying Vedanta.

The good thing in this is - it proves that you are taking it to your

heart. Taking it to our hearts is the first baby step. Yes, Vedanta's

fundamental approach is to take us near the death. Obviously, not

being used to think of death in a positive manner, we get terrified.


Climbing Mount Everest is scary. But we have to understand one thing,

the scare is not induced in us by the mountain climbing ... it is

embedded in us already. If not Mount Everest, something else will be

always there to surface our scare to haunt us. If we quit our journey

with terror, (1) the terror remains within us for our life times

haunting us forever; (2) we miss The Bliss of attaining the Zenith to

merge into a universal view of The Life.


If one wants (1) to win over one's fears that is firecely trembling

one's existence from within and/or (2) to attain The Bliss of The



Bhagavad Gita was just an instrument to reveal your scare ... the

scare was within you already. You opened Bhagavad Gita for the same

reason in the first place. You wanted to end the miseries induced in

you every moment by this scare once and for ever. That is why you

opened The Bhagavad Gita in the first place.


On the other hand, you wanted to swim the ocean of The Life to

experience what it would be like to be with the water directly. You

were always used to the unyielding support of a tiny unstable boat.

The instability in the boat has already scared you. You thought, the

instability in the boat is due to the enormity of the water all the

time. Yet ... you wanted to experience what the water would feel like

and you touched the water. You were not familiar with the cold and

fluid water which would not support you in any direction and provide

the warmth of the breeze around ... it is obvious you get scared. No

problem! Feel the scare ... face the scare ... and just jump into the

water ... you are bound to swim. Just try it. Just do it. Just be it.




Naga Narayana



Hari Om


Answer to Shri Sagar Kadam.


Whatever you may say - you won't ever be able to forget the King of

All the Kings- Paramatma. Millions and trillions have expressed like

you in the past but a permanent association always comes to the

forefront-ultimately. No way to erase HIM out of YOU.


Any way - I am reminded of a reference by Swamiji Ramsukhdasji



A sadhu once told him- " Maharajji , what to do ? I am worried. I

don't have any shraddha (respectful belief) in Gitaji. "


The great Saint smiled and replied to him -


" The fact that you are worried about not having shraddha in Gitaji,


it not in itself a proof which indicates that you indeed have


(respectful belief) in Gitaji? "


Swamiji wrote that as soon as that Sadhu heard what Swamiji said to

him - " He became really very happy. "


Before I reply to you further, you should tell me - how near you are

to the above conversation? Have you really become happy after reading

this reply ?


Balance only after you respond.


Jai Shree Krishna


Vyas N B


Love your child. Love your mother. Love your employees. Love your


Love your wife. Love your brother. Love you sister. As a result of

these, you can finally know the property of love, and its effect. And

this 'love' is the only Krishna. And child, mother, employees, dog,

brother and sister are His manifested nature, that no longer remains

forever but the feeling of love will exist and remains inseparable

even after death. So your body will not be there, but the Love from

you, will remain in the world.


Love is like radio waves which are not loud (of very low amplitude)

but travel very long distances (with long wave length). No action is

lost as the waves once set in motion slowly become flat and goes

everywhere and cannot be removed. Love is like that wave found in

environment, and it can be recovered and magnified; and realized just

as a radio does.



(Krishna Gopal)





1. The group is focused on the Holy Gitaji, therefore, only

responses which further clarify the understanding of Gitaji, will be



2. Making reference of Gitaji shloka is highly encouraged - at least

once in the response. Wherever possible, please quote Gitaji or

other scriptures to substantiate your response.


3. Please be as concise and to the point as possible, respecting

sadhaka's time. Under no circustance the answer should be limited to

half a book page, at the most 3-4 paragraphs.


4. Kindly limit personal feelings, opinions, beliefs etc. to the

extent that they further help in understanding the Gita shlokas


5. Kindly focus your writing to the subject at hand only.


6. Please do not include links to the other sites or other

organizations (we do not have the bandwidth to review links to

determine if content is appropriate for distribution).


7. Complete reproduction of texts from any book is strongly

discouraged, however partial cut - paste is acceptable and

references may be made of the book or author(but not links to other



8. Kindly do not include your personal information such as phone

number, address etc.


9. Please use appropriate judgement and only address the response to

a particular individual, where it makes sense to do so.


10. Due to the large readership, only those responses will be posted

which are in line with the general philosophy of taking Shrimad

Bhagavad Gita as the reference.


11. Moderator will reject any content that does not meet guidelines.

However, for expediency, moderator at his discretion, may modify /

delete portions of the posting for mispelling, wordiness that is

irrelevant to the overall core discussion, personal information,

opinions / feelings etc. that do not align with guidelines.


12. Please respond taking into consideration the novices, youth,

westerners, non-sectarian audience. Kindly limit the use of only

Sanskrit words, rather provide the English word with Sanskrit

bracketed wherever possible.


13. Any personal remarks over the knowledge of any sadhak or about

the stage at which any sadhak is standing in his quest / sadhna /

spiritual journey - must not be included in your posting. Also,

there should not be any sarcasm towards fellow sadhaks in this

spiritual learning and sharing.



Ram Ram

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Thnks for reply but gita says the process to reach god should not be

forced one so is forcing correct way. i beleive in god no doubt but

while reading gita everytime i feel reluctant to follow. like gita

says one should not worry for ones father, mother friends. Our

parents have given us a lot, or God gave us lot through them. but we

have some responsibilities towards them. How could we leave wife

children and everyone else and go for sannyas?

Saagar Kadam




How could we leave wife children and everyone else and go for



The girl comes crying, " The boy teases me! " Mother says, " Don't play

with him. Play with the other boy " Girl comes back weeping, " He also

teases me!! " Mother says, " Try another " . Girl comes back

sobbing, " All boys tease me!!! " Mother says, " Play with girls " Girl

says, " I don't want to " Mother is puzzled, " Why?! " " They all tease

me " , the girl fretted in disgust. Finally, mother said, " Do not

play. Playing brings you pain! " Girl roles on the floor lamenting

pathetically, " I want to play!!! "


A student came to his Guru after completing his basic

education, " Sir, I want to understand Bramhan! " Guru said, " You

should give up attachments for that " Student said, " How can I do

that? " Guru said, " You should give up things in your life to learn

that. For example, you love the girl. You should give up that! " The

boy said, " Guruji, I love her. Tell me something else "

Guru, " Whatabout your parents? " Student, " They have helped me so

much. How can I? " Guru, " What about friends? " Student, " They are too

much fun. No way. Something else please " Guru, " What about food? "

Student, " What? Do you want to kill me? " Guru, " No! Something you

eat. Say, ... " Student interjected, " OK! I will give up egg plant! I

hate it anyway!! Now, my mother cannot insist me to eat her louzy

recepies of egg plant!!! " Guru smiled and said " OK " They happened to

Italy for some reason. Guru asked for egg plant parmesan. Student

smelled the delicious recepy and begged for one. Guru said, " You had

given this up! " Student said, " I never thought egg plant also could

be cooked so deleciously! "


We opened Bhagavad Gita because we are already pained. We begged it

to show the reason and a way out notwithstanding the pain. To assist

us, it started analyzing the problem and rooted the cause to be our

attachments to our posessions, relations and emotions. Obviously it

suggested to drop the attachments to be happy beleiving that we

truly wanted happiness. Now we lament, " How can I ditch my family

and friends?! After receiving nothing but love from them, how can I

throw them away??!! " The Gita is perplexed, " How the hell this guy

thinks that I asked him to ditch those which do not even belong to

him?! "


We lament like this because we are used to it … we lament without

even listening to what is said. The mother asked the daughter not to

play with that boy … she never asked her not to play! The desciple

wants wants to be happy. The experienced Guru said what is required

for being happy - giving up attachments. He never asked to ditch his

girl friend or parents or friends or the food. The student panicks

by the very suggestion because he has no clue how to live without

the aforesaid relations and posessions. The compassionate Guru

accommodates student's fears. Finally, the student is excited to

give up what he hates. Even in giving we aim at having what we want

more – it is a bargain. We want The Gita to tell us what we want. If

it does not, we lament that The Gita is anti-life! ... as if, what

we want is pro-life!


Even if we decide to give up, we pretend to give up things for our

convenience. Even after giving up what we had already given up, our

desire pops up as soon as there is a hint that the given up could

have some attraction. We had never given up anything, even the ones

that we hated! But we want to give the whining that is rooted in

things that we covet with passion. It is this paradox that causes

confusion in a Sadhak. A weak sadhak incapable of taking the blame

on oneself will try to say the scripture is the culprit!


We were scared before opening The Gita. We are scared while reading

The Gita. We may remain scared even after " reading " The Gita. I

doubt whether we ever read The Gita since the scare is continuing!

Now we blame, I am scared because of The Gita. Being scared is

natural. Let us accpet it. Let us also understand clearly that, our

scare rather increases if we try to reason out its reason to be

outside us. That is blasphemy. If we are scared, let us acknowledge

that we are and let us understand that we are the root cause for it

in the first place. That is Sadhana. Then only scriptures like

Bhagavad Gita becomes helpful.


Om! Sahanaavavatu | Let us have patience.

Sahanau bhunaktu | Let us face our experiences correctly.

Saha veeryam karavaavahai | Let us digest our experiences correctly.

Tejasvinaavadheetamastu | Let us understand our experiences


Maa vidvishaavahai | Let us never blame our faults on anything else.

Om Shaantih Shaantih Shaantih | Let us make ourselves worthy of

receiving The Peace. Let us remain worthy of remaining in The Peace.

Let us be worthy of being The Peace.




Naga Narayana


My dandavats to all in this forum....

I have some questions in regard to Sashikala's response



" What you are referring is some horror fiction which might have been

titled as Gita. In our Gita no where - I challenge , no where an

advice has been given that one should not take care of Father,

mother etc and one should become sanyaasi. " I cannot say for all

Gitas, but the one I study, entitled Bhagavad Gita As It Is,

certainly does recommend sannyas at a certain point in life. There

it is stated, in various places, that when a man is 50plus,

generally speaking, he should consider devoting all his time to god

realization. I personally am grateful that there men who were

willing to do this, or I probably would not have learned about the

path of bhakti. It is a stage of life where in one can understand

that one is no longer limited to see only one's birth children as

his children, or one's birth mother and father as his only mother

and father. If one has no realization what-so-ever that he/she has

had many different parents, through the sojourn of so many different

bodies, then certainly it will seem very hard to consider leaving

one's parents. And in that frame of mind, one should not. One

should not try to act beyond what is a natural flow....particularly

sannyas is a very sacred ashram of life, and the " official "

acceptance of it necessitates giving up relation with the opposite

sex. If a person has no certainty that he is ready to make such a

committment, better to stay in one's present station of life, and

cultivate a sense of devotion to the Lord, gradually......also, I

would like to mention, I have only rarely heard examples of persons

who took sannyas without making provisions for their loved

one's.....it may happen occasionally, but such detachment is

certainly not ordinary. I personally take offense at the words

below, describing as " cheap horror fiction " the suggestion that a

man take sannyas....leaving aside his parents. A true sannyas has

only the good of the populace in his heart, his aspiration to leave

aside his duties should not be to enjoy a life of any prestige or

fame, but only to bring the teachings of devotion to others. Should

such activity be portrayed as " cheap horror movie " , or Dracula

horror novel? No, it should not. This is quite shocking to me,

that someone should suggest. I can only consider that perhaps such

comment is based on certain inappropriate examples of sannyas, who

are giving the ashram a bad name.


Sincerely, Mahalaksmi Dasi






namasthe all, this is my humble opinion for the question " How could

we leave wife children and everyone else and go for sannyas? " from

mr.saagar kadam.


Sannyas: This work has been interpreted by many in many ways. The

meaning of this (based on my humble understanding) is:


San=> wholly rooted

nyas=> in that Supreme/Brahman

Sannyas means not bachelorhood or being celibate. It is infact

having our mind into that exploration of the Supreme in all our

actions and activities. It doesn ot mean we need to leave all our

duties and run away but in fact living in the midst of all our

duties and responsibilities (which we are in either by choice or

circumstance) and leaving the output of our actions to that Supreme

(karma yoga).


So, it does not mean that we need to leave our family and accept

bachelorhood. It is accepting the world as is and doing our duties

as we thinki is right in our heart.






Hari Om


!! Naham Karta Harikarta!!


Mr. Saagar's question may appear be simplistic and somewhat



The answer to that question need not be however, either simplistic or

dismissive, though I agree with the comment made by one of the

respondents, advising restraint in how far one should indeed go in

seeking to clarify or address such basic doubts. Perhaps they are

better addressed outside a forum as this one.


Suffice to say that Mr. Saagar must realize that no where does Lord

Krishna in Srimad Bhagvat Geeta advise anyone anywhere that one

should not care for one's father, mother or friends. In a land

where we swear by the dictum of " Maatru Devo Bhava, Pitru Devo

bhava .... " - any such thoughts as emanating from sacred texts like

Srimad Bhagvat Geeta is absolutely unthinkable.


It may still be true that having a precept is however, no guarantee

to its truthful practice in the world that we see around ourselves.

This can only be attributed to the karmic disposition of individual

souls in question.


A basic correction of Mr. Saagar's approach and attitude is

necessary before one can discuss any further.


Sri Krishnarpanmasthu !!


Vijayendra Acharya



Shree Hari:

Ram Ram Saagar bhaiyaa!

Please log on to www.swamiramsukhdasji.org and click pustak, click

english, click No.5 How to Lead a Household Life and please go

through all pages from 1 to 59. Here is the attached link:




You will find your name on the page 60 with glowing face.


Do as directed by Swamiji. Read Gita next, not now.

Any fear has no kadam (legs) to Sagar (you are immense yourself).





Hari Om


You are right Saagarji. No body should force you to reach God.

Forcing is certainly not correct way.


We all responded because you had raised a question and all sadhaks

in this forum give their views on the questions raised- in different

styles, different ways and with excellent fraternity and family

sense.. This forum in fact is for that purpose only and we all are

proud to be a part of it.


In fact there are certain verses in Gita also which prohibit sadhaks

to refrain from advising certain things about Gitaji to those who

are unwilling to heed . Such verses are there in almost every Holy

Scripture- in all Upanishads, Vedas, Ramayana etc.. They are so

there 1- because, there are even otherwise certain laws which at

the behest of Nature draw a person towards Paramatma. The part gets

attracted to the whole naturally and automatically and 2- because ,

innocent sadhaks may not waste their bhaavas and gunas and incur a



I wish best of luck to you and request fellow sadhaks not to

forcibly present any view points to you.


By the way, I admire your sentiment regarding parents. There should

always be the highest regard for father and mother. They indeed are

God Himself for their children and you should always believe so. You

can be certain that you shall be worshipping Krishna only , if you

worship your parents , selflessly , with out expecting any thing

from them. If you do that , believe me, you need not do anything

else. That is more than enough.


Namaskar and with sincere love and regards


Vyas NB



Dear Sadak Sagar,


Ravana in Sri Ramayan was gifted with beautiful wife, able brothers

and sons, enormous wealth, secured kindom, extradinory heath to lift

mountain, but ZERO blessing in Sat Sangh.

Sugreeva was left with no place to stay, no family, no waelth, no

money, but blessed with only ONE thing Sat Sangh that is Hanuman Sat


Ravana lost everything, Sugreva got everything at the end.

Ride a motor cycle takes to a place, eat hunger goes, smile love

comes, get angry loose good name. So every action gives result

(Cause and effect)

Doing pooja, Namsankeerthan, meditation in earlier birth gives Sat

Sangh in this birth. Again this depends on how much one did. So you

are the biginer- continue setting aside your fears




Dear Sadaks,

Parents/children/relatives/friends are all with you based on your

your previous birth Karmas. Nobody/God gave. You chose them by way

of so many causes and effects. They are with you and you are with

them to fulfil your Karma. So do your duty to them honestly, but

remain unattached to them. This is like so many actors act on stage

but leave the stage unmindful of what they acted. Nothing remains in

their minds.

We see so many parentless/childless in a part of life. A child dies

and the parents must child that is all they are gifted. What one was

in earlier birth and what is he now? You remain in family but be as

a sanyasin. That is an art achived by Bakthi on Bagavan





Jai Hanuman


Read Saagar Bhaiyya's reasons of getting scared from Gita.


Now understood. Bhaiyya please check up whether you have not read

any dracula horror novel which by mistake has been titled as Holy

Gita. Now a days a lot of books are sold under false covers. What we

are referring is Gita told by Lord Krishna to Arjuna-18 chapters,

700 verse, Jee !!.


What you are referring is some horror fiction which might have been

titled as Gita. In our Gita no where - I challenge , no where an

advice has been given that one should not take care of Father,

mother etc and one should become sanyaasi.


You must have presumed a cheap horror fiction by a similar name to

be Gitaji. Please check up your copy again and come back.


Jee Jee





QUESTION 1: I tried to follow krishna but internally i dont feel

love or bhakti for him. What to do ? Also, reading gita scares me.

Saagar Kadam


QUESTION 2: In Bhagwat Geeta, God has beautifully explained various

ways to reach Him. One of them is Bhakti. It is said Bhakti and Love

are deep embeded in self only and Mal, avaran and vikshep are the

hinderances. These days much empahsis is given on Rajyoga and i

think followers of Rajyoga no matter develop high level of

concentration, stillness of mind and even experience samadhi. But

the overall outcome of all these sadhnas are futile if we donot have

pure love for the God. Some great saints have advocated to have

satsang and live a truthful life with purity in heart to have divine

love and deep devotion to the God. But still, in the present life

circumstances, that kind of love and devotion is very difficult to

develop as mind always try to shift its attention in absence of

specific reason digestable for the mind.




so hum...




Hari Om


I wholly agree with Sarvottamji. The worship of God can be only by

one's own imperishable and unique consciousness (acceptance) which

is ever attained without pain and is cool and indestructible.

When you resolve - " I am of the God's, ONLY God is mine, nothing

else is mine " you in fact are meditating within. You in fact are

getting closer to Self. This abidance in Pure Consciousness alone is

the highest meditation. This one is the highest yoga. This one is

the highest practice.


Swamiji has given to the world the simplest way of chaging one

self , of worshipping Paramatma - effortlessly.


Jai Shree Krishna


Vyas NB


how to develop love of god?


iti shodhakam namnam kali kalmasha nashanam

natah prataro upayat, sarve vedeshu drishtaye


chanting these 16 names of god " Hare Krishna Hare Krishna Krishna

Krishna Hare Hare Hare Rama Hare Rama Rama Rama Hare Hare " is the

easiest method in the age of kali to ward off all the evil

propensities in our heart and develop pure love of god, a method so

sublime cannot be found even if you search the depth and bredth of



ceto darpanam marjanam, bhava maha davagni nirvapanam

sreyah kairava chandrika vitaranam , vidya vadhu jivanam

anandam buddhi vardhanam prati padam purnamrita svadanam

sarvatma snapanam param vijyate sri krishna sankirtanam


this chanting of the holy names of god cleanse the mirror of heart

of all unanted polluted desires and extinguish the forest fire of

material existence, it blooms the white lotus of good fortune, it

increases bliss at every step and enables us to taste the nectar of

lord krishna lotus feet for which we are always anxious, it bathes

the soul in pure ecstacy.


so to develop love of god, chant like a madman and give this

chanting to everyone you meet. very soon this entire world will

drawn in chanting of the holy names of god.


your servant


Piyush Gupta, MD





Jai Hanuman


Jigyasu bhaiyya/ bahenjee


In fact, your view/opinion that - " having love and shraddha (for

Daddy, the Dear) is very difficult " - that in itself only is making

the arising of that love / sharaddha in you to be difficult. Believe

me on this. Even a very very young child will not agree with you.


What kind of difficulty is experienced according to you by a child

when it plays/dictates/ loves/ rules over its Mummy? Why it is very

difficult or rare? Why can't we simply believe that - " Hey Naath I

am yours " ! Even an infant child doesn't have a problem there? What

problem then a grown up child like yourself can have?


Nothing is difficult or rare Jee ! Our khopadi (mind) has gone

haywire , Jee !! Common sense has become most uncommon Jee !! Is not

a pen or pencil rightfully thrown away by Self while eating ?

Similarly at some places we should relinquish mind/ego/intellect

also. This is the place where we must relinquish these " non-

existent " ghosts called mind, ego, intellect, body etc. Jee ! .


Use self here ! Jee !!


" Digestable for the mind " - VOW !!! What a power this mind is

exercising on you ?? Totally enslavened. Totally mixed ! No

difference between " self " and " mind " !! " My Mind " , " My Ego " - Don't

you know who I am ? "


Baba - wake up Jee !! Is mind your owner / that important ? So

your mind tells you that it has capacity not only to eat but to

digest also - quite versatile creature Jee ? You are watching

helplessly and crying / laughing becoming happy or sad, like a

machine !! Is that all that the " Self " is ? or is it all

that " Self " is capable of ?


Raam Raam Raam.


Servants have become masters and masters have become servants !


Jigyasuji, you are the master not " your " mind, ego or intellect !

Why are you playing on the tunes of these machines called " karana " -

antahkarana/ bahya karana (inner/outer faculties/tools)? Use " self "

in the same manner as a child uses " self " when it believes - Mom is

mine, I am of the Mom. Say fearlessly - Mere to Girdhar Gopal ,

Doosaro na Koi.


The best prayer to God is - O God make me a Child ! I am your Child,

God. O Father I am your child only. Hey Naath - let me not forget

you ! (Hey Naath, Mein Bhooloon Nahin)


Can there be a simpler thing ? You call it Rare/ Difficult !! Your

comments in fact are not even child-like Jee !! Got me??


Jee Jee




-Shree Hari-




When it comes to the Bhagavad Gita , I am like a child; do you know,

it is a wonderful way to be?

I do not have any pretensions, I don't know Sanskrit, nor Hindi I am

a child . It is all new to me, I read whatever chapters I please to,

as much or as little as I wish at any time. I will follow

directions of fellow Sadhaks regarding the Gitaji , and those of

Swamiji, why should I not, I am a child.


As regards to Rajyoga. First think about driving a car; you have to

know the road rules, how to control the vehicle, (use of breaks

clutch gears, and steering) , if you leave out one of the

requirements , there could be disaster!

So the driving rules of Raja-Yoga as per Swami Vivekananda:

Yama, Niyama, Asana, Pranayama, Pratyahara, Dharana, Dhyana, Samadhi.

Some of these steps , (possibly all), can flow into each other,

Yama can generate Niyama, and so on. The reason I mentioned these

steps, is to show how as you stated , 'But the overall outcome of

all these sadhnas are futile if we do not have pure love for the

God', can happen. (Not following the rules).

Mind you if you practiced, Yama, and Niyama, (might be a big ask for

a young person), kept spiritual company such as the brothers and

sisters here, along with some reading of the Sacred Gita, I would

not be surprised if you found the words of Lord Krishna as fresh as

if they were spoken today. And also you would start to sense The

Beloved within.

But do believe this! Whatever way opens before you, it is Bhagwan

leading you, it appears to me, it has already started.


With Respect and Divine Love



(Mike Keenor)


Jai Shree Krishna


Getting scared by Gitaji reminded me of a short story.


There were two ants , one living on a mountain of salt and another

on a mountain of sugar. Once they both met and the ant living on the

mountain of sugar took the other one with it to sugar mountain.

After some time the sugar ant asked the other as to how it was

feeling now. The salt ant said I don't find any difference.

Surprised, the sugar ant asked the other to open its mouth. The

other ant opened the mouth and there was a grain of salt in its

mouth-brought from the other mountain. The sugar ant requested the

other to go and wash the mouth fully. The other ant did that. Again

when the sugar ant enquired as to whether is any difference between

two mountains- the other ant motioned - " Keep quite, let me

enjoy " !!!


Throw away that grain of salt, Dear Kadamji. You will enjoy Gitaji.


Rajendra J Bohra

Narayana Narayana






Shree Hari:

Ram Ram!

Answer 1. Your feeling that you don't feel is the evidence of your

having love and devotion for God. Who will say 'love and devotion for

God' is not ever lasting?

Answer 2. This 'love for God' can't be developed or demolished as it

IS. Shraddhey Swami Ramsukhdasjee told me 'one yog' only and it

worked fastest as it requires no meditation, no concentration, no

chanting, no actions of limbs, senses, mind or intellect or anything

whatever. You have to die and take birth accepting " I am God's only.

Only God's mine. I am nobody else's. Nobody else is mine. " Swamijee

told me start with the first, rest will follow automatically.

Whatever more is required by you won't work except gathering

information and doing nothing. You are free to waste time.

You think when Shraddhaa is there, love for God will grow. You want

to start swimming after learning how to swim.

Pay true homage to Swamijee by doing this only yog, you can't escape

being God's only.

I know no formalities even, excuse me here!


(Sarvottam Varma)


Hari Om


Reply to the query of Jigyasu. There is nothing futile on the road

towards God. Dhyaan Yoga(meditation) is also an equally effective

method of realisation. Sadhaks may choose what suits them most, but

should have no negative feeling about other methods-otherwise they

lose focus on their own method also, in the end. They may

get " liberation " but they will never get " ever increasing love of

God " -if they are critical of other methods. Dhyaan is definitely

superior to mere practice of chanting God's name etc( without

exclusive mineness with God) and reading of Holy Scriptures.( Gita


Dhyaan has many advantages, some of them instant , which are unique.

Peace generates in meditation-which becomes very handy for all

sadhaks- at the final stage. On daily basis also this peace makes

the life of sadhak better. If you are serious on your striving, no

way described in Gita is difficult.


However that Bhakti is best in which devotion is automatic and is

not effortful ( induced). That will be possible only when you

accept - " Mere to Girdhar Gopal, Doosaro na koi " ( Only God is mine,

nothing else is mine). It is a law that " LOVE " generates out

of " mineness " . When you develop a mineness with God - exclusive

mineness- the LOVE will be naturally emanating " out of SELF " , you

will not have to make any efforts for the same. What efforts as

parents we make to love our children? Nothing- love emanates

naturally. Reason: Mineness with them.


Hence answer to your question is simple- Establish exclusive

mineness with Paramatma. The love then will be natural , spontaneous

and ever lasting. There is no other way to develop everlasting love-

I REPEAT, NO OTHER WAY. Any effort in this regard will always be

time bound and results will vanish with the time.


Jai Shree Krishna


Vyas N B



Dear Shri Kadamji,


" Bhagwat Prem " (Love for God) is the rarest thing one can aspire

for. Truly it is said to be higher than 'Moksha' or 'Sakshatkar'. It

is said that one can learn to love god only and only by keeping

company of those who love / loved God.


In view of this and in view of your desire for love for God, instead

of reading and contemplating on Gitaji, it may be far more

meaningful to read

about the life of the Great Premi Bhaktas. In

kaliyug, there have been only two premi bhaktas, who became one with

God in their physical form. (Ve apne sharir ke sath hi bhagwan mein

sama gaye). They are Chaitanya Mahaprabhu and Meera Bai. I would

stongly recommend that you read about them. The best book on


Mahaprabhu that I have come across is " Chaitanya Charitamrit " by

Prabhu Datt ji

Brhamachari. This should be available

fron Gita Press shop. I have been wanting to read similar literature

on Meera Bai. But I have not been able to lay my hands on the same.

(If any sadhak has come across any good book on Meera Bai, please

let me know the name of book and it's publisher).


Additionally, you could read " Bhakta Mal " (This is not a Gita Press

publication). Another Gita Press book is " Bhakt Charitank " . Here I

would recommend that you read characters of Bhaktas of Kaliyug only.

The reason is, if you read characters of Bhaktas of Satyug, you may

tend to get disheartened as it would say that this Bhakta

did 'Tapasya' for

10,000 years and so on. We in kaliyug just don't

have that kind of time.


This will certainly generate love for God in your heart and

definitely, there will be no fear of the type you may be getting by

reading Gitaji.


Finally, in the words of Chaitanya Mahaprabhu " Harernamaiv,

Harernamaiv, Harernamaiv Kevalam, Kalau Nastyeva, Nastyeva, Nastyeva

Gatiranyatha " . And in the words of Meera Bai " Mere to Girdhar Gopal "




.... contd.


Incapable to develop Love or Bhakti toward Krishna!! What to do?


This means that the scare you mentioned is still haunting you from

within! Until you face the scare, you have no chance of developing

Love or Bhakti toward The Krishna. In fact, the sheer removal of all

our fears is The Love or The Bhakti toward The God. It is the fears

that haunt us in various ways - doubts, pretentions, anger,


anxiety, greed, lust, ... the infinitude of our miserable state of

dependence on

relations engrossed in emotions. We panic like a fish taken out of

water by the

sheer hint of loss of our beloved objects of posessession - the

unstable tiny

boat. A slight shake of this boat scares us. Of course, Krishna

repells us till

we beleive that all our existence is tied to such a boat - a

possessive heart!

As said earlier, just face the scare ... it is like a street dog ...

scares you till you run! Just pause ... it pauses!! Just stand facing

it ... it starts wiggling its tail!!! Just gather your courage to

fight it ... it runs away :). Of course, there are too many street

dogs around. You have to repeat every time you see one. But when you

do not see one, observe. It is all The Krishna everywhere ... Peace,

Bliss and Absolute Fearlessness. Then, how can you remain not in Love

with Krishna?!


How to develop Shraddha for The God?


Unless we answer ourselves the question, " why should we develop

Shraddha for The God? " , we cannot address this question. Again, do we

want to win over our scares of relativity? Do we want to taste the

nectar of The Absolute?? If we find the answer to be " yes " , we need

to take the shelter of The Shraddha. If you are convinced that you

really want to get rid of all your miseries positively, then your

question already dissolved ... The Shraddha for The God is already

there!! Nobody can develop IT ... IT is just there ... IT was always

there ... IT will always be there ready to cleanse us. But, it is us

who refrain from the Snaana, the cleansing process. We jump around

in panick like a dog taken near water for a bath! Just take the

bath ... IT is there.

IT is disappeared from our attention since we are jumping around with

scare at the slightest vision of the same! Just pause ... observe ...

and be there. Yes! we run out even if we are shown the soothing bliss

in the serenity of such a bath!! We run after our wordly chorus, just

like the dog running after a bone ... it is OK!!! The Shraddha is

still there to embrace us with its soothing warmth ... always. Just

beware of that and be ready for that after the chorus to sooth

yourself. As we do it more and more, we see that The Shraddha is

actually showering on us irrespective of what we are doing and we are

at the same Bliss irrespective of time and space ... no more

relativity ... no more scare in the erstwhile chorus ... it is The

Absolute as such ... The Fearless presence ... The Eternal Bliss as

such. For now ... let us just take the bath ... let us start the

process without hesitation!




Naga Narayana.




This is a reply to Jigyaasuu who would do well before reading the

Bhagavad gita he should to develop Bhakti or devotion by reading the




(Prashanth Thirukkonda)




One of the ways of cultivating bhakti is by listening to bhajans,

well-produced bhajans. For me, it's alone with Anup Jalota ji's and

Jagjit Singh ji's.

Their Hari bhajans do it all. Why do people fall in love with pop

stars? Because they hear about them all the time and so they get

attached to them. If you hear the praises and achievements of

historical or living individuals, you'll feel the same towards them.

Listen to Hari bhajans, and you'll begin fall in love with Murli

Manohar Himself.

Rishi Handa



Jai Hanuman


Very good Bhaiyyaji. Reading Gitaji is scary ! ! Shaabas Jee! ( Hats

off you )


The scare has not arisen from Gita - because you have not even read

it. Scare has arisen from the sources other than Gitaji ! Leave

those sources, leave those deeds which spoil the antahkarana. Geeta

will appear sweet to you.


The best thing is that now you are attracted towards Gita . Even

Scare for Gita will give you good results. That is silverlining ,

Bhaiyyaji in the dark and dense clouds of ignorance. Get attracted

by fear or favour, hate or love, praise or criticism, raag or dvesha-

but get near Gitaji. It would help.


Andhadundh sarkaar hai, Tulsi bhajo nishank


Kheeje det hai param pad aur reejhe det hai Lank


Says Tulsidasji - The God's government is blind (absolutely

illogical) Therefore fearlessly become a devotee. If God becomes

happy ( as He became with Vibhisana) then He gives you the Kingdom

of Lanka. If God becomes annoyed ( as He became with Raavana) He

grants you residence in His own Loka !!


Andhadhundh Bhaiyya ! Andhadhundh !!


Jee Jee






Reading Gita is scary! Wonderful!!


Yes! When I started studying the Upanishads, I lost sleep for several

months!! There is nothing wrong to be scared while studying Vedanta.

The good thing in this is - it proves that you are taking it to your

heart. Taking it to our hearts is the first baby step. Yes, Vedanta's

fundamental approach is to take us near the death. Obviously, not

being used to think of death in a positive manner, we get terrified.


Climbing Mount Everest is scary. But we have to understand one thing,

the scare is not induced in us by the mountain climbing ... it is

embedded in us already. If not Mount Everest, something else will be

always there to surface our scare to haunt us. If we quit our journey

with terror, (1) the terror remains within us for our life times

haunting us forever; (2) we miss The Bliss of attaining the Zenith to

merge into a universal view of The Life.


If one wants (1) to win over one's fears that is firecely trembling

one's existence from within and/or (2) to attain The Bliss of The



Bhagavad Gita was just an instrument to reveal your scare ... the

scare was within you already. You opened Bhagavad Gita for the same

reason in the first place. You wanted to end the miseries induced in

you every moment by this scare once and for ever. That is why you

opened The Bhagavad Gita in the first place.


On the other hand, you wanted to swim the ocean of The Life to

experience what it would be like to be with the water directly. You

were always used to the unyielding support of a tiny unstable boat.

The instability in the boat has already scared you. You thought, the

instability in the boat is due to the enormity of the water all the

time. Yet ... you wanted to experience what the water would feel like

and you touched the water. You were not familiar with the cold and

fluid water which would not support you in any direction and provide

the warmth of the breeze around ... it is obvious you get scared. No

problem! Feel the scare ... face the scare ... and just jump into the

water ... you are bound to swim. Just try it. Just do it. Just be it.




Naga Narayana



Hari Om


Answer to Shri Sagar Kadam.


Whatever you may say - you won't ever be able to forget the King of

All the Kings- Paramatma. Millions and trillions have expressed like

you in the past but a permanent association always comes to the

forefront-ultimately. No way to erase HIM out of YOU.


Any way - I am reminded of a reference by Swamiji Ramsukhdasji



A sadhu once told him- " Maharajji , what to do ? I am worried. I

don't have any shraddha (respectful belief) in Gitaji. "


The great Saint smiled and replied to him -


" The fact that you are worried about not having shraddha in Gitaji,


it not in itself a proof which indicates that you indeed have


(respectful belief) in Gitaji? "


Swamiji wrote that as soon as that Sadhu heard what Swamiji said to

him - " He became really very happy. "


Before I reply to you further, you should tell me - how near you are

to the above conversation? Have you really become happy after reading

this reply ?


Balance only after you respond.


Jai Shree Krishna


Vyas N B


Love your child. Love your mother. Love your employees. Love your


Love your wife. Love your brother. Love you sister. As a result of

these, you can finally know the property of love, and its effect. And

this 'love' is the only Krishna. And child, mother, employees, dog,

brother and sister are His manifested nature, that no longer remains

forever but the feeling of love will exist and remains inseparable

even after death. So your body will not be there, but the Love from

you, will remain in the world.


Love is like radio waves which are not loud (of very low amplitude)

but travel very long distances (with long wave length). No action is

lost as the waves once set in motion slowly become flat and goes

everywhere and cannot be removed. Love is like that wave found in

environment, and it can be recovered and magnified; and realized just

as a radio does.



(Krishna Gopal)





1. The group is focused on the Holy Gitaji, therefore, only

responses which further clarify the understanding of Gitaji, will be



2. Making reference of Gitaji shloka is highly encouraged - at least

once in the response. Wherever possible, please quote Gitaji or

other scriptures to substantiate your response.


3. Please be as concise and to the point as possible, respecting

sadhaka's time. Under no circustance the answer should be limited to

half a book page, at the most 3-4 paragraphs.


4. Kindly limit personal feelings, opinions, beliefs etc. to the

extent that they further help in understanding the Gita shlokas


5. Kindly focus your writing to the subject at hand only.


6. Please do not include links to the other sites or other

organizations (we do not have the bandwidth to review links to

determine if content is appropriate for distribution).


7. Complete reproduction of texts from any book is strongly

discouraged, however partial cut - paste is acceptable and

references may be made of the book or author(but not links to other



8. Kindly do not include your personal information such as phone

number, address etc.


9. Please use appropriate judgement and only address the response to

a particular individual, where it makes sense to do so.


10. Due to the large readership, only those responses will be posted

which are in line with the general philosophy of taking Shrimad

Bhagavad Gita as the reference.


11. Moderator will reject any content that does not meet guidelines.

However, for expediency, moderator at his discretion, may modify /

delete portions of the posting for mispelling, wordiness that is

irrelevant to the overall core discussion, personal information,

opinions / feelings etc. that do not align with guidelines.


12. Please respond taking into consideration the novices, youth,

westerners, non-sectarian audience. Kindly limit the use of only

Sanskrit words, rather provide the English word with Sanskrit

bracketed wherever possible.


13. Any personal remarks over the knowledge of any sadhak or about

the stage at which any sadhak is standing in his quest / sadhna /

spiritual journey - must not be included in your posting. Also,

there should not be any sarcasm towards fellow sadhaks in this

spiritual learning and sharing.



Ram Ram

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Thnks for reply but gita says the process to reach god should not be

forced one so is forcing correct way. i beleive in god no doubt but

while reading gita everytime i feel reluctant to follow. like gita

says one should not worry for ones father, mother friends. Our

parents have given us a lot, or God gave us lot through them. but we

have some responsibilities towards them. How could we leave wife

children and everyone else and go for sannyas?

Saagar Kadam




Thank you very much to all of you. I will continue reading. I have

some additional follow-up questions which I will post under a new

topic. Sincerely,


Saagar Kadam



Dear Shashi Kalaji and other Friends.

A very dissolute person once came to Shri Ramakrishna Paramahamsa

and wanted to change his life. All that the saint told him was to

render every act of his to Him. When this person was doing

atrocious things he wanted to do samarpanam.He hesitated because

Almghty God would not stoop to do such things. By repeated

practices, this person was completely absolved of all his evil

thoughts and desires and practices. That is " Krishnaapanam Astu " is

so crucial in life.

Divakaran Dr.s.

subbanarasu divakaran



Hari Om


This refers to the observations of Acharyaji. I fully agree with you

that reply by us should not have been dismissive. Reason, as far as

I am concerned, was that once a person " accepts " firmly some idea,

or belief , then it is impossible for any one to make him change

that. One himself has to be willing. Anything forcibly given in such

cases invariably becomes counter productive.


Any " acceptance " made at " self " level has capacity to acquire as

great permanency as is characteristics of " self " . Millions of aeons

may pass but such acceptance does not leave " self " - because self

wants that. Precisely for this reason this world appears " permanent "

to us inspite of the fact that it does not remain static even for a

fraction of a second. Reason: Acceptance by Self.


Self wants to see world as permanent. Hence world appears permanent.

Those of us, who have accepted that it is actually changing, it does

not then appear to be permanent.


I liked use of word " karmic disposition " by you.


It is a law that who ever accepts only he can reject or change

acceptance. We all - if at all changed - changed in this human life

only- and changed only because we changed our acceptance levels..

Before this life, for millions and trillions of aeons we were on the

same boat.


Hence it is a futile exercise to force some one to accept -even if

it is truth. In the process, however, we may end up hurting other

and incur a sin.


We in fact have no right to inflict hurt on others. If some one is

prepared to accept truth, then only we may put in efforts. " Akkal

shariran oopaje , diya laage damb " ( Wisdom arises from within, if

some body tries to give that, then that someone is perceived as a

poisonous snake)


If one is willing, then such efforts can be of any type- VN type,

NN type, SK type, SV type, BB type, ZZ type, VA type, ML type, MK

type,MP type, AH type, RB type, MD type, RC type, PB type, BP type,

TB type - any type- dozens and dozens of types are there .. Type

is not important, cure is important.


In fact, Acharyaji, there are 12000 + members. I am new entrant. But

I feel real mineness with this Group. Now theoritically, there may

be 12000+ varieties of answers. Any one can hurt unknowingly any

other. Hence I made request.


No individual is 100 percent wrong. (And right too- till a long

time ) It is a law. Being God's children - all are basically

stainless. This group moves with excellent fraternity and family

sense. If Saagarji feels really that we should tell him what we

feel, he is always welcome to ask counter questions. Before me

minimum 10/12 messages might have been posted on the subject. In

other questions also basics keep getting discussed.


I indeed felt a real goodness in him-respect for duty and parents.

He in fact felt the need of asking the question also. He is

always " amritsya putrah " - Son of the Emperor of all Emperors.


Hope this clarifies.


Jai Shree Krishna


Vyas N B





How could we leave wife children and everyone else and go for



The girl comes crying, " The boy teases me! " Mother says, " Don't play

with him. Play with the other boy " Girl comes back weeping, " He also

teases me!! " Mother says, " Try another " . Girl comes back

sobbing, " All boys tease me!!! " Mother says, " Play with girls " Girl

says, " I don't want to " Mother is puzzled, " Why?! " " They all tease

me " , the girl fretted in disgust. Finally, mother said, " Do not

play. Playing brings you pain! " Girl roles on the floor lamenting

pathetically, " I want to play!!! "


A student came to his Guru after completing his basic

education, " Sir, I want to understand Bramhan! " Guru said, " You

should give up attachments for that " Student said, " How can I do

that? " Guru said, " You should give up things in your life to learn

that. For example, you love the girl. You should give up that! " The

boy said, " Guruji, I love her. Tell me something else "

Guru, " Whatabout your parents? " Student, " They have helped me so

much. How can I? " Guru, " What about friends? " Student, " They are too

much fun. No way. Something else please " Guru, " What about food? "

Student, " What? Do you want to kill me? " Guru, " No! Something you

eat. Say, ... " Student interjected, " OK! I will give up egg plant! I

hate it anyway!! Now, my mother cannot insist me to eat her louzy

recepies of egg plant!!! " Guru smiled and said " OK " They happened to

Italy for some reason. Guru asked for egg plant parmesan. Student

smelled the delicious recepy and begged for one. Guru said, " You had

given this up! " Student said, " I never thought egg plant also could

be cooked so deleciously! "


We opened Bhagavad Gita because we are already pained. We begged it

to show the reason and a way out notwithstanding the pain. To assist

us, it started analyzing the problem and rooted the cause to be our

attachments to our posessions, relations and emotions. Obviously it

suggested to drop the attachments to be happy beleiving that we

truly wanted happiness. Now we lament, " How can I ditch my family

and friends?! After receiving nothing but love from them, how can I

throw them away??!! " The Gita is perplexed, " How the hell this guy

thinks that I asked him to ditch those which do not even belong to

him?! "


We lament like this because we are used to it … we lament without

even listening to what is said. The mother asked the daughter not to

play with that boy … she never asked her not to play! The desciple

wants wants to be happy. The experienced Guru said what is required

for being happy - giving up attachments. He never asked to ditch his

girl friend or parents or friends or the food. The student panicks

by the very suggestion because he has no clue how to live without

the aforesaid relations and posessions. The compassionate Guru

accommodates student's fears. Finally, the student is excited to

give up what he hates. Even in giving we aim at having what we want

more – it is a bargain. We want The Gita to tell us what we want. If

it does not, we lament that The Gita is anti-life! ... as if, what

we want is pro-life!


Even if we decide to give up, we pretend to give up things for our

convenience. Even after giving up what we had already given up, our

desire pops up as soon as there is a hint that the given up could

have some attraction. We had never given up anything, even the ones

that we hated! But we want to give the whining that is rooted in

things that we covet with passion. It is this paradox that causes

confusion in a Sadhak. A weak sadhak incapable of taking the blame

on oneself will try to say the scripture is the culprit!


We were scared before opening The Gita. We are scared while reading

The Gita. We may remain scared even after " reading " The Gita. I

doubt whether we ever read The Gita since the scare is continuing!

Now we blame, I am scared because of The Gita. Being scared is

natural. Let us accpet it. Let us also understand clearly that, our

scare rather increases if we try to reason out its reason to be

outside us. That is blasphemy. If we are scared, let us acknowledge

that we are and let us understand that we are the root cause for it

in the first place. That is Sadhana. Then only scriptures like

Bhagavad Gita becomes helpful.


Om! Sahanaavavatu | Let us have patience.

Sahanau bhunaktu | Let us face our experiences correctly.

Saha veeryam karavaavahai | Let us digest our experiences correctly.

Tejasvinaavadheetamastu | Let us understand our experiences


Maa vidvishaavahai | Let us never blame our faults on anything else.

Om Shaantih Shaantih Shaantih | Let us make ourselves worthy of

receiving The Peace. Let us remain worthy of remaining in The Peace.

Let us be worthy of being The Peace.




Naga Narayana


My dandavats to all in this forum....

I have some questions in regard to Sashikala's response



" What you are referring is some horror fiction which might have been

titled as Gita. In our Gita no where - I challenge , no where an

advice has been given that one should not take care of Father,

mother etc and one should become sanyaasi. " I cannot say for all

Gitas, but the one I study, entitled Bhagavad Gita As It Is,

certainly does recommend sannyas at a certain point in life. There

it is stated, in various places, that when a man is 50plus,

generally speaking, he should consider devoting all his time to god

realization. I personally am grateful that there men who were

willing to do this, or I probably would not have learned about the

path of bhakti. It is a stage of life where in one can understand

that one is no longer limited to see only one's birth children as

his children, or one's birth mother and father as his only mother

and father. If one has no realization what-so-ever that he/she has

had many different parents, through the sojourn of so many different

bodies, then certainly it will seem very hard to consider leaving

one's parents. And in that frame of mind, one should not. One

should not try to act beyond what is a natural flow....particularly

sannyas is a very sacred ashram of life, and the " official "

acceptance of it necessitates giving up relation with the opposite

sex. If a person has no certainty that he is ready to make such a

committment, better to stay in one's present station of life, and

cultivate a sense of devotion to the Lord, gradually......also, I

would like to mention, I have only rarely heard examples of persons

who took sannyas without making provisions for their loved

one's.....it may happen occasionally, but such detachment is

certainly not ordinary. I personally take offense at the words

below, describing as " cheap horror fiction " the suggestion that a

man take sannyas....leaving aside his parents. A true sannyas has

only the good of the populace in his heart, his aspiration to leave

aside his duties should not be to enjoy a life of any prestige or

fame, but only to bring the teachings of devotion to others. Should

such activity be portrayed as " cheap horror movie " , or Dracula

horror novel? No, it should not. This is quite shocking to me,

that someone should suggest. I can only consider that perhaps such

comment is based on certain inappropriate examples of sannyas, who

are giving the ashram a bad name.


Sincerely, Mahalaksmi Dasi




namasthe all, this is my humble opinion for the question " How could

we leave wife children and everyone else and go for sannyas? " from

mr.saagar kadam.


Sannyas: This work has been interpreted by many in many ways. The

meaning of this (based on my humble understanding) is:


San=> wholly rooted

nyas=> in that Supreme/Brahman

Sannyas means not bachelorhood or being celibate. It is infact

having our mind into that exploration of the Supreme in all our

actions and activities. It doesn ot mean we need to leave all our

duties and run away but in fact living in the midst of all our

duties and responsibilities (which we are in either by choice or

circumstance) and leaving the output of our actions to that Supreme

(karma yoga).


So, it does not mean that we need to leave our family and accept

bachelorhood. It is accepting the world as is and doing our duties

as we thinki is right in our heart.






Hari Om


!! Naham Karta Harikarta!!


Mr. Saagar's question may appear be simplistic and somewhat



The answer to that question need not be however, either simplistic or

dismissive, though I agree with the comment made by one of the

respondents, advising restraint in how far one should indeed go in

seeking to clarify or address such basic doubts. Perhaps they are

better addressed outside a forum as this one.


Suffice to say that Mr. Saagar must realize that no where does Lord

Krishna in Srimad Bhagvat Geeta advise anyone anywhere that one

should not care for one's father, mother or friends. In a land

where we swear by the dictum of " Maatru Devo Bhava, Pitru Devo

bhava .... " - any such thoughts as emanating from sacred texts like

Srimad Bhagvat Geeta is absolutely unthinkable.


It may still be true that having a precept is however, no guarantee

to its truthful practice in the world that we see around ourselves.

This can only be attributed to the karmic disposition of individual

souls in question.


A basic correction of Mr. Saagar's approach and attitude is

necessary before one can discuss any further.


Sri Krishnarpanmasthu !!


Vijayendra Acharya



Shree Hari:

Ram Ram Saagar bhaiyaa!

Please log on to www.swamiramsukhdasji.org and click pustak, click

english, click No.5 How to Lead a Household Life and please go

through all pages from 1 to 59. Here is the attached link:




You will find your name on the page 60 with glowing face.


Do as directed by Swamiji. Read Gita next, not now.

Any fear has no kadam (legs) to Sagar (you are immense yourself).





Hari Om


You are right Saagarji. No body should force you to reach God.

Forcing is certainly not correct way.


We all responded because you had raised a question and all sadhaks

in this forum give their views on the questions raised- in different

styles, different ways and with excellent fraternity and family

sense.. This forum in fact is for that purpose only and we all are

proud to be a part of it.


In fact there are certain verses in Gita also which prohibit sadhaks

to refrain from advising certain things about Gitaji to those who

are unwilling to heed . Such verses are there in almost every Holy

Scripture- in all Upanishads, Vedas, Ramayana etc.. They are so

there 1- because, there are even otherwise certain laws which at

the behest of Nature draw a person towards Paramatma. The part gets

attracted to the whole naturally and automatically and 2- because ,

innocent sadhaks may not waste their bhaavas and gunas and incur a



I wish best of luck to you and request fellow sadhaks not to

forcibly present any view points to you.


By the way, I admire your sentiment regarding parents. There should

always be the highest regard for father and mother. They indeed are

God Himself for their children and you should always believe so. You

can be certain that you shall be worshipping Krishna only , if you

worship your parents , selflessly , with out expecting any thing

from them. If you do that , believe me, you need not do anything

else. That is more than enough.


Namaskar and with sincere love and regards


Vyas NB



Dear Sadak Sagar,


Ravana in Sri Ramayan was gifted with beautiful wife, able brothers

and sons, enormous wealth, secured kindom, extradinory heath to lift

mountain, but ZERO blessing in Sat Sangh.

Sugreeva was left with no place to stay, no family, no waelth, no

money, but blessed with only ONE thing Sat Sangh that is Hanuman Sat


Ravana lost everything, Sugreva got everything at the end.

Ride a motor cycle takes to a place, eat hunger goes, smile love

comes, get angry loose good name. So every action gives result

(Cause and effect)

Doing pooja, Namsankeerthan, meditation in earlier birth gives Sat

Sangh in this birth. Again this depends on how much one did. So you

are the biginer- continue setting aside your fears




Dear Sadaks,

Parents/children/relatives/friends are all with you based on your

your previous birth Karmas. Nobody/God gave. You chose them by way

of so many causes and effects. They are with you and you are with

them to fulfil your Karma. So do your duty to them honestly, but

remain unattached to them. This is like so many actors act on stage

but leave the stage unmindful of what they acted. Nothing remains in

their minds.

We see so many parentless/childless in a part of life. A child dies

and the parents must child that is all they are gifted. What one was

in earlier birth and what is he now? You remain in family but be as

a sanyasin. That is an art achived by Bakthi on Bagavan





Jai Hanuman


Read Saagar Bhaiyya's reasons of getting scared from Gita.


Now understood. Bhaiyya please check up whether you have not read

any dracula horror novel which by mistake has been titled as Holy

Gita. Now a days a lot of books are sold under false covers. What we

are referring is Gita told by Lord Krishna to Arjuna-18 chapters,

700 verse, Jee !!.


What you are referring is some horror fiction which might have been

titled as Gita. In our Gita no where - I challenge , no where an

advice has been given that one should not take care of Father,

mother etc and one should become sanyaasi.


You must have presumed a cheap horror fiction by a similar name to

be Gitaji. Please check up your copy again and come back.


Jee Jee





QUESTION 1: I tried to follow krishna but internally i dont feel

love or bhakti for him. What to do ? Also, reading gita scares me.

Saagar Kadam


QUESTION 2: In Bhagwat Geeta, God has beautifully explained various

ways to reach Him. One of them is Bhakti. It is said Bhakti and Love

are deep embeded in self only and Mal, avaran and vikshep are the

hinderances. These days much empahsis is given on Rajyoga and i

think followers of Rajyoga no matter develop high level of

concentration, stillness of mind and even experience samadhi. But

the overall outcome of all these sadhnas are futile if we donot have

pure love for the God. Some great saints have advocated to have

satsang and live a truthful life with purity in heart to have divine

love and deep devotion to the God. But still, in the present life

circumstances, that kind of love and devotion is very difficult to

develop as mind always try to shift its attention in absence of

specific reason digestable for the mind.




so hum...




Hari Om


I wholly agree with Sarvottamji. The worship of God can be only by

one's own imperishable and unique consciousness (acceptance) which

is ever attained without pain and is cool and indestructible.

When you resolve - " I am of the God's, ONLY God is mine, nothing

else is mine " you in fact are meditating within. You in fact are

getting closer to Self. This abidance in Pure Consciousness alone is

the highest meditation. This one is the highest yoga. This one is

the highest practice.


Swamiji has given to the world the simplest way of chaging one

self , of worshipping Paramatma - effortlessly.


Jai Shree Krishna


Vyas NB


how to develop love of god?


iti shodhakam namnam kali kalmasha nashanam

natah prataro upayat, sarve vedeshu drishtaye


chanting these 16 names of god " Hare Krishna Hare Krishna Krishna

Krishna Hare Hare Hare Rama Hare Rama Rama Rama Hare Hare " is the

easiest method in the age of kali to ward off all the evil

propensities in our heart and develop pure love of god, a method so

sublime cannot be found even if you search the depth and bredth of



ceto darpanam marjanam, bhava maha davagni nirvapanam

sreyah kairava chandrika vitaranam , vidya vadhu jivanam

anandam buddhi vardhanam prati padam purnamrita svadanam

sarvatma snapanam param vijyate sri krishna sankirtanam


this chanting of the holy names of god cleanse the mirror of heart

of all unanted polluted desires and extinguish the forest fire of

material existence, it blooms the white lotus of good fortune, it

increases bliss at every step and enables us to taste the nectar of

lord krishna lotus feet for which we are always anxious, it bathes

the soul in pure ecstacy.


so to develop love of god, chant like a madman and give this

chanting to everyone you meet. very soon this entire world will

drawn in chanting of the holy names of god.


your servant


Piyush Gupta, MD





Jai Hanuman


Jigyasu bhaiyya/ bahenjee


In fact, your view/opinion that - " having love and shraddha (for

Daddy, the Dear) is very difficult " - that in itself only is making

the arising of that love / sharaddha in you to be difficult. Believe

me on this. Even a very very young child will not agree with you.


What kind of difficulty is experienced according to you by a child

when it plays/dictates/ loves/ rules over its Mummy? Why it is very

difficult or rare? Why can't we simply believe that - " Hey Naath I

am yours " ! Even an infant child doesn't have a problem there? What

problem then a grown up child like yourself can have?


Nothing is difficult or rare Jee ! Our khopadi (mind) has gone

haywire , Jee !! Common sense has become most uncommon Jee !! Is not

a pen or pencil rightfully thrown away by Self while eating ?

Similarly at some places we should relinquish mind/ego/intellect

also. This is the place where we must relinquish these " non-

existent " ghosts called mind, ego, intellect, body etc. Jee ! .


Use self here ! Jee !!


" Digestable for the mind " - VOW !!! What a power this mind is

exercising on you ?? Totally enslavened. Totally mixed ! No

difference between " self " and " mind " !! " My Mind " , " My Ego " - Don't

you know who I am ? "


Baba - wake up Jee !! Is mind your owner / that important ? So

your mind tells you that it has capacity not only to eat but to

digest also - quite versatile creature Jee ? You are watching

helplessly and crying / laughing becoming happy or sad, like a

machine !! Is that all that the " Self " is ? or is it all

that " Self " is capable of ?


Raam Raam Raam.


Servants have become masters and masters have become servants !


Jigyasuji, you are the master not " your " mind, ego or intellect !

Why are you playing on the tunes of these machines called " karana " -

antahkarana/ bahya karana (inner/outer faculties/tools)? Use " self "

in the same manner as a child uses " self " when it believes - Mom is

mine, I am of the Mom. Say fearlessly - Mere to Girdhar Gopal ,

Doosaro na Koi.


The best prayer to God is - O God make me a Child ! I am your Child,

God. O Father I am your child only. Hey Naath - let me not forget

you ! (Hey Naath, Mein Bhooloon Nahin)


Can there be a simpler thing ? You call it Rare/ Difficult !! Your

comments in fact are not even child-like Jee !! Got me??


Jee Jee




-Shree Hari-




When it comes to the Bhagavad Gita , I am like a child; do you know,

it is a wonderful way to be?

I do not have any pretensions, I don't know Sanskrit, nor Hindi I am

a child . It is all new to me, I read whatever chapters I please to,

as much or as little as I wish at any time. I will follow

directions of fellow Sadhaks regarding the Gitaji , and those of

Swamiji, why should I not, I am a child.


As regards to Rajyoga. First think about driving a car; you have to

know the road rules, how to control the vehicle, (use of breaks

clutch gears, and steering) , if you leave out one of the

requirements , there could be disaster!

So the driving rules of Raja-Yoga as per Swami Vivekananda:

Yama, Niyama, Asana, Pranayama, Pratyahara, Dharana, Dhyana, Samadhi.

Some of these steps , (possibly all), can flow into each other,

Yama can generate Niyama, and so on. The reason I mentioned these

steps, is to show how as you stated , 'But the overall outcome of

all these sadhnas are futile if we do not have pure love for the

God', can happen. (Not following the rules).

Mind you if you practiced, Yama, and Niyama, (might be a big ask for

a young person), kept spiritual company such as the brothers and

sisters here, along with some reading of the Sacred Gita, I would

not be surprised if you found the words of Lord Krishna as fresh as

if they were spoken today. And also you would start to sense The

Beloved within.

But do believe this! Whatever way opens before you, it is Bhagwan

leading you, it appears to me, it has already started.


With Respect and Divine Love



(Mike Keenor)


Jai Shree Krishna


Getting scared by Gitaji reminded me of a short story.


There were two ants , one living on a mountain of salt and another

on a mountain of sugar. Once they both met and the ant living on the

mountain of sugar took the other one with it to sugar mountain.

After some time the sugar ant asked the other as to how it was

feeling now. The salt ant said I don't find any difference.

Surprised, the sugar ant asked the other to open its mouth. The

other ant opened the mouth and there was a grain of salt in its

mouth-brought from the other mountain. The sugar ant requested the

other to go and wash the mouth fully. The other ant did that. Again

when the sugar ant enquired as to whether is any difference between

two mountains- the other ant motioned - " Keep quite, let me

enjoy " !!!


Throw away that grain of salt, Dear Kadamji. You will enjoy Gitaji.


Rajendra J Bohra

Narayana Narayana






Shree Hari:

Ram Ram!

Answer 1. Your feeling that you don't feel is the evidence of your

having love and devotion for God. Who will say 'love and devotion for

God' is not ever lasting?

Answer 2. This 'love for God' can't be developed or demolished as it

IS. Shraddhey Swami Ramsukhdasjee told me 'one yog' only and it

worked fastest as it requires no meditation, no concentration, no

chanting, no actions of limbs, senses, mind or intellect or anything

whatever. You have to die and take birth accepting " I am God's only.

Only God's mine. I am nobody else's. Nobody else is mine. " Swamijee

told me start with the first, rest will follow automatically.

Whatever more is required by you won't work except gathering

information and doing nothing. You are free to waste time.

You think when Shraddhaa is there, love for God will grow. You want

to start swimming after learning how to swim.

Pay true homage to Swamijee by doing this only yog, you can't escape

being God's only.

I know no formalities even, excuse me here!


(Sarvottam Varma)


Hari Om


Reply to the query of Jigyasu. There is nothing futile on the road

towards God. Dhyaan Yoga(meditation) is also an equally effective

method of realisation. Sadhaks may choose what suits them most, but

should have no negative feeling about other methods-otherwise they

lose focus on their own method also, in the end. They may

get " liberation " but they will never get " ever increasing love of

God " -if they are critical of other methods. Dhyaan is definitely

superior to mere practice of chanting God's name etc( without

exclusive mineness with God) and reading of Holy Scriptures.( Gita


Dhyaan has many advantages, some of them instant , which are unique.

Peace generates in meditation-which becomes very handy for all

sadhaks- at the final stage. On daily basis also this peace makes

the life of sadhak better. If you are serious on your striving, no

way described in Gita is difficult.


However that Bhakti is best in which devotion is automatic and is

not effortful ( induced). That will be possible only when you

accept - " Mere to Girdhar Gopal, Doosaro na koi " ( Only God is mine,

nothing else is mine). It is a law that " LOVE " generates out

of " mineness " . When you develop a mineness with God - exclusive

mineness- the LOVE will be naturally emanating " out of SELF " , you

will not have to make any efforts for the same. What efforts as

parents we make to love our children? Nothing- love emanates

naturally. Reason: Mineness with them.


Hence answer to your question is simple- Establish exclusive

mineness with Paramatma. The love then will be natural , spontaneous

and ever lasting. There is no other way to develop everlasting love-

I REPEAT, NO OTHER WAY. Any effort in this regard will always be

time bound and results will vanish with the time.


Jai Shree Krishna


Vyas N B



Dear Shri Kadamji,


" Bhagwat Prem " (Love for God) is the rarest thing one can aspire

for. Truly it is said to be higher than 'Moksha' or 'Sakshatkar'. It

is said that one can learn to love god only and only by keeping

company of those who love / loved God.


In view of this and in view of your desire for love for God, instead

of reading and contemplating on Gitaji, it may be far more

meaningful to read

about the life of the Great Premi Bhaktas. In

kaliyug, there have been only two premi bhaktas, who became one with

God in their physical form. (Ve apne sharir ke sath hi bhagwan mein

sama gaye). They are Chaitanya Mahaprabhu and Meera Bai. I would

stongly recommend that you read about them. The best book on


Mahaprabhu that I have come across is " Chaitanya Charitamrit " by

Prabhu Datt ji

Brhamachari. This should be available

fron Gita Press shop. I have been wanting to read similar literature

on Meera Bai. But I have not been able to lay my hands on the same.

(If any sadhak has come across any good book on Meera Bai, please

let me know the name of book and it's publisher).


Additionally, you could read " Bhakta Mal " (This is not a Gita Press

publication). Another Gita Press book is " Bhakt Charitank " . Here I

would recommend that you read characters of Bhaktas of Kaliyug only.

The reason is, if you read characters of Bhaktas of Satyug, you may

tend to get disheartened as it would say that this Bhakta

did 'Tapasya' for

10,000 years and so on. We in kaliyug just don't

have that kind of time.


This will certainly generate love for God in your heart and

definitely, there will be no fear of the type you may be getting by

reading Gitaji.


Finally, in the words of Chaitanya Mahaprabhu " Harernamaiv,

Harernamaiv, Harernamaiv Kevalam, Kalau Nastyeva, Nastyeva, Nastyeva

Gatiranyatha " . And in the words of Meera Bai " Mere to Girdhar Gopal "




.... contd.


Incapable to develop Love or Bhakti toward Krishna!! What to do?


This means that the scare you mentioned is still haunting you from

within! Until you face the scare, you have no chance of developing

Love or Bhakti toward The Krishna. In fact, the sheer removal of all

our fears is The Love or The Bhakti toward The God. It is the fears

that haunt us in various ways - doubts, pretentions, anger,


anxiety, greed, lust, ... the infinitude of our miserable state of

dependence on

relations engrossed in emotions. We panic like a fish taken out of

water by the

sheer hint of loss of our beloved objects of posessession - the

unstable tiny

boat. A slight shake of this boat scares us. Of course, Krishna

repells us till

we beleive that all our existence is tied to such a boat - a

possessive heart!

As said earlier, just face the scare ... it is like a street dog ...

scares you till you run! Just pause ... it pauses!! Just stand facing

it ... it starts wiggling its tail!!! Just gather your courage to

fight it ... it runs away :). Of course, there are too many street

dogs around. You have to repeat every time you see one. But when you

do not see one, observe. It is all The Krishna everywhere ... Peace,

Bliss and Absolute Fearlessness. Then, how can you remain not in Love

with Krishna?!


How to develop Shraddha for The God?


Unless we answer ourselves the question, " why should we develop

Shraddha for The God? " , we cannot address this question. Again, do we

want to win over our scares of relativity? Do we want to taste the

nectar of The Absolute?? If we find the answer to be " yes " , we need

to take the shelter of The Shraddha. If you are convinced that you

really want to get rid of all your miseries positively, then your

question already dissolved ... The Shraddha for The God is already

there!! Nobody can develop IT ... IT is just there ... IT was always

there ... IT will always be there ready to cleanse us. But, it is us

who refrain from the Snaana, the cleansing process. We jump around

in panick like a dog taken near water for a bath! Just take the

bath ... IT is there.

IT is disappeared from our attention since we are jumping around with

scare at the slightest vision of the same! Just pause ... observe ...

and be there. Yes! we run out even if we are shown the soothing bliss

in the serenity of such a bath!! We run after our wordly chorus, just

like the dog running after a bone ... it is OK!!! The Shraddha is

still there to embrace us with its soothing warmth ... always. Just

beware of that and be ready for that after the chorus to sooth

yourself. As we do it more and more, we see that The Shraddha is

actually showering on us irrespective of what we are doing and we are

at the same Bliss irrespective of time and space ... no more

relativity ... no more scare in the erstwhile chorus ... it is The

Absolute as such ... The Fearless presence ... The Eternal Bliss as

such. For now ... let us just take the bath ... let us start the

process without hesitation!




Naga Narayana.




This is a reply to Jigyaasuu who would do well before reading the

Bhagavad gita he should to develop Bhakti or devotion by reading the




(Prashanth Thirukkonda)




One of the ways of cultivating bhakti is by listening to bhajans,

well-produced bhajans. For me, it's alone with Anup Jalota ji's and

Jagjit Singh ji's.

Their Hari bhajans do it all. Why do people fall in love with pop

stars? Because they hear about them all the time and so they get

attached to them. If you hear the praises and achievements of

historical or living individuals, you'll feel the same towards them.

Listen to Hari bhajans, and you'll begin fall in love with Murli

Manohar Himself.

Rishi Handa



Jai Hanuman


Very good Bhaiyyaji. Reading Gitaji is scary ! ! Shaabas Jee! ( Hats

off you )


The scare has not arisen from Gita - because you have not even read

it. Scare has arisen from the sources other than Gitaji ! Leave

those sources, leave those deeds which spoil the antahkarana. Geeta

will appear sweet to you.


The best thing is that now you are attracted towards Gita . Even

Scare for Gita will give you good results. That is silverlining ,

Bhaiyyaji in the dark and dense clouds of ignorance. Get attracted

by fear or favour, hate or love, praise or criticism, raag or dvesha-

but get near Gitaji. It would help.


Andhadundh sarkaar hai, Tulsi bhajo nishank


Kheeje det hai param pad aur reejhe det hai Lank


Says Tulsidasji - The God's government is blind (absolutely

illogical) Therefore fearlessly become a devotee. If God becomes

happy ( as He became with Vibhisana) then He gives you the Kingdom

of Lanka. If God becomes annoyed ( as He became with Raavana) He

grants you residence in His own Loka !!


Andhadhundh Bhaiyya ! Andhadhundh !!


Jee Jee






Reading Gita is scary! Wonderful!!


Yes! When I started studying the Upanishads, I lost sleep for several

months!! There is nothing wrong to be scared while studying Vedanta.

The good thing in this is - it proves that you are taking it to your

heart. Taking it to our hearts is the first baby step. Yes, Vedanta's

fundamental approach is to take us near the death. Obviously, not

being used to think of death in a positive manner, we get terrified.


Climbing Mount Everest is scary. But we have to understand one thing,

the scare is not induced in us by the mountain climbing ... it is

embedded in us already. If not Mount Everest, something else will be

always there to surface our scare to haunt us. If we quit our journey

with terror, (1) the terror remains within us for our life times

haunting us forever; (2) we miss The Bliss of attaining the Zenith to

merge into a universal view of The Life.


If one wants (1) to win over one's fears that is firecely trembling

one's existence from within and/or (2) to attain The Bliss of The



Bhagavad Gita was just an instrument to reveal your scare ... the

scare was within you already. You opened Bhagavad Gita for the same

reason in the first place. You wanted to end the miseries induced in

you every moment by this scare once and for ever. That is why you

opened The Bhagavad Gita in the first place.


On the other hand, you wanted to swim the ocean of The Life to

experience what it would be like to be with the water directly. You

were always used to the unyielding support of a tiny unstable boat.

The instability in the boat has already scared you. You thought, the

instability in the boat is due to the enormity of the water all the

time. Yet ... you wanted to experience what the water would feel like

and you touched the water. You were not familiar with the cold and

fluid water which would not support you in any direction and provide

the warmth of the breeze around ... it is obvious you get scared. No

problem! Feel the scare ... face the scare ... and just jump into the

water ... you are bound to swim. Just try it. Just do it. Just be it.




Naga Narayana



Hari Om


Answer to Shri Sagar Kadam.


Whatever you may say - you won't ever be able to forget the King of

All the Kings- Paramatma. Millions and trillions have expressed like

you in the past but a permanent association always comes to the

forefront-ultimately. No way to erase HIM out of YOU.


Any way - I am reminded of a reference by Swamiji Ramsukhdasji



A sadhu once told him- " Maharajji , what to do ? I am worried. I

don't have any shraddha (respectful belief) in Gitaji. "


The great Saint smiled and replied to him -


" The fact that you are worried about not having shraddha in Gitaji,


it not in itself a proof which indicates that you indeed have


(respectful belief) in Gitaji? "


Swamiji wrote that as soon as that Sadhu heard what Swamiji said to

him - " He became really very happy. "


Before I reply to you further, you should tell me - how near you are

to the above conversation? Have you really become happy after reading

this reply ?


Balance only after you respond.


Jai Shree Krishna


Vyas N B


Love your child. Love your mother. Love your employees. Love your


Love your wife. Love your brother. Love you sister. As a result of

these, you can finally know the property of love, and its effect. And

this 'love' is the only Krishna. And child, mother, employees, dog,

brother and sister are His manifested nature, that no longer remains

forever but the feeling of love will exist and remains inseparable

even after death. So your body will not be there, but the Love from

you, will remain in the world.


Love is like radio waves which are not loud (of very low amplitude)

but travel very long distances (with long wave length). No action is

lost as the waves once set in motion slowly become flat and goes

everywhere and cannot be removed. Love is like that wave found in

environment, and it can be recovered and magnified; and realized just

as a radio does.



(Krishna Gopal)





1. The group is focused on the Holy Gitaji, therefore, only

responses which further clarify the understanding of Gitaji, will be



2. Making reference of Gitaji shloka is highly encouraged - at least

once in the response. Wherever possible, please quote Gitaji or

other scriptures to substantiate your response.


3. Please be as concise and to the point as possible, respecting

sadhaka's time. Under no circustance the answer should be limited to

half a book page, at the most 3-4 paragraphs.


4. Kindly limit personal feelings, opinions, beliefs etc. to the

extent that they further help in understanding the Gita shlokas


5. Kindly focus your writing to the subject at hand only.


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7. Complete reproduction of texts from any book is strongly

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10. Due to the large readership, only those responses will be posted

which are in line with the general philosophy of taking Shrimad

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11. Moderator will reject any content that does not meet guidelines.

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12. Please respond taking into consideration the novices, youth,

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Sanskrit words, rather provide the English word with Sanskrit

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13. Any personal remarks over the knowledge of any sadhak or about

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there should not be any sarcasm towards fellow sadhaks in this

spiritual learning and sharing.



Ram Ram

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